blob: acd6b89be1051c8371db24fbe4775bbbbfd067fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _fe_analyzer_shared.parser.util;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../messages/codes.dart' show noLength;
import '../scanner/scanner.dart' show Token;
import '../scanner/token.dart'
show BeginToken, SimpleToken, SyntheticToken, TokenType;
/// Returns true if [token] has the token type [value].
bool optional2(TokenType value, Token token) {
return value.index == token.typeIndex;
/// Returns true if [token] is the symbol or keyword [value].
bool optional(String value, Token token) {
return identical(value, token.stringValue);
/// Returns the token before the close brace, bracket, or parenthesis
/// associated with [left]. For '<', it may return `null`.
Token? beforeCloseBraceTokenFor(BeginToken left) {
Token? endToken = left.endToken;
if (endToken == null) {
return null;
Token token = left;
Token next =!;
while (next != endToken && next != {
token = next;
next =!;
return token;
/// Return [token] or a token before [token] which is either
/// not synthetic or synthetic with non-zero length.
Token findPreviousNonZeroLengthToken(Token token) {
while (token.isSynthetic && token.length == 0) {
Token? previous = token.beforeSynthetic;
if (previous == token) {
throw new StateError("token == token.beforeSynthetic");
if (previous == null) {
token = previous;
return token;
/// Return [token] or a token after [token] which is either
/// not synthetic or synthetic with non-zero length.
/// This may return EOF if there are no more non-synthetic tokens in the stream.
Token findNonZeroLengthToken(Token token) {
while (token.isSynthetic && token.length == 0 && !token.isEof) {
token =!;
return token;
bool isDigit(int c) => c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39;
bool isLetter(int c) => c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A || c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A;
bool isLetterOrDigit(int c) => isLetter(c) || isDigit(c);
bool isWhitespace(int c) => c == 0x20 || c == 0xA || c == 0xD || c == 0x9;
/// Return true if the given token matches one of the given values.
bool isOneOf(Token token, Iterable<String> values) {
for (String tokenValue in values) {
if (optional(tokenValue, token)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Return true if the given token matches one of the given values or is EOF.
bool isOneOfOrEof(Token token, Iterable<String> values) {
for (String tokenValue in values) {
if (optional(tokenValue, token)) {
return true;
return token.isEof;
/// A null-aware alternative to `token.length`. If [token] is `null`, returns
/// [noLength].
int lengthForToken(Token? token) {
return token == null ? noLength : token.length;
/// Returns the length of the span from [begin] to [end] (inclusive). If both
/// tokens are null, return [noLength]. If one of the tokens are null, return
/// the length of the other token.
int lengthOfSpan(Token? begin, Token? end) {
if (begin == null) return lengthForToken(end);
if (end == null) return lengthForToken(begin);
return end.offset + end.length - begin.offset;
Token skipMetadata(Token token) {
token =!;
assert(optional('@', token));
Token next =!;
// Corresponds to 'ensureIdentifier' in [parseMetadata].
if (next.isIdentifier) {
token = next;
next =!;
// Corresponds to 'parseQualifiedRestOpt' in [parseMetadata].
if (optional('.', next)) {
token = next;
next =!;
if (next.isIdentifier) {
token = next;
next =!;
// Corresponds to 'computeTypeParamOrArg' in [parseMetadata].
if (optional('<', next) && !next.endGroup!.isSynthetic) {
token = next.endGroup!;
next =!;
// The extra .identifier after arguments in [parseMetadata].
if (optional('.', next)) {
token = next;
next =!;
if (next.isIdentifier) {
token = next;
next =!;
// Corresponds to 'parseArgumentsOpt' in [parseMetadata].
if (optional('(', next) && !next.endGroup!.isSynthetic) {
token = next.endGroup!;
next =!;
return token;
/// Split `>=` into two separate tokens.
/// Call [Token.setNext] to add the token to the stream.
Token splitGtEq(Token token) {
assert(optional('>=', token));
return new SimpleToken(
TokenType.GT, token.charOffset, token.precedingComments)
..setNext(new SimpleToken(TokenType.EQ, token.charOffset + 1)
// Set next rather than calling Token.setNext
// so that the previous token is not set. =;
/// Split `>>` into two separate tokens.
/// Call [Token.setNext] to add the token to the stream.
SimpleToken splitGtGt(Token token) {
assert(optional('>>', token));
return new SimpleToken(
TokenType.GT, token.charOffset, token.precedingComments)
..setNext(new SimpleToken(TokenType.GT, token.charOffset + 1)
// Set next rather than calling Token.setNext
// so that the previous token is not set. =;
/// Split `>>=` into three separate tokens.
/// Call [Token.setNext] to add the token to the stream.
Token splitGtGtEq(Token token) {
assert(optional('>>=', token));
return new SimpleToken(
TokenType.GT, token.charOffset, token.precedingComments)
..setNext(new SimpleToken(TokenType.GT, token.charOffset + 1)
..setNext(new SimpleToken(TokenType.EQ, token.charOffset + 2)
// Set next rather than calling Token.setNext
// so that the previous token is not set. =;
/// Split `>>=` into two separate tokens... `>` followed by `>=`.
/// Call [Token.setNext] to add the token to the stream.
Token splitGtFromGtGtEq(Token token) {
assert(optional('>>=', token));
return new SimpleToken(
TokenType.GT, token.charOffset, token.precedingComments)
..setNext(new SimpleToken(TokenType.GT_EQ, token.charOffset + 1)
// Set next rather than calling Token.setNext
// so that the previous token is not set. =;
/// Split `>>>` into two separate tokens... `>` followed by `>>`.
/// Call [Token.setNext] to add the token to the stream.
Token splitGtFromGtGtGt(Token token) {
assert(optional('>>>', token));
return new SimpleToken(
TokenType.GT, token.charOffset, token.precedingComments)
..setNext(new SimpleToken(TokenType.GT_GT, token.charOffset + 1)
// Set next rather than calling Token.setNext
// so that the previous token is not set. =;
/// Split `>>>=` into two separate tokens... `>` followed by `>>=`.
/// Call [Token.setNext] to add the token to the stream.
Token splitGtFromGtGtGtEq(Token token) {
assert(optional('>>>=', token));
return new SimpleToken(
TokenType.GT, token.charOffset, token.precedingComments)
..setNext(new SimpleToken(TokenType.GT_GT_EQ, token.charOffset + 1)
// Set next rather than calling Token.setNext
// so that the previous token is not set. =;
/// Strips separator characters (underscore) from [source].
/// No validation is performed on [source]; it could be a valid int, a valid
/// double, or invalid.
String stripSeparators(String source) {
Uint8List list = _separatorStripBuffer;
if (list.length < source.length - 1) {
// Looking at a very long number. Allocate a new buffer.
// We only strip separators after finding that there is at least one
// separator, so the length can be reduced by at least one character.
list = new Uint8List(source.length - 1);
if (list.length < 128) {
// Store the new, larger list as the reusable buffer.
_separatorStripBuffer = list;
int writeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
int char = source.codeUnitAt(i);
if (char != 0x5f /* _ */) list[writeIndex++] = char;
return new String.fromCharCodes(list, 0, writeIndex);
/// A reusable buffer for stripping separators from number literals.
/// The majority of number literals fit in 24 characters. A maximal double with
/// no unnecessary leading or trailing zeros is 17 digits, one decimal point,
/// one 'e', two '-'s, and three exponent digits: 24 characters.
Uint8List _separatorStripBuffer = new Uint8List(24);
/// Return a synthetic `>` followed by [next].
/// Call [Token.setNext] to add the token to the stream.
Token syntheticGt(Token next) {
return new SyntheticToken(TokenType.GT, next.charOffset)
// Set next rather than calling Token.setNext
// so that the previous token is not set. = next;