blob: 4a0424b95421c18b30288ea1013ac5f483eb4f5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
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library analyzer.src.summary.format;
import 'base.dart' as base;
import 'flat_buffers.dart' as fb;
* Enum used to indicate the kind of entity referred to by a
* [LinkedReference].
enum ReferenceKind {
* The entity is a class or enum.
* The entity is a constructor.
* The entity is a static const field.
* The entity is a static method.
* The `length` property access.
* The entity is a typedef.
* The entity is a top level function.
* The entity is a top level getter or setter.
* The entity is a prefix.
* The entity being referred to does not exist.
class _ReferenceKindReader extends fb.Reader<ReferenceKind> {
const _ReferenceKindReader() : super();
int get size => 4;
ReferenceKind read(fb.BufferPointer bp) {
int index = const fb.Uint32Reader().read(bp);
return ReferenceKind.values[index];
* Enum representing the various kinds of operations which may be performed to
* produce a constant value. These options are assumed to execute in the
* context of a stack which is initially empty.
enum UnlinkedConstOperation {
* Push the value of the n-th constructor argument (where n is obtained from
* [UnlinkedConst.ints]) onto the stack.
* Push the next value from [UnlinkedConst.ints] (a 32-bit unsigned integer)
* onto the stack.
* Note that Dart supports integers larger than 32 bits; these are
* represented by composing 32 bit values using the [shiftOr] operation.
* Pop the top value off the stack, which should be an integer. Multiply it
* by 2^32, "or" in the next value from [UnlinkedConst.ints] (which is
* interpreted as a 32-bit unsigned integer), and push the result back onto
* the stack.
* Push the next value from [UnlinkedConst.doubles] (a double precision
* floating point value) onto the stack.
* Push the constant `true` onto the stack.
* Push the constant `false` onto the stack.
* Push the next value from [UnlinkedConst.strings] onto the stack.
* Pop the top n values from the stack (where n is obtained from
* [UnlinkedConst.ints]), convert them to strings (if they aren't already),
* concatenate them into a single string, and push it back onto the stack.
* This operation is used to represent constants whose value is a literal
* string containing string interpolations.
* Pop the top value from the stack which should be string, convert it to
* a symbol, and push it back onto the stack.
* Push the constant `null` onto the stack.
* Evaluate a (potentially qualified) identifier expression and push the
* resulting value onto the stack. The identifier to be evaluated is
* obtained from [UnlinkedConst.references].
* This operation is used to represent the following kinds of constants
* (which are indistinguishable from an unresolved AST alone):
* - A qualified reference to a static constant variable (e.g. `C.v`, where
* C is a class and `v` is a constant static variable in `C`).
* - An identifier expression referring to a constant variable.
* - A simple or qualified identifier denoting a class or type alias.
* - A simple or qualified identifier denoting a top-level function or a
* static method.
* Pop the top `n` values from the stack (where `n` is obtained from
* [UnlinkedConst.ints]) into a list (filled from the end) and take the next
* `n` values from [UnlinkedConst.strings] and use the lists of names and
* values to create named arguments. Then pop the top `m` values from the
* stack (where `m` is obtained from [UnlinkedConst.ints]) into a list (filled
* from the end) and use them as positional arguments. Use the lists of
* positional and names arguments to invoke a constant constructor obtained
* from [UnlinkedConst.references], and push the resulting value back onto the
* stack.
* Note that for an invocation of the form `const a.b(...)` (where no type
* arguments are specified), it is impossible to tell from the unresolved AST
* alone whether `a` is a class name and `b` is a constructor name, or `a` is
* a prefix name and `b` is a class name. For consistency between AST based
* and elements based summaries, references to default constructors are always
* recorded as references to corresponding classes.
* Pop the top n values from the stack (where n is obtained from
* [UnlinkedConst.ints]), place them in a [List], and push the result back
* onto the stack. The type parameter for the [List] is implicitly `dynamic`.
* Pop the top 2*n values from the stack (where n is obtained from
* [UnlinkedConst.ints]), interpret them as key/value pairs, place them in a
* [Map], and push the result back onto the stack. The two type parameters
* for the [Map] are implicitly `dynamic`.
* Pop the top n values from the stack (where n is obtained from
* [UnlinkedConst.ints]), place them in a [List], and push the result back
* onto the stack. The type parameter for the [List] is obtained from
* [UnlinkedConst.references].
* Pop the top 2*n values from the stack (where n is obtained from
* [UnlinkedConst.ints]), interpret them as key/value pairs, place them in a
* [Map], and push the result back onto the stack. The two type parameters for
* the [Map] are obtained from [UnlinkedConst.references].
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, pass them to the predefined Dart
* function `identical`, and push the result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, evaluate `v1 == v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* This is also used to represent `v1 != v2`, by composition with [not].
* Pop the top value from the stack, compute its boolean negation, and push
* the result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 && v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 || v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top value from the stack, compute its integer complement, and push
* the result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 ^ v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 & v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 | v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 >> v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 << v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 + v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top value from the stack, compute its integer negation, and push
* the result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 - v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 * v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 / v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 ~/ v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 > v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 < v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 >= v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 <= v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 2 values from the stack, compute `v1 % v2`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top 3 values from the stack, compute `v1 ? v2 : v3`, and push the
* result back onto the stack.
* Pop the top value from the stack, evaluate `v.length`, and push the result
* back onto the stack.
class _UnlinkedConstOperationReader extends fb.Reader<UnlinkedConstOperation> {
const _UnlinkedConstOperationReader() : super();
int get size => 4;
UnlinkedConstOperation read(fb.BufferPointer bp) {
int index = const fb.Uint32Reader().read(bp);
return UnlinkedConstOperation.values[index];
* Enum used to indicate the kind of an executable.
enum UnlinkedExecutableKind {
* Executable is a function or method.
* Executable is a getter.
* Executable is a setter.
* Executable is a constructor.
class _UnlinkedExecutableKindReader extends fb.Reader<UnlinkedExecutableKind> {
const _UnlinkedExecutableKindReader() : super();
int get size => 4;
UnlinkedExecutableKind read(fb.BufferPointer bp) {
int index = const fb.Uint32Reader().read(bp);
return UnlinkedExecutableKind.values[index];
* Enum used to indicate the kind of a parameter.
enum UnlinkedParamKind {
* Parameter is required.
* Parameter is positional optional (enclosed in `[]`)
* Parameter is named optional (enclosed in `{}`)
class _UnlinkedParamKindReader extends fb.Reader<UnlinkedParamKind> {
const _UnlinkedParamKindReader() : super();
int get size => 4;
UnlinkedParamKind read(fb.BufferPointer bp) {
int index = const fb.Uint32Reader().read(bp);
return UnlinkedParamKind.values[index];
class EntityRefBuilder extends Object with _EntityRefMixin implements EntityRef {
bool _finished = false;
int _slot;
int _reference;
int _paramReference;
List<EntityRefBuilder> _typeArguments;
int get slot => _slot ??= 0;
* If this [EntityRef] is contained within [LinkedUnit.types], slot id (which
* is unique within the compilation unit) identifying the target of type
* propagation or type inference with which this [EntityRef] is associated.
* Otherwise zero.
void set slot(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_slot = _value;
int get reference => _reference ??= 0;
* Index into [UnlinkedUnit.references] for the entity being referred to, or
* zero if this is a reference to a type parameter.
void set reference(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_reference = _value;
int get paramReference => _paramReference ??= 0;
* If this is a reference to a type parameter, one-based index into the list
* of [UnlinkedTypeParam]s currently in effect. Indexing is done using De
* Bruijn index conventions; that is, innermost parameters come first, and
* if a class or method has multiple parameters, they are indexed from right
* to left. So for instance, if the enclosing declaration is
* class C<T,U> {
* m<V,W> {
* ...
* }
* }
* Then [paramReference] values of 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent W, V, U, and T,
* respectively.
* If the type being referred to is not a type parameter, [paramReference] is
* zero.
void set paramReference(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_paramReference = _value;
List<EntityRefBuilder> get typeArguments => _typeArguments ??= <EntityRefBuilder>[];
* If this is an instantiation of a generic type or generic executable, the
* type arguments used to instantiate it. Trailing type arguments of type
* `dynamic` are omitted.
void set typeArguments(List<EntityRefBuilder> _value) {
_typeArguments = _value;
EntityRefBuilder({int slot, int reference, int paramReference, List<EntityRefBuilder> typeArguments})
: _slot = slot,
_reference = reference,
_paramReference = paramReference,
_typeArguments = typeArguments;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_typeArguments;
if (!(_typeArguments == null || _typeArguments.isEmpty)) {
offset_typeArguments = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (_slot != null && _slot != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(0, _slot);
if (_reference != null && _reference != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _reference);
if (_paramReference != null && _paramReference != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(2, _paramReference);
if (offset_typeArguments != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_typeArguments);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Summary information about a reference to a an entity such as a type, top
* level executable, or executable within a class.
abstract class EntityRef extends base.SummaryClass {
* If this [EntityRef] is contained within [LinkedUnit.types], slot id (which
* is unique within the compilation unit) identifying the target of type
* propagation or type inference with which this [EntityRef] is associated.
* Otherwise zero.
int get slot;
* Index into [UnlinkedUnit.references] for the entity being referred to, or
* zero if this is a reference to a type parameter.
int get reference;
* If this is a reference to a type parameter, one-based index into the list
* of [UnlinkedTypeParam]s currently in effect. Indexing is done using De
* Bruijn index conventions; that is, innermost parameters come first, and
* if a class or method has multiple parameters, they are indexed from right
* to left. So for instance, if the enclosing declaration is
* class C<T,U> {
* m<V,W> {
* ...
* }
* }
* Then [paramReference] values of 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent W, V, U, and T,
* respectively.
* If the type being referred to is not a type parameter, [paramReference] is
* zero.
int get paramReference;
* If this is an instantiation of a generic type or generic executable, the
* type arguments used to instantiate it. Trailing type arguments of type
* `dynamic` are omitted.
List<EntityRef> get typeArguments;
class _EntityRefReader extends fb.TableReader<_EntityRefImpl> {
const _EntityRefReader();
_EntityRefImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _EntityRefImpl(bp);
class _EntityRefImpl extends Object with _EntityRefMixin implements EntityRef {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
int _slot;
int _reference;
int _paramReference;
List<EntityRef> _typeArguments;
int get slot {
_slot ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, 0);
return _slot;
int get reference {
_reference ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _reference;
int get paramReference {
_paramReference ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, 0);
return _paramReference;
List<EntityRef> get typeArguments {
_typeArguments ??= const fb.ListReader<EntityRef>(const _EntityRefReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <EntityRef>[]);
return _typeArguments;
abstract class _EntityRefMixin implements EntityRef {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"slot": slot,
"reference": reference,
"paramReference": paramReference,
"typeArguments": typeArguments,
class LinkedDependencyBuilder extends Object with _LinkedDependencyMixin implements LinkedDependency {
bool _finished = false;
String _uri;
List<String> _parts;
String get uri => _uri ??= '';
* The relative URI of the dependent library. This URI is relative to the
* importing library, even if there are intervening `export` declarations.
* So, for example, if `a.dart` imports `b/c.dart` and `b/c.dart` exports
* `d/e.dart`, the URI listed for `a.dart`'s dependency on `e.dart` will be
* `b/d/e.dart`.
void set uri(String _value) {
_uri = _value;
List<String> get parts => _parts ??= <String>[];
* URI for the compilation units listed in the library's `part` declarations.
* These URIs are relative to the importing library.
void set parts(List<String> _value) {
_parts = _value;
LinkedDependencyBuilder({String uri, List<String> parts})
: _uri = uri,
_parts = parts;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_uri;
fb.Offset offset_parts;
if (_uri != null) {
offset_uri = fbBuilder.writeString(_uri);
if (!(_parts == null || _parts.isEmpty)) {
offset_parts = fbBuilder.writeList( => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList());
if (offset_uri != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_uri);
if (offset_parts != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, offset_parts);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Information about a dependency that exists between one library and another
* due to an "import" declaration.
abstract class LinkedDependency extends base.SummaryClass {
* The relative URI of the dependent library. This URI is relative to the
* importing library, even if there are intervening `export` declarations.
* So, for example, if `a.dart` imports `b/c.dart` and `b/c.dart` exports
* `d/e.dart`, the URI listed for `a.dart`'s dependency on `e.dart` will be
* `b/d/e.dart`.
String get uri;
* URI for the compilation units listed in the library's `part` declarations.
* These URIs are relative to the importing library.
List<String> get parts;
class _LinkedDependencyReader extends fb.TableReader<_LinkedDependencyImpl> {
const _LinkedDependencyReader();
_LinkedDependencyImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _LinkedDependencyImpl(bp);
class _LinkedDependencyImpl extends Object with _LinkedDependencyMixin implements LinkedDependency {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _uri;
List<String> _parts;
String get uri {
_uri ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _uri;
List<String> get parts {
_parts ??= const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 1, const <String>[]);
return _parts;
abstract class _LinkedDependencyMixin implements LinkedDependency {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"uri": uri,
"parts": parts,
class LinkedExportNameBuilder extends Object with _LinkedExportNameMixin implements LinkedExportName {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _dependency;
int _unit;
ReferenceKind _kind;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the exported entity. TODO(paulberry): do we include the trailing
* '=' for a setter?
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get dependency => _dependency ??= 0;
* Index into [LinkedLibrary.dependencies] for the library in which the
* entity is defined.
void set dependency(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_dependency = _value;
int get unit => _unit ??= 0;
* Integer index indicating which unit in the exported library contains the
* definition of the entity. As with indices into [LinkedLibrary.units],
* zero represents the defining compilation unit, and nonzero values
* represent parts in the order of the corresponding `part` declarations.
void set unit(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_unit = _value;
ReferenceKind get kind => _kind ??= ReferenceKind.classOrEnum;
* The kind of the entity being referred to.
void set kind(ReferenceKind _value) {
_kind = _value;
LinkedExportNameBuilder({String name, int dependency, int unit, ReferenceKind kind})
: _name = name,
_dependency = dependency,
_unit = unit,
_kind = kind;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_dependency != null && _dependency != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _dependency);
if (_unit != null && _unit != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(2, _unit);
if (_kind != null && _kind != ReferenceKind.classOrEnum) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(3, _kind.index);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Information about a single name in the export namespace of the library that
* is not in the public namespace.
abstract class LinkedExportName extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the exported entity. TODO(paulberry): do we include the trailing
* '=' for a setter?
String get name;
* Index into [LinkedLibrary.dependencies] for the library in which the
* entity is defined.
int get dependency;
* Integer index indicating which unit in the exported library contains the
* definition of the entity. As with indices into [LinkedLibrary.units],
* zero represents the defining compilation unit, and nonzero values
* represent parts in the order of the corresponding `part` declarations.
int get unit;
* The kind of the entity being referred to.
ReferenceKind get kind;
class _LinkedExportNameReader extends fb.TableReader<_LinkedExportNameImpl> {
const _LinkedExportNameReader();
_LinkedExportNameImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _LinkedExportNameImpl(bp);
class _LinkedExportNameImpl extends Object with _LinkedExportNameMixin implements LinkedExportName {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _dependency;
int _unit;
ReferenceKind _kind;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get dependency {
_dependency ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _dependency;
int get unit {
_unit ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, 0);
return _unit;
ReferenceKind get kind {
_kind ??= const _ReferenceKindReader().vTableGet(_bp, 3, ReferenceKind.classOrEnum);
return _kind;
abstract class _LinkedExportNameMixin implements LinkedExportName {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"dependency": dependency,
"unit": unit,
"kind": kind,
class LinkedLibraryBuilder extends Object with _LinkedLibraryMixin implements LinkedLibrary {
bool _finished = false;
List<LinkedUnitBuilder> _units;
List<LinkedDependencyBuilder> _dependencies;
List<int> _importDependencies;
List<LinkedExportNameBuilder> _exportNames;
int _numPrelinkedDependencies;
List<LinkedUnitBuilder> get units => _units ??= <LinkedUnitBuilder>[];
* The linked summary of all the compilation units constituting the
* library. The summary of the defining compilation unit is listed first,
* followed by the summary of each part, in the order of the `part`
* declarations in the defining compilation unit.
void set units(List<LinkedUnitBuilder> _value) {
_units = _value;
List<LinkedDependencyBuilder> get dependencies => _dependencies ??= <LinkedDependencyBuilder>[];
* The libraries that this library depends on (either via an explicit import
* statement or via the implicit dependencies on `dart:core` and
* `dart:async`). The first element of this array is a pseudo-dependency
* representing the library itself (it is also used for `dynamic` and
* `void`). This is followed by elements representing "prelinked"
* dependencies (direct imports and the transitive closure of exports).
* After the prelinked dependencies are elements representing "linked"
* dependencies.
* A library is only included as a "linked" dependency if it is a true
* dependency (e.g. a propagated or inferred type or constant value
* implicitly refers to an element declared in the library) or
* anti-dependency (e.g. the result of type propagation or type inference
* depends on the lack of a certain declaration in the library).
void set dependencies(List<LinkedDependencyBuilder> _value) {
_dependencies = _value;
List<int> get importDependencies => _importDependencies ??= <int>[];
* For each import in [UnlinkedUnit.imports], an index into [dependencies]
* of the library being imported.
void set importDependencies(List<int> _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value.every((e) => e >= 0));
_importDependencies = _value;
List<LinkedExportNameBuilder> get exportNames => _exportNames ??= <LinkedExportNameBuilder>[];
* Information about entities in the export namespace of the library that are
* not in the public namespace of the library (that is, entities that are
* brought into the namespace via `export` directives).
* Sorted by name.
void set exportNames(List<LinkedExportNameBuilder> _value) {
_exportNames = _value;
int get numPrelinkedDependencies => _numPrelinkedDependencies ??= 0;
* The number of elements in [dependencies] which are not "linked"
* dependencies (that is, the number of libraries in the direct imports plus
* the transitive closure of exports, plus the library itself).
void set numPrelinkedDependencies(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_numPrelinkedDependencies = _value;
LinkedLibraryBuilder({List<LinkedUnitBuilder> units, List<LinkedDependencyBuilder> dependencies, List<int> importDependencies, List<LinkedExportNameBuilder> exportNames, int numPrelinkedDependencies})
: _units = units,
_dependencies = dependencies,
_importDependencies = importDependencies,
_exportNames = exportNames,
_numPrelinkedDependencies = numPrelinkedDependencies;
List<int> toBuffer() {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
return fbBuilder.finish(finish(fbBuilder));
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_units;
fb.Offset offset_dependencies;
fb.Offset offset_importDependencies;
fb.Offset offset_exportNames;
if (!(_units == null || _units.isEmpty)) {
offset_units = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_dependencies == null || _dependencies.isEmpty)) {
offset_dependencies = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_importDependencies == null || _importDependencies.isEmpty)) {
offset_importDependencies = fbBuilder.writeListUint32(_importDependencies);
if (!(_exportNames == null || _exportNames.isEmpty)) {
offset_exportNames = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_units != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_units);
if (offset_dependencies != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, offset_dependencies);
if (offset_importDependencies != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_importDependencies);
if (offset_exportNames != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_exportNames);
if (_numPrelinkedDependencies != null && _numPrelinkedDependencies != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(4, _numPrelinkedDependencies);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Linked summary of a library.
abstract class LinkedLibrary extends base.SummaryClass {
factory LinkedLibrary.fromBuffer(List<int> buffer) {
fb.BufferPointer rootRef = new fb.BufferPointer.fromBytes(buffer);
return const _LinkedLibraryReader().read(rootRef);
* The linked summary of all the compilation units constituting the
* library. The summary of the defining compilation unit is listed first,
* followed by the summary of each part, in the order of the `part`
* declarations in the defining compilation unit.
List<LinkedUnit> get units;
* The libraries that this library depends on (either via an explicit import
* statement or via the implicit dependencies on `dart:core` and
* `dart:async`). The first element of this array is a pseudo-dependency
* representing the library itself (it is also used for `dynamic` and
* `void`). This is followed by elements representing "prelinked"
* dependencies (direct imports and the transitive closure of exports).
* After the prelinked dependencies are elements representing "linked"
* dependencies.
* A library is only included as a "linked" dependency if it is a true
* dependency (e.g. a propagated or inferred type or constant value
* implicitly refers to an element declared in the library) or
* anti-dependency (e.g. the result of type propagation or type inference
* depends on the lack of a certain declaration in the library).
List<LinkedDependency> get dependencies;
* For each import in [UnlinkedUnit.imports], an index into [dependencies]
* of the library being imported.
List<int> get importDependencies;
* Information about entities in the export namespace of the library that are
* not in the public namespace of the library (that is, entities that are
* brought into the namespace via `export` directives).
* Sorted by name.
List<LinkedExportName> get exportNames;
* The number of elements in [dependencies] which are not "linked"
* dependencies (that is, the number of libraries in the direct imports plus
* the transitive closure of exports, plus the library itself).
int get numPrelinkedDependencies;
class _LinkedLibraryReader extends fb.TableReader<_LinkedLibraryImpl> {
const _LinkedLibraryReader();
_LinkedLibraryImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _LinkedLibraryImpl(bp);
class _LinkedLibraryImpl extends Object with _LinkedLibraryMixin implements LinkedLibrary {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
List<LinkedUnit> _units;
List<LinkedDependency> _dependencies;
List<int> _importDependencies;
List<LinkedExportName> _exportNames;
int _numPrelinkedDependencies;
List<LinkedUnit> get units {
_units ??= const fb.ListReader<LinkedUnit>(const _LinkedUnitReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 0, const <LinkedUnit>[]);
return _units;
List<LinkedDependency> get dependencies {
_dependencies ??= const fb.ListReader<LinkedDependency>(const _LinkedDependencyReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 1, const <LinkedDependency>[]);
return _dependencies;
List<int> get importDependencies {
_importDependencies ??= const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint32Reader()).vTableGet(_bp, 2, const <int>[]);
return _importDependencies;
List<LinkedExportName> get exportNames {
_exportNames ??= const fb.ListReader<LinkedExportName>(const _LinkedExportNameReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <LinkedExportName>[]);
return _exportNames;
int get numPrelinkedDependencies {
_numPrelinkedDependencies ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, 0);
return _numPrelinkedDependencies;
abstract class _LinkedLibraryMixin implements LinkedLibrary {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"units": units,
"dependencies": dependencies,
"importDependencies": importDependencies,
"exportNames": exportNames,
"numPrelinkedDependencies": numPrelinkedDependencies,
class LinkedReferenceBuilder extends Object with _LinkedReferenceMixin implements LinkedReference {
bool _finished = false;
int _dependency;
ReferenceKind _kind;
int _unit;
int _numTypeParameters;
String _name;
int get dependency => _dependency ??= 0;
* Index into [LinkedLibrary.dependencies] indicating which imported library
* declares the entity being referred to.
void set dependency(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_dependency = _value;
ReferenceKind get kind => _kind ??= ReferenceKind.classOrEnum;
* The kind of the entity being referred to. For the pseudo-types `dynamic`
* and `void`, the kind is [ReferenceKind.classOrEnum].
void set kind(ReferenceKind _value) {
_kind = _value;
int get unit => _unit ??= 0;
* Integer index indicating which unit in the imported library contains the
* definition of the entity. As with indices into [LinkedLibrary.units],
* zero represents the defining compilation unit, and nonzero values
* represent parts in the order of the corresponding `part` declarations.
void set unit(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_unit = _value;
int get numTypeParameters => _numTypeParameters ??= 0;
* If the entity being referred to is generic, the number of type parameters
* it accepts. Otherwise zero.
void set numTypeParameters(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_numTypeParameters = _value;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* If this [LinkedReference] doesn't have an associated [UnlinkedReference],
* name of the entity being referred to. For the pseudo-type `dynamic`, the
* string is "dynamic". For the pseudo-type `void`, the string is "void".
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
LinkedReferenceBuilder({int dependency, ReferenceKind kind, int unit, int numTypeParameters, String name})
: _dependency = dependency,
_kind = kind,
_unit = unit,
_numTypeParameters = numTypeParameters,
_name = name;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_dependency != null && _dependency != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(0, _dependency);
if (_kind != null && _kind != ReferenceKind.classOrEnum) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _kind.index);
if (_unit != null && _unit != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(2, _unit);
if (_numTypeParameters != null && _numTypeParameters != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(3, _numTypeParameters);
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(4, offset_name);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Information about the resolution of an [UnlinkedReference].
abstract class LinkedReference extends base.SummaryClass {
* Index into [LinkedLibrary.dependencies] indicating which imported library
* declares the entity being referred to.
int get dependency;
* The kind of the entity being referred to. For the pseudo-types `dynamic`
* and `void`, the kind is [ReferenceKind.classOrEnum].
ReferenceKind get kind;
* Integer index indicating which unit in the imported library contains the
* definition of the entity. As with indices into [LinkedLibrary.units],
* zero represents the defining compilation unit, and nonzero values
* represent parts in the order of the corresponding `part` declarations.
int get unit;
* If the entity being referred to is generic, the number of type parameters
* it accepts. Otherwise zero.
int get numTypeParameters;
* If this [LinkedReference] doesn't have an associated [UnlinkedReference],
* name of the entity being referred to. For the pseudo-type `dynamic`, the
* string is "dynamic". For the pseudo-type `void`, the string is "void".
String get name;
class _LinkedReferenceReader extends fb.TableReader<_LinkedReferenceImpl> {
const _LinkedReferenceReader();
_LinkedReferenceImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _LinkedReferenceImpl(bp);
class _LinkedReferenceImpl extends Object with _LinkedReferenceMixin implements LinkedReference {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
int _dependency;
ReferenceKind _kind;
int _unit;
int _numTypeParameters;
String _name;
int get dependency {
_dependency ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, 0);
return _dependency;
ReferenceKind get kind {
_kind ??= const _ReferenceKindReader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, ReferenceKind.classOrEnum);
return _kind;
int get unit {
_unit ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, 0);
return _unit;
int get numTypeParameters {
_numTypeParameters ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 3, 0);
return _numTypeParameters;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, '');
return _name;
abstract class _LinkedReferenceMixin implements LinkedReference {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"dependency": dependency,
"kind": kind,
"unit": unit,
"numTypeParameters": numTypeParameters,
"name": name,
class LinkedUnitBuilder extends Object with _LinkedUnitMixin implements LinkedUnit {
bool _finished = false;
List<LinkedReferenceBuilder> _references;
List<EntityRefBuilder> _types;
List<LinkedReferenceBuilder> get references => _references ??= <LinkedReferenceBuilder>[];
* Information about the resolution of references within the compilation
* unit. Each element of [UnlinkedUnit.references] has a corresponding
* element in this list (at the same index). If this list has additional
* elements beyond the number of elements in [UnlinkedUnit.references], those
* additional elements are references that are only referred to implicitly
* (e.g. elements involved in inferred or propagated types).
void set references(List<LinkedReferenceBuilder> _value) {
_references = _value;
List<EntityRefBuilder> get types => _types ??= <EntityRefBuilder>[];
* List associating slot ids found inside the unlinked summary for the
* compilation unit with propagated and inferred types.
void set types(List<EntityRefBuilder> _value) {
_types = _value;
LinkedUnitBuilder({List<LinkedReferenceBuilder> references, List<EntityRefBuilder> types})
: _references = references,
_types = types;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_references;
fb.Offset offset_types;
if (!(_references == null || _references.isEmpty)) {
offset_references = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_types == null || _types.isEmpty)) {
offset_types = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_references != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_references);
if (offset_types != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, offset_types);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Linked summary of a compilation unit.
abstract class LinkedUnit extends base.SummaryClass {
* Information about the resolution of references within the compilation
* unit. Each element of [UnlinkedUnit.references] has a corresponding
* element in this list (at the same index). If this list has additional
* elements beyond the number of elements in [UnlinkedUnit.references], those
* additional elements are references that are only referred to implicitly
* (e.g. elements involved in inferred or propagated types).
List<LinkedReference> get references;
* List associating slot ids found inside the unlinked summary for the
* compilation unit with propagated and inferred types.
List<EntityRef> get types;
class _LinkedUnitReader extends fb.TableReader<_LinkedUnitImpl> {
const _LinkedUnitReader();
_LinkedUnitImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _LinkedUnitImpl(bp);
class _LinkedUnitImpl extends Object with _LinkedUnitMixin implements LinkedUnit {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
List<LinkedReference> _references;
List<EntityRef> _types;
List<LinkedReference> get references {
_references ??= const fb.ListReader<LinkedReference>(const _LinkedReferenceReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 0, const <LinkedReference>[]);
return _references;
List<EntityRef> get types {
_types ??= const fb.ListReader<EntityRef>(const _EntityRefReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 1, const <EntityRef>[]);
return _types;
abstract class _LinkedUnitMixin implements LinkedUnit {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"references": references,
"types": types,
class SdkBundleBuilder extends Object with _SdkBundleMixin implements SdkBundle {
bool _finished = false;
List<String> _linkedLibraryUris;
List<LinkedLibraryBuilder> _linkedLibraries;
List<String> _unlinkedUnitUris;
List<UnlinkedUnitBuilder> _unlinkedUnits;
List<String> get linkedLibraryUris => _linkedLibraryUris ??= <String>[];
* The list of URIs of items in [linkedLibraries], e.g. `dart:core`.
void set linkedLibraryUris(List<String> _value) {
_linkedLibraryUris = _value;
List<LinkedLibraryBuilder> get linkedLibraries => _linkedLibraries ??= <LinkedLibraryBuilder>[];
* Linked libraries.
void set linkedLibraries(List<LinkedLibraryBuilder> _value) {
_linkedLibraries = _value;
List<String> get unlinkedUnitUris => _unlinkedUnitUris ??= <String>[];
* The list of URIs of items in [unlinkedUnits], e.g. `dart:core/bool.dart`.
void set unlinkedUnitUris(List<String> _value) {
_unlinkedUnitUris = _value;
List<UnlinkedUnitBuilder> get unlinkedUnits => _unlinkedUnits ??= <UnlinkedUnitBuilder>[];
* Unlinked information for the compilation units constituting the SDK.
void set unlinkedUnits(List<UnlinkedUnitBuilder> _value) {
_unlinkedUnits = _value;
SdkBundleBuilder({List<String> linkedLibraryUris, List<LinkedLibraryBuilder> linkedLibraries, List<String> unlinkedUnitUris, List<UnlinkedUnitBuilder> unlinkedUnits})
: _linkedLibraryUris = linkedLibraryUris,
_linkedLibraries = linkedLibraries,
_unlinkedUnitUris = unlinkedUnitUris,
_unlinkedUnits = unlinkedUnits;
List<int> toBuffer() {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
return fbBuilder.finish(finish(fbBuilder));
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_linkedLibraryUris;
fb.Offset offset_linkedLibraries;
fb.Offset offset_unlinkedUnitUris;
fb.Offset offset_unlinkedUnits;
if (!(_linkedLibraryUris == null || _linkedLibraryUris.isEmpty)) {
offset_linkedLibraryUris = fbBuilder.writeList( => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList());
if (!(_linkedLibraries == null || _linkedLibraries.isEmpty)) {
offset_linkedLibraries = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_unlinkedUnitUris == null || _unlinkedUnitUris.isEmpty)) {
offset_unlinkedUnitUris = fbBuilder.writeList( => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList());
if (!(_unlinkedUnits == null || _unlinkedUnits.isEmpty)) {
offset_unlinkedUnits = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_linkedLibraryUris != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_linkedLibraryUris);
if (offset_linkedLibraries != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, offset_linkedLibraries);
if (offset_unlinkedUnitUris != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_unlinkedUnitUris);
if (offset_unlinkedUnits != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_unlinkedUnits);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Information about SDK.
abstract class SdkBundle extends base.SummaryClass {
factory SdkBundle.fromBuffer(List<int> buffer) {
fb.BufferPointer rootRef = new fb.BufferPointer.fromBytes(buffer);
return const _SdkBundleReader().read(rootRef);
* The list of URIs of items in [linkedLibraries], e.g. `dart:core`.
List<String> get linkedLibraryUris;
* Linked libraries.
List<LinkedLibrary> get linkedLibraries;
* The list of URIs of items in [unlinkedUnits], e.g. `dart:core/bool.dart`.
List<String> get unlinkedUnitUris;
* Unlinked information for the compilation units constituting the SDK.
List<UnlinkedUnit> get unlinkedUnits;
class _SdkBundleReader extends fb.TableReader<_SdkBundleImpl> {
const _SdkBundleReader();
_SdkBundleImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _SdkBundleImpl(bp);
class _SdkBundleImpl extends Object with _SdkBundleMixin implements SdkBundle {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
List<String> _linkedLibraryUris;
List<LinkedLibrary> _linkedLibraries;
List<String> _unlinkedUnitUris;
List<UnlinkedUnit> _unlinkedUnits;
List<String> get linkedLibraryUris {
_linkedLibraryUris ??= const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 0, const <String>[]);
return _linkedLibraryUris;
List<LinkedLibrary> get linkedLibraries {
_linkedLibraries ??= const fb.ListReader<LinkedLibrary>(const _LinkedLibraryReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 1, const <LinkedLibrary>[]);
return _linkedLibraries;
List<String> get unlinkedUnitUris {
_unlinkedUnitUris ??= const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 2, const <String>[]);
return _unlinkedUnitUris;
List<UnlinkedUnit> get unlinkedUnits {
_unlinkedUnits ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedUnit>(const _UnlinkedUnitReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <UnlinkedUnit>[]);
return _unlinkedUnits;
abstract class _SdkBundleMixin implements SdkBundle {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"linkedLibraryUris": linkedLibraryUris,
"linkedLibraries": linkedLibraries,
"unlinkedUnitUris": unlinkedUnitUris,
"unlinkedUnits": unlinkedUnits,
class UnlinkedClassBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedClassMixin implements UnlinkedClass {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> _typeParameters;
EntityRefBuilder _supertype;
List<EntityRefBuilder> _mixins;
List<EntityRefBuilder> _interfaces;
List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> _fields;
List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> _executables;
bool _isAbstract;
bool _isMixinApplication;
bool _hasNoSupertype;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the class.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the class name relative to the beginning of the file.
void set nameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_nameOffset = _value;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder get documentationComment => _documentationComment;
* Documentation comment for the class, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
void set documentationComment(UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _value) {
_documentationComment = _value;
List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> get typeParameters => _typeParameters ??= <UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder>[];
* Type parameters of the class, if any.
void set typeParameters(List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> _value) {
_typeParameters = _value;
EntityRefBuilder get supertype => _supertype;
* Supertype of the class, or `null` if either (a) the class doesn't
* explicitly declare a supertype (and hence has supertype `Object`), or (b)
* the class *is* `Object` (and hence has no supertype).
void set supertype(EntityRefBuilder _value) {
_supertype = _value;
List<EntityRefBuilder> get mixins => _mixins ??= <EntityRefBuilder>[];
* Mixins appearing in a `with` clause, if any.
void set mixins(List<EntityRefBuilder> _value) {
_mixins = _value;
List<EntityRefBuilder> get interfaces => _interfaces ??= <EntityRefBuilder>[];
* Interfaces appearing in an `implements` clause, if any.
void set interfaces(List<EntityRefBuilder> _value) {
_interfaces = _value;
List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> get fields => _fields ??= <UnlinkedVariableBuilder>[];
* Field declarations contained in the class.
void set fields(List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> _value) {
_fields = _value;
List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> get executables => _executables ??= <UnlinkedExecutableBuilder>[];
* Executable objects (methods, getters, and setters) contained in the class.
void set executables(List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> _value) {
_executables = _value;
bool get isAbstract => _isAbstract ??= false;
* Indicates whether the class is declared with the `abstract` keyword.
void set isAbstract(bool _value) {
_isAbstract = _value;
bool get isMixinApplication => _isMixinApplication ??= false;
* Indicates whether the class is declared using mixin application syntax.
void set isMixinApplication(bool _value) {
_isMixinApplication = _value;
bool get hasNoSupertype => _hasNoSupertype ??= false;
* Indicates whether this class is the core "Object" class (and hence has no
* supertype)
void set hasNoSupertype(bool _value) {
_hasNoSupertype = _value;
UnlinkedClassBuilder({String name, int nameOffset, UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder documentationComment, List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> typeParameters, EntityRefBuilder supertype, List<EntityRefBuilder> mixins, List<EntityRefBuilder> interfaces, List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> fields, List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> executables, bool isAbstract, bool isMixinApplication, bool hasNoSupertype})
: _name = name,
_nameOffset = nameOffset,
_documentationComment = documentationComment,
_typeParameters = typeParameters,
_supertype = supertype,
_mixins = mixins,
_interfaces = interfaces,
_fields = fields,
_executables = executables,
_isAbstract = isAbstract,
_isMixinApplication = isMixinApplication,
_hasNoSupertype = hasNoSupertype;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_documentationComment;
fb.Offset offset_typeParameters;
fb.Offset offset_supertype;
fb.Offset offset_mixins;
fb.Offset offset_interfaces;
fb.Offset offset_fields;
fb.Offset offset_executables;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_documentationComment != null) {
offset_documentationComment = _documentationComment.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_typeParameters == null || _typeParameters.isEmpty)) {
offset_typeParameters = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (_supertype != null) {
offset_supertype = _supertype.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_mixins == null || _mixins.isEmpty)) {
offset_mixins = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_interfaces == null || _interfaces.isEmpty)) {
offset_interfaces = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_fields == null || _fields.isEmpty)) {
offset_fields = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_executables == null || _executables.isEmpty)) {
offset_executables = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_nameOffset != null && _nameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _nameOffset);
if (offset_documentationComment != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_documentationComment);
if (offset_typeParameters != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_typeParameters);
if (offset_supertype != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(4, offset_supertype);
if (offset_mixins != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(5, offset_mixins);
if (offset_interfaces != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(6, offset_interfaces);
if (offset_fields != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(7, offset_fields);
if (offset_executables != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(8, offset_executables);
if (_isAbstract == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(9, true);
if (_isMixinApplication == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(10, true);
if (_hasNoSupertype == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(11, true);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a class declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedClass extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the class.
String get name;
* Offset of the class name relative to the beginning of the file.
int get nameOffset;
* Documentation comment for the class, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment;
* Type parameters of the class, if any.
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get typeParameters;
* Supertype of the class, or `null` if either (a) the class doesn't
* explicitly declare a supertype (and hence has supertype `Object`), or (b)
* the class *is* `Object` (and hence has no supertype).
EntityRef get supertype;
* Mixins appearing in a `with` clause, if any.
List<EntityRef> get mixins;
* Interfaces appearing in an `implements` clause, if any.
List<EntityRef> get interfaces;
* Field declarations contained in the class.
List<UnlinkedVariable> get fields;
* Executable objects (methods, getters, and setters) contained in the class.
List<UnlinkedExecutable> get executables;
* Indicates whether the class is declared with the `abstract` keyword.
bool get isAbstract;
* Indicates whether the class is declared using mixin application syntax.
bool get isMixinApplication;
* Indicates whether this class is the core "Object" class (and hence has no
* supertype)
bool get hasNoSupertype;
class _UnlinkedClassReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedClassImpl> {
const _UnlinkedClassReader();
_UnlinkedClassImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedClassImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedClassImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedClassMixin implements UnlinkedClass {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> _typeParameters;
EntityRef _supertype;
List<EntityRef> _mixins;
List<EntityRef> _interfaces;
List<UnlinkedVariable> _fields;
List<UnlinkedExecutable> _executables;
bool _isAbstract;
bool _isMixinApplication;
bool _hasNoSupertype;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get nameOffset {
_nameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment {
_documentationComment ??= const _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, null);
return _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get typeParameters {
_typeParameters ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedTypeParam>(const _UnlinkedTypeParamReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <UnlinkedTypeParam>[]);
return _typeParameters;
EntityRef get supertype {
_supertype ??= const _EntityRefReader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, null);
return _supertype;
List<EntityRef> get mixins {
_mixins ??= const fb.ListReader<EntityRef>(const _EntityRefReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 5, const <EntityRef>[]);
return _mixins;
List<EntityRef> get interfaces {
_interfaces ??= const fb.ListReader<EntityRef>(const _EntityRefReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 6, const <EntityRef>[]);
return _interfaces;
List<UnlinkedVariable> get fields {
_fields ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedVariable>(const _UnlinkedVariableReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 7, const <UnlinkedVariable>[]);
return _fields;
List<UnlinkedExecutable> get executables {
_executables ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedExecutable>(const _UnlinkedExecutableReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 8, const <UnlinkedExecutable>[]);
return _executables;
bool get isAbstract {
_isAbstract ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 9, false);
return _isAbstract;
bool get isMixinApplication {
_isMixinApplication ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 10, false);
return _isMixinApplication;
bool get hasNoSupertype {
_hasNoSupertype ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 11, false);
return _hasNoSupertype;
abstract class _UnlinkedClassMixin implements UnlinkedClass {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"nameOffset": nameOffset,
"documentationComment": documentationComment,
"typeParameters": typeParameters,
"supertype": supertype,
"mixins": mixins,
"interfaces": interfaces,
"fields": fields,
"executables": executables,
"isAbstract": isAbstract,
"isMixinApplication": isMixinApplication,
"hasNoSupertype": hasNoSupertype,
class UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedCombinatorMixin implements UnlinkedCombinator {
bool _finished = false;
List<String> _shows;
List<String> _hides;
List<String> get shows => _shows ??= <String>[];
* List of names which are shown. Empty if this is a `hide` combinator.
void set shows(List<String> _value) {
_shows = _value;
List<String> get hides => _hides ??= <String>[];
* List of names which are hidden. Empty if this is a `show` combinator.
void set hides(List<String> _value) {
_hides = _value;
UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder({List<String> shows, List<String> hides})
: _shows = shows,
_hides = hides;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_shows;
fb.Offset offset_hides;
if (!(_shows == null || _shows.isEmpty)) {
offset_shows = fbBuilder.writeList( => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList());
if (!(_hides == null || _hides.isEmpty)) {
offset_hides = fbBuilder.writeList( => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList());
if (offset_shows != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_shows);
if (offset_hides != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, offset_hides);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a `show` or `hide` combinator in an
* import or export declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedCombinator extends base.SummaryClass {
* List of names which are shown. Empty if this is a `hide` combinator.
List<String> get shows;
* List of names which are hidden. Empty if this is a `show` combinator.
List<String> get hides;
class _UnlinkedCombinatorReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedCombinatorImpl> {
const _UnlinkedCombinatorReader();
_UnlinkedCombinatorImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedCombinatorImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedCombinatorImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedCombinatorMixin implements UnlinkedCombinator {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
List<String> _shows;
List<String> _hides;
List<String> get shows {
_shows ??= const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 0, const <String>[]);
return _shows;
List<String> get hides {
_hides ??= const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 1, const <String>[]);
return _hides;
abstract class _UnlinkedCombinatorMixin implements UnlinkedCombinator {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"shows": shows,
"hides": hides,
class UnlinkedConstBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedConstMixin implements UnlinkedConst {
bool _finished = false;
List<UnlinkedConstOperation> _operations;
List<int> _ints;
List<double> _doubles;
List<String> _strings;
List<EntityRefBuilder> _references;
List<UnlinkedConstOperation> get operations => _operations ??= <UnlinkedConstOperation>[];
* Sequence of operations to execute (starting with an empty stack) to form
* the constant value.
void set operations(List<UnlinkedConstOperation> _value) {
_operations = _value;
List<int> get ints => _ints ??= <int>[];
* Sequence of unsigned 32-bit integers consumed by the operations
* `pushArgument`, `pushInt`, `shiftOr`, `concatenate`, `invokeConstructor`,
* `makeList`, and `makeMap`.
void set ints(List<int> _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value.every((e) => e >= 0));
_ints = _value;
List<double> get doubles => _doubles ??= <double>[];
* Sequence of 64-bit doubles consumed by the operation `pushDouble`.
void set doubles(List<double> _value) {
_doubles = _value;
List<String> get strings => _strings ??= <String>[];
* Sequence of strings consumed by the operations `pushString` and
* `invokeConstructor`.
void set strings(List<String> _value) {
_strings = _value;
List<EntityRefBuilder> get references => _references ??= <EntityRefBuilder>[];
* Sequence of language constructs consumed by the operations
* `pushReference`, `invokeConstructor`, `makeList`, and `makeMap`. Note
* that in the case of `pushReference` (and sometimes `invokeConstructor` the
* actual entity being referred to may be something other than a type.
void set references(List<EntityRefBuilder> _value) {
_references = _value;
UnlinkedConstBuilder({List<UnlinkedConstOperation> operations, List<int> ints, List<double> doubles, List<String> strings, List<EntityRefBuilder> references})
: _operations = operations,
_ints = ints,
_doubles = doubles,
_strings = strings,
_references = references;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_operations;
fb.Offset offset_ints;
fb.Offset offset_doubles;
fb.Offset offset_strings;
fb.Offset offset_references;
if (!(_operations == null || _operations.isEmpty)) {
offset_operations = fbBuilder.writeListUint32( => b.index).toList());
if (!(_ints == null || _ints.isEmpty)) {
offset_ints = fbBuilder.writeListUint32(_ints);
if (!(_doubles == null || _doubles.isEmpty)) {
offset_doubles = fbBuilder.writeListFloat64(_doubles);
if (!(_strings == null || _strings.isEmpty)) {
offset_strings = fbBuilder.writeList( => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList());
if (!(_references == null || _references.isEmpty)) {
offset_references = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_operations != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_operations);
if (offset_ints != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, offset_ints);
if (offset_doubles != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_doubles);
if (offset_strings != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_strings);
if (offset_references != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(4, offset_references);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a compile-time constant expression, or a
* potentially constant expression.
* Constant expressions are represented using a simple stack-based language
* where [operations] is a sequence of operations to execute starting with an
* empty stack. Once all operations have been executed, the stack should
* contain a single value which is the value of the constant. Note that some
* operations consume additional data from the other fields of this class.
abstract class UnlinkedConst extends base.SummaryClass {
* Sequence of operations to execute (starting with an empty stack) to form
* the constant value.
List<UnlinkedConstOperation> get operations;
* Sequence of unsigned 32-bit integers consumed by the operations
* `pushArgument`, `pushInt`, `shiftOr`, `concatenate`, `invokeConstructor`,
* `makeList`, and `makeMap`.
List<int> get ints;
* Sequence of 64-bit doubles consumed by the operation `pushDouble`.
List<double> get doubles;
* Sequence of strings consumed by the operations `pushString` and
* `invokeConstructor`.
List<String> get strings;
* Sequence of language constructs consumed by the operations
* `pushReference`, `invokeConstructor`, `makeList`, and `makeMap`. Note
* that in the case of `pushReference` (and sometimes `invokeConstructor` the
* actual entity being referred to may be something other than a type.
List<EntityRef> get references;
class _UnlinkedConstReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedConstImpl> {
const _UnlinkedConstReader();
_UnlinkedConstImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedConstImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedConstImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedConstMixin implements UnlinkedConst {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
List<UnlinkedConstOperation> _operations;
List<int> _ints;
List<double> _doubles;
List<String> _strings;
List<EntityRef> _references;
List<UnlinkedConstOperation> get operations {
_operations ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedConstOperation>(const _UnlinkedConstOperationReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 0, const <UnlinkedConstOperation>[]);
return _operations;
List<int> get ints {
_ints ??= const fb.ListReader<int>(const fb.Uint32Reader()).vTableGet(_bp, 1, const <int>[]);
return _ints;
List<double> get doubles {
_doubles ??= const fb.Float64ListReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, const <double>[]);
return _doubles;
List<String> get strings {
_strings ??= const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <String>[]);
return _strings;
List<EntityRef> get references {
_references ??= const fb.ListReader<EntityRef>(const _EntityRefReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 4, const <EntityRef>[]);
return _references;
abstract class _UnlinkedConstMixin implements UnlinkedConst {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"operations": operations,
"ints": ints,
"doubles": doubles,
"strings": strings,
"references": references,
class UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentMixin implements UnlinkedDocumentationComment {
bool _finished = false;
String _text;
int _offset;
int _length;
String get text => _text ??= '';
* Text of the documentation comment, with '\r\n' replaced by '\n'.
* References appearing within the doc comment in square brackets are not
* specially encoded.
void set text(String _value) {
_text = _value;
int get offset => _offset ??= 0;
* Offset of the beginning of the documentation comment relative to the
* beginning of the file.
void set offset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_offset = _value;
int get length => _length ??= 0;
* Length of the documentation comment (prior to replacing '\r\n' with '\n').
void set length(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_length = _value;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder({String text, int offset, int length})
: _text = text,
_offset = offset,
_length = length;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_text;
if (_text != null) {
offset_text = fbBuilder.writeString(_text);
if (offset_text != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_text);
if (_offset != null && _offset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _offset);
if (_length != null && _length != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(2, _length);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a documentation comment.
abstract class UnlinkedDocumentationComment extends base.SummaryClass {
* Text of the documentation comment, with '\r\n' replaced by '\n'.
* References appearing within the doc comment in square brackets are not
* specially encoded.
String get text;
* Offset of the beginning of the documentation comment relative to the
* beginning of the file.
int get offset;
* Length of the documentation comment (prior to replacing '\r\n' with '\n').
int get length;
class _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedDocumentationCommentImpl> {
const _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader();
_UnlinkedDocumentationCommentImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentMixin implements UnlinkedDocumentationComment {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _text;
int _offset;
int _length;
String get text {
_text ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _text;
int get offset {
_offset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _offset;
int get length {
_length ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, 0);
return _length;
abstract class _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentMixin implements UnlinkedDocumentationComment {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"text": text,
"offset": offset,
"length": length,
class UnlinkedEnumBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedEnumMixin implements UnlinkedEnum {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder> _values;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the enum type.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the enum name relative to the beginning of the file.
void set nameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_nameOffset = _value;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder get documentationComment => _documentationComment;
* Documentation comment for the enum, or `null` if there is no documentation
* comment.
void set documentationComment(UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _value) {
_documentationComment = _value;
List<UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder> get values => _values ??= <UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder>[];
* Values listed in the enum declaration, in declaration order.
void set values(List<UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder> _value) {
_values = _value;
UnlinkedEnumBuilder({String name, int nameOffset, UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder documentationComment, List<UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder> values})
: _name = name,
_nameOffset = nameOffset,
_documentationComment = documentationComment,
_values = values;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_documentationComment;
fb.Offset offset_values;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_documentationComment != null) {
offset_documentationComment = _documentationComment.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_values == null || _values.isEmpty)) {
offset_values = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_nameOffset != null && _nameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _nameOffset);
if (offset_documentationComment != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_documentationComment);
if (offset_values != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_values);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about an enum declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedEnum extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the enum type.
String get name;
* Offset of the enum name relative to the beginning of the file.
int get nameOffset;
* Documentation comment for the enum, or `null` if there is no documentation
* comment.
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment;
* Values listed in the enum declaration, in declaration order.
List<UnlinkedEnumValue> get values;
class _UnlinkedEnumReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedEnumImpl> {
const _UnlinkedEnumReader();
_UnlinkedEnumImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedEnumImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedEnumImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedEnumMixin implements UnlinkedEnum {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedEnumValue> _values;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get nameOffset {
_nameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment {
_documentationComment ??= const _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, null);
return _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedEnumValue> get values {
_values ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedEnumValue>(const _UnlinkedEnumValueReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <UnlinkedEnumValue>[]);
return _values;
abstract class _UnlinkedEnumMixin implements UnlinkedEnum {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"nameOffset": nameOffset,
"documentationComment": documentationComment,
"values": values,
class UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedEnumValueMixin implements UnlinkedEnumValue {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _documentationComment;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the enumerated value.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the enum value name relative to the beginning of the file.
void set nameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_nameOffset = _value;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder get documentationComment => _documentationComment;
* Documentation comment for the enum value, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
void set documentationComment(UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _value) {
_documentationComment = _value;
UnlinkedEnumValueBuilder({String name, int nameOffset, UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder documentationComment})
: _name = name,
_nameOffset = nameOffset,
_documentationComment = documentationComment;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_documentationComment;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_documentationComment != null) {
offset_documentationComment = _documentationComment.finish(fbBuilder);
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_nameOffset != null && _nameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _nameOffset);
if (offset_documentationComment != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_documentationComment);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a single enumerated value in an enum
* declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedEnumValue extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the enumerated value.
String get name;
* Offset of the enum value name relative to the beginning of the file.
int get nameOffset;
* Documentation comment for the enum value, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment;
class _UnlinkedEnumValueReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedEnumValueImpl> {
const _UnlinkedEnumValueReader();
_UnlinkedEnumValueImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedEnumValueImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedEnumValueImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedEnumValueMixin implements UnlinkedEnumValue {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment _documentationComment;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get nameOffset {
_nameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment {
_documentationComment ??= const _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, null);
return _documentationComment;
abstract class _UnlinkedEnumValueMixin implements UnlinkedEnumValue {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"nameOffset": nameOffset,
"documentationComment": documentationComment,
class UnlinkedExecutableBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedExecutableMixin implements UnlinkedExecutable {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> _typeParameters;
EntityRefBuilder _returnType;
List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> _parameters;
UnlinkedExecutableKind _kind;
bool _isAbstract;
bool _isStatic;
bool _isConst;
bool _isFactory;
bool _isExternal;
int _inferredReturnTypeSlot;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the executable. For setters, this includes the trailing "=". For
* named constructors, this excludes the class name and excludes the ".".
* For unnamed constructors, this is the empty string.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the executable name relative to the beginning of the file. For
* named constructors, this excludes the class name and excludes the ".".
* For unnamed constructors, this is the offset of the class name (i.e. the
* offset of the second "C" in "class C { C(); }").
void set nameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_nameOffset = _value;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder get documentationComment => _documentationComment;
* Documentation comment for the executable, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
void set documentationComment(UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _value) {
_documentationComment = _value;
List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> get typeParameters => _typeParameters ??= <UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder>[];
* Type parameters of the executable, if any. Empty if support for generic
* method syntax is disabled.
void set typeParameters(List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> _value) {
_typeParameters = _value;
EntityRefBuilder get returnType => _returnType;
* Declared return type of the executable. Absent if the executable is a
* constructor or the return type is implicit.
void set returnType(EntityRefBuilder _value) {
_returnType = _value;
List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> get parameters => _parameters ??= <UnlinkedParamBuilder>[];
* Parameters of the executable, if any. Note that getters have no
* parameters (hence this will be the empty list), and setters have a single
* parameter.
void set parameters(List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> _value) {
_parameters = _value;
UnlinkedExecutableKind get kind => _kind ??= UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod;
* The kind of the executable (function/method, getter, setter, or
* constructor).
void set kind(UnlinkedExecutableKind _value) {
_kind = _value;
bool get isAbstract => _isAbstract ??= false;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `abstract` keyword.
void set isAbstract(bool _value) {
_isAbstract = _value;
bool get isStatic => _isStatic ??= false;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `static` keyword.
* Note that for top level executables, this flag is false, since they are
* not declared using the `static` keyword (even though they are considered
* static for semantic purposes).
void set isStatic(bool _value) {
_isStatic = _value;
bool get isConst => _isConst ??= false;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `const` keyword.
void set isConst(bool _value) {
_isConst = _value;
bool get isFactory => _isFactory ??= false;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `factory` keyword.
void set isFactory(bool _value) {
_isFactory = _value;
bool get isExternal => _isExternal ??= false;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `external` keyword.
void set isExternal(bool _value) {
_isExternal = _value;
int get inferredReturnTypeSlot => _inferredReturnTypeSlot ??= 0;
* If this executable's return type is inferrable, nonzero slot id
* identifying which entry in [LinkedLibrary.types] contains the inferred
* return type. If there is no matching entry in [LinkedLibrary.types], then
* no return type was inferred for this variable, so its static type is
* `dynamic`.
void set inferredReturnTypeSlot(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_inferredReturnTypeSlot = _value;
UnlinkedExecutableBuilder({String name, int nameOffset, UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder documentationComment, List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> typeParameters, EntityRefBuilder returnType, List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> parameters, UnlinkedExecutableKind kind, bool isAbstract, bool isStatic, bool isConst, bool isFactory, bool isExternal, int inferredReturnTypeSlot})
: _name = name,
_nameOffset = nameOffset,
_documentationComment = documentationComment,
_typeParameters = typeParameters,
_returnType = returnType,
_parameters = parameters,
_kind = kind,
_isAbstract = isAbstract,
_isStatic = isStatic,
_isConst = isConst,
_isFactory = isFactory,
_isExternal = isExternal,
_inferredReturnTypeSlot = inferredReturnTypeSlot;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_documentationComment;
fb.Offset offset_typeParameters;
fb.Offset offset_returnType;
fb.Offset offset_parameters;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_documentationComment != null) {
offset_documentationComment = _documentationComment.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_typeParameters == null || _typeParameters.isEmpty)) {
offset_typeParameters = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (_returnType != null) {
offset_returnType = _returnType.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_parameters == null || _parameters.isEmpty)) {
offset_parameters = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_nameOffset != null && _nameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _nameOffset);
if (offset_documentationComment != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_documentationComment);
if (offset_typeParameters != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_typeParameters);
if (offset_returnType != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(4, offset_returnType);
if (offset_parameters != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(5, offset_parameters);
if (_kind != null && _kind != UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(6, _kind.index);
if (_isAbstract == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(7, true);
if (_isStatic == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(8, true);
if (_isConst == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(9, true);
if (_isFactory == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(10, true);
if (_isExternal == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(11, true);
if (_inferredReturnTypeSlot != null && _inferredReturnTypeSlot != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(12, _inferredReturnTypeSlot);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a function, method, getter, or setter
* declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedExecutable extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the executable. For setters, this includes the trailing "=". For
* named constructors, this excludes the class name and excludes the ".".
* For unnamed constructors, this is the empty string.
String get name;
* Offset of the executable name relative to the beginning of the file. For
* named constructors, this excludes the class name and excludes the ".".
* For unnamed constructors, this is the offset of the class name (i.e. the
* offset of the second "C" in "class C { C(); }").
int get nameOffset;
* Documentation comment for the executable, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment;
* Type parameters of the executable, if any. Empty if support for generic
* method syntax is disabled.
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get typeParameters;
* Declared return type of the executable. Absent if the executable is a
* constructor or the return type is implicit.
EntityRef get returnType;
* Parameters of the executable, if any. Note that getters have no
* parameters (hence this will be the empty list), and setters have a single
* parameter.
List<UnlinkedParam> get parameters;
* The kind of the executable (function/method, getter, setter, or
* constructor).
UnlinkedExecutableKind get kind;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `abstract` keyword.
bool get isAbstract;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `static` keyword.
* Note that for top level executables, this flag is false, since they are
* not declared using the `static` keyword (even though they are considered
* static for semantic purposes).
bool get isStatic;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `const` keyword.
bool get isConst;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `factory` keyword.
bool get isFactory;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `external` keyword.
bool get isExternal;
* If this executable's return type is inferrable, nonzero slot id
* identifying which entry in [LinkedLibrary.types] contains the inferred
* return type. If there is no matching entry in [LinkedLibrary.types], then
* no return type was inferred for this variable, so its static type is
* `dynamic`.
int get inferredReturnTypeSlot;
class _UnlinkedExecutableReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedExecutableImpl> {
const _UnlinkedExecutableReader();
_UnlinkedExecutableImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedExecutableImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedExecutableImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedExecutableMixin implements UnlinkedExecutable {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> _typeParameters;
EntityRef _returnType;
List<UnlinkedParam> _parameters;
UnlinkedExecutableKind _kind;
bool _isAbstract;
bool _isStatic;
bool _isConst;
bool _isFactory;
bool _isExternal;
int _inferredReturnTypeSlot;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get nameOffset {
_nameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment {
_documentationComment ??= const _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, null);
return _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get typeParameters {
_typeParameters ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedTypeParam>(const _UnlinkedTypeParamReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <UnlinkedTypeParam>[]);
return _typeParameters;
EntityRef get returnType {
_returnType ??= const _EntityRefReader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, null);
return _returnType;
List<UnlinkedParam> get parameters {
_parameters ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedParam>(const _UnlinkedParamReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 5, const <UnlinkedParam>[]);
return _parameters;
UnlinkedExecutableKind get kind {
_kind ??= const _UnlinkedExecutableKindReader().vTableGet(_bp, 6, UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod);
return _kind;
bool get isAbstract {
_isAbstract ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 7, false);
return _isAbstract;
bool get isStatic {
_isStatic ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 8, false);
return _isStatic;
bool get isConst {
_isConst ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 9, false);
return _isConst;
bool get isFactory {
_isFactory ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 10, false);
return _isFactory;
bool get isExternal {
_isExternal ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 11, false);
return _isExternal;
int get inferredReturnTypeSlot {
_inferredReturnTypeSlot ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 12, 0);
return _inferredReturnTypeSlot;
abstract class _UnlinkedExecutableMixin implements UnlinkedExecutable {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"nameOffset": nameOffset,
"documentationComment": documentationComment,
"typeParameters": typeParameters,
"returnType": returnType,
"parameters": parameters,
"kind": kind,
"isAbstract": isAbstract,
"isStatic": isStatic,
"isConst": isConst,
"isFactory": isFactory,
"isExternal": isExternal,
"inferredReturnTypeSlot": inferredReturnTypeSlot,
class UnlinkedExportNonPublicBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedExportNonPublicMixin implements UnlinkedExportNonPublic {
bool _finished = false;
int _offset;
int _uriOffset;
int _uriEnd;
int get offset => _offset ??= 0;
* Offset of the "export" keyword.
void set offset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_offset = _value;
int get uriOffset => _uriOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of
* the file.
void set uriOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_uriOffset = _value;
int get uriEnd => _uriEnd ??= 0;
* End of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of the
* file.
void set uriEnd(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_uriEnd = _value;
UnlinkedExportNonPublicBuilder({int offset, int uriOffset, int uriEnd})
: _offset = offset,
_uriOffset = uriOffset,
_uriEnd = uriEnd;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
if (_offset != null && _offset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(0, _offset);
if (_uriOffset != null && _uriOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _uriOffset);
if (_uriEnd != null && _uriEnd != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(2, _uriEnd);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about an export declaration (stored outside
* [UnlinkedPublicNamespace]).
abstract class UnlinkedExportNonPublic extends base.SummaryClass {
* Offset of the "export" keyword.
int get offset;
* Offset of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of
* the file.
int get uriOffset;
* End of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of the
* file.
int get uriEnd;
class _UnlinkedExportNonPublicReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedExportNonPublicImpl> {
const _UnlinkedExportNonPublicReader();
_UnlinkedExportNonPublicImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedExportNonPublicImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedExportNonPublicImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedExportNonPublicMixin implements UnlinkedExportNonPublic {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
int _offset;
int _uriOffset;
int _uriEnd;
int get offset {
_offset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, 0);
return _offset;
int get uriOffset {
_uriOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _uriOffset;
int get uriEnd {
_uriEnd ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, 0);
return _uriEnd;
abstract class _UnlinkedExportNonPublicMixin implements UnlinkedExportNonPublic {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"offset": offset,
"uriOffset": uriOffset,
"uriEnd": uriEnd,
class UnlinkedExportPublicBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedExportPublicMixin implements UnlinkedExportPublic {
bool _finished = false;
String _uri;
List<UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder> _combinators;
String get uri => _uri ??= '';
* URI used in the source code to reference the exported library.
void set uri(String _value) {
_uri = _value;
List<UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder> get combinators => _combinators ??= <UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder>[];
* Combinators contained in this import declaration.
void set combinators(List<UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder> _value) {
_combinators = _value;
UnlinkedExportPublicBuilder({String uri, List<UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder> combinators})
: _uri = uri,
_combinators = combinators;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_uri;
fb.Offset offset_combinators;
if (_uri != null) {
offset_uri = fbBuilder.writeString(_uri);
if (!(_combinators == null || _combinators.isEmpty)) {
offset_combinators = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_uri != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_uri);
if (offset_combinators != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, offset_combinators);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about an export declaration (stored inside
* [UnlinkedPublicNamespace]).
abstract class UnlinkedExportPublic extends base.SummaryClass {
* URI used in the source code to reference the exported library.
String get uri;
* Combinators contained in this import declaration.
List<UnlinkedCombinator> get combinators;
class _UnlinkedExportPublicReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedExportPublicImpl> {
const _UnlinkedExportPublicReader();
_UnlinkedExportPublicImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedExportPublicImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedExportPublicImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedExportPublicMixin implements UnlinkedExportPublic {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _uri;
List<UnlinkedCombinator> _combinators;
String get uri {
_uri ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _uri;
List<UnlinkedCombinator> get combinators {
_combinators ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedCombinator>(const _UnlinkedCombinatorReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 1, const <UnlinkedCombinator>[]);
return _combinators;
abstract class _UnlinkedExportPublicMixin implements UnlinkedExportPublic {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"uri": uri,
"combinators": combinators,
class UnlinkedImportBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedImportMixin implements UnlinkedImport {
bool _finished = false;
String _uri;
int _offset;
int _prefixReference;
List<UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder> _combinators;
bool _isDeferred;
bool _isImplicit;
int _uriOffset;
int _uriEnd;
int _prefixOffset;
String get uri => _uri ??= '';
* URI used in the source code to reference the imported library.
void set uri(String _value) {
_uri = _value;
int get offset => _offset ??= 0;
* If [isImplicit] is false, offset of the "import" keyword. If [isImplicit]
* is true, zero.
void set offset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_offset = _value;
int get prefixReference => _prefixReference ??= 0;
* Index into [UnlinkedUnit.references] of the prefix declared by this
* import declaration, or zero if this import declaration declares no prefix.
* Note that multiple imports can declare the same prefix.
void set prefixReference(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_prefixReference = _value;
List<UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder> get combinators => _combinators ??= <UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder>[];
* Combinators contained in this import declaration.
void set combinators(List<UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder> _value) {
_combinators = _value;
bool get isDeferred => _isDeferred ??= false;
* Indicates whether the import declaration uses the `deferred` keyword.
void set isDeferred(bool _value) {
_isDeferred = _value;
bool get isImplicit => _isImplicit ??= false;
* Indicates whether the import declaration is implicit.
void set isImplicit(bool _value) {
_isImplicit = _value;
int get uriOffset => _uriOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of
* the file. If [isImplicit] is true, zero.
void set uriOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_uriOffset = _value;
int get uriEnd => _uriEnd ??= 0;
* End of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of the
* file. If [isImplicit] is true, zero.
void set uriEnd(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_uriEnd = _value;
int get prefixOffset => _prefixOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the prefix name relative to the beginning of the file, or zero
* if there is no prefix.
void set prefixOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_prefixOffset = _value;
UnlinkedImportBuilder({String uri, int offset, int prefixReference, List<UnlinkedCombinatorBuilder> combinators, bool isDeferred, bool isImplicit, int uriOffset, int uriEnd, int prefixOffset})
: _uri = uri,
_offset = offset,
_prefixReference = prefixReference,
_combinators = combinators,
_isDeferred = isDeferred,
_isImplicit = isImplicit,
_uriOffset = uriOffset,
_uriEnd = uriEnd,
_prefixOffset = prefixOffset;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_uri;
fb.Offset offset_combinators;
if (_uri != null) {
offset_uri = fbBuilder.writeString(_uri);
if (!(_combinators == null || _combinators.isEmpty)) {
offset_combinators = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_uri != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_uri);
if (_offset != null && _offset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _offset);
if (_prefixReference != null && _prefixReference != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(2, _prefixReference);
if (offset_combinators != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_combinators);
if (_isDeferred == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(4, true);
if (_isImplicit == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(5, true);
if (_uriOffset != null && _uriOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(6, _uriOffset);
if (_uriEnd != null && _uriEnd != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(7, _uriEnd);
if (_prefixOffset != null && _prefixOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(8, _prefixOffset);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about an import declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedImport extends base.SummaryClass {
* URI used in the source code to reference the imported library.
String get uri;
* If [isImplicit] is false, offset of the "import" keyword. If [isImplicit]
* is true, zero.
int get offset;
* Index into [UnlinkedUnit.references] of the prefix declared by this
* import declaration, or zero if this import declaration declares no prefix.
* Note that multiple imports can declare the same prefix.
int get prefixReference;
* Combinators contained in this import declaration.
List<UnlinkedCombinator> get combinators;
* Indicates whether the import declaration uses the `deferred` keyword.
bool get isDeferred;
* Indicates whether the import declaration is implicit.
bool get isImplicit;
* Offset of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of
* the file. If [isImplicit] is true, zero.
int get uriOffset;
* End of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of the
* file. If [isImplicit] is true, zero.
int get uriEnd;
* Offset of the prefix name relative to the beginning of the file, or zero
* if there is no prefix.
int get prefixOffset;
class _UnlinkedImportReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedImportImpl> {
const _UnlinkedImportReader();
_UnlinkedImportImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedImportImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedImportImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedImportMixin implements UnlinkedImport {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _uri;
int _offset;
int _prefixReference;
List<UnlinkedCombinator> _combinators;
bool _isDeferred;
bool _isImplicit;
int _uriOffset;
int _uriEnd;
int _prefixOffset;
String get uri {
_uri ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _uri;
int get offset {
_offset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _offset;
int get prefixReference {
_prefixReference ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, 0);
return _prefixReference;
List<UnlinkedCombinator> get combinators {
_combinators ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedCombinator>(const _UnlinkedCombinatorReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <UnlinkedCombinator>[]);
return _combinators;
bool get isDeferred {
_isDeferred ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, false);
return _isDeferred;
bool get isImplicit {
_isImplicit ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 5, false);
return _isImplicit;
int get uriOffset {
_uriOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 6, 0);
return _uriOffset;
int get uriEnd {
_uriEnd ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 7, 0);
return _uriEnd;
int get prefixOffset {
_prefixOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 8, 0);
return _prefixOffset;
abstract class _UnlinkedImportMixin implements UnlinkedImport {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"uri": uri,
"offset": offset,
"prefixReference": prefixReference,
"combinators": combinators,
"isDeferred": isDeferred,
"isImplicit": isImplicit,
"uriOffset": uriOffset,
"uriEnd": uriEnd,
"prefixOffset": prefixOffset,
class UnlinkedParamBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedParamMixin implements UnlinkedParam {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
EntityRefBuilder _type;
List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> _parameters;
UnlinkedParamKind _kind;
bool _isFunctionTyped;
bool _isInitializingFormal;
int _inferredTypeSlot;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the parameter.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the parameter name relative to the beginning of the file.
void set nameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_nameOffset = _value;
EntityRefBuilder get type => _type;
* If [isFunctionTyped] is `true`, the declared return type. If
* [isFunctionTyped] is `false`, the declared type. Absent if the type is
* implicit.
void set type(EntityRefBuilder _value) {
_type = _value;
List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> get parameters => _parameters ??= <UnlinkedParamBuilder>[];
* If [isFunctionTyped] is `true`, the parameters of the function type.
void set parameters(List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> _value) {
_parameters = _value;
UnlinkedParamKind get kind => _kind ??= UnlinkedParamKind.required;
* Kind of the parameter.
void set kind(UnlinkedParamKind _value) {
_kind = _value;
bool get isFunctionTyped => _isFunctionTyped ??= false;
* Indicates whether this is a function-typed parameter.
void set isFunctionTyped(bool _value) {
_isFunctionTyped = _value;
bool get isInitializingFormal => _isInitializingFormal ??= false;
* Indicates whether this is an initializing formal parameter (i.e. it is
* declared using `this.` syntax).
void set isInitializingFormal(bool _value) {
_isInitializingFormal = _value;
int get inferredTypeSlot => _inferredTypeSlot ??= 0;
* If this parameter's type is inferrable, nonzero slot id identifying which
* entry in [LinkedLibrary.types] contains the inferred type. If there is no
* matching entry in [LinkedLibrary.types], then no type was inferred for
* this variable, so its static type is `dynamic`.
* Note that although strong mode considers initializing formals to be
* inferrable, they are not marked as such in the summary; if their type is
* not specified, they always inherit the static type of the corresponding
* field.
void set inferredTypeSlot(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_inferredTypeSlot = _value;
UnlinkedParamBuilder({String name, int nameOffset, EntityRefBuilder type, List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> parameters, UnlinkedParamKind kind, bool isFunctionTyped, bool isInitializingFormal, int inferredTypeSlot})
: _name = name,
_nameOffset = nameOffset,
_type = type,
_parameters = parameters,
_kind = kind,
_isFunctionTyped = isFunctionTyped,
_isInitializingFormal = isInitializingFormal,
_inferredTypeSlot = inferredTypeSlot;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_type;
fb.Offset offset_parameters;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_type != null) {
offset_type = _type.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_parameters == null || _parameters.isEmpty)) {
offset_parameters = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_nameOffset != null && _nameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _nameOffset);
if (offset_type != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_type);
if (offset_parameters != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_parameters);
if (_kind != null && _kind != UnlinkedParamKind.required) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(4, _kind.index);
if (_isFunctionTyped == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(5, true);
if (_isInitializingFormal == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(6, true);
if (_inferredTypeSlot != null && _inferredTypeSlot != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(7, _inferredTypeSlot);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a function parameter.
abstract class UnlinkedParam extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the parameter.
String get name;
* Offset of the parameter name relative to the beginning of the file.
int get nameOffset;
* If [isFunctionTyped] is `true`, the declared return type. If
* [isFunctionTyped] is `false`, the declared type. Absent if the type is
* implicit.
EntityRef get type;
* If [isFunctionTyped] is `true`, the parameters of the function type.
List<UnlinkedParam> get parameters;
* Kind of the parameter.
UnlinkedParamKind get kind;
* Indicates whether this is a function-typed parameter.
bool get isFunctionTyped;
* Indicates whether this is an initializing formal parameter (i.e. it is
* declared using `this.` syntax).
bool get isInitializingFormal;
* If this parameter's type is inferrable, nonzero slot id identifying which
* entry in [LinkedLibrary.types] contains the inferred type. If there is no
* matching entry in [LinkedLibrary.types], then no type was inferred for
* this variable, so its static type is `dynamic`.
* Note that although strong mode considers initializing formals to be
* inferrable, they are not marked as such in the summary; if their type is
* not specified, they always inherit the static type of the corresponding
* field.
int get inferredTypeSlot;
class _UnlinkedParamReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedParamImpl> {
const _UnlinkedParamReader();
_UnlinkedParamImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedParamImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedParamImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedParamMixin implements UnlinkedParam {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
EntityRef _type;
List<UnlinkedParam> _parameters;
UnlinkedParamKind _kind;
bool _isFunctionTyped;
bool _isInitializingFormal;
int _inferredTypeSlot;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get nameOffset {
_nameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _nameOffset;
EntityRef get type {
_type ??= const _EntityRefReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, null);
return _type;
List<UnlinkedParam> get parameters {
_parameters ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedParam>(const _UnlinkedParamReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <UnlinkedParam>[]);
return _parameters;
UnlinkedParamKind get kind {
_kind ??= const _UnlinkedParamKindReader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, UnlinkedParamKind.required);
return _kind;
bool get isFunctionTyped {
_isFunctionTyped ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 5, false);
return _isFunctionTyped;
bool get isInitializingFormal {
_isInitializingFormal ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 6, false);
return _isInitializingFormal;
int get inferredTypeSlot {
_inferredTypeSlot ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 7, 0);
return _inferredTypeSlot;
abstract class _UnlinkedParamMixin implements UnlinkedParam {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"nameOffset": nameOffset,
"type": type,
"parameters": parameters,
"kind": kind,
"isFunctionTyped": isFunctionTyped,
"isInitializingFormal": isInitializingFormal,
"inferredTypeSlot": inferredTypeSlot,
class UnlinkedPartBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedPartMixin implements UnlinkedPart {
bool _finished = false;
int _uriOffset;
int _uriEnd;
int get uriOffset => _uriOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of
* the file.
void set uriOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_uriOffset = _value;
int get uriEnd => _uriEnd ??= 0;
* End of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of the
* file.
void set uriEnd(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_uriEnd = _value;
UnlinkedPartBuilder({int uriOffset, int uriEnd})
: _uriOffset = uriOffset,
_uriEnd = uriEnd;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
if (_uriOffset != null && _uriOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(0, _uriOffset);
if (_uriEnd != null && _uriEnd != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _uriEnd);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a part declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedPart extends base.SummaryClass {
* Offset of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of
* the file.
int get uriOffset;
* End of the URI string (including quotes) relative to the beginning of the
* file.
int get uriEnd;
class _UnlinkedPartReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedPartImpl> {
const _UnlinkedPartReader();
_UnlinkedPartImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedPartImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedPartImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedPartMixin implements UnlinkedPart {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
int _uriOffset;
int _uriEnd;
int get uriOffset {
_uriOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, 0);
return _uriOffset;
int get uriEnd {
_uriEnd ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _uriEnd;
abstract class _UnlinkedPartMixin implements UnlinkedPart {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"uriOffset": uriOffset,
"uriEnd": uriEnd,
class UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedPublicNameMixin implements UnlinkedPublicName {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
ReferenceKind _kind;
int _numTypeParameters;
List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> _constMembers;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* The name itself.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
ReferenceKind get kind => _kind ??= ReferenceKind.classOrEnum;
* The kind of object referred to by the name.
void set kind(ReferenceKind _value) {
_kind = _value;
int get numTypeParameters => _numTypeParameters ??= 0;
* If the entity being referred to is generic, the number of type parameters
* it accepts. Otherwise zero.
void set numTypeParameters(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_numTypeParameters = _value;
List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> get constMembers => _constMembers ??= <UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder>[];
* If this [UnlinkedPublicName] is a class, the list of members which can be
* referenced from constants - static constant fields, static methods, and
* constructors. Otherwise empty.
void set constMembers(List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> _value) {
_constMembers = _value;
UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder({String name, ReferenceKind kind, int numTypeParameters, List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> constMembers})
: _name = name,
_kind = kind,
_numTypeParameters = numTypeParameters,
_constMembers = constMembers;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_constMembers;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (!(_constMembers == null || _constMembers.isEmpty)) {
offset_constMembers = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_kind != null && _kind != ReferenceKind.classOrEnum) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _kind.index);
if (_numTypeParameters != null && _numTypeParameters != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(2, _numTypeParameters);
if (offset_constMembers != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_constMembers);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a specific name contributed by a
* compilation unit to a library's public namespace.
* TODO(paulberry): some of this information is redundant with information
* elsewhere in the summary. Consider reducing the redundancy to reduce
* summary size.
abstract class UnlinkedPublicName extends base.SummaryClass {
* The name itself.
String get name;
* The kind of object referred to by the name.
ReferenceKind get kind;
* If the entity being referred to is generic, the number of type parameters
* it accepts. Otherwise zero.
int get numTypeParameters;
* If this [UnlinkedPublicName] is a class, the list of members which can be
* referenced from constants - static constant fields, static methods, and
* constructors. Otherwise empty.
List<UnlinkedPublicName> get constMembers;
class _UnlinkedPublicNameReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedPublicNameImpl> {
const _UnlinkedPublicNameReader();
_UnlinkedPublicNameImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedPublicNameImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedPublicNameImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedPublicNameMixin implements UnlinkedPublicName {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
ReferenceKind _kind;
int _numTypeParameters;
List<UnlinkedPublicName> _constMembers;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
ReferenceKind get kind {
_kind ??= const _ReferenceKindReader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, ReferenceKind.classOrEnum);
return _kind;
int get numTypeParameters {
_numTypeParameters ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, 0);
return _numTypeParameters;
List<UnlinkedPublicName> get constMembers {
_constMembers ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedPublicName>(const _UnlinkedPublicNameReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <UnlinkedPublicName>[]);
return _constMembers;
abstract class _UnlinkedPublicNameMixin implements UnlinkedPublicName {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"kind": kind,
"numTypeParameters": numTypeParameters,
"constMembers": constMembers,
class UnlinkedPublicNamespaceBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceMixin implements UnlinkedPublicNamespace {
bool _finished = false;
List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> _names;
List<UnlinkedExportPublicBuilder> _exports;
List<String> _parts;
List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> get names => _names ??= <UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder>[];
* Public names defined in the compilation unit.
* TODO(paulberry): consider sorting these names to reduce unnecessary
* relinking.
void set names(List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> _value) {
_names = _value;
List<UnlinkedExportPublicBuilder> get exports => _exports ??= <UnlinkedExportPublicBuilder>[];
* Export declarations in the compilation unit.
void set exports(List<UnlinkedExportPublicBuilder> _value) {
_exports = _value;
List<String> get parts => _parts ??= <String>[];
* URIs referenced by part declarations in the compilation unit.
void set parts(List<String> _value) {
_parts = _value;
UnlinkedPublicNamespaceBuilder({List<UnlinkedPublicNameBuilder> names, List<UnlinkedExportPublicBuilder> exports, List<String> parts})
: _names = names,
_exports = exports,
_parts = parts;
List<int> toBuffer() {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
return fbBuilder.finish(finish(fbBuilder));
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_names;
fb.Offset offset_exports;
fb.Offset offset_parts;
if (!(_names == null || _names.isEmpty)) {
offset_names = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_exports == null || _exports.isEmpty)) {
offset_exports = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_parts == null || _parts.isEmpty)) {
offset_parts = fbBuilder.writeList( => fbBuilder.writeString(b)).toList());
if (offset_names != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_names);
if (offset_exports != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(1, offset_exports);
if (offset_parts != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_parts);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about what a compilation unit contributes to a
* library's public namespace. This is the subset of [UnlinkedUnit] that is
* required from dependent libraries in order to perform prelinking.
abstract class UnlinkedPublicNamespace extends base.SummaryClass {
factory UnlinkedPublicNamespace.fromBuffer(List<int> buffer) {
fb.BufferPointer rootRef = new fb.BufferPointer.fromBytes(buffer);
return const _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceReader().read(rootRef);
* Public names defined in the compilation unit.
* TODO(paulberry): consider sorting these names to reduce unnecessary
* relinking.
List<UnlinkedPublicName> get names;
* Export declarations in the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedExportPublic> get exports;
* URIs referenced by part declarations in the compilation unit.
List<String> get parts;
class _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedPublicNamespaceImpl> {
const _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceReader();
_UnlinkedPublicNamespaceImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceMixin implements UnlinkedPublicNamespace {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
List<UnlinkedPublicName> _names;
List<UnlinkedExportPublic> _exports;
List<String> _parts;
List<UnlinkedPublicName> get names {
_names ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedPublicName>(const _UnlinkedPublicNameReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 0, const <UnlinkedPublicName>[]);
return _names;
List<UnlinkedExportPublic> get exports {
_exports ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedExportPublic>(const _UnlinkedExportPublicReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 1, const <UnlinkedExportPublic>[]);
return _exports;
List<String> get parts {
_parts ??= const fb.ListReader<String>(const fb.StringReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 2, const <String>[]);
return _parts;
abstract class _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceMixin implements UnlinkedPublicNamespace {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"names": names,
"exports": exports,
"parts": parts,
class UnlinkedReferenceBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedReferenceMixin implements UnlinkedReference {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _prefixReference;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the entity being referred to. For the pseudo-type `dynamic`, the
* string is "dynamic". For the pseudo-type `void`, the string is "void".
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get prefixReference => _prefixReference ??= 0;
* Prefix used to refer to the entity, or zero if no prefix is used. This is
* an index into [UnlinkedUnit.references].
* Prefix references must always point backward; that is, for all i, if
* UnlinkedUnit.references[i].prefixReference != 0, then
* UnlinkedUnit.references[i].prefixReference < i.
void set prefixReference(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_prefixReference = _value;
UnlinkedReferenceBuilder({String name, int prefixReference})
: _name = name,
_prefixReference = prefixReference;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_prefixReference != null && _prefixReference != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _prefixReference);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a name referred to in one library that
* might be defined in another.
abstract class UnlinkedReference extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the entity being referred to. For the pseudo-type `dynamic`, the
* string is "dynamic". For the pseudo-type `void`, the string is "void".
String get name;
* Prefix used to refer to the entity, or zero if no prefix is used. This is
* an index into [UnlinkedUnit.references].
* Prefix references must always point backward; that is, for all i, if
* UnlinkedUnit.references[i].prefixReference != 0, then
* UnlinkedUnit.references[i].prefixReference < i.
int get prefixReference;
class _UnlinkedReferenceReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedReferenceImpl> {
const _UnlinkedReferenceReader();
_UnlinkedReferenceImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedReferenceImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedReferenceImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedReferenceMixin implements UnlinkedReference {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _prefixReference;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get prefixReference {
_prefixReference ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _prefixReference;
abstract class _UnlinkedReferenceMixin implements UnlinkedReference {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"prefixReference": prefixReference,
class UnlinkedTypedefBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedTypedefMixin implements UnlinkedTypedef {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> _typeParameters;
EntityRefBuilder _returnType;
List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> _parameters;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the typedef.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the typedef name relative to the beginning of the file.
void set nameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_nameOffset = _value;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder get documentationComment => _documentationComment;
* Documentation comment for the typedef, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
void set documentationComment(UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _value) {
_documentationComment = _value;
List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> get typeParameters => _typeParameters ??= <UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder>[];
* Type parameters of the typedef, if any.
void set typeParameters(List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> _value) {
_typeParameters = _value;
EntityRefBuilder get returnType => _returnType;
* Return type of the typedef.
void set returnType(EntityRefBuilder _value) {
_returnType = _value;
List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> get parameters => _parameters ??= <UnlinkedParamBuilder>[];
* Parameters of the executable, if any.
void set parameters(List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> _value) {
_parameters = _value;
UnlinkedTypedefBuilder({String name, int nameOffset, UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder documentationComment, List<UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder> typeParameters, EntityRefBuilder returnType, List<UnlinkedParamBuilder> parameters})
: _name = name,
_nameOffset = nameOffset,
_documentationComment = documentationComment,
_typeParameters = typeParameters,
_returnType = returnType,
_parameters = parameters;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_documentationComment;
fb.Offset offset_typeParameters;
fb.Offset offset_returnType;
fb.Offset offset_parameters;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_documentationComment != null) {
offset_documentationComment = _documentationComment.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_typeParameters == null || _typeParameters.isEmpty)) {
offset_typeParameters = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (_returnType != null) {
offset_returnType = _returnType.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_parameters == null || _parameters.isEmpty)) {
offset_parameters = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_nameOffset != null && _nameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _nameOffset);
if (offset_documentationComment != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_documentationComment);
if (offset_typeParameters != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_typeParameters);
if (offset_returnType != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(4, offset_returnType);
if (offset_parameters != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(5, offset_parameters);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a typedef declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedTypedef extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the typedef.
String get name;
* Offset of the typedef name relative to the beginning of the file.
int get nameOffset;
* Documentation comment for the typedef, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment;
* Type parameters of the typedef, if any.
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get typeParameters;
* Return type of the typedef.
EntityRef get returnType;
* Parameters of the executable, if any.
List<UnlinkedParam> get parameters;
class _UnlinkedTypedefReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedTypedefImpl> {
const _UnlinkedTypedefReader();
_UnlinkedTypedefImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedTypedefImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedTypedefImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedTypedefMixin implements UnlinkedTypedef {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> _typeParameters;
EntityRef _returnType;
List<UnlinkedParam> _parameters;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get nameOffset {
_nameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment {
_documentationComment ??= const _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, null);
return _documentationComment;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get typeParameters {
_typeParameters ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedTypeParam>(const _UnlinkedTypeParamReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 3, const <UnlinkedTypeParam>[]);
return _typeParameters;
EntityRef get returnType {
_returnType ??= const _EntityRefReader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, null);
return _returnType;
List<UnlinkedParam> get parameters {
_parameters ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedParam>(const _UnlinkedParamReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 5, const <UnlinkedParam>[]);
return _parameters;
abstract class _UnlinkedTypedefMixin implements UnlinkedTypedef {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"nameOffset": nameOffset,
"documentationComment": documentationComment,
"typeParameters": typeParameters,
"returnType": returnType,
"parameters": parameters,
class UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedTypeParamMixin implements UnlinkedTypeParam {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
EntityRefBuilder _bound;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the type parameter.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the type parameter name relative to the beginning of the file.
void set nameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_nameOffset = _value;
EntityRefBuilder get bound => _bound;
* Bound of the type parameter, if a bound is explicitly declared. Otherwise
* null.
void set bound(EntityRefBuilder _value) {
_bound = _value;
UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder({String name, int nameOffset, EntityRefBuilder bound})
: _name = name,
_nameOffset = nameOffset,
_bound = bound;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_bound;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_bound != null) {
offset_bound = _bound.finish(fbBuilder);
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_nameOffset != null && _nameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _nameOffset);
if (offset_bound != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_bound);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a type parameter declaration.
abstract class UnlinkedTypeParam extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the type parameter.
String get name;
* Offset of the type parameter name relative to the beginning of the file.
int get nameOffset;
* Bound of the type parameter, if a bound is explicitly declared. Otherwise
* null.
EntityRef get bound;
class _UnlinkedTypeParamReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedTypeParamImpl> {
const _UnlinkedTypeParamReader();
_UnlinkedTypeParamImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedTypeParamImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedTypeParamImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedTypeParamMixin implements UnlinkedTypeParam {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
EntityRef _bound;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get nameOffset {
_nameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _nameOffset;
EntityRef get bound {
_bound ??= const _EntityRefReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, null);
return _bound;
abstract class _UnlinkedTypeParamMixin implements UnlinkedTypeParam {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"nameOffset": nameOffset,
"bound": bound,
class UnlinkedUnitBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedUnitMixin implements UnlinkedUnit {
bool _finished = false;
String _libraryName;
int _libraryNameOffset;
int _libraryNameLength;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _libraryDocumentationComment;
UnlinkedPublicNamespaceBuilder _publicNamespace;
List<UnlinkedReferenceBuilder> _references;
List<UnlinkedClassBuilder> _classes;
List<UnlinkedEnumBuilder> _enums;
List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> _executables;
List<UnlinkedExportNonPublicBuilder> _exports;
List<UnlinkedImportBuilder> _imports;
List<UnlinkedPartBuilder> _parts;
List<UnlinkedTypedefBuilder> _typedefs;
List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> _variables;
String get libraryName => _libraryName ??= '';
* Name of the library (from a "library" declaration, if present).
void set libraryName(String _value) {
_libraryName = _value;
int get libraryNameOffset => _libraryNameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the library name relative to the beginning of the file (or 0 if
* the library has no name).
void set libraryNameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_libraryNameOffset = _value;
int get libraryNameLength => _libraryNameLength ??= 0;
* Length of the library name as it appears in the source code (or 0 if the
* library has no name).
void set libraryNameLength(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_libraryNameLength = _value;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder get libraryDocumentationComment => _libraryDocumentationComment;
* Documentation comment for the library, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
void set libraryDocumentationComment(UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _value) {
_libraryDocumentationComment = _value;
UnlinkedPublicNamespaceBuilder get publicNamespace => _publicNamespace;
* Unlinked public namespace of this compilation unit.
void set publicNamespace(UnlinkedPublicNamespaceBuilder _value) {
_publicNamespace = _value;
List<UnlinkedReferenceBuilder> get references => _references ??= <UnlinkedReferenceBuilder>[];
* Top level and prefixed names referred to by this compilation unit. The
* zeroth element of this array is always populated and is used to represent
* the absence of a reference in places where a reference is optional (for
* example [UnlinkedReference.prefixReference or
* UnlinkedImport.prefixReference]).
void set references(List<UnlinkedReferenceBuilder> _value) {
_references = _value;
List<UnlinkedClassBuilder> get classes => _classes ??= <UnlinkedClassBuilder>[];
* Classes declared in the compilation unit.
void set classes(List<UnlinkedClassBuilder> _value) {
_classes = _value;
List<UnlinkedEnumBuilder> get enums => _enums ??= <UnlinkedEnumBuilder>[];
* Enums declared in the compilation unit.
void set enums(List<UnlinkedEnumBuilder> _value) {
_enums = _value;
List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> get executables => _executables ??= <UnlinkedExecutableBuilder>[];
* Top level executable objects (functions, getters, and setters) declared in
* the compilation unit.
void set executables(List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> _value) {
_executables = _value;
List<UnlinkedExportNonPublicBuilder> get exports => _exports ??= <UnlinkedExportNonPublicBuilder>[];
* Export declarations in the compilation unit.
void set exports(List<UnlinkedExportNonPublicBuilder> _value) {
_exports = _value;
List<UnlinkedImportBuilder> get imports => _imports ??= <UnlinkedImportBuilder>[];
* Import declarations in the compilation unit.
void set imports(List<UnlinkedImportBuilder> _value) {
_imports = _value;
List<UnlinkedPartBuilder> get parts => _parts ??= <UnlinkedPartBuilder>[];
* Part declarations in the compilation unit.
void set parts(List<UnlinkedPartBuilder> _value) {
_parts = _value;
List<UnlinkedTypedefBuilder> get typedefs => _typedefs ??= <UnlinkedTypedefBuilder>[];
* Typedefs declared in the compilation unit.
void set typedefs(List<UnlinkedTypedefBuilder> _value) {
_typedefs = _value;
List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> get variables => _variables ??= <UnlinkedVariableBuilder>[];
* Top level variables declared in the compilation unit.
void set variables(List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> _value) {
_variables = _value;
UnlinkedUnitBuilder({String libraryName, int libraryNameOffset, int libraryNameLength, UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder libraryDocumentationComment, UnlinkedPublicNamespaceBuilder publicNamespace, List<UnlinkedReferenceBuilder> references, List<UnlinkedClassBuilder> classes, List<UnlinkedEnumBuilder> enums, List<UnlinkedExecutableBuilder> executables, List<UnlinkedExportNonPublicBuilder> exports, List<UnlinkedImportBuilder> imports, List<UnlinkedPartBuilder> parts, List<UnlinkedTypedefBuilder> typedefs, List<UnlinkedVariableBuilder> variables})
: _libraryName = libraryName,
_libraryNameOffset = libraryNameOffset,
_libraryNameLength = libraryNameLength,
_libraryDocumentationComment = libraryDocumentationComment,
_publicNamespace = publicNamespace,
_references = references,
_classes = classes,
_enums = enums,
_executables = executables,
_exports = exports,
_imports = imports,
_parts = parts,
_typedefs = typedefs,
_variables = variables;
List<int> toBuffer() {
fb.Builder fbBuilder = new fb.Builder();
return fbBuilder.finish(finish(fbBuilder));
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_libraryName;
fb.Offset offset_libraryDocumentationComment;
fb.Offset offset_publicNamespace;
fb.Offset offset_references;
fb.Offset offset_classes;
fb.Offset offset_enums;
fb.Offset offset_executables;
fb.Offset offset_exports;
fb.Offset offset_imports;
fb.Offset offset_parts;
fb.Offset offset_typedefs;
fb.Offset offset_variables;
if (_libraryName != null) {
offset_libraryName = fbBuilder.writeString(_libraryName);
if (_libraryDocumentationComment != null) {
offset_libraryDocumentationComment = _libraryDocumentationComment.finish(fbBuilder);
if (_publicNamespace != null) {
offset_publicNamespace = _publicNamespace.finish(fbBuilder);
if (!(_references == null || _references.isEmpty)) {
offset_references = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_classes == null || _classes.isEmpty)) {
offset_classes = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_enums == null || _enums.isEmpty)) {
offset_enums = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_executables == null || _executables.isEmpty)) {
offset_executables = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_exports == null || _exports.isEmpty)) {
offset_exports = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_imports == null || _imports.isEmpty)) {
offset_imports = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_parts == null || _parts.isEmpty)) {
offset_parts = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_typedefs == null || _typedefs.isEmpty)) {
offset_typedefs = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (!(_variables == null || _variables.isEmpty)) {
offset_variables = fbBuilder.writeList( => b.finish(fbBuilder)).toList());
if (offset_libraryName != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_libraryName);
if (_libraryNameOffset != null && _libraryNameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _libraryNameOffset);
if (_libraryNameLength != null && _libraryNameLength != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(2, _libraryNameLength);
if (offset_libraryDocumentationComment != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_libraryDocumentationComment);
if (offset_publicNamespace != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(4, offset_publicNamespace);
if (offset_references != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(5, offset_references);
if (offset_classes != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(6, offset_classes);
if (offset_enums != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(7, offset_enums);
if (offset_executables != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(8, offset_executables);
if (offset_exports != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(9, offset_exports);
if (offset_imports != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(10, offset_imports);
if (offset_parts != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(11, offset_parts);
if (offset_typedefs != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(12, offset_typedefs);
if (offset_variables != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(13, offset_variables);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a compilation unit ("part file").
abstract class UnlinkedUnit extends base.SummaryClass {
factory UnlinkedUnit.fromBuffer(List<int> buffer) {
fb.BufferPointer rootRef = new fb.BufferPointer.fromBytes(buffer);
return const _UnlinkedUnitReader().read(rootRef);
* Name of the library (from a "library" declaration, if present).
String get libraryName;
* Offset of the library name relative to the beginning of the file (or 0 if
* the library has no name).
int get libraryNameOffset;
* Length of the library name as it appears in the source code (or 0 if the
* library has no name).
int get libraryNameLength;
* Documentation comment for the library, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get libraryDocumentationComment;
* Unlinked public namespace of this compilation unit.
UnlinkedPublicNamespace get publicNamespace;
* Top level and prefixed names referred to by this compilation unit. The
* zeroth element of this array is always populated and is used to represent
* the absence of a reference in places where a reference is optional (for
* example [UnlinkedReference.prefixReference or
* UnlinkedImport.prefixReference]).
List<UnlinkedReference> get references;
* Classes declared in the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedClass> get classes;
* Enums declared in the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedEnum> get enums;
* Top level executable objects (functions, getters, and setters) declared in
* the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedExecutable> get executables;
* Export declarations in the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedExportNonPublic> get exports;
* Import declarations in the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedImport> get imports;
* Part declarations in the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedPart> get parts;
* Typedefs declared in the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedTypedef> get typedefs;
* Top level variables declared in the compilation unit.
List<UnlinkedVariable> get variables;
class _UnlinkedUnitReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedUnitImpl> {
const _UnlinkedUnitReader();
_UnlinkedUnitImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedUnitImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedUnitImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedUnitMixin implements UnlinkedUnit {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _libraryName;
int _libraryNameOffset;
int _libraryNameLength;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment _libraryDocumentationComment;
UnlinkedPublicNamespace _publicNamespace;
List<UnlinkedReference> _references;
List<UnlinkedClass> _classes;
List<UnlinkedEnum> _enums;
List<UnlinkedExecutable> _executables;
List<UnlinkedExportNonPublic> _exports;
List<UnlinkedImport> _imports;
List<UnlinkedPart> _parts;
List<UnlinkedTypedef> _typedefs;
List<UnlinkedVariable> _variables;
String get libraryName {
_libraryName ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _libraryName;
int get libraryNameOffset {
_libraryNameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _libraryNameOffset;
int get libraryNameLength {
_libraryNameLength ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, 0);
return _libraryNameLength;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get libraryDocumentationComment {
_libraryDocumentationComment ??= const _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader().vTableGet(_bp, 3, null);
return _libraryDocumentationComment;
UnlinkedPublicNamespace get publicNamespace {
_publicNamespace ??= const _UnlinkedPublicNamespaceReader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, null);
return _publicNamespace;
List<UnlinkedReference> get references {
_references ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedReference>(const _UnlinkedReferenceReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 5, const <UnlinkedReference>[]);
return _references;
List<UnlinkedClass> get classes {
_classes ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedClass>(const _UnlinkedClassReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 6, const <UnlinkedClass>[]);
return _classes;
List<UnlinkedEnum> get enums {
_enums ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedEnum>(const _UnlinkedEnumReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 7, const <UnlinkedEnum>[]);
return _enums;
List<UnlinkedExecutable> get executables {
_executables ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedExecutable>(const _UnlinkedExecutableReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 8, const <UnlinkedExecutable>[]);
return _executables;
List<UnlinkedExportNonPublic> get exports {
_exports ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedExportNonPublic>(const _UnlinkedExportNonPublicReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 9, const <UnlinkedExportNonPublic>[]);
return _exports;
List<UnlinkedImport> get imports {
_imports ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedImport>(const _UnlinkedImportReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 10, const <UnlinkedImport>[]);
return _imports;
List<UnlinkedPart> get parts {
_parts ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedPart>(const _UnlinkedPartReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 11, const <UnlinkedPart>[]);
return _parts;
List<UnlinkedTypedef> get typedefs {
_typedefs ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedTypedef>(const _UnlinkedTypedefReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 12, const <UnlinkedTypedef>[]);
return _typedefs;
List<UnlinkedVariable> get variables {
_variables ??= const fb.ListReader<UnlinkedVariable>(const _UnlinkedVariableReader()).vTableGet(_bp, 13, const <UnlinkedVariable>[]);
return _variables;
abstract class _UnlinkedUnitMixin implements UnlinkedUnit {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"libraryName": libraryName,
"libraryNameOffset": libraryNameOffset,
"libraryNameLength": libraryNameLength,
"libraryDocumentationComment": libraryDocumentationComment,
"publicNamespace": publicNamespace,
"references": references,
"classes": classes,
"enums": enums,
"executables": executables,
"exports": exports,
"imports": imports,
"parts": parts,
"typedefs": typedefs,
"variables": variables,
class UnlinkedVariableBuilder extends Object with _UnlinkedVariableMixin implements UnlinkedVariable {
bool _finished = false;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _documentationComment;
EntityRefBuilder _type;
UnlinkedConstBuilder _constExpr;
bool _isStatic;
bool _isFinal;
bool _isConst;
int _propagatedTypeSlot;
int _inferredTypeSlot;
String get name => _name ??= '';
* Name of the variable.
void set name(String _value) {
_name = _value;
int get nameOffset => _nameOffset ??= 0;
* Offset of the variable name relative to the beginning of the file.
void set nameOffset(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_nameOffset = _value;
UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder get documentationComment => _documentationComment;
* Documentation comment for the variable, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
void set documentationComment(UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder _value) {
_documentationComment = _value;
EntityRefBuilder get type => _type;
* Declared type of the variable. Absent if the type is implicit.
void set type(EntityRefBuilder _value) {
_type = _value;
UnlinkedConstBuilder get constExpr => _constExpr;
* If [isConst] is true, and the variable has an initializer, the constant
* expression in the initializer.
void set constExpr(UnlinkedConstBuilder _value) {
_constExpr = _value;
bool get isStatic => _isStatic ??= false;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `static` keyword.
* Note that for top level variables, this flag is false, since they are not
* declared using the `static` keyword (even though they are considered
* static for semantic purposes).
void set isStatic(bool _value) {
_isStatic = _value;
bool get isFinal => _isFinal ??= false;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `final` keyword.
void set isFinal(bool _value) {
_isFinal = _value;
bool get isConst => _isConst ??= false;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `const` keyword.
void set isConst(bool _value) {
_isConst = _value;
int get propagatedTypeSlot => _propagatedTypeSlot ??= 0;
* If this variable is propagable, nonzero slot id identifying which entry in
* [LinkedLibrary.types] contains the propagated type for this variable. If
* there is no matching entry in [LinkedLibrary.types], then this variable's
* propagated type is the same as its declared type.
* Non-propagable variables have a [propagatedTypeSlot] of zero.
void set propagatedTypeSlot(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_propagatedTypeSlot = _value;
int get inferredTypeSlot => _inferredTypeSlot ??= 0;
* If this variable is inferrable, nonzero slot id identifying which entry in
* [LinkedLibrary.types] contains the inferred type for this variable. If
* there is no matching entry in [LinkedLibrary.types], then no type was
* inferred for this variable, so its static type is `dynamic`.
void set inferredTypeSlot(int _value) {
assert(_value == null || _value >= 0);
_inferredTypeSlot = _value;
UnlinkedVariableBuilder({String name, int nameOffset, UnlinkedDocumentationCommentBuilder documentationComment, EntityRefBuilder type, UnlinkedConstBuilder constExpr, bool isStatic, bool isFinal, bool isConst, int propagatedTypeSlot, int inferredTypeSlot})
: _name = name,
_nameOffset = nameOffset,
_documentationComment = documentationComment,
_type = type,
_constExpr = constExpr,
_isStatic = isStatic,
_isFinal = isFinal,
_isConst = isConst,
_propagatedTypeSlot = propagatedTypeSlot,
_inferredTypeSlot = inferredTypeSlot;
fb.Offset finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
_finished = true;
fb.Offset offset_name;
fb.Offset offset_documentationComment;
fb.Offset offset_type;
fb.Offset offset_constExpr;
if (_name != null) {
offset_name = fbBuilder.writeString(_name);
if (_documentationComment != null) {
offset_documentationComment = _documentationComment.finish(fbBuilder);
if (_type != null) {
offset_type = _type.finish(fbBuilder);
if (_constExpr != null) {
offset_constExpr = _constExpr.finish(fbBuilder);
if (offset_name != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(0, offset_name);
if (_nameOffset != null && _nameOffset != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(1, _nameOffset);
if (offset_documentationComment != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(2, offset_documentationComment);
if (offset_type != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(3, offset_type);
if (offset_constExpr != null) {
fbBuilder.addOffset(4, offset_constExpr);
if (_isStatic == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(5, true);
if (_isFinal == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(6, true);
if (_isConst == true) {
fbBuilder.addBool(7, true);
if (_propagatedTypeSlot != null && _propagatedTypeSlot != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(8, _propagatedTypeSlot);
if (_inferredTypeSlot != null && _inferredTypeSlot != 0) {
fbBuilder.addUint32(9, _inferredTypeSlot);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
* Unlinked summary information about a top level variable, local variable, or
* a field.
abstract class UnlinkedVariable extends base.SummaryClass {
* Name of the variable.
String get name;
* Offset of the variable name relative to the beginning of the file.
int get nameOffset;
* Documentation comment for the variable, or `null` if there is no
* documentation comment.
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment;
* Declared type of the variable. Absent if the type is implicit.
EntityRef get type;
* If [isConst] is true, and the variable has an initializer, the constant
* expression in the initializer.
UnlinkedConst get constExpr;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `static` keyword.
* Note that for top level variables, this flag is false, since they are not
* declared using the `static` keyword (even though they are considered
* static for semantic purposes).
bool get isStatic;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `final` keyword.
bool get isFinal;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `const` keyword.
bool get isConst;
* If this variable is propagable, nonzero slot id identifying which entry in
* [LinkedLibrary.types] contains the propagated type for this variable. If
* there is no matching entry in [LinkedLibrary.types], then this variable's
* propagated type is the same as its declared type.
* Non-propagable variables have a [propagatedTypeSlot] of zero.
int get propagatedTypeSlot;
* If this variable is inferrable, nonzero slot id identifying which entry in
* [LinkedLibrary.types] contains the inferred type for this variable. If
* there is no matching entry in [LinkedLibrary.types], then no type was
* inferred for this variable, so its static type is `dynamic`.
int get inferredTypeSlot;
class _UnlinkedVariableReader extends fb.TableReader<_UnlinkedVariableImpl> {
const _UnlinkedVariableReader();
_UnlinkedVariableImpl createObject(fb.BufferPointer bp) => new _UnlinkedVariableImpl(bp);
class _UnlinkedVariableImpl extends Object with _UnlinkedVariableMixin implements UnlinkedVariable {
final fb.BufferPointer _bp;
String _name;
int _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment _documentationComment;
EntityRef _type;
UnlinkedConst _constExpr;
bool _isStatic;
bool _isFinal;
bool _isConst;
int _propagatedTypeSlot;
int _inferredTypeSlot;
String get name {
_name ??= const fb.StringReader().vTableGet(_bp, 0, '');
return _name;
int get nameOffset {
_nameOffset ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 1, 0);
return _nameOffset;
UnlinkedDocumentationComment get documentationComment {
_documentationComment ??= const _UnlinkedDocumentationCommentReader().vTableGet(_bp, 2, null);
return _documentationComment;
EntityRef get type {
_type ??= const _EntityRefReader().vTableGet(_bp, 3, null);
return _type;
UnlinkedConst get constExpr {
_constExpr ??= const _UnlinkedConstReader().vTableGet(_bp, 4, null);
return _constExpr;
bool get isStatic {
_isStatic ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 5, false);
return _isStatic;
bool get isFinal {
_isFinal ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 6, false);
return _isFinal;
bool get isConst {
_isConst ??= const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bp, 7, false);
return _isConst;
int get propagatedTypeSlot {
_propagatedTypeSlot ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 8, 0);
return _propagatedTypeSlot;
int get inferredTypeSlot {
_inferredTypeSlot ??= const fb.Uint32Reader().vTableGet(_bp, 9, 0);
return _inferredTypeSlot;
abstract class _UnlinkedVariableMixin implements UnlinkedVariable {
Map<String, Object> toMap() => {
"name": name,
"nameOffset": nameOffset,
"documentationComment": documentationComment,
"type": type,
"constExpr": constExpr,
"isStatic": isStatic,
"isFinal": isFinal,
"isConst": isConst,
"propagatedTypeSlot": propagatedTypeSlot,
"inferredTypeSlot": inferredTypeSlot,