blob: 71aa82ed6fcc0c9581ba0be6174f5b46232fab92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Result Codes
/// Many SQLite functions return an integer result code from the set shown
/// here in order to indicates success or failure.
/// New error codes may be added in future versions of SQLite.
/// See also: SQLITE_IOERR_READ | extended result codes,
/// sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict() SQLITE_ROLLBACK | result codes.
class Errors {
/// Successful result
static const int SQLITE_OK = 0;
/// Generic error
static const int SQLITE_ERROR = 1;
/// Internal logic error in SQLite
static const int SQLITE_INTERNAL = 2;
/// Access permission denied
static const int SQLITE_PERM = 3;
/// Callback routine requested an abort
static const int SQLITE_ABORT = 4;
/// The database file is locked
static const int SQLITE_BUSY = 5;
/// A table in the database is locked
static const int SQLITE_LOCKED = 6;
/// A malloc() failed
static const int SQLITE_NOMEM = 7;
/// Attempt to write a readonly database
static const int SQLITE_READONLY = 8;
/// Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()
static const int SQLITE_INTERRUPT = 9;
/// Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
static const int SQLITE_IOERR = 10;
/// The database disk image is malformed
static const int SQLITE_CORRUPT = 11;
/// Unknown opcode in sqlite3_file_control()
static const int SQLITE_NOTFOUND = 12;
/// Insertion failed because database is full
static const int SQLITE_FULL = 13;
/// Unable to open the database file
static const int SQLITE_CANTOPEN = 14;
/// Database lock protocol error
static const int SQLITE_PROTOCOL = 15;
/// Internal use only
static const int SQLITE_EMPTY = 16;
/// The database schema changed
static const int SQLITE_SCHEMA = 17;
/// String or BLOB exceeds size limit
static const int SQLITE_TOOBIG = 18;
/// Abort due to constraint violation
static const int SQLITE_CONSTRAINT = 19;
/// Data type mismatch
static const int SQLITE_MISMATCH = 20;
/// Library used incorrectly
static const int SQLITE_MISUSE = 21;
/// Uses OS features not supported on host
static const int SQLITE_NOLFS = 22;
/// Authorization denied
static const int SQLITE_AUTH = 23;
/// Not used
static const int SQLITE_FORMAT = 24;
/// 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range
static const int SQLITE_RANGE = 25;
/// File opened that is not a database file
static const int SQLITE_NOTADB = 26;
/// Notifications from sqlite3_log()
static const int SQLITE_NOTICE = 27;
/// Warnings from sqlite3_log()
static const int SQLITE_WARNING = 28;
/// sqlite3_step() has another row ready
static const int SQLITE_ROW = 100;
/// sqlite3_step() has finished executing
static const int SQLITE_DONE = 101;
/// Flags For File Open Operations
/// These bit values are intended for use in the
/// 3rd parameter to the [sqlite3_open_v2()] interface and
/// in the 4th parameter to the [sqlite3_vfs.xOpen] method.
class Flags {
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY = 0x00000001;
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE = 0x00000002;
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE = 0x00000004;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE = 0x00000008;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE = 0x00000010;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_AUTOPROXY = 0x00000020;
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_URI = 0x00000040;
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY = 0x00000080;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB = 0x00000100;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB = 0x00000200;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB = 0x00000400;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL = 0x00000800;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_JOURNAL = 0x00001000;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL = 0x00002000;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL = 0x00004000;
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX = 0x00008000;
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX = 0x00010000;
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE = 0x00020000;
/// Ok for sqlite3_open_v2()
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE = 0x00040000;
/// VFS only
static const int SQLITE_OPEN_WAL = 0x00080000;
class Types {
static const int SQLITE_INTEGER = 1;
static const int SQLITE_FLOAT = 2;
static const int SQLITE_TEXT = 3;
static const int SQLITE_BLOB = 4;
static const int SQLITE_NULL = 5;