blob: f03aa12c2073b1ea2fe710c22afeedf72e817343 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _fe_analyzer_shared.parser.type_info;
import '../scanner/token.dart' show Keyword, Token, TokenType;
import '../scanner/token_constants.dart' show IDENTIFIER_TOKEN, KEYWORD_TOKEN;
import 'identifier_context.dart';
import 'parser_impl.dart' show Parser;
import 'type_info_impl.dart';
import 'util.dart' show isOneOf, optional, optional2;
/// [TypeInfo] provides information collected by [computeType]
/// about a particular type reference.
abstract class TypeInfo {
/// Return type info representing the receiver without the trailing `?`
/// or the receiver if the receiver does not represent a nullable type.
TypeInfo get asNonNullable;
/// Return `true` if the tokens comprising the type represented by the
/// receiver could be interpreted as a valid standalone expression.
/// For example, `A` or `A.b` could be interpreted as type references
/// or expressions, while `A<T>` only looks like a type reference.
bool get couldBeExpression;
/// Return true if the receiver has a trailing `?`.
bool get isNullable;
/// Returns true if the type represents a function type, i.e. something like
/// void Function foo(int x);
bool get isFunctionType;
/// Returns true if the type has type arguments.
bool get hasTypeArguments;
bool get recovered => false;
/// Call this function when the token after [token] must be a type (not void).
/// This function will call the appropriate event methods on the [Parser]'s
/// listener to handle the type, inserting a synthetic type reference if
/// necessary. This may modify the token stream when parsing `>>` or `>>>`
/// or `>>>=` in valid code or during recovery.
Token ensureTypeNotVoid(Token token, Parser parser);
/// Call this function when the token after [token] must be a type or void.
/// This function will call the appropriate event methods on the [Parser]'s
/// listener to handle the type, inserting a synthetic type reference if
/// necessary. This may modify the token stream when parsing `>>` or `>>>`
/// or `>>>=` in valid code or during recovery.
Token ensureTypeOrVoid(Token token, Parser parser);
/// Call this function to parse an optional type (not void) after [token].
/// This function will call the appropriate event methods on the [Parser]'s
/// listener to handle the type. This may modify the token stream
/// when parsing `>>` or `>>>` or `>>>=` in valid code or during recovery.
Token parseTypeNotVoid(Token token, Parser parser);
/// Call this function to parse an optional type or void after [token].
/// This function will call the appropriate event methods on the [Parser]'s
/// listener to handle the type. This may modify the token stream
/// when parsing `>>` or `>>>` or `>>>=` in valid code or during recovery.
Token parseType(Token token, Parser parser);
/// Call this function with the [token] before the type to obtain
/// the last token in the type. If there is no type, then this method
/// will return [token]. This does not modify the token stream.
Token skipType(Token token);
/// [TypeParamOrArgInfo] provides information collected by
/// [computeTypeParamOrArg] about a particular group of type arguments
/// or type parameters.
abstract class TypeParamOrArgInfo {
const TypeParamOrArgInfo();
/// Return `true` if the receiver represents a single type argument
bool get isSimpleTypeArgument => false;
/// Return the number of type arguments
int get typeArgumentCount;
bool get recovered => false;
/// Return the simple type associated with this simple type argument
/// or throw an exception if this is not a simple type argument.
TypeInfo get typeInfo {
throw "Internal error: $runtimeType is not a SimpleTypeArgument.";
/// Call this function to parse optional type arguments after [token].
/// This function will call the appropriate event methods on the [Parser]'s
/// listener to handle the arguments. This may modify the token stream
/// when parsing `>>` or `>>>` or `>>>=` in valid code or during recovery.
Token parseArguments(Token token, Parser parser);
/// Call this function to parse optional type parameters
/// (also known as type variables) after [token].
/// This function will call the appropriate event methods on the [Parser]'s
/// listener to handle the parameters. This may modify the token stream
/// when parsing `>>` or `>>>` or `>>>=` in valid code or during recovery.
Token parseVariables(Token token, Parser parser);
/// Call this function with the [token] before the type var to obtain
/// the last token in the type var. If there is no type var, then this method
/// will return [token]. This does not modify the token stream.
Token skip(Token token);
/// [NoType] is a specialized [TypeInfo] returned by [computeType] when
/// there is no type information in the source.
const TypeInfo noType = const NoType();
/// [NoTypeParamOrArg] is a specialized [TypeParamOrArgInfo] returned by
/// [computeTypeParamOrArg] when no type parameters or arguments are found.
const TypeParamOrArgInfo noTypeParamOrArg = const NoTypeParamOrArg();
/// [VoidType] is a specialized [TypeInfo] returned by [computeType] when
/// `void` appears in the source.
const TypeInfo voidType = const VoidType();
bool isGeneralizedFunctionType(Token token) {
return optional2(Keyword.FUNCTION, token) &&
(optional2(TokenType.LT,!) ||
bool isPossibleRecordType(Token token) {
return optional2(TokenType.OPEN_PAREN, token) &&
token.endGroup != null &&
bool isValidNonRecordTypeReference(Token token) {
int kind = token.kind;
if (IDENTIFIER_TOKEN == kind) return true;
if (KEYWORD_TOKEN == kind) {
TokenType type = token.type;
String value = type.lexeme;
return type.isPseudo ||
(type.isBuiltIn && optional('.',!)) ||
(identical(value, 'dynamic')) ||
(identical(value, 'Function')) ||
(identical(value, 'void'));
return false;
/// Called by the parser to obtain information about a possible type reference
/// that follows [token]. This does not modify the token stream.
/// If [inDeclaration] is `true`, then this will more aggressively recover
/// given unbalanced `<` `>` and invalid parameters or arguments.
TypeInfo computeType(final Token token, bool required,
[bool inDeclaration = false, bool acceptKeywordForSimpleType = false]) {
Token next =!;
if (!isValidNonRecordTypeReference(next) && !isPossibleRecordType(next)) {
// As next is not a valid type reference, this is all recovery.
if (next.type.isBuiltIn) {
TypeParamOrArgInfo typeParamOrArg =
computeTypeParamOrArg(next, inDeclaration);
if (typeParamOrArg != noTypeParamOrArg) {
// Recovery: built-in `<` ... `>`
if (required || looksLikeName(typeParamOrArg.skip(next).next!)) {
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, typeParamOrArg)
..recovered = true;
} else if (required || isGeneralizedFunctionType(!)) {
String? value = next.stringValue;
if ((!identical('get', value) &&
!identical('set', value) &&
!identical('factory', value) &&
!identical('operator', value) &&
!(identical('typedef', value) &&!.isIdentifier))) {
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, typeParamOrArg)
..recovered = true;
} else if (required) {
// Recovery
if (optional('.', next)) {
// Looks like prefixed type missing the prefix
TypeInfo result = new ComplexTypeInfo(
token, computeTypeParamOrArg(next, inDeclaration))
if (result is ComplexTypeInfo) result.recovered = true;
return result;
} else if (optional('var', next) &&
isOneOf(!, const ['<', ',', '>'])) {
return new ComplexTypeInfo(
token, computeTypeParamOrArg(next, inDeclaration))
..recovered = true;
return noType;
if (optional2(Keyword.VOID, next)) {
next =!;
if (isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
// `void` `Function` ...
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, noTypeParamOrArg)
// `void`
return voidType;
if (isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
// `Function` ...
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, noTypeParamOrArg)
.computeNoTypeGFT(token, required);
if (isPossibleRecordType(next)) {
// ([...])
Token after = next.endGroup!.next!;
if (isGeneralizedFunctionType(after)) {
// ([...]) `Function`
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, noTypeParamOrArg)
if (optional('?', after) && isGeneralizedFunctionType(!)) {
// ([...]) `?` `Function`
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, noTypeParamOrArg)
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, noTypeParamOrArg)
// We've seen an identifier.
TypeParamOrArgInfo typeParamOrArg =
computeTypeParamOrArg(next, inDeclaration);
if (typeParamOrArg != noTypeParamOrArg) {
if (typeParamOrArg.isSimpleTypeArgument) {
// We've seen identifier `<` identifier `>`
next = typeParamOrArg.skip(next).next!;
if (optional2(TokenType.QUESTION, next)) {
next =!;
if (!isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
if ((required || looksLikeName(next)) &&
typeParamOrArg == simpleTypeArgument1) {
// identifier `<` identifier `>` `?` identifier
return simpleNullableTypeWith1Argument;
// identifier `<` identifier `>` `?` non-identifier
return noType;
} else if (!isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
if (required || looksLikeName(next)) {
// identifier `<` identifier `>` identifier
return typeParamOrArg.typeInfo;
// identifier `<` identifier `>` non-identifier
return noType;
// TODO(danrubel): Consider adding a const for
// identifier `<` identifier `,` identifier `>`
// if that proves to be a common case.
// identifier `<` ... `>`
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, typeParamOrArg)
assert(typeParamOrArg == noTypeParamOrArg);
next =!;
if (optional2(TokenType.PERIOD, next)) {
next =!;
if (isValidNonRecordTypeReference(next)) {
// We've seen identifier `.` identifier
typeParamOrArg = computeTypeParamOrArg(next, inDeclaration);
next =!;
if (typeParamOrArg == noTypeParamOrArg) {
if (optional2(TokenType.QUESTION, next)) {
next =!;
if (!isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
if (required || looksLikeName(next)) {
// identifier `.` identifier `?` identifier
// TODO(danrubel): consider adding PrefixedNullableType
// Fall through to build complex type
} else {
// identifier `.` identifier `?` non-identifier
return noType;
} else {
if (!isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
if (required || looksLikeName(next)) {
// identifier `.` identifier identifier
return prefixedType;
} else {
// identifier `.` identifier non-identifier
return noType;
// identifier `.` identifier
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, typeParamOrArg)
// identifier `.` non-identifier
if (required) {
typeParamOrArg = computeTypeParamOrArg(!.next!, inDeclaration);
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, typeParamOrArg)
return noType;
assert(typeParamOrArg == noTypeParamOrArg);
if (isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
// identifier `Function`
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, noTypeParamOrArg)
if (optional2(TokenType.QUESTION, next)) {
next =!;
if (isGeneralizedFunctionType(next)) {
// identifier `?` Function `(`
return new ComplexTypeInfo(token, noTypeParamOrArg)
} else if (required || looksLikeName(next)) {
// identifier `?`
return simpleNullableType;
} else if (required ||
looksLikeName(next) ||
(acceptKeywordForSimpleType &&
next.isKeywordOrIdentifier &&
isOneOf(!, okNextValueInFormalParameter))) {
// identifier identifier
return simpleType;
return noType;
/// Computes the [TypeInfo] for a variable pattern.
/// This is similar to [computeType], but has special logic to account for an
/// ambiguity that arises in patterns due to the fact that `as` can either be
/// an identifier or the operator in a castPattern.
TypeInfo computeVariablePatternType(Token token, [bool required = false]) {
TypeInfo typeInfo = computeType(token, required);
Token afterType = typeInfo.skipType(token);
if (!identical(afterType, token)) {
Token next =!;
if (next.isIdentifier) {
if (optional('as', next) || optional('when', next)) {
// We've seen `TYPE as` or `TYPE when`. `as` is a built-in identifier
// and `when` is a pseudo-keyword, so this *could* be a variable
// pattern. Or it could be that TYPE should have been parsed as a
// pattern. We've decided to resolve the ambiguity by assuming that
// TYPE was the pattern, and interpret the `when` or `as` as introducing
// a guard or a cast pattern, respectively (see discussion at
return noType;
return typeInfo;
/// Called by the parser to obtain information about a possible group of type
/// parameters or type arguments that follow [token].
/// This does not modify the token stream.
/// If [inDeclaration] is `true`, then this will more aggressively recover
/// given unbalanced `<` `>` and invalid parameters or arguments.
TypeParamOrArgInfo computeTypeParamOrArg(Token token,
[bool inDeclaration = false, bool allowsVariance = false]) {
Token beginGroup =!;
if (!optional2(TokenType.LT, beginGroup)) {
return noTypeParamOrArg;
// identifier `<` `void` `>` and `<` `dynamic` `>`
// are handled by ComplexTypeInfo.
Token next =!;
if ((next.kind == IDENTIFIER_TOKEN || next.type.isPseudo)) {
if (optional2(TokenType.GT,!)) {
return simpleTypeArgument1;
} else if (optional2(TokenType.GT_GT,!)) {
return simpleTypeArgument1GtGt;
} else if (optional2(TokenType.GT_EQ,!)) {
return simpleTypeArgument1GtEq;
} else if (optional('(', next)) {
bool recordType = false;
if (isPossibleRecordType(next)) {
TypeInfo type = computeType(beginGroup, /* required = */ false);
if (type is ComplexTypeInfo &&
(type.isRecordType || type.gftReturnTypeHasRecordType) &&
!type.recovered) {
// Looks like a record type.
recordType = true;
if (!recordType) {
return noTypeParamOrArg;
// TODO(danrubel): Consider adding additional const for common situations.
return new ComplexTypeParamOrArgInfo(token, inDeclaration, allowsVariance)
/// Called by the parser to obtain information about a possible group of type
/// type arguments that follow [token] and that are followed by '('.
/// Returns the type arguments if [token] matches '<' type (',' type)* '>' '(',
/// and otherwise returns [noTypeParamOrArg]. The final '(' is not part of the
/// grammar construct `typeArguments`, but it is required here such that type
/// arguments in generic method invocations can be recognized, and as few as
/// possible other constructs will pass (e.g., 'a < C, D > 3').
TypeParamOrArgInfo computeMethodTypeArguments(Token token) {
TypeParamOrArgInfo typeArg = computeTypeParamOrArg(token);
return mayFollowTypeArgs(typeArg.skip(token).next!) && !typeArg.recovered
? typeArg
: noTypeParamOrArg;
/// The set of identifiers that are illegal to use as the name of a variable in
/// a variable pattern, or as the name of an identifier in an identifier
/// pattern.
const Set<String> illegalPatternIdentifiers = {'when', 'as'};
/// Indicates whether the given [token] is allowed to follow a list of type
/// arguments used as a selector after an expression.
/// This is used for disambiguating constructs like `f(a<b,c>(d))` and
/// `f(a<b,c>-d)`. In the case of `f(a<b,c>(d))`, `true` will be returned,
/// indicating that the `<` and `>` should be interpreted as delimiting type
/// arguments (so one argument is being passed to `f` -- a call to the generic
/// function `a`). In the case of `f(a<b,c>-d)`, `false` will be returned,
/// indicating that the `<` and `>` should be interpreted as operators (so two
/// arguments are being passed to `f`: `a < b` and `c > -d`).
bool mayFollowTypeArgs(Token token) {
const Set<String> continuationTokens = {'(', '.', '==', '!='};
const Set<String> stopTokens = {')', ']', '}', ';', ':', ','};
const Set<String> tokensThatMayFollowTypeArg = {
if (token.type == TokenType.EOF) {
// The spec doesn't have anything to say about this case, since an
// expression can't occur at the end of a file, but for testing it's to our
// advantage to allow EOF after type arguments, so that an isolated `f<x>`
// can be parsed as an expression.
return true;
return tokensThatMayFollowTypeArg.contains(token.lexeme);