blob: 2f98cc3b600edc8ca8a5f7e361b34a782014586c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
// Tests that a dynamic type does not affect whether an expression is
// potentially constant, the actual type of the value of an experssion
// only matters if the expression is evaluated as a constant.
main() {
Object c = C();
T.test02(c, c);
T.test03(c, c);
T.test04(c, c);
T.test05(c, c);
T.test06(c, c);
T.test07(c, c);
T.test08(c, c);
T.test09(c, c);
T.test11(c, c);
T.test12(c, c);
T.test13(c, c);
T.test15(c, c);
T.test16(c, c);
T.test17(c, c);
T.test18(c, c);
class T {
const T(Object o);
const T.test01(dynamic x) : this(-x);
const T.test02(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x + y);
const T.test03(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x - y);
const T.test04(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x * y);
const T.test05(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x / y);
const T.test06(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x ~/ y);
const T.test07(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x % y);
const T.test08(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x << y);
const T.test09(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x >> y);
const T.test11(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x & y);
const T.test12(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x | y);
const T.test13(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x ^ y);
const T.test14(dynamic x) : this(~x);
const T.test15(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x < y);
const T.test16(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x > y);
const T.test17(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x <= y);
const T.test18(dynamic x, dynamic y) : this(x >= y);
const T.test19(dynamic x) : this(x.length);
class C {
const C();
dynamic operator -() => this;
dynamic operator +(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator -(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator *(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator /(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator ~/(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator %(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator <<(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator >>(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator &(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator |(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator ^(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator ~() => this;
dynamic operator <(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator >(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator <=(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic operator >=(dynamic other) => this;
dynamic get length => this;