blob: 91803ce317c4f4fbca9a01c73b5506d8bb21af83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../types/shared_type.dart';
import 'type_constraint.dart';
/// Maximum length for strings returned by [describe].
const int _descriptionLengthThreshold = 80;
/// Maximum number of events stored in the inference log at each nesting level
/// while not dumping output.
/// If more events than this occur at any given nesting level, older events will
/// be discarded and replaced with [_truncationEvent], to avoid the inference
/// log using up too much memory.
const int _eventTruncationThreshold = 4;
/// Expando storing a value `true` for each expression that has been passed to
/// the `oldExpression` argument of
/// [SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl.recordExpressionRewrite].
/// This is used as a check to make sure that
/// [SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl.recordExpressionRewrite] isn't called more
/// than once for any given `oldExpression`.
final _rewrittenExpressions = new Expando<bool>();
/// When more than [_eventTruncationThreshold] events occur at any given nesting
/// level, this event is used as a placeholder to take the place of any
/// discarded events.
final Event _truncationEvent = new Event(message: '...');
/// Converts [o] to a string in a way that:
/// - Shows the runtime type,
/// - Is tolerant of exceptions, and
/// - Limits the length of the result.
String describe(Object? o) {
String s;
try {
s = o.toString().replaceAll('\n', ' ');
if (s.length > _descriptionLengthThreshold) {
s = s.substring(0, _descriptionLengthThreshold - 3) + '...';
} catch (e) {
s = '<$e>';
return '${o.runtimeType}: $s';
/// Enumeration of the possible sources of constraints that might occur during
/// generic type inference.
enum ConstraintGenerationSource {
/// The source of the constraint is the static type of an argument to the
/// method whose type is being inferred, being matched against the
/// corresponding parameter in the method's function type.
argument(description: 'ARGUMENT'),
/// The source of the constraint is the analyzer's
/// `GenericInferrer.constrainGenericFunctionInContext` method.
genericFunctionInContext(description: 'GENERIC FUNCTION IN CONTEXT'),
/// The source of the constraint is the the context of the invocation whose
/// type is being inferred, being matched against the return type in function
/// or method being invoked.
returnType(description: 'RETURN TYPE');
/// A text description of this constraint generation source, suitable for
/// including in log messages.
final String description;
const ConstraintGenerationSource({required this.description});
String toString() => description;
/// Representation of a single event in the inference log, with pointers to any
/// events that are nested beneath it.
class Event {
/// Message display string.
final String message;
/// List of nested events.
List<Event>? subEvents;
Event({required this.message});
/// Specialization of [State] used when type inferring an expression.
class ExpressionState extends State {
/// Whether [SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl.recordStaticType] or
/// [SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl.recordExpressionWithNoType] has been called
/// for the expression represented by this [State] object.
/// The inference log infrastructure uses this boolean to verify that each
/// expression that undergoes type inference either receives a static type, or
/// is determined by analysis to not need a static type.
bool typeRecorded = false;
{required super.writer, required super.message, required super.nodeSet})
: super(kind: StateKind.expression);
/// Specialization of [State] used when generic type inference is being
/// performed.
class GenericInferenceState<TypeParameter extends Object> extends State {
/// The formal type parameters whose types are being inferred.
final List<TypeParameter> typeFormals;
{required super.writer,
required super.message,
required State parent,
required this.typeFormals})
: super(kind: StateKind.genericInference, nodeSet: parent.nodeSet);
/// Public API to the interface log writer.
/// This class defines methods that the analyzer or CFE can use to instrument
/// their type inference logic. The implementations are found in
/// [SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl].
abstract interface class SharedInferenceLogWriter<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Type extends SharedTypeStructure<Type>,
TypeParameterStructure extends SharedTypeParameterStructure<
TypeStructure>> {
/// If [inProgress] is `true`, verifies that generic type inference is in
/// progress; otherwise, verifies that generic type inference is not in
/// progress.
/// This method is used by the analyzer to validate certain assumptions about
/// the state of type inference, for example:
/// - That in methods that are passed a nullable reference to
/// `GenericInferrer`, a non-null value is passed in if and only if generic
/// type inference is in progress.
/// - That when the user supplies explicit type arguments, generic type
/// inference does not take place.
void assertGenericInferenceState({required bool inProgress});
/// Verifies that every call to an `enter...` method has been matched by a
/// corresponding call to an `exit...` method.
void assertIdle();
/// Called when type inference begins inferring an annotation.
void enterAnnotation(Object node);
/// Called when generic type inference starts collecting constraints by
/// attempting to match one type schema against another.
void enterConstraintGeneration(
ConstraintGenerationSource source, Type p, Type q);
/// Called when type inference begins inferring a collection element.
void enterElement(Object node);
/// Called when type inference begins inferring an expression.
void enterExpression(Object node, Type contextType);
/// Called when type inference begins inferring an AST node associated with
/// extension override syntax.
void enterExtensionOverride(Object node, Type contextType);
/// Called when type inference has discovered that a construct that uses
/// method invocation syntax (e.g. `x.f()`) is actually an invocation of a
/// getter.
/// [node] is the AST node for the rewritten getter (e.g. `x.f`).
void enterFunctionExpressionInvocationTarget(Object node);
/// Called when generic type inference begins.
void enterGenericInference(
List<TypeParameterStructure> typeFormals, Type template);
/// Called when type inference begins inferring the left hand side of an
/// assignment.
void enterLValue(Object node);
/// Called when type inference begins inferring a pattern.
void enterPattern(Object node);
/// Called when type inference begins inferring a statement.
void enterStatement(Object node);
/// Called when type inference has finished inferring an expression.
void exitAnnotation(Object node);
/// Called when type inference has finished collecting a set of constraints.
void exitConstraintGeneration();
/// Called when type inference has finished inferring a collection element.
void exitElement(Object node);
/// Called when type inference has finished inferring an expression.
/// [reanalyze] should be `true` if type inference will follow up by
/// re-inferring the same expression in a different form (and hence, it's not
/// necessary to assign a type to [node]).
void exitExpression(Object node, {bool reanalyze = false});
/// Called when type inference has finished inferring an AST node associated
/// with extension override syntax.
void exitExtensionOverride(Object node);
/// Called when generic type inference ends.
void exitGenericInference(
{bool aborted = false, bool failed = false, List<Type>? finalTypes});
/// Called when type inference has finished inferring the left hand side of an
/// assignment.
/// [reanalyzeAsRValue] should be `true` if type inference will follow up by
/// re-analyzing the same expression as though it's an R-value rather than an
/// L-value. (This happens in the analyzer when the LHS of an assignment
/// isn't a valid assignable expression).
void exitLValue(Object node, {bool reanalyzeAsRValue = false});
/// Called when type inference has finished inferring a pattern.
void exitPattern(Object node);
/// Called when type inference has finished inferring a statement.
void exitStatement(Object node);
/// Called when type inference rewrites one expression into another.
/// [newExpression] is the new expression that is being created. It must
/// always be supplied.
/// [oldExpression] is the old expression that is being replaced. It is
/// optional; if it is supplied, then the inference log infrastructure will
/// double check that it's only recorded once in the log.
void recordExpressionRewrite(
{Object? oldExpression, required Object newExpression});
/// Called when type inference is inferring an expression, and discovers that
/// the expression should not have any type.
void recordExpressionWithNoType(Object expression);
/// Records a constraint that was generated during the process of matching one
/// type schema to another.
void recordGeneratedConstraint(
TypeParameterStructure parameter,
MergedTypeConstraint<TypeStructure, TypeParameterStructure, Object, Type,
/// Records that type inference has resolved a method name.
void recordLookupResult(
{required Object expression,
required Type type,
required Object? target,
required String methodName});
/// Records the preliminary types chosen during either a downwards or a
/// horizontal inference step.
void recordPreliminaryTypes(List<Type> types);
/// Called when type inference is inferring an expression, and assigns the
/// expression a static type.
void recordStaticType(Object expression, Type type);
/// Implementation of the interface log writer.
/// This class provides the implementation of [SharedInferenceLogWriter], along
/// with additional helper methods.
/// The helper methods are public so that the analyzer and CFE can call them
/// from classes derived from [SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl], but these methods
/// are not exposed in [SharedInferenceLogWriter] so that they won't be called
/// accidentally on their own.
abstract class SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Type extends SharedTypeStructure<Type>,
TypeParameterStructure extends SharedTypeParameterStructure<
SharedInferenceLogWriter<TypeStructure, Type, TypeParameterStructure> {
/// A stack of [State] objects representing the calls that have been made to
/// `enter...` methods without any matched `exit...` method.
/// The first entry in [_stateStack] is always [_topState].
final _stateStack = <State>[];
/// The topmost [State] object, which recursively contains all the other
/// [Event]s.
final State _topState = new State._top();
/// True if [dump] has been called, and therefore every call to [addEvent]
/// should result in the event being immediately printed.
bool _dumping = false;
SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl() {
/// Gets the current state, which is the last entry in [_stateStack].
State get state => _stateStack.last;
/// Records an event by adding it to the innermost state in the [_stateStack].
/// If [_dumping] is `true`, then the event's message is immediately printed,
/// with appropriate indentation.
void addEvent(Event event) {
List<Event> subEvents = (state.subEvents ??= [])..add(event);
if (_dumping) {
print(' ' * _stateStack.length + event.message);
} else if (subEvents.length > _eventTruncationThreshold) {
0, subEvents.length - _eventTruncationThreshold - 1);
subEvents[0] = _truncationEvent;
void assertGenericInferenceState({required bool inProgress}) {
bool actualInProgress = state.kind == StateKind.genericInference;
if (inProgress != actualInProgress) {
fail('Expected generic inference inProgress=$inProgress, '
void assertIdle() {
if (state.kind != {
fail('Node not exited: $state');
/// Performs checks on [state], and calls [fail] if those checks fail.
/// If [expectedNode] is not `null`, then [state] is checked to see if its
/// [State.nodeSet] contains [expectedNode].
/// If [expectedKind] is not `null`, then [state] is checked to see if its
/// [State.kind] matches [expectedKind].
/// If a check fails, then [method], [arguments], and [namedArguments] are
/// used to describe the circumstances of the failure.
void checkCall(
{required String method,
List<Object?> arguments = const [],
Map<String, Object?> namedArguments = const {},
Object? expectedNode,
StateKind? expectedKind}) {
String describeMethod() {
List<String> formattedArguments = [
for (Object? argument in arguments) describe(argument),
for (var MapEntry(:key, :value) in namedArguments.entries)
'$key: ${describe(value)}'
return '$method(${formattedArguments.join(', ')})';
if (expectedNode != null &&
!state.nodeSet.any((node) => identical(node, expectedNode))) {
List<String> nodeSetDescriptions = [
for (Object? node in state.nodeSet) describe(node)
String nodeSetDescription = nodeSetDescriptions.length == 1
? nodeSetDescriptions[0]
: nodeSetDescriptions.join(', ');
fail('${describeMethod()}: expected containing node to be '
'${describe(expectedNode)}, actual is $nodeSetDescription');
if (expectedKind != null) {
if (state.kind != expectedKind) {
fail('${describeMethod()}: invalid in state $state');
/// Begins dumping the inference log to standard output, if dumping hasn't
/// been begun already.
/// Dumping continues for the remainder of the lifetime of `this`.
void dump() {
if (_dumping) return;
_dumping = true;
void dumpEvent(String indent, Event event) {
List<Event>? subEvents = event.subEvents;
if (subEvents != null) {
String subIndent = '$indent ';
for (Event subEvent in subEvents) {
dumpEvent(subIndent, subEvent);
dumpEvent('', _topState);
void enterAnnotation(Object node) {
pushState(new State(
kind: StateKind.annotation,
writer: this,
message: 'INFER ANNOTATION ${describe(node)}',
nodeSet: [node]));
void enterConstraintGeneration(
ConstraintGenerationSource source, Type p, Type q) {
method: 'enterConstraintGeneration',
arguments: [source, p, q],
expectedKind: StateKind.genericInference);
pushState(new State(
kind: StateKind.constraintGeneration,
writer: this,
message: 'GENERATE CONSTRAINTS FOR $source: $p <# $q',
nodeSet: state.nodeSet));
void enterElement(Object node) {
pushState(new State(
kind: StateKind.collectionElement,
writer: this,
message: 'INFER ELEMENT ${describe(node)}',
nodeSet: [node]));
void enterExpression(Object node, Type contextType) {
pushState(new ExpressionState(
writer: this,
message: 'INFER EXPRESSION ${describe(node)} IN CONTEXT $contextType',
nodeSet: [node]));
void enterExtensionOverride(Object node, Type contextType) {
pushState(new State(
kind: StateKind.extensionOverride,
writer: this,
message: 'INFER EXTENSION OVERRIDE ${describe(node)} IN CONTEXT '
nodeSet: [node]));
void enterFunctionExpressionInvocationTarget(Object node) {
pushState(new ExpressionState(
writer: this,
message: 'REINTERPRET METHOD NAME ${describe(node)} AS AN EXPRESSION',
nodeSet: [node]));
void enterGenericInference(
List<TypeParameterStructure> typeFormals, Type template) {
if (state.kind == StateKind.genericInference) {
fail('Tried to start generic inference when already in progress');
String typeFormalNames = [
for (TypeParameterStructure typeFormal in typeFormals)
].join(', ');
pushState(new GenericInferenceState(
writer: this,
message: 'FIND $typeFormalNames IN $template',
parent: state,
typeFormals: typeFormals));
void enterLValue(Object node) {
pushState(new State(
kind: StateKind.lValue,
writer: this,
message: 'INFER LVALUE ${describe(node)}',
nodeSet: [node]));
void enterPattern(Object node) {
pushState(new State(
kind: StateKind.pattern,
writer: this,
message: 'INFER PATTERN ${describe(node)}',
nodeSet: [node]));
void enterStatement(Object node) {
pushState(new State(
kind: StateKind.statement,
writer: this,
message: 'INFER STATEMENT ${describe(node)}',
nodeSet: [node]));
void exitAnnotation(Object node) {
method: 'exitAnnotation',
arguments: [node],
expectedNode: node,
expectedKind: StateKind.annotation);
void exitConstraintGeneration() {
method: 'exitConstraintGeneration',
expectedKind: StateKind.constraintGeneration);
void exitElement(Object node) {
method: 'exitElement',
arguments: [node],
expectedNode: node,
expectedKind: StateKind.collectionElement);
void exitExpression(Object node, {bool reanalyze = false}) {
method: 'exitExpression',
arguments: [node],
namedArguments: {if (reanalyze) 'reanalyze': reanalyze},
expectedNode: node,
expectedKind: StateKind.expression);
bool typeRecorded = (state as ExpressionState).typeRecorded;
if (reanalyze) {
if (typeRecorded) {
fail('Tried to reanalyze after already recording a static type');
addEvent(new Event(message: 'WILL REANALYZE AS OTHER EXPRESSION'));
} else if (!typeRecorded) {
fail('Failed to record a type for $state');
void exitExtensionOverride(Object node) {
method: 'exitExtensionOverride',
arguments: [node],
expectedNode: node,
expectedKind: StateKind.extensionOverride);
void exitGenericInference(
{bool aborted = false, bool failed = false, List<Type>? finalTypes}) {
if ((aborted ? 1 : 0) + (failed ? 1 : 0) + (finalTypes != null ? 1 : 0) !=
1) {
fail('Must specify exactly one of aborted=true, failed=true, '
method: 'exitGenericInference',
namedArguments: {
if (aborted) 'aborted': aborted,
if (failed) 'failed': failed,
if (finalTypes != null) 'finalTypes': finalTypes
expectedKind: StateKind.genericInference);
if (aborted) {
addEvent(new Event(message: 'GENERIC INFERENCE ABORTED'));
} else if (failed) {
addEvent(new Event(message: 'GENERIC INFERENCE FAILED'));
} else if (finalTypes != null) {
List<Object> typeFormals = (state as GenericInferenceState).typeFormals;
List<String> typeAssignments = [
for (int i = 0; i < finalTypes.length; i++)
addEvent(new Event(
message: 'FINAL GENERIC TYPES ${typeAssignments.join(', ')}'));
void exitLValue(Object node, {bool reanalyzeAsRValue = false}) {
method: 'exitLValue',
arguments: [node],
namedArguments: {
if (reanalyzeAsRValue) 'reanalyzeAsRValue': reanalyzeAsRValue
expectedNode: node,
expectedKind: StateKind.lValue);
if (reanalyzeAsRValue) {
addEvent(new Event(message: 'WILL REANALYZE AS RVALUE'));
void exitPattern(Object node) {
method: 'exitPattern',
arguments: [node],
expectedNode: node,
expectedKind: StateKind.pattern);
void exitStatement(Object node) {
method: 'exitStatement',
arguments: [node],
expectedNode: node,
expectedKind: StateKind.statement);
/// Called when a check performed by the inference logging mechanism fails.
/// The contents of the inference log are dumped to standard output, including
/// an event showing the failure [message], and then an exception is thrown.
Never fail(String message) {
addEvent(new Event(message: 'FAILURE: $message'));
throw new StateError(message);
/// Pops the most recently pushed [State] from [_stateStack].
void popState() {
if (_stateStack.length == 1) {
fail('Tried to pop top state');
/// Pushes [state] onto the [_stateStack].
void pushState(State state) {
if (state.kind == {
fail('Tried to push top state');
void recordExpressionRewrite(
{Object? oldExpression, required Object newExpression}) {
method: 'recordExpressionRewrite',
arguments: [oldExpression, newExpression],
expectedNode: oldExpression,
expectedKind: StateKind.expression);
addEvent(new Event(
message: 'REWRITE ${describe(oldExpression)} TO '
(state as ExpressionState).nodeSet.add(newExpression);
if (oldExpression != null) {
if (_rewrittenExpressions[oldExpression] ?? false) {
fail('Expression already rewritten: ${describe(oldExpression)}');
_rewrittenExpressions[oldExpression] = true;
void recordExpressionWithNoType(Object expression) {
method: 'recordExpressionWithNoType',
arguments: [expression],
expectedNode: expression,
expectedKind: StateKind.expression);
new Event(message: 'EXPRESSION ${describe(expression)} HAS NO TYPE'));
ExpressionState state = this.state as ExpressionState;
if (state.typeRecorded) {
fail('A type (or lack thereof) was already recorded for this expression');
state.typeRecorded = true;
void recordGeneratedConstraint(
TypeParameterStructure parameter,
MergedTypeConstraint<TypeStructure, TypeParameterStructure, Object, Type,
constraint) {
method: 'recordGeneratedConstraint',
arguments: [parameter, constraint],
expectedKind: StateKind.constraintGeneration);
String constraintText =
constraint.toString().replaceAll('<type>', parameter.toString());
addEvent(new Event(message: 'ADDED CONSTRAINT $constraintText'));
void recordLookupResult(
{required Object expression,
required Type type,
required Object? target,
required String methodName}) {
method: 'recordLookupResult',
namedArguments: {
'expression': expression,
'type': type,
'target': target,
'methodName': methodName
expectedNode: expression,
expectedKind: StateKind.expression);
String query =
target != null ? '${describe(target)}.$methodName' : methodName;
addEvent(new Event(message: 'LOOKUP $query FINDS $type'));
void recordPreliminaryTypes(List<Type> types) {
method: 'recordPreliminaryTypes',
arguments: [types],
expectedKind: StateKind.genericInference);
List<Object> typeFormals = (state as GenericInferenceState).typeFormals;
List<String> typeAssignments = [
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) '${typeFormals[i]}=${types[i]}'
addEvent(new Event(
message: 'PRELIMINARY GENERIC TYPES ${typeAssignments.join(', ')}'));
void recordStaticType(Object expression, Type type) {
method: 'recordStaticType',
arguments: [expression, type],
expectedNode: expression,
expectedKind: StateKind.expression);
new Event(message: 'STATIC TYPE OF ${describe(expression)} IS $type'));
ExpressionState state = this.state as ExpressionState;
if (state.typeRecorded) {
fail('A type (or lack thereof) was already recorded for this expression');
state.typeRecorded = true;
/// Specialization of [Event] representing an event that might be associated
/// with one or more AST nodes.
class State extends Event {
/// The kind of state object.
/// This allows [SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl.checkCall] to quickly check that
/// certain operations are only performed when expected (e.g. a type should
/// only be recorded when performing type inference on an expression).
final StateKind kind;
/// A list of all the AST nodes for which this state is valid.
/// Typically this list will have a single value (the node that was passed to
/// the corresponding `enter...` method). But if a node is rewritten,
/// additional values will be added to the list. This makes it possible for
/// `exit...` calls to verify that they match the appropriate corresponding
/// `enter...` calls, while being tolerant of rewrites.
final List<Object?> nodeSet;
/// Creates a new state object and adds it to the log via [writer].
{required this.kind,
required SharedInferenceLogWriterImpl writer,
required super.message,
required this.nodeSet})
: assert(kind != {
/// Creates a new state object representing the outermost nesting level of the
/// inference log.
: kind =,
nodeSet = [null],
super(message: 'TOP');
String toString() => '$runtimeType(${describe(nodeSet.first)})';
/// Possible values of [State.kind].
enum StateKind {