blob: 4923f10c57d9cceb443be18ec5f000063fe77e8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.js_emitter.metadata_collector;
import 'package:js_ast/src/precedence.dart' as js_precedence;
import '../common.dart';
import '../deferred_load.dart' show OutputUnit;
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as jsAst;
import '../js_backend/runtime_types_new.dart' show RecipeEncoder;
import '../js_model/type_recipe.dart' show TypeExpressionRecipe;
import 'code_emitter_task.dart' show Emitter;
/// Represents an entry's position in one of the global metadata arrays.
/// [_rc] is used to count the number of references of the token in the
/// ast for a program.
/// [value] is the actual position, once they have been finalized.
abstract class _MetadataEntry extends jsAst.DeferredNumber
implements Comparable, jsAst.ReferenceCountedAstNode {
jsAst.Expression get entry;
int get value;
int get _rc;
// Mark this entry as seen. On the first time this is seen, the visitor
// will be applied to the [entry] to also mark potential [_MetadataEntry]
// instances in the [entry] as seen.
void markSeen(jsAst.TokenCounter visitor);
class BoundMetadataEntry extends _MetadataEntry {
int _value = -1;
int _rc = 0;
final jsAst.Expression entry;
bool get isFinalized => _value != -1;
finalize(int value) {
_value = value;
int get value {
return _value;
bool get isUsed => _rc > 0;
void markSeen(jsAst.BaseVisitor visitor) {
if (_rc == 1) entry.accept(visitor);
int compareTo(covariant _MetadataEntry other) => other._rc - this._rc;
String toString() => 'BoundMetadataEntry($hashCode,rc=$_rc,_value=$_value)';
class _MetadataList extends jsAst.DeferredExpression {
jsAst.Expression _value;
void setExpression(jsAst.Expression value) {
assert(_value == null);
assert(value.precedenceLevel == this.precedenceLevel);
_value = value;
jsAst.Expression get value {
assert(_value != null);
return _value;
int get precedenceLevel => js_precedence.PRIMARY;
class MetadataCollector implements jsAst.TokenFinalizer {
final DiagnosticReporter reporter;
final Emitter _emitter;
final RecipeEncoder _rtiRecipeEncoder;
/// A map used to canonicalize the entries of metadata.
Map<OutputUnit, Map<String, List<BoundMetadataEntry>>> _metadataMap = {};
/// A map with a token for a lists of JS expressions, one token for each
/// output unit. Once finalized, the entries represent types including
/// function types and typedefs.
Map<OutputUnit, _MetadataList> _typesTokens = {};
/// A map used to canonicalize the entries of types.
Map<OutputUnit, Map<DartType, List<BoundMetadataEntry>>> _typesMap = {};
MetadataCollector(this.reporter, this._emitter, this._rtiRecipeEncoder);
jsAst.Expression getTypesForOutputUnit(OutputUnit outputUnit) {
return _typesTokens.putIfAbsent(outputUnit, () => new _MetadataList());
void mergeOutputUnitMetadata(OutputUnit target, OutputUnit source) {
assert(target != source);
// Merge _metadataMap
var sourceMetadataMap = _metadataMap[source];
if (sourceMetadataMap != null) {
var targetMetadataMap =
_metadataMap[target] ??= Map<String, List<BoundMetadataEntry>>();
sourceMetadataMap.forEach((str, entries) {
var targetMetadataMapList = targetMetadataMap[str] ??= [];
// Merge _typesMap
var sourceTypesMap = _typesMap[source];
if (sourceTypesMap != null) {
var targetTypesMap =
_typesMap[target] ??= Map<DartType, List<BoundMetadataEntry>>();
sourceTypesMap.forEach((type, entries) {
var targetTypesMapList = targetTypesMap[type] ??= [];
jsAst.Expression reifyType(DartType type, OutputUnit outputUnit) {
return _addTypeInOutputUnit(type, outputUnit);
jsAst.Expression _computeTypeRepresentationNewRti(DartType type) {
return _rtiRecipeEncoder.encodeGroundRecipe(
_emitter, TypeExpressionRecipe(type));
jsAst.Expression _addTypeInOutputUnit(DartType type, OutputUnit outputUnit) {
_typesMap[outputUnit] ??= Map<DartType, List<BoundMetadataEntry>>();
BoundMetadataEntry metadataEntry;
if (_typesMap[outputUnit].containsKey(type)) {
metadataEntry = _typesMap[outputUnit][type].single;
} else {
_typesMap[outputUnit].putIfAbsent(type, () {
metadataEntry =
return [metadataEntry];
return metadataEntry;
void finalizeTokens() {
void countTokensInTypes(Iterable<BoundMetadataEntry> entries) {
jsAst.TokenCounter counter = new jsAst.TokenCounter();
.where((BoundMetadataEntry e) => e._rc > 0)
.map((BoundMetadataEntry e) => e.entry)
jsAst.ArrayInitializer finalizeMap(
Map<dynamic, List<BoundMetadataEntry>> map) {
List<BoundMetadataEntry> entries = [
for (var entriesList in map.values)
for (var entry in entriesList)
if (entry.isUsed) entry
// TODO(herhut): Bucket entries by index length and use a stable
// distribution within buckets.
int count = 0;
for (BoundMetadataEntry entry in entries) {
List<jsAst.Node> values = e) => e.entry).toList();
return new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(values);
_typesTokens.forEach((OutputUnit outputUnit, _MetadataList token) {
Map<DartType, List<BoundMetadataEntry>> typesMap = _typesMap[outputUnit];
if (typesMap != null) {
} else {
token.setExpression(new jsAst.ArrayInitializer([]));