blob: 9899834a3f5cda003042b1d07a5ad7a9493cce42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=nonfunction-type-aliases
import 'dart:async';
// Introduce an aliased type.
class A<X> {
static void staticMethod<Y>() {}
typedef T<X> = A<X>;
// Use the aliased type.
T<int>? v1;
List<T<void>> v2 = [];
final T<String> v3 = throw "Anything";
const List<T<C>> v4 = [];
const v5 = <Type, Type>{T: T};
abstract class C {
static T<C>? v1;
static List<T<T>> v2 = [];
static final T<Null> v3 = throw "Anything";
static const List<T<List>> v4 = [];
T<C>? v5;
List<T<T>> v6 = [];
final T<Null> v7;
C(): v7 = T<Null>();
C.name1(this.v5, this.v7);
factory C.name2(T<C> arg1, T<Null> arg2) = C1.name1;
T<double> operator +(T<double> other);
T<FutureOr<FutureOr<void>>> get g;
set g(T<FutureOr<FutureOr<void>>> value);
Map<T<C>, T<C>> m1(covariant T<C> arg1, [Set<Set<T<C>>> arg2]);
void m2({T arg1, Map<T, T> arg2(T Function(T) arg21, T arg22)});
class C1 implements C {
C1.name1(T<C> arg1, T<Null> arg2);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => throw 0;
class D1<X> extends T<X> {}
abstract class D3<X, Y> implements T<T> {}
extension E on T<dynamic> {
T<dynamic> foo(T<dynamic> t) => t;
X foo<X>(X x) => x;
T<Object> Function(T<Object>) id = (x) => x;
main() {
var v8 = <T<C>>[];
var v9 = <Set<T<T>>, Set<T<T>>>{{}: {}};
var v10 = {v8};
v9[{}] = {T<T>()};
Set<List<T<C>>> v11 = v10;
v10 = v11;
T<Object> v12 = foo<T<bool>>(T<bool>());