blob: 0907c70499d3ec05d7387857c8df4a1e3a358f04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/api.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/executor.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/executor/introspection_impls.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/macros/executor/remote_instance.dart';
import 'package:test/fake.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
class FakeClassIntrospector extends Fake implements ClassIntrospector {}
class TestClassIntrospector implements ClassIntrospector {
final Map<ClassDeclaration, List<ConstructorDeclaration>> constructors;
final Map<ClassDeclaration, List<FieldDeclaration>> fields;
final Map<ClassDeclaration, List<ClassDeclarationImpl>> interfaces;
final Map<ClassDeclaration, List<ClassDeclarationImpl>> mixins;
final Map<ClassDeclaration, List<MethodDeclaration>> methods;
final Map<ClassDeclaration, ClassDeclaration?> superclass;
required this.constructors,
required this.fields,
required this.interfaces,
required this.mixins,
required this.methods,
required this.superclass,
Future<List<ConstructorDeclaration>> constructorsOf(
covariant ClassDeclaration clazz) async =>
Future<List<FieldDeclaration>> fieldsOf(
covariant ClassDeclaration clazz) async =>
Future<List<ClassDeclaration>> interfacesOf(
covariant ClassDeclaration clazz) async =>
Future<List<MethodDeclaration>> methodsOf(
covariant ClassDeclaration clazz) async =>
Future<List<ClassDeclaration>> mixinsOf(
covariant ClassDeclaration clazz) async =>
Future<ClassDeclaration?> superclassOf(
covariant ClassDeclaration clazz) async =>
class FakeTypeDeclarationResolver extends Fake
implements TypeDeclarationResolver {}
class TestTypeDeclarationResolver implements TypeDeclarationResolver {
final Map<Identifier, TypeDeclaration> typeDeclarations;
Future<TypeDeclaration> declarationOf(
covariant Identifier identifier) async =>
class TestTypeResolver implements TypeResolver {
final Map<Identifier, StaticType> staticTypes;
Future<StaticType> resolve(covariant TypeAnnotationCode type) async {
assert( == 1);
return staticTypes[]!;
/// Doesn't handle generics etc but thats ok for now
class TestNamedStaticType implements NamedStaticType {
final IdentifierImpl identifier;
final String library;
final List<TestNamedStaticType> superTypes;
TestNamedStaticType(this.identifier, this.library, this.superTypes);
Future<bool> isExactly(TestNamedStaticType other) async => _isExactly(other);
Future<bool> isSubtypeOf(TestNamedStaticType other) async =>
_isExactly(other) ||
superTypes.any((superType) => superType._isExactly(other));
bool _isExactly(TestNamedStaticType other) =>
identical(other, this) ||
(library == other.library && ==;
/// An identifier that knows the resolved version of itself.
class TestIdentifier extends IdentifierImpl {
final ResolvedIdentifier resolved;
required int id,
required String name,
required IdentifierKind kind,
required Uri uri,
required String? staticScope,
}) : resolved = ResolvedIdentifier(
kind: kind, name: name, staticScope: staticScope, uri: uri),
id: id,
name: name,
extension DebugCodeString on Code {
StringBuffer debugString([StringBuffer? buffer]) {
buffer ??= StringBuffer();
for (var part in parts) {
if (part is Code) {
} else if (part is IdentifierImpl) {
} else {
buffer.write(part as String);
return buffer;
/// Checks if two [Code] objectss are of the same type and all their fields are
/// equal.
Matcher deepEqualsCode(Code other) => _DeepEqualityMatcher(other);
/// Checks if two [Declaration]s are of the same type and all their fields are
/// equal.
Matcher deepEqualsDeclaration(Declaration declaration) =>
/// Checks if two [TypeAnnotation]s are of the same type and all their fields
/// are equal.
Matcher deepEqualsTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation declaration) =>
/// Checks if two [Declaration]s, [TypeAnnotation]s, or [Code] objects are of
/// the same type and all their fields are equal.
class _DeepEqualityMatcher extends Matcher {
final Object? instance;
Description describe(Description description) => description;
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
if (item.runtimeType != instance.runtimeType) {
return false;
if (instance is Declaration || instance is TypeAnnotation) {
var instanceReflector = reflect(instance);
var itemReflector = reflect(item);
var type = instanceReflector.type;
for (var getter
in type.instanceMembers.values.where((member) => member.isGetter)) {
// We only care about synthetic field getters
if (!getter.isSynthetic) continue;
var instanceField = instanceReflector.getField(getter.simpleName);
var itemField = itemReflector.getField(getter.simpleName);
var instanceValue = instanceField.reflectee;
var itemValue = itemField.reflectee;
// Handle lists of things
if (instanceValue is List) {
if (!_listEquals(instanceValue, itemValue, matchState)) {
return false;
} else if (instanceValue is Declaration ||
instanceValue is Code ||
instanceValue is TypeAnnotation) {
// Handle nested declarations and code objects
if (!_DeepEqualityMatcher(instanceValue)
.matches(itemValue, matchState)) {
return false;
} else {
// Handles basic values and identity
if (instanceValue != itemValue) {
return false;
} else if (instance is Code) {
if (!_listEquals(
(instance as Code).parts, (item as Code).parts, matchState)) {
return false;
} else {
// Handles basic values and identity
if (instance != item) {
return false;
return true;
bool _listEquals(List instanceValue, List itemValue, Map matchState) {
if (instanceValue.length != itemValue.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < instanceValue.length; i++) {
if (!_DeepEqualityMatcher(instanceValue[i])
.matches(itemValue[i], matchState)) {
return false;
return true;
class Fixtures {
static final stringType = NamedTypeAnnotationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'String'),
isNullable: false,
typeArguments: const []);
static final voidType = NamedTypeAnnotationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'void'),
isNullable: false,
typeArguments: const []);
// Top level, non-class declarations.
static final myFunction = FunctionDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'myFunction'),
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
isGetter: false,
isOperator: false,
isSetter: false,
namedParameters: [],
positionalParameters: [],
returnType: stringType,
typeParameters: []);
static final myVariable = VariableDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: '_myVariable'),
isExternal: false,
isFinal: true,
isLate: false,
type: stringType);
static final myVariableGetter = FunctionDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'myVariable'),
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
isGetter: true,
isOperator: false,
isSetter: false,
namedParameters: [],
positionalParameters: [],
returnType: stringType,
typeParameters: []);
static final myVariableSetter = FunctionDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'myVariable'),
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
isGetter: false,
isOperator: false,
isSetter: true,
namedParameters: [],
positionalParameters: [
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'value'),
isNamed: false,
isRequired: true,
type: stringType)
returnType: voidType,
typeParameters: []);
// Class and member declarations
static final myInterfaceType = NamedTypeAnnotationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'MyInterface'),
isNullable: false,
typeArguments: const []);
static final myMixinType = NamedTypeAnnotationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'MyMixin'),
isNullable: false,
typeArguments: const []);
static final mySuperclassType = NamedTypeAnnotationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'MySuperclass'),
isNullable: false,
typeArguments: const []);
static final myClassType = NamedTypeAnnotationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'MyClass'),
isNullable: false,
typeArguments: const []);
static final myClass = ClassDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: myClassType.identifier,
typeParameters: [],
interfaces: [myInterfaceType],
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
mixins: [myMixinType],
superclass: mySuperclassType);
static final myConstructor = ConstructorDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'myConstructor'),
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
isGetter: false,
isOperator: false,
isSetter: false,
namedParameters: [],
positionalParameters: [],
returnType: myClassType,
typeParameters: [],
definingClass: myClassType.identifier,
isFactory: false);
static final myField = FieldDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'myField'),
isExternal: false,
isFinal: false,
isLate: false,
type: stringType,
definingClass: myClassType.identifier,
isStatic: false);
static final myInterface = ClassDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: myInterfaceType.identifier,
typeParameters: [],
interfaces: [],
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
mixins: [],
superclass: null);
static final myMethod = MethodDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: IdentifierImpl(id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId, name: 'myMethod'),
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
isGetter: false,
isOperator: false,
isSetter: false,
namedParameters: [],
positionalParameters: [],
returnType: stringType,
typeParameters: [],
definingClass: myClassType.identifier,
isStatic: false);
static final myMixin = ClassDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: myMixinType.identifier,
typeParameters: [],
interfaces: [],
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
mixins: [],
superclass: null);
static final mySuperclass = ClassDeclarationImpl(
id: RemoteInstance.uniqueId,
identifier: mySuperclassType.identifier,
typeParameters: [],
interfaces: [],
isAbstract: false,
isExternal: false,
mixins: [],
superclass: null);
static final myClassStaticType = TestNamedStaticType(
myClassType.identifier, 'package:my_package/my_package.dart', []);
static final testTypeResolver = TestTypeResolver({
TestNamedStaticType(stringType.identifier, 'dart:core', []),
myClass.identifier: myClassStaticType,
static final testClassIntrospector = TestClassIntrospector(
constructors: {
myClass: [myConstructor],
fields: {
myClass: [myField],
interfaces: {
myClass: [myInterface],
methods: {
myClass: [myMethod],
mixins: {
myClass: [myMixin],
superclass: {
myClass: mySuperclass,
static final testTypeDeclarationResolver =
TestTypeDeclarationResolver({myClass.identifier: myClass});