| // Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // |
| // Instead modify 'pkg/analyzer/messages.yaml' and run |
| // 'dart run pkg/analyzer/tool/messages/generate.dart' to update. |
| |
| import "package:analyzer/error/error.dart"; |
| |
| final fastaAnalyzerErrorCodes = <ErrorCode?>[ |
| null, |
| ParserErrorCode.EXTERNAL_CLASS, |
| ParserErrorCode.EXTERNAL_ENUM, |
| ParserErrorCode.TYPEDEF_IN_CLASS, |
| ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_BODY, |
| ParserErrorCode.INVALID_AWAIT_IN_FOR, |
| ParserErrorCode.WITH_BEFORE_EXTENDS, |
| ParserErrorCode.VAR_RETURN_TYPE, |
| ParserErrorCode.TOP_LEVEL_OPERATOR, |
| ParserErrorCode.STATIC_OPERATOR, |
| ParserErrorCode.STACK_OVERFLOW, |
| ParserErrorCode.MULTIPLE_ON_CLAUSES, |
| ParserErrorCode.MISSING_STATEMENT, |
| ParserErrorCode.INVALID_OPERATOR, |
| ParserErrorCode.INVALID_HEX_ESCAPE, |
| ParserErrorCode.EXPECTED_INSTEAD, |
| ParserErrorCode.EXTERNAL_FIELD, |
| ParserErrorCode.BREAK_OUTSIDE_OF_LOOP, |
| ParserErrorCode.CLASS_IN_CLASS, |
| ParserErrorCode.COLON_IN_PLACE_OF_IN, |
| ParserErrorCode.MODIFIER_OUT_OF_ORDER, |
| ParserErrorCode.TYPE_BEFORE_FACTORY, |
| ParserErrorCode.CONST_AND_FINAL, |
| ParserErrorCode.CONST_CLASS, |
| ParserErrorCode.VAR_AS_TYPE_NAME, |
| ParserErrorCode.CONST_FACTORY, |
| ParserErrorCode.CONST_METHOD, |
| ParserErrorCode.COVARIANT_MEMBER, |
| ParserErrorCode.DUPLICATE_PREFIX, |
| ParserErrorCode.ENUM_IN_CLASS, |
| ParserErrorCode.EXTERNAL_TYPEDEF, |
| ParserErrorCode.FINAL_AND_COVARIANT, |
| ParserErrorCode.FINAL_AND_VAR, |
| ParserErrorCode.CATCH_SYNTAX, |
| ParserErrorCode.VAR_AND_TYPE, |
| ParserErrorCode.ABSTRACT_LATE_FIELD, |
| ParserErrorCode.EXTERNAL_LATE_FIELD, |
| ParserErrorCode.LITERAL_WITH_CLASS, |
| ParserErrorCode.LITERAL_WITH_NEW, |
| ParserErrorCode.MULTIPLE_CLAUSES, |
| ParserErrorCode.OUT_OF_ORDER_CLAUSES, |
| ParserErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_TOKENS, |
| ]; |
| |
| class ParserErrorCode extends ErrorCode { |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Members of classes can't be declared to be 'abstract'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the 'abstract' keyword. You can add the 'abstract' " |
| "keyword before the class declaration.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_ENUM = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Enums can't be declared to be 'abstract'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_EXTERNAL_FIELD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Fields can't be declared both 'abstract' and 'external'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'abstract' or 'external' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_LATE_FIELD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Abstract fields cannot be late.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'abstract' or 'late' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_STATIC_FIELD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Static fields can't be declared 'abstract'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'abstract' or 'static' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_STATIC_METHOD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Static methods can't be declared to be 'abstract'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Top-level functions can't be declared to be 'abstract'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Top-level variables can't be declared to be 'abstract'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ABSTRACT_TYPEDEF = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Typedefs can't be declared to be 'abstract'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'abstract'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ANNOTATION_ON_TYPE_ARGUMENT = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Type arguments can't have annotations because they aren't declarations.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ANNOTATION_WITH_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "An annotation can't use type arguments.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "An annotation with type arguments must be followed by an argument list.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// 16.32 Identifier Reference: It is a compile-time error if any of the |
| /// identifiers async, await, or yield is used as an identifier in a function |
| /// body marked with either async, async, or sync. |
| static const ParserErrorCode ASYNC_KEYWORD_USED_AS_IDENTIFIER = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The keywords 'await' and 'yield' can't be used as identifiers in an " |
| "asynchronous or generator function.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode BINARY_OPERATOR_WRITTEN_OUT = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Binary operator '{0}' is written as '{1}' instead of the written out " |
| "word.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try replacing '{0}' with '{1}'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode BREAK_OUTSIDE_OF_LOOP = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A break statement can't be used outside of a loop or switch statement.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the break statement.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CATCH_SYNTAX = ParserErrorCode( |
| "'catch' must be followed by '(identifier)' or '(identifier, identifier)'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "No types are needed, the first is given by 'on', the second is always " |
| "'StackTrace'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CATCH_SYNTAX_EXTRA_PARAMETERS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "'catch' must be followed by '(identifier)' or '(identifier, identifier)'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "No types are needed, the first is given by 'on', the second is always " |
| "'StackTrace'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CLASS_IN_CLASS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Classes can't be declared inside other classes.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the class to the top-level.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode COLON_IN_PLACE_OF_IN = ParserErrorCode( |
| "For-in loops use 'in' rather than a colon.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try replacing the colon with the keyword 'in'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONFLICTING_MODIFIERS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Members can't be declared to be both '{0}' and '{1}'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing one of the keywords.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_RETURN_TYPE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Constructors can't have a return type.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the return type.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "A constructor invocation can't have type arguments after the constructor " |
| "name.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the type arguments or placing them after the class name.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONST_AND_FINAL = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Members can't be declared to be both 'const' and 'final'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing either the 'const' or 'final' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONST_CLASS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Classes can't be declared to be 'const'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the 'const' keyword. If you're trying to indicate that " |
| "instances of the class can be constants, place the 'const' keyword on " |
| " the class' constructor(s).", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Const constructors can't have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing either the 'const' keyword or the body.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONST_ENUM = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Enums can't be declared to be 'const'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'const' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONST_FACTORY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Only redirecting factory constructors can be declared to be 'const'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the 'const' keyword, or replacing the body with '=' " |
| "followed by a valid target.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONST_METHOD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Getters, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'const'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'const' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONST_TYPEDEF = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Type aliases can't be declared to be 'const'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'const' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONTINUE_OUTSIDE_OF_LOOP = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A continue statement can't be used outside of a loop or switch statement.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the continue statement.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode CONTINUE_WITHOUT_LABEL_IN_CASE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A continue statement in a switch statement must have a label as a target.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try adding a label associated with one of the case clauses to the " |
| "continue statement.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode COVARIANT_AND_STATIC = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Members can't be declared to be both 'covariant' and 'static'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing either the 'covariant' or 'static' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode COVARIANT_CONSTRUCTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A constructor can't be declared to be 'covariant'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'covariant'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode COVARIANT_MEMBER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Getters, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'covariant'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'covariant' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode COVARIANT_TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Top-level declarations can't be declared to be covariant.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'covariant'.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// No parameters. |
| static const ParserErrorCode DEFAULT_VALUE_IN_FUNCTION_TYPE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Parameters in a function type can't have default values.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the default value.", |
| hasPublishedDocs: true, |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode DEFERRED_AFTER_PREFIX = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The deferred keyword should come immediately before the prefix ('as' " |
| "clause).", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the deferred keyword before the prefix.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode DIRECTIVE_AFTER_DECLARATION = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Directives must appear before any declarations.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the directive before any declarations.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the modifier that was duplicated |
| static const ParserErrorCode DUPLICATED_MODIFIER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The modifier '{0}' was already specified.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing all but one occurrence of the modifier.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode DUPLICATE_DEFERRED = ParserErrorCode( |
| "An import directive can only have one 'deferred' keyword.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing all but one 'deferred' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the label that was duplicated |
| static const ParserErrorCode DUPLICATE_LABEL_IN_SWITCH_STATEMENT = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The label '{0}' was already used in this switch statement.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try choosing a different name for this label.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode DUPLICATE_PREFIX = ParserErrorCode( |
| "An import directive can only have one prefix ('as' clause).", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing all but one prefix.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EMPTY_ENUM_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "An enum must declare at least one constant name.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try declaring a constant.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ENUM_IN_CLASS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Enums can't be declared inside classes.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the enum to the top-level.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EQUALITY_CANNOT_BE_EQUALITY_OPERAND = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "A comparison expression can't be an operand of another comparison " |
| "expression.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try putting parentheses around one of the comparisons.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A {0} must have a body, even if it is empty.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding an empty body.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_CASE_OR_DEFAULT = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected 'case' or 'default'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try placing this code inside a case clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_CLASS_MEMBER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected a class member.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try placing this code inside a class member.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_ELSE_OR_COMMA = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected 'else' or comma.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_EXECUTABLE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected a method, getter, setter or operator declaration.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "This appears to be incomplete code. Try removing it or completing it.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_IDENTIFIER_BUT_GOT_KEYWORD = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "'{0}' can't be used as an identifier because it's a keyword.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try renaming this to be an identifier that isn't a keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_INSTEAD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected '{0}' instead of this.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_LIST_OR_MAP_LITERAL = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected a list or map literal.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try inserting a list or map literal, or remove the type arguments.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_STRING_LITERAL = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected a string literal.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the token that was expected but not found |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_TOKEN = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected to find '{0}'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPECTED_TYPE_NAME = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected a type name.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPERIMENT_NOT_ENABLED = ParserErrorCode( |
| "This requires the '{0}' language feature to be enabled.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try updating your pubspec.yaml to set the minimum SDK constraint to " |
| "{1} or higher, and running 'pub get'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXPORT_DIRECTIVE_AFTER_PART_DIRECTIVE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Export directives must precede part directives.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving the export directives before the part directives.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// No parameters. |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTENSION_DECLARES_ABSTRACT_MEMBER = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Extensions can't declare abstract members.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try providing an implementation for the member.", |
| hasPublishedDocs: true, |
| ); |
| |
| /// No parameters. |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTENSION_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Extensions can't declare constructors.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the constructor declaration.", |
| hasPublishedDocs: true, |
| ); |
| |
| /// No parameters. |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTENSION_DECLARES_INSTANCE_FIELD = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Extensions can't declare instance fields", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the field declaration or making it a static field", |
| hasPublishedDocs: true, |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_CLASS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Classes can't be declared to be 'external'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'external'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "External constructors can't have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the body of the constructor, or removing the keyword " |
| "'external'.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "An external constructor can't have any initializers.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_ENUM = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Enums can't be declared to be 'external'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'external'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_FACTORY_REDIRECTION = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A redirecting factory can't be external.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'external' modifier.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_FACTORY_WITH_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "External factories can't have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the body of the factory, or removing the keyword " |
| "'external'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_FIELD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Fields can't be declared to be 'external'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the keyword 'external', or replacing the field by an " |
| "external getter and/or setter.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_GETTER_WITH_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "External getters can't have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the body of the getter, or removing the keyword " |
| "'external'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_LATE_FIELD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "External fields cannot be late.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the 'external' or 'late' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_METHOD_WITH_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "An external or native method can't have a body.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_OPERATOR_WITH_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "External operators can't have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the body of the operator, or removing the keyword " |
| "'external'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_SETTER_WITH_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "External setters can't have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the body of the setter, or removing the keyword " |
| "'external'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTERNAL_TYPEDEF = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Typedefs can't be declared to be 'external'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'external'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode EXTRANEOUS_MODIFIER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Can't have modifier '{0}' here.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing '{0}'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FACTORY_TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Top-level declarations can't be declared to be 'factory'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'factory'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FACTORY_WITHOUT_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A non-redirecting 'factory' constructor must have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding a body to the constructor.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FACTORY_WITH_INITIALIZERS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A 'factory' constructor can't have initializers.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the 'factory' keyword to make this a generative " |
| "constructor, or removing the initializers.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "A field can only be initialized in its declaring class", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try passing a value into the superclass constructor, or moving the " |
| "initialization into the constructor body.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Field formal parameters can only be used in a constructor.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing 'this.'.", |
| hasPublishedDocs: true, |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FINAL_AND_COVARIANT = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Members can't be declared to be both 'final' and 'covariant'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing either the 'final' or 'covariant' keyword.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Members marked 'late' with an initializer can't be declared to be both " |
| "'final' and 'covariant'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing either the 'final' or 'covariant' keyword, or removing " |
| "the initializer.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FINAL_AND_VAR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Members can't be declared to be both 'final' and 'var'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'var'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FINAL_CLASS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Classes can't be declared to be 'final'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FINAL_CONSTRUCTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A constructor can't be declared to be 'final'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FINAL_ENUM = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Enums can't be declared to be 'final'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FINAL_METHOD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Getters, setters and methods can't be declared to be 'final'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FINAL_TYPEDEF = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Typedefs can't be declared to be 'final'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'final'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode FUNCTION_TYPED_PARAMETER_VAR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Function-typed parameters can't specify 'const', 'final' or 'var' in " |
| "place of a return type.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try replacing the keyword with a return type.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode GETTER_CONSTRUCTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Constructors can't be a getter.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing 'get'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode GETTER_IN_FUNCTION = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Getters can't be defined within methods or functions.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving the getter outside the method or function, or converting " |
| "the getter to a function.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode GETTER_WITH_PARAMETERS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Getters must be declared without a parameter list.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the parameter list, or removing the keyword 'get' to " |
| "define a method rather than a getter.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode ILLEGAL_ASSIGNMENT_TO_NON_ASSIGNABLE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Illegal assignment to non-assignable expression.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_BEFORE_EXTENDS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The extends clause must be before the implements clause.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving the extends clause before the implements clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_BEFORE_ON = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The on clause must be before the implements clause.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the on clause before the implements clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_BEFORE_WITH = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The with clause must be before the implements clause.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving the with clause before the implements clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode IMPORT_DIRECTIVE_AFTER_PART_DIRECTIVE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Import directives must precede part directives.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving the import directives before the part directives.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INITIALIZED_VARIABLE_IN_FOR_EACH = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The loop variable in a for-each loop can't be initialized.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the initializer, or using a different kind of loop.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_AWAIT_IN_FOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The keyword 'await' isn't allowed for a normal 'for' statement.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword, or use a for-each statement.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the invalid escape sequence |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_CODE_POINT = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The escape sequence '{0}' isn't a valid code point.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_COMMENT_REFERENCE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Comment references should contain a possibly prefixed identifier and can " |
| "start with 'new', but shouldn't contain anything else.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The name of a constructor must match the name of the enclosing class.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_GENERIC_FUNCTION_TYPE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Invalid generic function type.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try using a generic function type (returnType 'Function(' parameters " |
| "')').", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_HEX_ESCAPE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "An escape sequence starting with '\\x' must be followed by 2 hexadecimal " |
| "digits.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_INITIALIZER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Not a valid initializer.", |
| correctionMessage: "To initialize a field, use the syntax 'name = value'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_LITERAL_IN_CONFIGURATION = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The literal in a configuration can't contain interpolation.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the interpolation expressions.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the operator that is invalid |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_OPERATOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The string '{0}' isn't a user-definable operator.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the operator being applied to 'super' |
| /// |
| /// Only generated by the old parser. |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_OPERATOR_FOR_SUPER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The operator '{0}' can't be used with 'super'.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The operator '?.' cannot be used with 'super' because 'super' cannot be " |
| "null.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try replacing '?.' with '.'", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_STAR_AFTER_ASYNC = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The modifier 'async*' isn't allowed for an expression function body.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try converting the body to a block.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_SUPER_IN_INITIALIZER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Can only use 'super' in an initializer for calling the superclass " |
| "constructor (e.g. 'super()' or 'super.namedConstructor()')", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_SYNC = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The modifier 'sync' isn't allowed for an expression function body.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try converting the body to a block.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Can only use 'this' in an initializer for field initialization (e.g. " |
| "'this.x = something') and constructor redirection (e.g. 'this()' or " |
| "'this.namedConstructor())", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_STARTED = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The string '\\' can't stand alone.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding another backslash (\\) to escape the '\\'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_U_BRACKET = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "An escape sequence starting with '\\u{' must be followed by 1 to 6 " |
| "hexadecimal digits followed by a '}'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_U_NO_BRACKET = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "An escape sequence starting with '\\u' must be followed by 4 hexadecimal " |
| "digits.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE_U_STARTED = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "An escape sequence starting with '\\u' must be followed by 4 hexadecimal " |
| "digits or from 1 to 6 digits between '{' and '}'.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// No parameters. |
| static const ParserErrorCode INVALID_USE_OF_COVARIANT_IN_EXTENSION = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Can't have modifier '{0}' in an extension.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing '{0}'.", |
| hasPublishedDocs: true, |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode LIBRARY_DIRECTIVE_NOT_FIRST = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The library directive must appear before all other directives.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving the library directive before any other directives.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode LITERAL_WITH_CLASS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A {0} literal can't be prefixed by '{1}'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing '{1}'", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode LITERAL_WITH_CLASS_AND_NEW = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A {0} literal can't be prefixed by 'new {1}'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing 'new' and '{1}'", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode LITERAL_WITH_NEW = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A literal can't be prefixed by 'new'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing 'new'", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode LOCAL_FUNCTION_DECLARATION_MODIFIER = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Local function declarations can't specify any modifiers.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the modifier.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MEMBER_WITH_CLASS_NAME = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A class member can't have the same name as the enclosing class.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try renaming the member.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_ASSIGNABLE_SELECTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Missing selector such as '.identifier' or '[0]'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding a selector.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_ASSIGNMENT_IN_INITIALIZER = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected an assignment after the field name.", |
| correctionMessage: "To initialize a field, use the syntax 'name = value'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_CATCH_OR_FINALLY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A try block must be followed by an 'on', 'catch', or 'finally' clause.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try adding either a catch or finally clause, or remove the try " |
| "statement.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The closing parenthesis is missing.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding the closing parenthesis.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_CONST_FINAL_VAR_OR_TYPE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Variables must be declared using the keywords 'const', 'final', 'var' or " |
| "a type name.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try adding the name of the type of the variable or the keyword 'var'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_ENUM_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "An enum definition must have a body with at least one constant name.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding a body and defining at least one constant.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_EXPRESSION_IN_INITIALIZER = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected an expression after the assignment operator.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try adding the value to be assigned, or remove the assignment " |
| "operator.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_EXPRESSION_IN_THROW = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Missing expression after 'throw'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Add an expression after 'throw' or use 'rethrow' to throw a caught " |
| "exception", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_FUNCTION_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A function body must be provided.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding a function body.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_FUNCTION_KEYWORD = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Function types must have the keyword 'Function' before the parameter " |
| "list.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding the keyword 'Function'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Functions must have an explicit list of parameters.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding a parameter list.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_GET = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Getters must have the keyword 'get' before the getter name.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding the keyword 'get'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_IDENTIFIER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected an identifier.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_INITIALIZER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected an initializer.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_KEYWORD_OPERATOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Operator declarations must be preceded by the keyword 'operator'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding the keyword 'operator'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_METHOD_PARAMETERS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Methods must have an explicit list of parameters.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding a parameter list.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_NAME_FOR_NAMED_PARAMETER = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Named parameters in a function type must have a name", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try providing a name for the parameter or removing the curly braces.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_NAME_IN_LIBRARY_DIRECTIVE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Library directives must include a library name.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try adding a library name after the keyword 'library', or remove the " |
| "library directive if the library doesn't have any parts.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_NAME_IN_PART_OF_DIRECTIVE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Part-of directives must include a library name.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding a library name after the 'of'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_PREFIX_IN_DEFERRED_IMPORT = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Deferred imports should have a prefix.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try adding a prefix to the import by adding an 'as' clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_STAR_AFTER_SYNC = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The modifier 'sync' must be followed by a star ('*').", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the modifier, or add a star.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_STATEMENT = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected a statement.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the terminator that is missing |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "There is no '{0}' to close the parameter group.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try inserting a '{0}' at the end of the group.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_TYPEDEF_PARAMETERS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Typedefs must have an explicit list of parameters.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try adding a parameter list.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MISSING_VARIABLE_IN_FOR_EACH = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A loop variable must be declared in a for-each loop before the 'in', but " |
| "none was found.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try declaring a loop variable.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MIXED_PARAMETER_GROUPS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Can't have both positional and named parameters in a single parameter " |
| "list.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try choosing a single style of optional parameters.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MIXIN_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Mixins can't declare constructors.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MODIFIER_OUT_OF_ORDER = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The modifier '{0}' should be before the modifier '{1}'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try re-ordering the modifiers.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_CLAUSES = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Each '{0}' definition can have at most one '{1}' clause.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try combining all of the '{1}' clauses into a single clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_EXTENDS_CLAUSES = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Each class definition can have at most one extends clause.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try choosing one superclass and define your class to implement (or " |
| "mix in) the others.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_IMPLEMENTS_CLAUSES = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Each class or mixin definition can have at most one implements clause.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try combining all of the implements clauses into a single clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_LIBRARY_DIRECTIVES = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Only one library directive may be declared in a file.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing all but one of the library directives.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_NAMED_PARAMETER_GROUPS = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Can't have multiple groups of named parameters in a single parameter " |
| "list.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try combining all of the groups into a single group.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_ON_CLAUSES = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Each mixin definition can have at most one on clause.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try combining all of the on clauses into a single clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_PART_OF_DIRECTIVES = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Only one part-of directive may be declared in a file.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing all but one of the part-of directives.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Can't have multiple groups of positional parameters in a single parameter " |
| "list.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try combining all of the groups into a single group.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the number of variables being declared |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_VARIABLES_IN_FOR_EACH = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A single loop variable must be declared in a for-each loop before the " |
| "'in', but {0} were found.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving all but one of the declarations inside the loop body.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_VARIANCE_MODIFIERS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Each type parameter can have at most one variance modifier.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Use at most one of the 'in', 'out', or 'inout' modifiers.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode MULTIPLE_WITH_CLAUSES = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Each class definition can have at most one with clause.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try combining all of the with clauses into a single clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NAMED_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Function expressions can't be named.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the name, or moving the function expression to a " |
| "function declaration statement.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NAMED_FUNCTION_TYPE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Function types can't be named.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try replacing the name with the keyword 'Function'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NAMED_PARAMETER_OUTSIDE_GROUP = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Named parameters must be enclosed in curly braces ('{' and '}').", |
| correctionMessage: "Try surrounding the named parameters in curly braces.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NATIVE_CLAUSE_IN_NON_SDK_CODE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Native clause can only be used in the SDK and code that is loaded through " |
| "native extensions.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the native clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NATIVE_CLAUSE_SHOULD_BE_ANNOTATION = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Native clause in this form is deprecated.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing this native clause and adding @native() or " |
| "@native('native-name') before the declaration.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NATIVE_FUNCTION_BODY_IN_NON_SDK_CODE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Native functions can only be declared in the SDK and code that is loaded " |
| "through native extensions.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the word 'native'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NON_CONSTRUCTOR_FACTORY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Only a constructor can be declared to be a factory.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'factory'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NON_IDENTIFIER_LIBRARY_NAME = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The name of a library must be an identifier.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try using an identifier as the name of the library.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NON_PART_OF_DIRECTIVE_IN_PART = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The part-of directive must be the only directive in a part.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the other directives, or moving them to the library for " |
| "which this is a part.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NON_STRING_LITERAL_AS_URI = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The URI must be a string literal.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try enclosing the URI in either single or double quotes.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the operator that the user is trying to define |
| static const ParserErrorCode NON_USER_DEFINABLE_OPERATOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The operator '{0}' isn't user definable.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NORMAL_BEFORE_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Normal parameters must occur before optional parameters.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving all of the normal parameters before the optional " |
| "parameters.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode NULL_AWARE_CASCADE_OUT_OF_ORDER = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The '?..' cascade operator must be first in the cascade sequence.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving the '?..' operator to be the first cascade operator in the " |
| "sequence.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode OUT_OF_ORDER_CLAUSES = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The '{0}' clause must come before the '{1}' clause.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the '{0}' clause before the '{1}' clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode POSITIONAL_AFTER_NAMED_ARGUMENT = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Positional arguments must occur before named arguments.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving all of the positional arguments before the named " |
| "arguments.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode POSITIONAL_PARAMETER_OUTSIDE_GROUP = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Positional parameters must be enclosed in square brackets ('[' and ']').", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try surrounding the positional parameters in square brackets.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode PREFIX_AFTER_COMBINATOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The prefix ('as' clause) should come before any show/hide combinators.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the prefix before the combinators.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode REDIRECTING_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_BODY = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Redirecting constructors can't have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the body, or not making this a redirecting constructor.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Only factory constructor can specify '=' redirection.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try making this a factory constructor, or remove the redirection.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode SETTER_CONSTRUCTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Constructors can't be a setter.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing 'set'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode SETTER_IN_FUNCTION = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Setters can't be defined within methods or functions.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the setter outside the method or function.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode STACK_OVERFLOW = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The file has too many nested expressions or statements.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try simplifying the code.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Constructors can't be static.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'static'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode STATIC_GETTER_WITHOUT_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A 'static' getter must have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try adding a body to the getter, or removing the keyword 'static'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode STATIC_OPERATOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Operators can't be static.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'static'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode STATIC_SETTER_WITHOUT_BODY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "A 'static' setter must have a body.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try adding a body to the setter, or removing the keyword 'static'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode STATIC_TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Top-level declarations can't be declared to be static.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'static'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode SWITCH_HAS_CASE_AFTER_DEFAULT_CASE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The default case should be the last case in a switch statement.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try moving the default case after the other case clauses.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode SWITCH_HAS_MULTIPLE_DEFAULT_CASES = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The 'default' case can only be declared once.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing all but one default case.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode TOP_LEVEL_OPERATOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Operators must be declared within a class.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the operator, moving it to a class, or converting it to " |
| "be a function.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode TYPEDEF_IN_CLASS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Typedefs can't be declared inside classes.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the typedef to the top-level.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode TYPE_ARGUMENTS_ON_TYPE_VARIABLE = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Can't use type arguments with type variable '{0}'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the type arguments.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode TYPE_BEFORE_FACTORY = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Factory constructors cannot have a return type.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the type appearing before 'factory'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode TYPE_PARAMETER_ON_CONSTRUCTOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Constructors can't have type parameters.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the type parameters.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// 7.1.1 Operators: Type parameters are not syntactically supported on an |
| /// operator. |
| static const ParserErrorCode TYPE_PARAMETER_ON_OPERATOR = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Types parameters aren't allowed when defining an operator.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the type parameters.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the starting character that was missing |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "There is no '{0}' to open a parameter group.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try inserting the '{0}' at the appropriate location.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the unexpected text that was found |
| static const ParserErrorCode UNEXPECTED_TOKEN = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Unexpected text '{0}'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the text.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode UNEXPECTED_TOKENS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Unexpected tokens.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode VAR_AND_TYPE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Variables can't be declared using both 'var' and a type name.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing 'var.'", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode VAR_AS_TYPE_NAME = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The keyword 'var' can't be used as a type name.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode VAR_CLASS = ParserErrorCode( |
| 'VAR_CLASS', |
| "Classes can't be declared to be 'var'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'var'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode VAR_ENUM = ParserErrorCode( |
| 'VAR_ENUM', |
| "Enums can't be declared to be 'var'.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the keyword 'var'.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode VAR_RETURN_TYPE = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The return type can't be 'var'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the keyword 'var', or replacing it with the name of the " |
| "return type.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode VAR_TYPEDEF = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Typedefs can't be declared to be 'var'.", |
| correctionMessage: |
| "Try removing the keyword 'var', or replacing it with the name of the " |
| "return type.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode VOID_WITH_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "Type 'void' can't have type arguments.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try removing the type arguments.", |
| ); |
| |
| static const ParserErrorCode WITH_BEFORE_EXTENDS = ParserErrorCode( |
| "The extends clause must be before the with clause.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try moving the extends clause before the with clause.", |
| ); |
| |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "The default value of a positional parameter should be preceded by '='.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try replacing the ':' with '='.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Parameters: |
| /// 0: the terminator that was expected |
| /// 1: the terminator that was found |
| static const ParserErrorCode WRONG_TERMINATOR_FOR_PARAMETER_GROUP = |
| ParserErrorCode( |
| "Expected '{0}' to close parameter group.", |
| correctionMessage: "Try replacing '{0}' with '{1}'.", |
| ); |
| |
| /// Initialize a newly created error code to have the given [name]. |
| const ParserErrorCode( |
| String name, |
| String problemMessage, { |
| super.correctionMessage, |
| super.hasPublishedDocs = false, |
| super.isUnresolvedIdentifier = false, |
| String? uniqueName, |
| }) : super( |
| name: name, |
| problemMessage: problemMessage, |
| uniqueName: 'ParserErrorCode.${uniqueName ?? name}', |
| ); |
| |
| @override |
| ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.ERROR; |
| |
| @override |
| ErrorType get type => ErrorType.SYNTACTIC_ERROR; |
| } |