blob: 8460a64fb5de7c75fd05a553daec5cddbee34d88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library js_backend.backend.annotations;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../common.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../ir/annotations.dart';
import '../ir/util.dart';
import '../kernel/dart2js_target.dart';
import '../options.dart';
import '../serialization/serialization.dart';
import '../util/enumset.dart';
class PragmaAnnotation {
final int _index;
final String name;
final bool forFunctionsOnly;
final bool forFieldsOnly;
final bool internalOnly;
// TODO(sra): Review [forFunctionsOnly] and [forFieldsOnly]. Fields have
// implied getters and setters, so some annotations meant only for functions
// could reasonable be placed on a field to apply to the getter and setter.
const PragmaAnnotation(this._index,,
{this.forFunctionsOnly = false,
this.forFieldsOnly = false,
this.internalOnly = false});
int get index {
assert(_index == values.indexOf(this));
return _index;
/// Tells the optimizing compiler to not inline the annotated method.
static const PragmaAnnotation noInline =
PragmaAnnotation(0, 'noInline', forFunctionsOnly: true);
/// Tells the optimizing compiler to always inline the annotated method, if
/// possible.
static const PragmaAnnotation tryInline =
PragmaAnnotation(1, 'tryInline', forFunctionsOnly: true);
/// Annotation on a member that tells the optimizing compiler to disable
/// inlining at call sites within the member.
static const PragmaAnnotation disableInlining =
PragmaAnnotation(2, 'disable-inlining');
static const PragmaAnnotation disableFinal = PragmaAnnotation(
3, 'disableFinal',
forFunctionsOnly: true, internalOnly: true);
static const PragmaAnnotation noElision = PragmaAnnotation(4, 'noElision');
/// Tells the optimizing compiler that the annotated method cannot throw.
/// Requires @pragma('dart2js:noInline') to function correctly.
static const PragmaAnnotation noThrows = PragmaAnnotation(5, 'noThrows',
forFunctionsOnly: true, internalOnly: true);
/// Tells the optimizing compiler that the annotated method has no
/// side-effects. Allocations don't count as side-effects, since they can be
/// dropped without changing the semantics of the program.
/// Requires @pragma('dart2js:noInline') to function correctly.
static const PragmaAnnotation noSideEffects = PragmaAnnotation(
6, 'noSideEffects',
forFunctionsOnly: true, internalOnly: true);
/// Use this as metadata on method declarations to disable closed world
/// assumptions on parameters, effectively assuming that the runtime arguments
/// could be any value. Note that the constraints due to static types still
/// apply.
static const PragmaAnnotation assumeDynamic = PragmaAnnotation(
7, 'assumeDynamic',
forFunctionsOnly: true, internalOnly: true);
static const PragmaAnnotation asTrust = PragmaAnnotation(8, 'as:trust',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation asCheck = PragmaAnnotation(9, 'as:check',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation typesTrust = PragmaAnnotation(10, 'types:trust',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation typesCheck = PragmaAnnotation(11, 'types:check',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation parameterTrust = PragmaAnnotation(
12, 'parameter:trust',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation parameterCheck = PragmaAnnotation(
13, 'parameter:check',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation downcastTrust = PragmaAnnotation(
14, 'downcast:trust',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation downcastCheck = PragmaAnnotation(
15, 'downcast:check',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation indexBoundsTrust = PragmaAnnotation(
16, 'index-bounds:trust',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
static const PragmaAnnotation indexBoundsCheck = PragmaAnnotation(
17, 'index-bounds:check',
forFunctionsOnly: false, internalOnly: false);
/// Annotation for a `late` field to omit the checks on the late field. The
/// annotation is not restricted to a field since it is copied from the field
/// to the getter and setter.
// TODO(45682): Make this annotation apply to local and static late variables.
static const PragmaAnnotation lateTrust = PragmaAnnotation(18, 'late:trust');
/// Annotation for a `late` field to perform the checks on the late field. The
/// annotation is not restricted to a field since it is copied from the field
/// to the getter and setter.
// TODO(45682): Make this annotation apply to local and static late variables.
static const PragmaAnnotation lateCheck = PragmaAnnotation(19, 'late:check');
static const List<PragmaAnnotation> values = [
static const Map<PragmaAnnotation, Set<PragmaAnnotation>> implies = {
typesTrust: {parameterTrust, downcastTrust},
typesCheck: {parameterCheck, downcastCheck},
static const Map<PragmaAnnotation, Set<PragmaAnnotation>> excludes = {
noInline: {tryInline},
tryInline: {noInline},
typesTrust: {typesCheck, parameterCheck, downcastCheck},
typesCheck: {typesTrust, parameterTrust, downcastTrust},
parameterTrust: {parameterCheck},
parameterCheck: {parameterTrust},
downcastTrust: {downcastCheck},
downcastCheck: {downcastTrust},
asTrust: {asCheck},
asCheck: {asTrust},
lateTrust: {lateCheck},
lateCheck: {lateTrust},
static const Map<PragmaAnnotation, Set<PragmaAnnotation>> requires = {
noThrows: {noInline},
noSideEffects: {noInline},
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation> processMemberAnnotations(
CompilerOptions options,
DiagnosticReporter reporter,
ir.Member member,
List<PragmaAnnotationData> pragmaAnnotationData) {
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation> annotations = EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>();
Uri uri = member.enclosingLibrary.importUri;
bool platformAnnotationsAllowed =
options.testMode || uri.isScheme('dart') || maybeEnableNative(uri);
for (PragmaAnnotationData data in pragmaAnnotationData) {
String name =;
String suffix = data.suffix;
bool found = false;
for (PragmaAnnotation annotation in PragmaAnnotation.values) {
if ( == suffix) {
found = true;
if (data.hasOptions) {
{'text': "@pragma('$name') annotation does not take options"});
if (annotation.forFunctionsOnly) {
if (member is! ir.Procedure && member is! ir.Constructor) {
computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(member), MessageKind.GENERIC, {
'text': "@pragma('$name') annotation is only supported "
"for methods and constructors."
if (annotation.forFieldsOnly) {
if (member is! ir.Field) {
computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(member), MessageKind.GENERIC, {
'text': "@pragma('$name') annotation is only supported "
"for fields."
if (annotation.internalOnly && !platformAnnotationsAllowed) {
{'text': "Unrecognized dart2js pragma @pragma('$name')"});
if (!found) {
{'text': "Unknown dart2js pragma @pragma('$name')"});
Map<PragmaAnnotation, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>> reportedExclusions = {};
for (PragmaAnnotation annotation
in annotations.iterable(PragmaAnnotation.values)) {
Set<PragmaAnnotation>? implies = PragmaAnnotation.implies[annotation];
if (implies != null) {
for (PragmaAnnotation other in implies) {
if (annotations.contains(other)) {
computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(member), MessageKind.GENERIC, {
'text': "@pragma('dart2js:${}') implies "
Set<PragmaAnnotation>? excludes = PragmaAnnotation.excludes[annotation];
if (excludes != null) {
for (PragmaAnnotation other in excludes) {
if (annotations.contains(other) &&
!(reportedExclusions[other]?.contains(annotation) ?? false)) {
computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(member), MessageKind.GENERIC, {
'text': "@pragma('dart2js:${}') must not be used "
"with @pragma('dart2js:${}')."
(reportedExclusions[annotation] ??= EnumSet()).add(other);
Set<PragmaAnnotation>? requires = PragmaAnnotation.requires[annotation];
if (requires != null) {
for (PragmaAnnotation other in requires) {
if (!annotations.contains(other)) {
computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(member), MessageKind.GENERIC, {
'text': "@pragma('dart2js:${}') should always be "
"combined with @pragma('dart2js:${}')."
return annotations;
abstract class AnnotationsData {
/// Deserializes a [AnnotationsData] object from [source].
factory AnnotationsData.readFromDataSource(
CompilerOptions options, DataSourceReader source) =
/// Serializes this [AnnotationsData] to [sink].
void writeToDataSink(DataSinkWriter sink);
/// Returns `true` if [member] has an `@pragma('dart2js:assumeDynamic')`
/// annotation.
bool hasAssumeDynamic(MemberEntity member);
/// Returns `true` if [member] has a `@pragma('dart2js:noInline')` annotation.
bool hasNoInline(MemberEntity member);
/// Returns `true` if [member] has a `@pragma('dart2js:tryInline')`
/// annotation.
bool hasTryInline(MemberEntity member);
/// Returns `true` if inlining is disabled at call sites inside [member].
bool hasDisableInlining(MemberEntity member);
/// Returns `true` if [member] has a `@pragma('dart2js:disableFinal')`
/// annotation.
bool hasDisableFinal(MemberEntity member);
/// Returns `true` if [member] has a `@pragma('dart2js:noElision')`
/// annotation.
bool hasNoElision(MemberEntity member);
/// Returns `true` if [member] has a `@pragma('dart2js:noThrows')` annotation.
bool hasNoThrows(MemberEntity member);
/// Returns `true` if [member] has a `@pragma('dart2js:noSideEffects')`
/// annotation.
bool hasNoSideEffects(MemberEntity member);
/// Calls [f] for all functions with a `@pragma('dart2js:noInline')`
/// annotation.
void forEachNoInline(void f(FunctionEntity function));
/// Calls [f] for all functions with a `@pragma('dart2js:tryInline')`
/// annotation.
void forEachTryInline(void f(FunctionEntity function));
/// Calls [f] for all functions with a `@pragma('dart2js:noThrows')`
/// annotation.
void forEachNoThrows(void f(FunctionEntity function));
/// Calls [f] for all functions with a `@pragma('dart2js:noSideEffects')`
/// annotation.
void forEachNoSideEffects(void f(FunctionEntity function));
/// What the compiler should do with parameter type assertions in [member].
/// If [member] is `null`, the default policy is returned.
CheckPolicy getParameterCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member);
/// What the compiler should do with implicit downcasts in [member].
/// If [member] is `null`, the default policy is returned.
CheckPolicy getImplicitDowncastCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member);
/// What the compiler should do with a boolean value in a condition context
/// in [member] when the language specification says it is a runtime error for
/// it to be null.
/// If [member] is `null`, the default policy is returned.
CheckPolicy getConditionCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member);
/// What the compiler should do with explicit casts in [member].
/// If [member] is `null`, the default policy is returned.
CheckPolicy getExplicitCastCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member);
/// What the compiler should do with index bounds checks `[]`, `[]=` and
/// `removeLast()` operations in the body of [member].
/// If [member] is `null`, the default policy is returned.
CheckPolicy getIndexBoundsCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member);
/// What the compiler should do with late field checks in the body of
/// [member]. [member] is usually the getter or setter for a late field.
CheckPolicy getLateVariableCheckPolicy(MemberEntity member);
class AnnotationsDataImpl implements AnnotationsData {
/// Tag used for identifying serialized [AnnotationsData] objects in a
/// debugging data stream.
static const String tag = 'annotations-data';
final CheckPolicy _defaultParameterCheckPolicy;
final CheckPolicy _defaultImplicitDowncastCheckPolicy;
final CheckPolicy _defaultConditionCheckPolicy;
final CheckPolicy _defaultExplicitCastCheckPolicy;
final CheckPolicy _defaultIndexBoundsCheckPolicy;
final CheckPolicy _defaultLateVariableCheckPolicy;
final bool _defaultDisableInlining;
final Map<MemberEntity, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>> pragmaAnnotations;
AnnotationsDataImpl(CompilerOptions options, this.pragmaAnnotations)
: this._defaultParameterCheckPolicy = options.defaultParameterCheckPolicy,
this._defaultImplicitDowncastCheckPolicy =
this._defaultConditionCheckPolicy = options.defaultConditionCheckPolicy,
this._defaultExplicitCastCheckPolicy =
this._defaultIndexBoundsCheckPolicy =
this._defaultLateVariableCheckPolicy = CheckPolicy.checked,
this._defaultDisableInlining = options.disableInlining;
factory AnnotationsDataImpl.readFromDataSource(
CompilerOptions options, DataSourceReader source) {
Map<MemberEntity, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>> pragmaAnnotations =
(MemberEntity member) => EnumSet.fromValue(source.readInt()));
return AnnotationsDataImpl(options, pragmaAnnotations);
void writeToDataSink(DataSinkWriter sink) {
(MemberEntity member, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation> set) {
bool _hasPragma(MemberEntity member, PragmaAnnotation annotation) {
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>? set = pragmaAnnotations[member];
return set != null && set.contains(annotation);
bool hasAssumeDynamic(MemberEntity member) =>
_hasPragma(member, PragmaAnnotation.assumeDynamic);
bool hasNoInline(MemberEntity member) =>
_hasPragma(member, PragmaAnnotation.noInline);
bool hasTryInline(MemberEntity member) =>
_hasPragma(member, PragmaAnnotation.tryInline);
bool hasDisableInlining(MemberEntity member) =>
_hasPragma(member, PragmaAnnotation.disableInlining) ||
bool hasDisableFinal(MemberEntity member) =>
_hasPragma(member, PragmaAnnotation.disableFinal);
bool hasNoElision(MemberEntity member) =>
_hasPragma(member, PragmaAnnotation.noElision);
bool hasNoThrows(MemberEntity member) =>
_hasPragma(member, PragmaAnnotation.noThrows);
bool hasNoSideEffects(MemberEntity member) =>
_hasPragma(member, PragmaAnnotation.noSideEffects);
void forEachNoInline(void f(FunctionEntity function)) {
.forEach((MemberEntity member, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation> set) {
if (set.contains(PragmaAnnotation.noInline)) {
f(member as FunctionEntity);
void forEachTryInline(void f(FunctionEntity function)) {
.forEach((MemberEntity member, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation> set) {
if (set.contains(PragmaAnnotation.tryInline)) {
f(member as FunctionEntity);
void forEachNoThrows(void f(FunctionEntity function)) {
.forEach((MemberEntity member, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation> set) {
if (set.contains(PragmaAnnotation.noThrows)) {
f(member as FunctionEntity);
void forEachNoSideEffects(void f(FunctionEntity function)) {
.forEach((MemberEntity member, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation> set) {
if (set.contains(PragmaAnnotation.noSideEffects)) {
f(member as FunctionEntity);
CheckPolicy getParameterCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member) {
if (member != null) {
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>? annotations = pragmaAnnotations[member];
if (annotations != null) {
if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.typesTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.typesCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.parameterTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.parameterCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
return _defaultParameterCheckPolicy;
CheckPolicy getImplicitDowncastCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member) {
if (member != null) {
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>? annotations = pragmaAnnotations[member];
if (annotations != null) {
if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.typesTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.typesCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.downcastTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.downcastCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
return _defaultImplicitDowncastCheckPolicy;
CheckPolicy getConditionCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member) {
if (member != null) {
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>? annotations = pragmaAnnotations[member];
if (annotations != null) {
if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.typesTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.typesCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.downcastTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.downcastCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
return _defaultConditionCheckPolicy;
CheckPolicy getExplicitCastCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member) {
if (member != null) {
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>? annotations = pragmaAnnotations[member];
if (annotations != null) {
if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.asTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.asCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
return _defaultExplicitCastCheckPolicy;
CheckPolicy getIndexBoundsCheckPolicy(MemberEntity? member) {
if (member != null) {
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>? annotations = pragmaAnnotations[member];
if (annotations != null) {
if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.indexBoundsTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.indexBoundsCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
return _defaultIndexBoundsCheckPolicy;
CheckPolicy getLateVariableCheckPolicy(MemberEntity member) {
EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>? annotations = pragmaAnnotations[member];
if (annotations != null) {
if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.lateTrust)) {
return CheckPolicy.trusted;
} else if (annotations.contains(PragmaAnnotation.lateCheck)) {
return CheckPolicy.checked;
// TODO(sra): Look for annotations on enclosing class and library.
return _defaultLateVariableCheckPolicy;
class AnnotationsDataBuilder {
Map<MemberEntity, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation>> pragmaAnnotations = {};
void registerPragmaAnnotations(
MemberEntity member, EnumSet<PragmaAnnotation> annotations) {
if (annotations.isNotEmpty) {
pragmaAnnotations[member] = annotations;
AnnotationsData close(CompilerOptions options) {
return AnnotationsDataImpl(options, pragmaAnnotations);