blob: 08b90918e8e3a6b0004afc397fc7fb7e9236409b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class C {
dynamic f(int x) => x + 1;
dynamic g(int x) => x + 2;
class D extends C {
f(int x) => x + 41;
get superF => super.f;
get superG => super.g;
tearoffEquals(f1, f2) {
Expect.equals(f1, f2);
Expect.equals(f1.hashCode, f2.hashCode);
tearoffNotEquals(f1, f2) {
Expect.notEquals(f1, f2);
Expect.notEquals(f1.hashCode, f2.hashCode);
testDynamic() {
C c = new C();
dynamic f1 = c.f;
Expect.throws(() => f1(2.5));
Expect.equals(f1(41), 42);
dynamic f2 = (c as dynamic).f;
Expect.throws(() => f2(2.5));
Expect.equals(f2(41), 42);
tearoffEquals(f1, f1);
tearoffEquals(f1, f2);
tearoffEquals(f1, c.f);
tearoffEquals(c.g, (c as dynamic).g);
tearoffNotEquals(f1, new C().f);
tearoffNotEquals(f1, (new C() as dynamic).f);
tearoffNotEquals(f1, c.g);
tearoffNotEquals(f1, (c as dynamic).g);
tearoffNotEquals(null, f1);
tearoffNotEquals(f1, null);
testSuper() {
D d = new D();
dynamic superF1 = d.superF;
dynamic superF2 = (d as dynamic).superF;
Expect.throws(() => superF1(2.5));
Expect.throws(() => superF2(2.5));
Expect.equals(superF1(41), 42);
Expect.equals(superF2(41), 42);
tearoffEquals(superF1, superF1);
tearoffEquals(superF1, superF2);
tearoffEquals(superF1, d.superF);
tearoffEquals(d.f, (d as dynamic).f);
tearoffNotEquals(superF1, d.f);
tearoffNotEquals(superF1, (d as dynamic).f);
tearoffNotEquals(superF1, new D().superF);
tearoffNotEquals(superF1, (new D() as dynamic).superF);
tearoffNotEquals(superF1, d.superG);
tearoffNotEquals(superF1, (d as dynamic).superG);
tearoffEquals(d.superG, (d as dynamic).superG);
tearoffEquals(d.g, d.superG);
class S {
final int id;
toString() => 'S#$id';
testToString() {
testType<T>(T c) {
dynamic d = c;
Object? o = c;
tearoffEquals(c.toString, d.toString);
tearoffEquals(c.toString, o.toString);
var expected = c.toString();
dynamic f = d.toString;
tearoffEquals(f(), expected);
f = o.toString;
tearoffEquals(f(), expected);
var g = c.toString;
tearoffEquals(g(), expected);
testType(new C());
testType(new D());
testType(new S(1));
testType(new S(2));
testType(new Object());
testType(Object); // Type
testType(C); // Type
testType([1, 2, 3]);
testType({'a': 'b'});
testType((x) => x + 1);
testType(testType as dynamic); // illegal inferred type for T otherwise
class N {
noSuchMethod(i) => i;
testNoSuchMethod() {
// Create an invocation.
Invocation i = (new N() as dynamic).foo(1, bar: 2);
tearoffEquals(i.memberName, #foo);
testType<T>(T c) {
dynamic d = c;
Object? o = c;
tearoffEquals(c.noSuchMethod, d.noSuchMethod);
tearoffEquals(c.noSuchMethod, o.noSuchMethod);
var expected;
try {
} on NoSuchMethodError catch (error) {
var nsm = '$error';
Expect.isTrue(nsm.startsWith("NoSuchMethodError: "));
expected = (e) => e is NoSuchMethodError && '$e' == nsm;
dynamic f = d.noSuchMethod;
Expect.throws(() => f(i), expected);
f = o.noSuchMethod;
Expect.throws(() => f(i), expected);
var g = c.noSuchMethod;
Expect.throws(() => g(i), expected);
testType(new C());
testType(new D());
testType(new S(1));
testType(new S(2));
testType(new Object());
testType(Object); // Type
testType(C); // Type
testType([1, 2, 3]);
testType({'a': 'b'});
testType((x) => x + 1);
testType(testType as dynamic); // illegal inferred type for T otherwise
main() {