blob: ce630b1cd9b0be278ea8ddb5b95a5fefeb5a174e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.test.generated.engine_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/embedder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/string_source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/model.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart' show Document;
import 'package:typed_mock/typed_mock.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../reflective_tests.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
main() {
* A listener used to gather the [ImplicitAnalysisEvent]s that are produced
* during analysis.
class AnalyzedSourcesListener {
* The events that have been gathered.
List<ImplicitAnalysisEvent> actualEvents = <ImplicitAnalysisEvent>[];
* The sources that are being implicitly analyzed.
List<Source> analyzedSources = <Source>[];
* Assert that the given source is currently being implicitly analyzed.
void expectAnalyzed(Source source) {
expect(analyzedSources, contains(source));
* Assert that the given source is not currently being implicitly analyzed.
void expectNotAnalyzed(Source source) {
expect(analyzedSources, isNot(contains(source)));
* Record that the given event was produced.
void onData(ImplicitAnalysisEvent event) {
if (event.isAnalyzed) {
} else {
class CompilationUnitMock extends TypedMock implements CompilationUnit {}
class MockSourceFactory extends SourceFactory {
MockSourceFactory() : super([]);
Source resolveUri(Source containingSource, String containedUri) {
throw new JavaIOException();
class SourcesChangedEventTest {
void test_added() {
var source = new StringSource('', '/test.dart');
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
var event = new SourcesChangedEvent(changeSet);
assertEvent(event, wereSourcesAdded: true);
void test_changedContent() {
var source = new StringSource('', '/test.dart');
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
changeSet.changedContent(source, 'library A;');
var event = new SourcesChangedEvent(changeSet);
assertEvent(event, changedSources: [source]);
void test_changedContent2() {
var source = new StringSource('', '/test.dart');
var event = new SourcesChangedEvent.changedContent(source, 'library A;');
assertEvent(event, changedSources: [source]);
void test_changedRange() {
var source = new StringSource('', '/test.dart');
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
changeSet.changedRange(source, 'library A;', 0, 0, 13);
var event = new SourcesChangedEvent(changeSet);
assertEvent(event, changedSources: [source]);
void test_changedRange2() {
var source = new StringSource('', '/test.dart');
var event =
new SourcesChangedEvent.changedRange(source, 'library A;', 0, 0, 13);
assertEvent(event, changedSources: [source]);
void test_changedSources() {
var source = new StringSource('', '/test.dart');
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
var event = new SourcesChangedEvent(changeSet);
assertEvent(event, changedSources: [source]);
void test_deleted() {
var source = new StringSource('', '/test.dart');
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
var event = new SourcesChangedEvent(changeSet);
assertEvent(event, wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted: true);
void test_empty() {
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
var event = new SourcesChangedEvent(changeSet);
void test_removed() {
var source = new StringSource('', '/test.dart');
var changeSet = new ChangeSet();
var event = new SourcesChangedEvent(changeSet);
assertEvent(event, wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted: true);
static void assertEvent(SourcesChangedEvent event,
{bool wereSourcesAdded: false,
List<Source> changedSources: Source.EMPTY_LIST,
bool wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted: false}) {
expect(event.wereSourcesAdded, wereSourcesAdded);
expect(event.changedSources, changedSources);
expect(event.wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted, wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted);
class SourcesChangedListener {
List<SourcesChangedEvent> actualEvents = [];
void assertEvent(
{bool wereSourcesAdded: false,
List<Source> changedSources: Source.EMPTY_LIST,
bool wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted: false}) {
if (actualEvents.isEmpty) {
fail('Expected event but found none');
SourcesChangedEvent actual = actualEvents.removeAt(0);
wereSourcesAdded: wereSourcesAdded,
changedSources: changedSources,
wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted: wereSourcesRemovedOrDeleted);
void assertNoMoreEvents() {
expect(actualEvents, []);
void onData(SourcesChangedEvent event) {
* Instances of the class `TestAnalysisContext` implement an analysis context in which every
* method will cause a test to fail when invoked.
class TestAnalysisContext implements InternalAnalysisContext {
ResultProvider resultProvider;
AnalysisCache get analysisCache {
fail("Unexpected invocation of analysisCache");
return null;
AnalysisOptions get analysisOptions {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getAnalysisOptions");
return null;
void set analysisOptions(AnalysisOptions options) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of setAnalysisOptions");
void set analysisPriorityOrder(List<Source> sources) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of setAnalysisPriorityOrder");
set contentCache(ContentCache value) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of setContentCache");
DeclaredVariables get declaredVariables {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getDeclaredVariables");
return null;
EmbedderYamlLocator get embedderYamlLocator {
fail("Unexpected invocation of get embedderYamlLocator");
return null;
List<AnalysisTarget> get explicitTargets {
fail("Unexpected invocation of visitCacheItems");
return null;
List<Source> get htmlSources {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getHtmlSources");
return null;
Stream<ImplicitAnalysisEvent> get implicitAnalysisEvents {
fail("Unexpected invocation of analyzedSources");
return null;
bool get isDisposed {
fail("Unexpected invocation of isDisposed");
return false;
List<Source> get launchableClientLibrarySources {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getLaunchableClientLibrarySources");
return null;
List<Source> get launchableServerLibrarySources {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getLaunchableServerLibrarySources");
return null;
List<Source> get librarySources {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getLibrarySources");
return null;
String get name {
fail("Unexpected invocation of name");
return null;
set name(String value) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of name");
Stream<SourcesChangedEvent> get onSourcesChanged {
fail("Unexpected invocation of onSourcesChanged");
return null;
List<Source> get prioritySources {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getPrioritySources");
return null;
List<AnalysisTarget> get priorityTargets {
fail("Unexpected invocation of visitCacheItems");
return null;
CachePartition get privateAnalysisCachePartition {
fail("Unexpected invocation of privateAnalysisCachePartition");
return null;
SourceFactory get sourceFactory {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getSourceFactory");
return null;
void set sourceFactory(SourceFactory factory) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of setSourceFactory");
List<Source> get sources {
fail("Unexpected invocation of sources");
return null;
TypeProvider get typeProvider {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getTypeProvider");
return null;
void set typeProvider(TypeProvider typeProvider) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of set typeProvider");
TypeSystem get typeSystem {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getTypeSystem");
return null;
List<WorkManager> get workManagers {
fail("Unexpected invocation of workManagers");
return null;
bool aboutToComputeResult(CacheEntry entry, ResultDescriptor result) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of aboutToComputeResult");
return false;
void addListener(AnalysisListener listener) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of addListener");
void applyAnalysisDelta(AnalysisDelta delta) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of applyAnalysisDelta");
ApplyChangesStatus applyChanges(ChangeSet changeSet) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of applyChanges");
return null;
String computeDocumentationComment(Element element) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of computeDocumentationComment");
return null;
List<AnalysisError> computeErrors(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of computeErrors");
return null;
List<Source> computeExportedLibraries(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of computeExportedLibraries");
return null;
List<Source> computeImportedLibraries(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of computeImportedLibraries");
return null;
SourceKind computeKindOf(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of computeKindOf");
return null;
LibraryElement computeLibraryElement(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of computeLibraryElement");
return null;
LineInfo computeLineInfo(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of computeLineInfo");
return null;
Future<CompilationUnit> computeResolvedCompilationUnitAsync(
Source source, Source librarySource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getResolvedCompilationUnitFuture");
return null;
Object computeResult(AnalysisTarget target, ResultDescriptor result) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of computeResult");
return null;
void dispose() {
fail("Unexpected invocation of dispose");
List<CompilationUnit> ensureResolvedDartUnits(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of ensureResolvedDartUnits");
return null;
bool exists(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of exists");
return false;
CacheEntry getCacheEntry(AnalysisTarget target) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of visitCacheItems");
return null;
CompilationUnitElement getCompilationUnitElement(
Source unitSource, Source librarySource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getCompilationUnitElement");
return null;
Object getConfigurationData(ResultDescriptor key) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getConfigurationData");
return null;
TimestampedData<String> getContents(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getContents");
return null;
InternalAnalysisContext getContextFor(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getContextFor");
return null;
Element getElement(ElementLocation location) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getElement");
return null;
AnalysisErrorInfo getErrors(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getErrors");
return null;
List<Source> getHtmlFilesReferencing(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getHtmlFilesReferencing");
return null;
SourceKind getKindOf(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getKindOf");
return null;
List<Source> getLibrariesContaining(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getLibrariesContaining");
return null;
List<Source> getLibrariesDependingOn(Source librarySource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getLibrariesDependingOn");
return null;
List<Source> getLibrariesReferencedFromHtml(Source htmlSource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getLibrariesReferencedFromHtml");
return null;
LibraryElement getLibraryElement(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getLibraryElement");
return null;
LineInfo getLineInfo(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getLineInfo");
return null;
int getModificationStamp(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getModificationStamp");
return 0;
ChangeNoticeImpl getNotice(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getNotice");
return null;
Namespace getPublicNamespace(LibraryElement library) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getPublicNamespace");
return null;
CompilationUnit getResolvedCompilationUnit(
Source unitSource, LibraryElement library) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getResolvedCompilationUnit");
return null;
CompilationUnit getResolvedCompilationUnit2(
Source unitSource, Source librarySource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getResolvedCompilationUnit");
return null;
Object getResult(AnalysisTarget target, ResultDescriptor result) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getResult");
return null;
List<Source> getSourcesWithFullName(String path) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of getSourcesWithFullName");
return null;
bool handleContentsChanged(
Source source, String originalContents, String newContents, bool notify) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of handleContentsChanged");
return false;
void invalidateLibraryHints(Source librarySource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of invalidateLibraryHints");
bool isClientLibrary(Source librarySource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of isClientLibrary");
return false;
bool isServerLibrary(Source librarySource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of isServerLibrary");
return false;
Stream<ComputedResult> onResultComputed(ResultDescriptor descriptor) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of onResultComputed");
return null;
CompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of parseCompilationUnit");
return null;
Document parseHtmlDocument(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of parseHtmlDocument");
return null;
AnalysisResult performAnalysisTask() {
fail("Unexpected invocation of performAnalysisTask");
return null;
void recordLibraryElements(Map<Source, LibraryElement> elementMap) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of recordLibraryElements");
void removeListener(AnalysisListener listener) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of removeListener");
CompilationUnit resolveCompilationUnit(
Source unitSource, LibraryElement library) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of resolveCompilationUnit");
return null;
CompilationUnit resolveCompilationUnit2(
Source unitSource, Source librarySource) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of resolveCompilationUnit");
return null;
void setChangedContents(Source source, String contents, int offset,
int oldLength, int newLength) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of setChangedContents");
void setConfigurationData(ResultDescriptor key, Object data) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of setConfigurationData");
void setContents(Source source, String contents) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of setContents");
bool shouldErrorsBeAnalyzed(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of shouldErrorsBeAnalyzed");
return false;
void test_flushAstStructures(Source source) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of test_flushAstStructures");
bool validateCacheConsistency() {
fail("Unexpected invocation of validateCacheConsistency");
return false;
void visitContentCache(ContentCacheVisitor visitor) {
fail("Unexpected invocation of visitContentCache");