blob: e44230eedcdb901ce17c10b55f57dbc00aa5a3f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' hide Element;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/status.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/util.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/legacy/naming_conventions.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/legacy/refactoring.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/change_builder.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/extensions/flutter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/micro/resolve_file.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/micro/utils.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/extensions/collection.dart';
class CanRenameResponse {
final LineInfo lineInfo;
final RenameRefactoringElement refactoringElement;
final FileResolver _fileResolver;
final String filePath;
FlutterWidgetState? _flutterWidgetState;
CanRenameResponse(this.lineInfo, this.refactoringElement, this._fileResolver,
String get oldName => refactoringElement.element.displayName;
CheckNameResponse? checkNewName(String name) {
var element = refactoringElement.element;
_flutterWidgetState = _findFlutterStateClass(element, name);
RefactoringStatus? status;
if (element is ParameterElement) {
status = validateParameterName(name);
} else if (element is VariableElement) {
status = validateVariableName(name);
} else if (element is FunctionElement) {
status = validateFunctionName(name);
} else if (element is FieldElement) {
status = validateFieldName(name);
} else if (element is MethodElement) {
status = validateMethodName(name);
} else if (element is TypeAliasElement) {
status = validateTypeAliasName(name);
} else if (element is InterfaceElement) {
status = validateClassName(name);
} else if (element is ConstructorElement) {
status = validateConstructorName(name);
_analyzePossibleConflicts(element, status, name);
} else if (element is LibraryImportElement) {
status = validateImportPrefixName(name);
if (status == null) {
return null;
return CheckNameResponse(status, this, name);
void _analyzePossibleConflicts(
ConstructorElement element, RefactoringStatus result, String newName) {
var parentClass = element.enclosingElement3;
// Check if the "newName" is the name of the enclosing class.
if ( == newName) {
result.addError('The constructor should not have the same name '
'as the name of the enclosing class.');
// check if there are members with "newName" in the same ClassElement
for (var newNameMember in getChildren(parentClass, newName)) {
var message = format("Class '{0}' already declares {1} with name '{2}'.",
parentClass.displayName, getElementKindName(newNameMember), newName);
result.addError(message, newLocation_fromElement(newNameMember));
FlutterWidgetState? _findFlutterStateClass(Element element, String newName) {
if (element is ClassElement && element.isStatefulWidgetDeclaration) {
var oldStateName = '${element.displayName}State';
var library = element.library;
var state =
library.getClass(oldStateName) ?? library.getClass('_$oldStateName');
if (state != null) {
var flutterWidgetStateNewName = '${newName}State';
// If the State was private, ensure that it stays private.
if ('_') &&
!flutterWidgetStateNewName.startsWith('_')) {
flutterWidgetStateNewName = '_$flutterWidgetStateNewName';
return FlutterWidgetState(state, flutterWidgetStateNewName);
return null;
class CheckNameResponse {
final RefactoringStatus status;
final CanRenameResponse canRename;
final String newName;
CheckNameResponse(this.status, this.canRename, this.newName);
LineInfo get lineInfo => canRename.lineInfo;
String get oldName => canRename.refactoringElement.element.displayName;
Future<RenameResponse?> computeRenameRanges2() async {
var elements = <Element>[];
var element = canRename.refactoringElement.element;
if (element is PropertyInducingElement && element.isSynthetic) {
var property = element;
var getter = property.getter;
var setter = property.setter;
} else {
var fileResolver = canRename._fileResolver;
var matches = <CiderSearchMatch>[];
for (var element in elements) {
matches.addAll(await fileResolver.findReferences2(element));
FlutterWidgetRename? flutterRename;
if (canRename._flutterWidgetState != null) {
flutterRename = await _computeFlutterStateName();
var replaceMatches = <CiderReplaceMatch>[];
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
for (var match in matches) {
var replaceInfo = <ReplaceInfo>[];
for (var ref in match.references) {
String replacement = newName.isNotEmpty ? '.$newName' : '';
if (replacement.isEmpty &&
replacement = '.new';
if (ref.kind ==
replacement += '()';
.add(ReplaceInfo(replacement, ref.startPosition, ref.length));
replaceMatches.addMatch(match.path, replaceInfo);
if (element.isSynthetic) {
var result = await _replaceSyntheticConstructor();
if (result != null) {
replaceMatches.addMatch(result.path, result.matches.toList());
} else if (element is LibraryImportElement) {
var replaceInfo = <ReplaceInfo>[];
for (var match in matches) {
for (var ref in match.references) {
if (newName.isEmpty) {
replaceInfo.add(ReplaceInfo('', ref.startPosition, ref.length));
} else {
var identifier = await _getInterpolationIdentifier(
match.path, ref.startPosition);
if (identifier != null) {
var lineInfo = canRename.lineInfo;
lineInfo.getLocation(identifier.offset), identifier.length));
} else {
.add(ReplaceInfo('$newName.', ref.startPosition, ref.length));
replaceMatches.addMatch(match.path, replaceInfo);
var sourcePath = element.source.fullName;
var infos = await _addElementDeclaration(element, sourcePath);
replaceMatches.addMatch(sourcePath, infos);
} else {
for (var match in matches) {
.map((info) =>
ReplaceInfo(newName, info.startPosition, info.length))
// add element declaration
var sourcePath = element.source!.fullName;
var infos = await _addElementDeclaration(element, sourcePath);
replaceMatches.addMatch(sourcePath, infos);
return RenameResponse(matches, this, replaceMatches,
flutterWidgetRename: flutterRename);
Future<List<ReplaceInfo>> _addElementDeclaration(
Element element, String sourcePath) async {
var infos = <ReplaceInfo>[];
if (element is PropertyInducingElement && element.isSynthetic) {
if (element.getter != null) {
if (element.setter != null) {
} else if (element is LibraryImportElement) {
var unit = (await canRename._fileResolver.resolve(path: sourcePath)).unit;
var index = element.enclosingElement3.libraryImports.indexOf(element);
var node = unit.directives.whereType<ImportDirective>().elementAt(index);
var prefixNode = node.prefix;
if (newName.isEmpty) {
// We should not get `prefix == null` because we check in
// `checkNewName` that the new name is different.
if (prefixNode != null) {
var prefixEnd = prefixNode.end;
infos.add(ReplaceInfo(newName, lineInfo.getLocation(node.uri.end),
prefixEnd - node.uri.end));
} else {
if (prefixNode == null) {
var uriEnd = node.uri.end;
ReplaceInfo(' as $newName', lineInfo.getLocation(uriEnd), 0));
} else {
var offset = prefixNode.offset;
var length = prefixNode.length;
infos.add(ReplaceInfo(newName, lineInfo.getLocation(offset), length));
} else {
var location = (await canRename._fileResolver.resolve(path: sourcePath))
infos.add(ReplaceInfo(newName, location, element.nameLength));
return infos;
Future<FlutterWidgetRename?> _computeFlutterStateName() async {
var flutterState = canRename._flutterWidgetState;
var stateClass = flutterState!.state;
var stateName = flutterState.newName;
var match = await canRename._fileResolver.findReferences2(stateClass);
var sourcePath = stateClass.source.fullName;
var location = stateClass.enclosingElement3.lineInfo
CiderSearchMatch ciderMatch;
var searchInfo =
CiderSearchInfo(location, stateClass.nameLength, MatchKind.DECLARATION);
try {
ciderMatch = match.firstWhere((m) => m.path == sourcePath);
} catch (_) {
match.add(CiderSearchMatch(sourcePath, [searchInfo]));
var replacements = match
.map((m) => CiderReplaceMatch(
.map((p) => ReplaceInfo(
stateName, p.startPosition, stateClass.nameLength))
return FlutterWidgetRename(stateName, match, replacements);
/// If the given [reference] is before an interpolated [SimpleIdentifier] in
/// an [InterpolationExpression] without surrounding curly brackets, return
/// it. Otherwise return `null`.
Future<SimpleIdentifier?> _getInterpolationIdentifier(
String path, CharacterLocation loc) async {
var resolvedUnit = await canRename._fileResolver.resolve(path: path);
var lineInfo = resolvedUnit.lineInfo;
var node = NodeLocator(
lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(loc.lineNumber - 1) + loc.columnNumber)
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is InterpolationExpression && parent.rightBracket == null) {
return node;
return null;
Future<CiderReplaceMatch?> _replaceSyntheticConstructor() async {
var element = canRename.refactoringElement.element;
var interfaceElement = element.enclosingElement3;
var fileResolver = canRename._fileResolver;
var libraryPath = interfaceElement!.library!.source.fullName;
var resolvedLibrary = await fileResolver.resolveLibrary2(path: libraryPath);
var result = resolvedLibrary.getElementDeclaration(interfaceElement);
if (result == null) {
return null;
var resolvedUnit = result.resolvedUnit;
if (resolvedUnit == null) {
return null;
var node = result.node;
if (node is! NamedCompilationUnitMember) {
return null;
var edit = await buildEditForInsertedConstructor(
resolvedUnit: resolvedUnit,
session: fileResolver.contextObjects!.analysisSession,
(builder) => builder.writeConstructorDeclaration(!,
constructorName: newName,
isConst: node is EnumDeclaration,
if (edit == null) {
return null;
return CiderReplaceMatch(libraryPath, [
class CiderRenameComputer {
final FileResolver _fileResolver;
/// Check if the identifier at the [line], [column] for the file at the
/// [filePath] can be renamed.
Future<CanRenameResponse?> canRename2(
String filePath, int line, int column) async {
var resolvedUnit = await _fileResolver.resolve(path: filePath);
var lineInfo = resolvedUnit.lineInfo;
var offset = lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(line) + column;
var node = NodeLocator(offset).searchWithin(resolvedUnit.unit);
var element = getElementOfNode(node);
if (node == null || element == null) {
return null;
if (element.library?.isInSdk == true) {
return null;
if (element is MethodElement && element.isOperator) {
return null;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
element = element.variable2;
if (element == null) {
return null;
if (!_canRenameElement(element)) {
return null;
var refactoring = RenameRefactoring.getElementToRename(node, element);
if (refactoring != null) {
return CanRenameResponse(lineInfo, refactoring, _fileResolver, filePath);
return null;
bool _canRenameElement(Element element) {
var enclosingElement = element.enclosingElement3;
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
return true;
if (element is LibraryImportElement) {
return true;
if (element is LabelElement || element is LocalElement) {
return true;
if (enclosingElement is InterfaceElement ||
enclosingElement is ExtensionElement ||
enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) {
return true;
return false;
class CiderReplaceMatch {
final String path;
List<ReplaceInfo> matches;
CiderReplaceMatch(this.path, this.matches);
class FlutterWidgetRename {
final String name;
// TODO(srawlins): Provide a deprecation message, or remove.
// ignore: provide_deprecation_message
final List<CiderSearchMatch> matches;
final List<CiderReplaceMatch> replacements;
FlutterWidgetRename(, this.matches, this.replacements);
/// The corresponding `State` declaration of a Flutter `StatefulWidget`.
class FlutterWidgetState {
ClassElement state;
String newName;
FlutterWidgetState(this.state, this.newName);
class RenameResponse {
// TODO(srawlins): Provide a deprecation message, or remove.
// ignore: provide_deprecation_message
final List<CiderSearchMatch> matches;
final CheckNameResponse checkName;
final List<CiderReplaceMatch> replaceMatches;
FlutterWidgetRename? flutterWidgetRename;
RenameResponse(this.matches, this.checkName, this.replaceMatches,
class ReplaceInfo {
final String replacementText;
final CharacterLocation startPosition;
final int length;
ReplaceInfo(this.replacementText, this.startPosition, this.length);
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is ReplaceInfo &&
replacementText == other.replacementText &&
startPosition == other.startPosition &&
length == other.length;
extension on List<CiderReplaceMatch> {
void addMatch(String path, List<ReplaceInfo> infos) {
for (var m in this) {
if (m.path == path) {
add(CiderReplaceMatch(path, infos));