blob: 405276a754866dd3fed4abc8f2b039dfc3d8014e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/clone.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import '../../js_interop_checks.dart' show JsInteropChecks;
import '../js_interop.dart'
/// Function type that given an [Expression], which is an invocation of a static
/// interop member, and the list of [Arguments] to that invocation, returns an
/// [Expression] that inlines the static interop member call.
/// In order to avoid recomputing information about the same static interop
/// member, we utilize closures that contain a lot of that information already.
/// We compute one [_InvocationBuilder] per node, and reuse as needed for
/// multiple invocations of the same static interop member.
typedef _InvocationBuilder = Expression Function(
Arguments arguments, Expression invocation);
/// Replaces js_util methods with inline calls to foreign_helper JS which
/// emits the code as a JavaScript code fragment.
class JsUtilOptimizer extends Transformer {
final Procedure _allowInteropTarget;
final Iterable<Procedure> _allowedInteropJsUtilTargets;
final Procedure _callMethodTarget;
final Procedure _callMethodTrustTypeTarget;
final List<Procedure> _callMethodUncheckedTargets;
final List<Procedure> _callMethodUncheckedTrustTypeTargets;
final Procedure _callConstructorTarget;
final List<Procedure> _callConstructorUncheckedTargets;
final Procedure _functionToJSTarget;
final Procedure _functionToJSCaptureThisTarget;
final List<Procedure> _functionToJSTargets;
final List<Procedure>? _functionToJSCaptureThisTargets;
final Procedure _functionToJSNTarget;
final Procedure _functionToJSCaptureThisNTarget;
final Procedure _getPropertyTarget;
final Procedure _getPropertyTrustTypeTarget;
final Procedure _globalContextTarget;
final Procedure _jsExportedDartFunctionToDartTarget;
final Procedure _jsFunctionToDart;
final Procedure _jsTarget;
final Procedure _listEmptyFactory;
final InterfaceType _objectType;
final Procedure _setPropertyTarget;
final Procedure _setPropertyUncheckedTarget;
final CoreTypes _coreTypes;
final CloneVisitorNotMembers _cloner = CloneVisitorWithMembers();
final ExtensionIndex _extensionIndex;
final Map<Member, _InvocationBuilder?> _externalInvocationBuilders = {};
final StatefulStaticTypeContext _staticTypeContext;
/// Dynamic members in js_util that interop allowed.
static const List<String> _allowedInteropJsUtilMembers = [
this._coreTypes, ClassHierarchy hierarchy, this._extensionIndex,
{required bool isDart2JS})
: _callMethodTarget =
_coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', 'callMethod'),
_callMethodTrustTypeTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', '_callMethodTrustType'),
_callMethodUncheckedTargets = List<Procedure>.generate(
(i) => _coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure(
'dart:js_util', '_callMethodUnchecked$i')),
_callMethodUncheckedTrustTypeTargets = List<Procedure>.generate(
(i) => _coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure(
'dart:js_util', '_callMethodUncheckedTrustType$i')),
_callConstructorTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', 'callConstructor'),
_callConstructorUncheckedTargets = List<Procedure>.generate(
(i) => _coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure(
'dart:js_util', '_callConstructorUnchecked$i')),
_functionToJSTarget = _coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure(
'dart:js_interop', 'FunctionToJSExportedDartFunction|get#toJS'),
_functionToJSCaptureThisTarget = _coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure(
_functionToJSTargets = List<Procedure>.generate(
(i) => _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', '_functionToJS$i')),
_functionToJSCaptureThisTargets = isDart2JS
? List<Procedure>.generate(
(i) => _coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure(
'dart:js_util', '_functionToJSCaptureThis$i'))
: null,
_functionToJSNTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', '_functionToJSN'),
_functionToJSCaptureThisNTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', '_functionToJSCaptureThisN'),
_getPropertyTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', 'getProperty'),
_getPropertyTrustTypeTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', '_getPropertyTrustType'),
_globalContextTarget = _coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure(
'dart:_js_helper', 'get:staticInteropGlobalContext'),
_jsExportedDartFunctionToDartTarget = _coreTypes.index
_jsFunctionToDart = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', '_jsFunctionToDart'),
_objectType = hierarchy.coreTypes.objectNonNullableRawType,
_setPropertyTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', 'setProperty'),
_setPropertyUncheckedTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', '_setPropertyUnchecked'),
_jsTarget =
_coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:_foreign_helper', 'JS'),
_allowInteropTarget = _coreTypes.index
.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', 'allowInterop'),
_allowedInteropJsUtilTargets =
(member) =>
_coreTypes.index.getTopLevelProcedure('dart:js_util', member)),
_listEmptyFactory =
_coreTypes.index.getProcedure('dart:core', 'List', 'empty'),
_staticTypeContext = StatefulStaticTypeContext.stacked(
TypeEnvironment(_coreTypes, hierarchy));
TreeNode visitLibrary(Library node) {
return node;
TreeNode defaultMember(Member node) {
return node;
/// Given a static interop procedure [node], return a
/// [_InvocationBuilder] that will create new [StaticInvocation]s that
/// replace calls to [node].
/// If [node] is not one of several static interop members, this function
/// returns null.
_InvocationBuilder? _getExternalInvocationBuilder(Procedure node) {
if (node.isExternal) {
if (_extensionIndex.isInstanceInteropMember(node)) {
var shouldTrustType = _extensionIndex.isTrustTypesMember(node);
if (_extensionIndex.isGetter(node)) {
return _getExternalGetterInvocationBuilder(node, shouldTrustType);
} else if (_extensionIndex.isSetter(node)) {
return _getExternalSetterInvocationBuilder(node);
} else if (_extensionIndex.isMethod(node)) {
return _getExternalMethodInvocationBuilder(node, shouldTrustType);
} else if (_extensionIndex.isOperator(node)) {
return _getExternalOperatorInvocationBuilder(node, shouldTrustType);
} else {
// Do the lowerings for top-levels, static class members, and
// constructors/factories.
var dottedPrefix = _getDottedPrefixForStaticallyResolvableMember(node);
if (dottedPrefix != null) {
var receiver = _getObjectOffGlobalContext(
node, dottedPrefix.isEmpty ? [] : dottedPrefix.split('.'));
var shouldTrustType = node.enclosingClass != null &&
if (_extensionIndex.isGetter(node)) {
return _getExternalGetterInvocationBuilder(
node, shouldTrustType, receiver);
} else if (_extensionIndex.isSetter(node)) {
return _getExternalSetterInvocationBuilder(node, receiver);
} else if (_extensionIndex.isMethod(node)) {
return _getExternalMethodInvocationBuilder(
node, shouldTrustType, receiver);
} else if (_extensionIndex.isNonLiteralConstructor(node)) {
// Get the constructor object using the class name.
return _getExternalConstructorInvocationBuilder(node,
_getObjectOffGlobalContext(node, dottedPrefix.split('.')));
return null;
/// Returns the prefixed JS name for the given [node] using the enclosing
/// library's, enclosing class' (if any), and member's `@JS` values.
/// Returns null if [node] is not external and one of:
/// 1. A top-level member
/// 2. A `@staticInterop` factory
/// 3. A `@staticInterop` static member
/// 4. A `@JS` extension type constructor
/// 5. A `@JS` extension type static member
String? _getDottedPrefixForStaticallyResolvableMember(Procedure node) {
if (!node.isExternal || node.isExtensionMember) return null;
var dottedPrefix = getJSName(node.enclosingLibrary);
if (!node.isExtensionTypeMember &&
node.enclosingClass == null &&
(hasDartJSInteropAnnotation(node) ||
hasDartJSInteropAnnotation(node.enclosingLibrary))) {
// If the `@JS` value of the node has any '.'s, we take the entries
// before the last '.' to determine the dotted prefix name.
var jsName = getJSName(node);
if (jsName.isNotEmpty) {
var lastDotIndex = jsName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDotIndex != -1) {
dottedPrefix = concatenateJSNames(
dottedPrefix, jsName.substring(0, lastDotIndex));
} else {
Annotatable enclosingClass;
if (node.isExtensionTypeMember) {
var descriptor = _extensionIndex.getExtensionTypeDescriptor(node);
if (descriptor == null ||
(!descriptor.isStatic &&
descriptor.kind != ExtensionTypeMemberKind.Constructor &&
descriptor.kind != ExtensionTypeMemberKind.Factory)) {
return null;
enclosingClass = _extensionIndex.getExtensionType(node)!;
} else if (node.enclosingClass != null &&
hasStaticInteropAnnotation(node.enclosingClass!)) {
if (!node.isFactory && !node.isStatic) return null;
enclosingClass = node.enclosingClass!;
} else {
return null;
// `@staticInterop` or `@JS` extension type
// factory/constructor/static member, use the class name as part of the
// dotted prefix.
var className = getJSName(enclosingClass);
if (className.isEmpty) {
className = enclosingClass is Class
: (enclosingClass as ExtensionTypeDeclaration).name;
dottedPrefix = concatenateJSNames(dottedPrefix, className);
return dottedPrefix;
// TODO(srujzs): It feels weird to have this be public, but it's weirder to
// have this method elsewhere for now. Figure out a better place for this.
/// Given two `@JS` values, combines them into a concatenated name using '.'.
/// If either parameters are empty, returns the other.
static String concatenateJSNames(String prefix, String suffix) {
if (prefix.isEmpty) return suffix;
if (suffix.isEmpty) return prefix;
return '$prefix.$suffix';
/// Given a list of strings, [selectors], recursively fetches the property
/// that corresponds to each string off of the global context.
/// Returns an expression that contains the nested property gets.
Expression _getObjectOffGlobalContext(
Procedure node, List<String> selectors) {
Expression currentTarget = StaticGet(_globalContextTarget);
for (String selector in selectors) {
currentTarget = StaticInvocation(
Arguments([currentTarget, StringLiteral(selector)],
types: [_objectType]));
return currentTarget;
/// Returns a new [_InvocationBuilder] for the given [node] external
/// getter.
/// The builder will return an [Expression] that will call the optimized
/// version of `js_util.getProperty` for the given external getter. If
/// [shouldTrustType] is true, the builder creates a variant that does not
/// check the return type. If [maybeReceiver] is non-null, the builder uses
/// that instead of the first positional argument as the receiver for
/// `js_util.getProperty`.
_InvocationBuilder _getExternalGetterInvocationBuilder(
Procedure node, bool shouldTrustType,
[Expression? maybeReceiver]) {
final target =
shouldTrustType ? _getPropertyTrustTypeTarget : _getPropertyTarget;
final isInstanceInteropMember =
final name = _getMemberJSName(node);
return (Arguments arguments, Expression invocation) {
// Parameter `this` only exists for extension and extension type instance
// members.
final positionalArgs = arguments.positional;
assert(positionalArgs.length == (isInstanceInteropMember ? 1 : 0));
// We clone the receiver as each invocation needs a fresh node.
final receiver = maybeReceiver == null
? positionalArgs.first
: _cloner.clone(maybeReceiver);
final property = StringLiteral(name);
return StaticInvocation(
Arguments([receiver, property],
types: [invocation.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext)]))
..fileOffset = invocation.fileOffset
..parent = invocation.parent;
/// Returns a new [_InvocationBuilder] for the given [node] external
/// setter.
/// The builder will return an [Expression] that will call the optimized
/// version of `js_util.setProperty` for the given external setter. If
/// [maybeReceiver] is non-null, the builder uses that instead of the first
/// positional argument as the receiver for `js_util.setProperty`.
_InvocationBuilder _getExternalSetterInvocationBuilder(Procedure node,
[Expression? maybeReceiver]) {
final isInstanceInteropMember =
final name = _getMemberJSName(node);
return (Arguments arguments, Expression invocation) {
// Parameter `this` only exists for extension and extension type instance
// members.
final positionalArgs = arguments.positional;
assert(positionalArgs.length == (isInstanceInteropMember ? 2 : 1));
final receiver = maybeReceiver == null
? positionalArgs.first
: _cloner.clone(maybeReceiver);
final property = StringLiteral(name);
final value = positionalArgs.last;
return _lowerSetProperty(StaticInvocation(
Arguments([receiver, property, value],
types: [value.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext)]))
..fileOffset = invocation.fileOffset
..parent = invocation.parent);
/// Returns a new [_InvocationBuilder] for the given [node] external
/// method.
/// The builder will return an [Expression] that will call the optimized
/// version of `js_util.callMethod` for the given external method. If
/// [shouldTrustType] is true, the builder creates a variant that does not
/// check the return type. If [maybeReceiver] is non-null, the builder uses
/// that instead of the first positional argument as the receiver for
/// `js_util.callMethod`.
_InvocationBuilder _getExternalMethodInvocationBuilder(
Procedure node, bool shouldTrustType,
[Expression? maybeReceiver]) {
final target =
shouldTrustType ? _callMethodTrustTypeTarget : _callMethodTarget;
final isInstanceInteropMember =
final name = _getMemberJSName(node);
return (Arguments arguments, Expression invocation) {
var positional = arguments.positional;
final receiver = maybeReceiver == null
? positional.first
: _cloner.clone(maybeReceiver);
if (isInstanceInteropMember) {
// Ignore `this` for extension and extension type members.
positional = positional.sublist(1);
final callMethodInvocation = StaticInvocation(
], types: [
..fileOffset = invocation.fileOffset
..parent = invocation.parent;
return _lowerCallMethod(callMethodInvocation,
shouldTrustType: shouldTrustType);
/// Returns a new [_InvocationBuilder] for the [node] external operator.
/// This function only supports '[]' and '[]=' for now.
_InvocationBuilder? _getExternalOperatorInvocationBuilder(
Procedure node, bool shouldTrustType) {
final operator =
_extensionIndex.getExtensionTypeDescriptor(node)?.name.text ??
// TODO(srujzs): Support more operators for overloading using some
// combination of Dart-defineable operators and @JS renaming for the ones
// that are not renameable.
final Procedure target;
StaticInvocation Function(StaticInvocation)? invocationOptimizer;
switch (operator) {
case '[]':
target =
shouldTrustType ? _getPropertyTrustTypeTarget : _getPropertyTarget;
case '[]=':
target = _setPropertyTarget;
invocationOptimizer = _lowerSetProperty;
throw UnimplementedError(
'External operator $operator is unsupported for static interop. ');
return (Arguments arguments, Expression invocation) {
final replacement = StaticInvocation(
types: [invocation.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext)]))
..fileOffset = invocation.fileOffset
..parent = invocation.parent;
return invocationOptimizer != null
? invocationOptimizer(replacement)
: replacement;
/// Returns a new [_InvocationBuilder] for the given [node] external
/// non-object literal factory.
/// The builder will return an [Expression] that will call the optimized
/// version of `js_util.callConstructor` using the given [constructor] and the
/// [Arguments] of the [Expression] that calls [node].
_InvocationBuilder _getExternalConstructorInvocationBuilder(
Procedure node, Expression constructor) {
final function = node.function;
return (Arguments arguments, Expression invocation) {
final callConstructorInvocation = StaticInvocation(
[_cloner.clone(constructor), ListLiteral(arguments.positional)],
types: [invocation.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext)]))
..fileOffset = invocation.fileOffset
..parent = invocation.parent;
return _lowerCallConstructor(callConstructorInvocation);
/// Returns the underlying JS name.
/// Returns either the name from the `@JS` annotation if non-empty, or the
/// declared name of the member. In the case of an extension or extension type
/// member, this does not return the CFE generated name for the top level
/// member, but rather the name of the original member.
String _getMemberJSName(Procedure node) {
var jsAnnotationName = getJSName(node);
if (jsAnnotationName.isNotEmpty) {
// In the case of top-level external members, this may contain '.'. The
// namespacing before the last '.' should be resolved when we provide a
// receiver to the lowerings. Here, we just take the final identifier.
return jsAnnotationName.split('.').last;
} else if (node.isExtensionMember) {
return _extensionIndex.getExtensionDescriptor(node)!.name.text;
} else if (node.isExtensionTypeMember) {
return _extensionIndex.getExtensionTypeDescriptor(node)!.name.text;
} else {
/// Replaces js_util method and static interop member calls with optimization
/// when possible.
/// - Lowers `setProperty` to `_setPropertyUnchecked` for values that are
/// not Function type and guaranteed to be interop allowed.
/// - Lowers `callMethod` to `_callMethodUncheckedN` when the number of given
/// arguments is 0-4 and all arguments are guaranteed to be interop allowed.
/// - Lowers `callConstructor` to `_callConstructorUncheckedN` when there are
/// 0-4 arguments and all arguments are guaranteed to be interop allowed.
/// - Computes and caches a [_InvocationBuilder] for a given non-custom static
/// interop invocation, and then calls that builder to replace the current
/// [node].
TreeNode visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
Expression invocation = node;
final target =;
if (target == _setPropertyTarget) {
invocation = _lowerSetProperty(node);
} else if (target == _callMethodTarget) {
// Never trust types on explicit `js_util` calls.
invocation = _lowerCallMethod(node, shouldTrustType: false);
} else if (target == _callConstructorTarget) {
invocation = _lowerCallConstructor(node);
// TODO(srujzs): Delete the `isPatchedMember` check once
// is resolved.
} else if (target == _functionToJSTarget) {
invocation = _lowerFunctionToJS(node);
} else if (target == _functionToJSCaptureThisTarget) {
invocation = _lowerFunctionToJS(node, captureThis: true);
} else if (target == _jsExportedDartFunctionToDartTarget) {
invocation = _lowerJSExportedDartFunctionToDart(node);
} else if (target.isExternal && !JsInteropChecks.isPatchedMember(target)) {
final builder = _externalInvocationBuilders.putIfAbsent(
target, () => _getExternalInvocationBuilder(target));
if (builder != null) invocation = builder(node.arguments, node);
return invocation;
TreeNode visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) {
Expression invocation = node;
final target =;
if (target.isExternal && target is Procedure) {
// Reference to a static interop getter declared as static. Note that we
// provide no arguments as static getters do not have a 'this'.
final builder = _externalInvocationBuilders.putIfAbsent(
target, () => _getExternalInvocationBuilder(target));
if (builder != null) invocation = builder(Arguments([]), node);
return invocation;
TreeNode visitStaticSet(StaticSet node) {
Expression invocation = node;
final target =;
if (target.isExternal && target is Procedure) {
// Reference to a static interop setter declared as static. Note that we
// provide only the value as static setters do not have a 'this'.
final builder = _externalInvocationBuilders.putIfAbsent(
target, () => _getExternalInvocationBuilder(target));
if (builder != null) invocation = builder(Arguments([node.value]), node);
return invocation;
/// Lowers the given js_util `setProperty` call to `_setPropertyUnchecked`
/// when the additional validation checks in `setProperty` can be elided.
/// Removing the checks allows further inlining by the compilers.
StaticInvocation _lowerSetProperty(StaticInvocation node) {
Arguments arguments = node.arguments;
assert(arguments.positional.length == 3);
if (!_allowedInterop(arguments.positional.last)) {
return node;
return StaticInvocation(_setPropertyUncheckedTarget, arguments)
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset
..parent = node.parent;
/// Lowers the given js_util `callMethod` call to `_callMethodUncheckedN`
/// when the additional validation checks on the arguments can be elided.
/// Calls will be lowered when using a List literal or constant list with 0-4
/// elements for the `callMethod` arguments, or the `List.empty()` factory.
/// Removing the checks allows further inlining by the compilers.
StaticInvocation _lowerCallMethod(StaticInvocation node,
{required bool shouldTrustType}) {
Arguments arguments = node.arguments;
assert(arguments.positional.length == 3);
List<Procedure> targets = shouldTrustType
? _callMethodUncheckedTrustTypeTargets
: _callMethodUncheckedTargets;
return _lowerToCallUnchecked(
node, targets, arguments.positional.sublist(0, 2));
/// Lowers the given js_util `callConstructor` call to
/// `_callConstructorUncheckedN` when the additional validation checks on the
/// arguments can be elided.
/// Calls will be lowered when using a List literal or constant list with 0-4
/// elements for the `callConstructor` arguments, or the `List.empty()`
/// factory. Removing the checks allows further inlining by the compilers.
StaticInvocation _lowerCallConstructor(StaticInvocation node) {
Arguments arguments = node.arguments;
assert(arguments.positional.length == 2);
return _lowerToCallUnchecked(
node, _callConstructorUncheckedTargets, [arguments.positional.first]);
/// Helper to lower the given [node] to the relevant unchecked target in the
/// [callUncheckedTargets] based on whether the validation checks on the
/// [originalArguments] can be elided.
/// Calls will be lowered when using a List literal or constant list with 0-4
/// arguments, or the `List.empty()` factory. Removing the checks allows further
/// inlining by the compilers.
StaticInvocation _lowerToCallUnchecked(
StaticInvocation node,
List<Procedure> callUncheckedTargets,
List<Expression> originalArguments) {
var argumentsList = node.arguments.positional.last;
// Lower arguments in a List.empty factory call.
if (argumentsList is StaticInvocation && == _listEmptyFactory) {
return _createCallUncheckedNode(
// Lower arguments in other kinds of Lists.
List<Expression> callUncheckedArguments;
DartType entryType;
if (argumentsList is ListLiteral) {
if (argumentsList.expressions.length >= callUncheckedTargets.length) {
return node;
callUncheckedArguments = argumentsList.expressions;
entryType = argumentsList.typeArgument;
} else if (argumentsList is ConstantExpression &&
argumentsList.constant is ListConstant) {
var argumentsListConstant = argumentsList.constant as ListConstant;
if (argumentsListConstant.entries.length >= callUncheckedTargets.length) {
return node;
callUncheckedArguments = argumentsListConstant.entries
.map<Expression>((constant) => ConstantExpression(
constant, constant.getType(_staticTypeContext)))
entryType = argumentsListConstant.typeArgument;
} else {
// Skip lowering arguments in any other type of List.
return node;
// Check the arguments List type, then verify each argument if needed.
if (!_allowedInteropType(entryType)) {
for (var argument in callUncheckedArguments) {
if (!_allowedInterop(argument)) {
return node;
return _createCallUncheckedNode(
/// Creates a new StaticInvocation node for the relevant unchecked target
/// with the given 0-4 arguments.
StaticInvocation _createCallUncheckedNode(
List<Procedure> callUncheckedTargets,
List<DartType> callUncheckedTypes,
List<Expression> callUncheckedArguments,
List<Expression> originalArguments,
int nodeFileOffset,
TreeNode? nodeParent,
int argumentsFileOffset) {
assert(callUncheckedArguments.length <= 4);
return StaticInvocation(
[...originalArguments, ...callUncheckedArguments],
types: callUncheckedTypes,
)..fileOffset = argumentsFileOffset)
..fileOffset = nodeFileOffset
..parent = nodeParent;
/// For the given `dart:js_interop` `Function.toJS` or
/// `Function.toJSCaptureThis` invocation [node], returns an invocation of the
/// corresponding private stub in `js_util` with the invocation's [Function]
/// argument and the number of positional parameters of that [Function].
/// If [captureThis] is false, the node target is assumed to be
/// `Function.toJS` and otherwise `Function.toJSCaptureThis`.
/// There are specialized stubs up to a certain positional parameter length,
/// and after that, either an invocation of `_functionToJSN` or
/// `_functionToJSCaptureThisN` is returned.
StaticInvocation _lowerFunctionToJS(StaticInvocation node,
{bool captureThis = false}) {
// JS interop checks assert that the static type is available, and that
// there are no named arguments or type arguments.
final function = node.arguments.positional.single;
final functionType =
function.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext) as FunctionType;
final parametersLength = functionType.positionalParameters.length;
List<Procedure>? specializedStubs;
int stubIndex;
Procedure genericStub;
if (captureThis) {
specializedStubs = _functionToJSCaptureThisTargets;
stubIndex = parametersLength - 1; // Account for `this`.
genericStub = _functionToJSCaptureThisNTarget;
} else {
specializedStubs = _functionToJSTargets;
stubIndex = parametersLength;
genericStub = _functionToJSNTarget;
Procedure target;
Arguments arguments;
if (specializedStubs != null &&
stubIndex >= 0 &&
stubIndex < specializedStubs.length) {
target = specializedStubs[stubIndex];
arguments = Arguments([function]);
} else {
target = genericStub;
arguments = Arguments([function, IntLiteral(parametersLength)]);
return StaticInvocation(
target, arguments..fileOffset = node.arguments.fileOffset)
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset
..parent = node.parent;
/// For the given `dart:js_interop` `JSExportedDartFunction.toDart` invocation
/// [node], returns an invocation of `_jsFunctionToDart` with the given
/// `JSExportedDartFunction` argument.
StaticInvocation _lowerJSExportedDartFunctionToDart(StaticInvocation node) =>
..fileOffset = node.arguments.fileOffset)
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset
..parent = node.parent;
/// Returns whether the given [node] is guaranteed to be allowed to interop
/// with JS.
/// [node] is guaranteed to be allowed to interop with JS if:
/// - It is guaranteed to not be a function or is an allowlisted type.
/// - It is an invocation of any of the allowed methods:
/// - dart:_foreign_helper JS
/// - dart:js `allowInterop`
/// - dart:js_util and any of the `_allowedInteropJsUtilMembers`
bool _allowedInterop(Expression node) {
// TODO(rileyporter): Detect functions that have been wrapped at some point
// with `allowInterop`
if (node is StaticInvocation) {
if ( == _allowInteropTarget) return true;
if ( == _jsTarget) return true;
if (_allowedInteropJsUtilTargets.contains( return true;
return _allowedInteropType(node.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext));
/// Returns whether the given [type] is either a type that is guaranteed to
/// not be a function or is an allowlisted type that can flow to JS without
/// needing to be checked.
bool _allowedInteropType(DartType type) {
// Static interop types and `ExternalDartReference` are allowlisted because
// even though types like `JSAny` and `ExternalDartReference`, which are
// actually `Object` underneath, can actually be Dart functions, that is
// either true if there was a deliberate cast (which is linted and
// platform-inconsistent) or it's meant to be used as an opaque reference.
// To avoid a slower code path when using these types, we allowlist them.
if (_extensionIndex.isStaticInteropType(type) ||
_extensionIndex.isExternalDartReferenceType(type)) {
return true;
type = type.extensionTypeErasure;
// TODO(srujzs): We should check for type parameters and dynamic.
if (type is InterfaceType) {
return type.classNode != _coreTypes.functionClass &&
type.classNode != _coreTypes.objectClass;
} else {
// Only other DartType guaranteed to not be a function.
return type is NullType;
/// Lazily-initialized indexes for extension and extension type interop members.
/// As the query APIs are called, we process the enclosing libraries of the
/// member in question if needed. We only process JS interop extension types and
/// extensions on either JS interop or @Native classes.
class ExtensionIndex {
final Map<Reference, Reference?> _coreInteropTypeIndex = {};
final Map<Reference, Annotatable> _extensionAnnotatableIndex = {};
final Map<Reference, Extension> _extensionIndex = {};
final Map<Reference, ExtensionMemberDescriptor> _extensionMemberIndex = {};
final Map<Reference, Reference> _extensionTearOffIndex = {};
final Map<Reference, ExtensionTypeDeclaration> _extensionTypeIndex = {};
final Map<Reference, ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor>
_extensionTypeMemberIndex = {};
final Map<Reference, Reference> _extensionTypeTearOffIndex = {};
final Set<Reference> _externalDartReferences = {};
final Class? _javaScriptObject;
final Set<Library> _processedExtensionLibraries = {};
final Set<Library> _processedExtensionTypeLibraries = {};
final Set<Reference> _shouldTrustType = {};
final TypeEnvironment _typeEnvironment;
ExtensionIndex(CoreTypes coreTypes, this._typeEnvironment)
: _javaScriptObject = coreTypes.index
.tryGetClass('dart:_interceptors', 'JavaScriptObject');
/// If unprocessed, for all extension members in [library] whose on-type is a
/// JS interop or `@Native` class, does the following:
/// - Maps the member to its on-type in `_extensionAnnotatableIndex`.
/// - Maps the member to its extension in `_extensionIndex`.
/// - Maps the member to its descriptor in `_extensionMemberIndex`.
/// - Adds the member to `_shouldTrustTypes` if the on-type has a
/// `@trustTypes` annotation.
/// - Maps the tear-off member to the member it tears off in
/// `extensionTearOffIndex`.
void _indexExtensions(Library library) {
if (_processedExtensionLibraries.contains(library)) return;
for (var extension in library.extensions) {
for (var descriptor in extension.memberDescriptors) {
var reference = descriptor.memberReference;
var onType = extension.onType;
bool isInteropOnType = false;
Annotatable? cls;
if (onType is InterfaceType) {
cls = onType.classNode;
// For now, `@trustTypes` can only be used on classes and not
// extension types.
if (hasTrustTypesAnnotation(cls)) {
isInteropOnType =
hasJSInteropAnnotation(cls) || hasNativeAnnotation(cls);
} else if (onType is ExtensionType) {
final extensionType = onType.extensionTypeDeclaration;
cls = extensionType;
isInteropOnType = isInteropExtensionType(extensionType);
if (!isInteropOnType) continue;
_extensionMemberIndex[reference] = descriptor;
_extensionAnnotatableIndex[reference] = cls!;
_extensionIndex[reference] = extension;
final tearOffReference = descriptor.tearOffReference;
if (tearOffReference != null) {
_extensionMemberIndex[tearOffReference] = descriptor;
_extensionIndex[tearOffReference] = extension;
_extensionAnnotatableIndex[reference] = cls;
_extensionTearOffIndex[tearOffReference] = reference;
Annotatable? getExtensionAnnotatable(Member member) {
if (!member.isExtensionMember) return null;
return _extensionAnnotatableIndex[member.reference];
Extension? getExtension(Member member) {
if (!member.isExtensionMember) return null;
return _extensionIndex[member.reference];
ExtensionMemberDescriptor? getExtensionDescriptor(Member member) {
if (!member.isExtensionMember) return null;
return _extensionMemberIndex[member.reference];
bool isTrustTypesMember(Member member) {
if (!member.isExtensionMember) return false;
return _shouldTrustType.contains(member.reference);
Reference? getExtensionMemberForTearOff(Member member) {
if (!member.isExtensionMember) return null;
return _extensionTearOffIndex[member.reference];
/// Returns whether [extensionType] is an "interop extension type".
/// Interop extension types have either another interop extension type or a
/// "core" interop type (see below) as their representation type. Extension
/// types can only declare external JS interop members if they are interop
/// extension types.
bool isInteropExtensionType(ExtensionTypeDeclaration extensionType) {
return getCoreInteropType(
// Nullability is irrelevant for this purpose.
ExtensionType(extensionType, Nullability.undetermined)) != null;
/// Returns the "core" interop type of [type], unwrapping extension types as
/// needed and caching along the way.
/// A type is a "core" interop type if it is:
/// - a `dart:js_interop` extension type
/// - a `@staticInterop` type
/// - an `@Native` type that <: `JavaScriptObject`. Note that this excludes
/// `dart:typed_data`, as typed list factories return a type that is
/// <: `JavaScriptObject`, but the typed lists themselves are not such a
/// type. This is expected and intended since unlike `dart:html`,
/// `dart:typed_data` can be used in dart2wasm, and since we do not want
/// typed lists to be considered interoperable there, it makes sense to
/// exclude them here.
/// If [type] is allowed and is an extension type, it is an interop extension
/// type as well.
/// Returns `null` if there is no [type] that neither wraps nor is a "core"
/// interop type.
Reference? getCoreInteropType(DartType type) {
if (type is ExtensionType) {
final declaration = type.extensionTypeDeclaration;
final reference = declaration.reference;
if (_coreInteropTypeIndex.containsKey(reference)) {
return _coreInteropTypeIndex[reference];
if (isJSType(declaration)) {
return _coreInteropTypeIndex[reference] = reference;
// Note that we recurse instead of using the erasure, as JS types are
// extension types.
return _coreInteropTypeIndex[reference] =
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
final cls = type.classNode;
final reference = cls.reference;
if (hasStaticInteropAnnotation(cls) ||
(_javaScriptObject != null &&
hasNativeAnnotation(cls) &&
InterfaceType(_javaScriptObject!, Nullability.nullable),
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities))) {
return _coreInteropTypeIndex[reference] = reference;
return null;
bool isAllowedRepresentationType(DartType type) =>
getCoreInteropType(type) != null;
/// If unprocessed, for all extension type members in [library] whose
/// extension type is static interop, does the following:
/// - Maps the extension type to its interop type
/// - Maps the member to its extension type in `_extensionTypeIndex`.
/// - Maps the member to its descriptor in `_extensionTypeMemberIndex`.
/// - Maps the tear-off member to the member it tears off in
/// `_extensionTearOffIndex`.
void _indexExtensionTypes(Library library) {
if (_processedExtensionTypeLibraries.contains(library)) return;
for (var extensionType in library.extensionTypeDeclarations) {
if (isInteropExtensionType(extensionType)) {
for (var descriptor in extensionType.memberDescriptors) {
final reference = descriptor.memberReference;
_extensionTypeMemberIndex[reference] = descriptor;
_extensionTypeIndex[reference] = extensionType;
final tearOffReference = descriptor.tearOffReference;
if (tearOffReference != null) {
_extensionTypeMemberIndex[tearOffReference] = descriptor;
_extensionTypeIndex[tearOffReference] = extensionType;
_extensionTypeTearOffIndex[tearOffReference] = reference;
ExtensionTypeMemberDescriptor? getExtensionTypeDescriptor(Member member) {
if (!member.isExtensionTypeMember) return null;
return _extensionTypeMemberIndex[member.reference];
ExtensionTypeDeclaration? getExtensionType(Member member) {
if (!member.isExtensionTypeMember) return null;
return _extensionTypeIndex[member.reference];
Reference? getExtensionTypeMemberForTearOff(Member member) {
if (!member.isExtensionTypeMember) return null;
return _extensionTypeTearOffIndex[member.reference];
/// Return whether [node] is either an extension member that's declared as
/// non-`static` or an extension type member that's declared as non-`static`
/// and is not a factory or constructor.
bool isInstanceInteropMember(Member node) {
if (node.isExtensionMember) {
var descriptor = getExtensionDescriptor(node);
return descriptor != null && !descriptor.isStatic;
} else if (node.isExtensionTypeMember) {
var descriptor = getExtensionTypeDescriptor(node);
return descriptor != null &&
!descriptor.isStatic &&
descriptor.kind != ExtensionTypeMemberKind.Constructor &&
descriptor.kind != ExtensionTypeMemberKind.Factory;
return false;
bool _isOneOfKinds(Procedure node, ExtensionTypeMemberKind extensionTypeKind,
ExtensionMemberKind extensionKind, ProcedureKind procedureKind) {
if (node.isExtensionTypeMember) {
return getExtensionTypeDescriptor(node)?.kind == extensionTypeKind;
} else if (node.isExtensionMember) {
return getExtensionDescriptor(node)?.kind == extensionKind;
} else {
return node.kind == procedureKind;
bool isGetter(Procedure node) => _isOneOfKinds(
bool isSetter(Procedure node) => _isOneOfKinds(
bool isMethod(Procedure node) => _isOneOfKinds(
bool isOperator(Procedure node) => _isOneOfKinds(
/// Given an interop extension type or extension member [node], gets the
/// function type as written.
/// Extension type and extension instance members include the instance as the
/// first positional parameter of the generated function. Since this was never
/// written by the user, it is excluded in the resulting function type.
/// If not an interop extension type or extension member, returns null.
FunctionType? getFunctionType(Procedure node) {
if (getExtensionDescriptor(node) == null &&
getExtensionTypeDescriptor(node) == null) {
return null;
final functionType = node.signatureType ??
var positionalParameters = functionType.positionalParameters;
if (isInstanceInteropMember(node)) {
// Ignore the instance parameter.
positionalParameters = positionalParameters.skip(1).toList();
return FunctionType(positionalParameters, functionType.returnType,
namedParameters: functionType.namedParameters,
typeParameters: functionType.typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: functionType.requiredParameterCount);
/// Return whether [node] is an external static interop constructor/factory.
/// If [literal] is true, we check if [node] is an object literal constructor,
/// and if not, we check that it's a non-literal constructor.
bool _isStaticInteropConstructor(Procedure node, {required bool literal}) {
if (!node.isExternal) return false;
if (node.isExtensionTypeMember) {
final kind = getExtensionTypeDescriptor(node)?.kind;
final namedParams = node.function.namedParameters;
return (kind == ExtensionTypeMemberKind.Constructor ||
kind == ExtensionTypeMemberKind.Factory) &&
(literal ? namedParams.isNotEmpty : namedParams.isEmpty);
} else if (node.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory &&
node.enclosingClass != null &&
hasJSInteropAnnotation(node.enclosingClass!)) {
final isAnonymous = hasAnonymousAnnotation(node.enclosingClass!);
return literal ? isAnonymous : !isAnonymous;
return false;
bool isLiteralConstructor(Procedure node) =>
_isStaticInteropConstructor(node, literal: true);
bool isNonLiteralConstructor(Procedure node) =>
_isStaticInteropConstructor(node, literal: false);
bool isStaticInteropType(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
return hasStaticInteropAnnotation(type.classNode);
} else if (type is ExtensionType) {
return isInteropExtensionType(type.extensionTypeDeclaration);
} else if (type is TypeParameterType || type is StructuralParameterType) {
return isStaticInteropType(type.nonTypeVariableBound);
return false;
bool isJSType(ExtensionTypeDeclaration decl) =>
decl.enclosingLibrary.importUri.toString() == 'dart:js_interop' &&'JS');
bool isExternalDartReference(ExtensionTypeDeclaration decl) =>
decl.enclosingLibrary.importUri.toString() == 'dart:js_interop' && == 'ExternalDartReference';
bool isExternalDartReferenceType(DartType type) {
if (type is ExtensionType) {
final decl = type.extensionTypeDeclaration;
if (_externalDartReferences.contains(decl.reference)) return true;
if (isExternalDartReference(decl) ||
isExternalDartReferenceType(decl.declaredRepresentationType)) {
return true;
} else if (type is TypeParameterType || type is StructuralParameterType) {
return isExternalDartReferenceType(type.nonTypeVariableBound);
return false;