blob: 69d039effc69505c81beb35929f07e90f77c124b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../support/integration_tests.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AnalysisNavigationTest extends AbstractAnalysisServerIntegrationTest {
Future<void> test_navigation() async {
var pathname1 = sourcePath('test1.dart');
var text1 = r'''
library foo;
import 'dart:async';
part 'test2.dart';
class Class<TypeParameter> {
Class.constructor(); /* constructor declaration */
TypeParameter field = (throw 0);
method() {}
typedef FunctionTypeAlias();
function(FunctionTypeAlias parameter) {
int topLevelVariable = 0;
void f() {
Class<int> localVariable = new Class<int>.constructor(); // usage
function(() => localVariable.field);
localVariable.field = 1;
writeFile(pathname1, text1);
var pathname2 = sourcePath('test2.dart');
var text2 = r'''
part of foo;
writeFile(pathname2, text2);
await standardAnalysisSetup();
AnalysisService.NAVIGATION: [pathname1]
// There should be a single error, due to the fact that 'dart:async' is not
// used.
await analysisFinished;
expect(currentAnalysisErrors[pathname1], hasLength(1));
expect(currentAnalysisErrors[pathname2], isEmpty);
var params = await onAnalysisNavigation.first;
expect(params.file, equals(pathname1));
var regions = params.regions;
var targets = params.targets;
var targetFiles = params.files;
NavigationTarget findTargetElement(int index) {
for (var region in regions) {
if (region.offset <= index && index < region.offset + region.length) {
expect(region.targets, hasLength(1));
var targetIndex = region.targets[0];
return targets[targetIndex];
fail('No element found for index $index');
void checkLocal(
String source, String expectedTarget, ElementKind expectedKind) {
var sourceIndex = text1.indexOf(source);
var targetIndex = text1.indexOf(expectedTarget);
var element = findTargetElement(sourceIndex);
expect(targetFiles[element.fileIndex], equals(pathname1));
expect(element.offset, equals(targetIndex));
expect(element.kind, equals(expectedKind));
void checkRemote(
String source, String expectedTargetRegexp, ElementKind expectedKind) {
var sourceIndex = text1.indexOf(source);
var element = findTargetElement(sourceIndex);
expect(targetFiles[element.fileIndex], matches(expectedTargetRegexp));
expect(element.kind, equals(expectedKind));
// TODO(paulberry): will the element type 'CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS' ever appear as
// a navigation target?
checkLocal('Class<int>', 'Class<TypeParameter>', ElementKind.CLASS);
checkRemote("'test2.dart';", r'test2.dart$', ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT);
'Class<int>.constructor', 'Class<TypeParameter>', ElementKind.CLASS);
'constructor(); // usage',
'constructor(); /* constructor declaration */',
checkLocal('field = (', 'field = (', ElementKind.FIELD);
checkLocal('function(() => localVariable.field)',
'function(FunctionTypeAlias parameter)', ElementKind.FUNCTION);
checkLocal('FunctionTypeAlias parameter', 'FunctionTypeAlias();',
checkLocal('field)', 'field = (', ElementKind.FIELD);
checkRemote("'dart:async'", r'async\.dart$', ElementKind.LIBRARY);
'localVariable.field', 'localVariable =', ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE);
checkLocal('method();', 'method() {', ElementKind.METHOD);
checkLocal('parameter());', 'parameter) {', ElementKind.PARAMETER);
checkLocal('field = 1', 'field = (', ElementKind.FIELD);
checkLocal('topLevelVariable = 0;', 'topLevelVariable = 0;',
checkLocal('TypeParameter field = (', 'TypeParameter>',