blob: 4a5ceaf4ddd248e64027b8fc1d5b2d91397a1fb0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/handler/legacy/legacy_handler.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/src/dart_formatter.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/src/exceptions.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/src/source_code.dart';
/// The handler for the `edit.format` request.
class EditFormatHandler extends LegacyHandler {
/// Initialize a newly created handler to be able to service requests for the
/// [server].
super.server, super.request, super.cancellationToken, super.performance);
Future<void> handle() async {
var params = EditFormatParams.fromRequest(request,
clientUriConverter: server.uriConverter);
var file = params.file;
String unformattedCode;
try {
var resource = server.resourceProvider.getFile(file);
unformattedCode = resource.readAsStringSync();
} catch (e) {
int? start = params.selectionOffset;
int? length = params.selectionLength;
// No need to preserve 0,0 selection
if (start == 0 && length == 0) {
start = null;
length = null;
var code = SourceCode(
selectionStart: start,
selectionLength: length,
var driver = server.getAnalysisDriver(file);
var library = await driver?.getResolvedLibrary(file);
var formatter = DartFormatter(
pageWidth: params.lineLength,
languageVersion: library.effectiveLanguageVersion);
SourceCode formattedResult;
try {
formattedResult = formatter.formatSource(code);
} on FormatterException {
var formattedSource = formattedResult.text;
var edits = <SourceEdit>[];
if (formattedSource != unformattedCode) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): replace full replacements with smaller, more targeted edits
var edit = SourceEdit(0, unformattedCode.length, formattedSource);
var newStart = formattedResult.selectionStart;
var newLength = formattedResult.selectionLength;
// Sending null start/length values would violate protocol, so convert back
// to 0.
newStart ??= 0;
newLength ??= 0;
sendResult(EditFormatResult(edits, newStart, newLength));