blob: 396b70e1deac51501f2148b8b37010f49f889e10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import "dart:async";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
void main() async {
// Sanity check.
Expect.equals(type<int>(), type(1));
int v = null; // // Variable with type T.
var f = await v; // // Variable with type FLATTEN(T).
Expect.equals(type<int>(), type(f)); // Dynamic check of static type of f.
int s = f; // // Static check upper bound of f.
f = 1; // // Static check lower bound of f.
s.toString(); // // Avoid "unused variable" warning.
Future<int> v = null;
var f = await v;
Expect.equals(type<int>(), type(f));
int s = f;
f = 1;
Future<Future<int>> v = null;
var f = await v;
Expect.equals(type<Future<int>>(), type(f));
Future<int> s = f;
f = Future<int>.value(1);
FutureOr<int> v = null;
var f = await v;
Expect.equals(type<int>(), type(f));
int s = f;
f = 1;
FutureOr<Future<int>> v = null;
var f = await v;
Expect.equals(type<Future<int>>(), type(f));
Future<int> s = f;
f = Future<int>.value(1);
Future<FutureOr<int>> v = null;
var f = await v;
Expect.equals(type<FutureOr<int>>(), type(f));
FutureOr<int> s = f;
f = 1;
f = Future<int>.value(1);
FutureOr<FutureOr<int>> v = null;
var f = await v;
Expect.equals(type<FutureOr<int>>(), type(f));
FutureOr<int> s = f;
f = 1;
f = Future<int>.value(1);
Type type<T>([T of]) => T;