blob: 378e2556b98af139d170891a24b186765235100d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/file_source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' hide Element;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
/// An object used to compute a set of edits to add imports to a given library
/// in order to make a given set of elements visible.
/// This is used to implement the `edit.importElements` request.
class ImportElementsComputer {
/// The resource provider used to access the file system.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
/// The resolution result associated with the defining compilation unit of the
/// library to which imports might be added.
final ResolvedUnitResult libraryResult;
/// Initialize a newly created builder.
ImportElementsComputer(this.resourceProvider, this.libraryResult);
/// Create the edits that will cause the list of [importedElements] to be
/// imported into the library at the given [path].
Future<SourceChange> createEdits(
List<ImportedElements> importedElementsList) async {
var unit = libraryResult.unit;
var filteredImportedElements =
var libraryElement = libraryResult.libraryElement;
var uriConverter = libraryResult.session.uriConverter;
var existingImports = <ImportDirective>[];
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is ImportDirective) {
var builder = ChangeBuilder(session: libraryResult.session);
await builder.addDartFileEdit(libraryResult.path, (builder) {
var analysisOptions = libraryResult.session.analysisContext
var quote = analysisOptions.codeStyleOptions
for (var importedElements in filteredImportedElements) {
var matchingImports =
_findMatchingImports(existingImports, importedElements);
if (matchingImports.isEmpty) {
// The required library is not being imported with a matching prefix,
// so we need to add an import.
var importedFile = resourceProvider.getFile(importedElements.path);
var uri = uriConverter.pathToUri(importedFile.path);
var importedSource = FileSource(importedFile, uri);
var importUri = _getLibrarySourceUri(libraryElement, importedSource);
var description = _getInsertionDescription(importUri);
builder.addInsertion(description.offset, (builder) {
for (var i = 0; i < description.newLinesBefore; i++) {
builder.write('import $quote');
if (importedElements.prefix.isNotEmpty) {
builder.write(' as ');
for (var i = 0; i < description.newLinesAfter; i++) {
} else {
// There are some imports of the library with a matching prefix. We
// need to determine whether the names are already visible or whether
// we need to make edits to make them visible.
// Compute the edits that need to be made.
var updateMap = <ImportDirective, _ImportUpdate>{};
for (var requiredName in importedElements.elements) {
_computeUpdate(updateMap, matchingImports, requiredName);
// Apply the edits.
for (var entry in updateMap.entries) {
var directive = entry.key;
var update = entry.value;
var namesToUnhide = update.namesToUnhide;
var namesToShow = update.namesToShow;
var combinators = directive.combinators;
var combinatorCount = combinators.length;
for (var combinatorIndex = 0;
combinatorIndex < combinatorCount;
combinatorIndex++) {
var combinator = combinators[combinatorIndex];
if (combinator is HideCombinator && namesToUnhide.isNotEmpty) {
var hiddenNames = combinator.hiddenNames;
var nameCount = hiddenNames.length;
var first = -1;
for (var nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < nameCount; nameIndex++) {
if (namesToUnhide.contains(hiddenNames[nameIndex].name)) {
if (first < 0) {
first = nameIndex;
} else {
if (first >= 0) {
// Remove a range of names.
hiddenNames[first], hiddenNames[nameIndex]));
first = -1;
if (first == 0) {
// Remove the whole combinator.
if (combinatorIndex == 0) {
if (combinatorCount > 1) {
combinator, combinators[combinatorIndex + 1]));
} else {
var precedingNode = directive.prefix ??
directive.deferredKeyword ??
.addDeletion(range.endEnd(precedingNode, combinator));
} else {
combinators[combinatorIndex - 1], combinator));
} else if (first > 0) {
// Remove a range of names that includes the last name.
hiddenNames[first - 1], hiddenNames[nameCount - 1]));
} else if (combinator is ShowCombinator &&
namesToShow.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Add the names in alphabetic order.
builder.addInsertion(combinator.shownNames.last.end, (builder) {
for (var nameToShow in namesToShow) {
builder.write(', ');
return builder.sourceChange;
/// Choose the import for which the least amount of work is required,
/// preferring to do no work in there is an import that already makes the name
/// visible, and preferring to remove hide combinators rather than add show
/// combinators.
/// The name is visible without needing any changes if:
/// - there is an import with no combinators,
/// - there is an import with only hide combinators and none of them hide the
/// name,
/// - there is an import that shows the name and doesn't subsequently hide the
/// name.
void _computeUpdate(Map<ImportDirective, _ImportUpdate> updateMap,
List<ImportDirective> matchingImports, String requiredName) {
/// Return `true` if the [requiredName] is in the given list of [names].
bool nameIn(NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> names) {
for (var name in names) {
if ( == requiredName) {
return true;
return false;
late ImportDirective preferredDirective;
var bestEditCount = -1;
var deleteHide = false;
var addShow = false;
for (var directive in matchingImports) {
var combinators = directive.combinators;
if (combinators.isEmpty) {
var hasHide = false;
var needsShow = false;
var editCount = 0;
for (var combinator in combinators) {
if (combinator is HideCombinator) {
if (nameIn(combinator.hiddenNames)) {
hasHide = true;
} else if (combinator is ShowCombinator) {
if (needsShow || !nameIn(combinator.shownNames)) {
needsShow = true;
if (editCount == 0) {
} else if (bestEditCount < 0 || editCount < bestEditCount) {
preferredDirective = directive;
bestEditCount = editCount;
deleteHide = hasHide;
addShow = needsShow;
var update = updateMap.putIfAbsent(
preferredDirective, () => _ImportUpdate(preferredDirective));
if (deleteHide) {
if (addShow) {;
/// Filter the given list of imported elements ([originalList]) so that only
/// the names that are not already defined still remain. Names that are
/// already defined are removed even if they might not resolve to the same
/// name as in the original source.
List<ImportedElements> _filterImportedElements(
List<ImportedElements> originalList) {
var filteredList = <ImportedElements>[];
for (var elements in originalList) {
var originalElements = elements.elements;
var filteredElements = originalElements.toList();
for (var name in originalElements) {
if (_hasElement(elements.prefix, name)) {
if (originalElements.length == filteredElements.length) {
} else if (filteredElements.isNotEmpty) {
ImportedElements(elements.path, elements.prefix, filteredElements));
return filteredList;
/// Return all of the import elements in the list of [existingImports] that
/// match the given specification of [importedElements], or an empty list if
/// there are no such imports.
List<ImportDirective> _findMatchingImports(
List<ImportDirective> existingImports,
ImportedElements importedElements) {
var matchingImports = <ImportDirective>[];
for (var existingImport in existingImports) {
if (_matches(existingImport, importedElements)) {
return matchingImports;
/// Return the offset at which an import of the given [importUri] should be
/// inserted.
/// Partially copied from DartFileEditBuilderImpl.
_InsertionDescription _getInsertionDescription(String importUri) {
var unit = libraryResult.unit;
LibraryDirective? libraryDirective;
var importDirectives = <ImportDirective>[];
var otherDirectives = <Directive>[];
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is LibraryDirective) {
libraryDirective = directive;
} else if (directive is ImportDirective) {
} else {
if (importDirectives.isEmpty) {
if (libraryDirective == null) {
if (otherDirectives.isEmpty) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Insert after any non-doc comments.
return _InsertionDescription(0, after: 2);
return _InsertionDescription(otherDirectives[0].offset, after: 2);
return _InsertionDescription(libraryDirective.end, before: 2);
// TODO(brianwilkerson): Fix this to find the right location.
// See DartFileEditBuilderImpl._addLibraryImports for inspiration.
return _InsertionDescription(importDirectives.last.end, before: 1);
/// Computes the best URI to import [what] into [from].
/// Copied from DartFileEditBuilderImpl.
String _getLibrarySourceUri(LibraryElement from, Source what) {
var whatPath = what.fullName;
// check if an absolute URI (such as 'dart:' or 'package:')
var whatUri = what.uri;
var whatUriScheme = whatUri.scheme;
if (whatUriScheme != '' && whatUriScheme != 'file') {
return whatUri.toString();
// compute a relative URI
var context = resourceProvider.pathContext;
var fromFolder = context.dirname(from.source.fullName);
var relativeFile = context.relative(whatPath, from: fromFolder);
return context.split(relativeFile).join('/');
bool _hasElement(String prefix, String name) {
var scope = libraryResult.libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit.scope;
if (prefix.isNotEmpty) {
var prefixElement = scope.lookup(prefix).getter;
if (prefixElement is PrefixElement) {
scope = prefixElement.scope;
} else {
return false;
var lookupResult = scope.lookup(name);
return lookupResult.getter != null || lookupResult.setter != null;
/// Return `true` if the given [import] matches the given specification of
/// [importedElements]. They will match if they import the same library using
/// the same prefix.
bool _matches(ImportDirective import, ImportedElements importedElements) {
var importElement = import.element;
if (importElement == null) {
return false;
var library = importElement.importedLibrary;
return library != null &&
library.source.fullName == importedElements.path &&
(import.prefix?.name ?? '') == importedElements.prefix;
/// Information about how a given import directive needs to be updated in order
/// to make the required names visible.
class _ImportUpdate {
/// The import directive to be updated.
final ImportDirective import;
/// The list of names that are currently hidden that need to not be hidden.
final List<String> namesToUnhide = <String>[];
/// The list of names that need to be added to show clauses.
final List<String> namesToShow = <String>[];
/// Initialize a newly created information holder to hold information about
/// updates to the given [import].
/// Record that the given [name] needs to be added to show combinators.
void show(String name) {
/// Record that the given [name] needs to be removed from hide combinators.
void unhide(String name) {
class _InsertionDescription {
final int newLinesBefore;
final int offset;
final int newLinesAfter;
_InsertionDescription(this.offset, {int before = 0, int after = 0})
: newLinesBefore = before,
newLinesAfter = after;