blob: d7038ca0333cda6e1ebb31d2cd5793a1a71beb3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/exhaustiveness/exhaustive.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/exhaustiveness/static_type.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'env.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
var x = 'x';
var y = 'y';
var z = 'z';
group('sealed | ', () {
// Here, "(_)" means "sealed". A bare name is unsealed.
// (A)
// / \
// (B) (C)
// / \ \
// D E F
// / \
// G H
var env = TestEnvironment();
var a = env.createClass('A', isSealed: true);
var b = env.createClass('B', isSealed: true, inherits: [a]);
var c = env.createClass('C', isSealed: true, inherits: [a]);
var d = env.createClass('D', inherits: [b]);
var e = env.createClass('E', inherits: [b]);
var f = env.createClass('F', inherits: [c]);
var g = env.createClass('G', inherits: [f]);
var h = env.createClass('H', inherits: [f]);
test('exhaustiveness', () {
// Case matching top type covers all subtypes.
expectReportErrors(env, a, [a]);
expectReportErrors(env, b, [a]);
expectReportErrors(env, d, [a]);
// Case matching subtype doesn't cover supertype.
expectReportErrors(env, a, [b], 'A is not exhaustively matched by B.');
expectReportErrors(env, b, [b]);
expectReportErrors(env, d, [b]);
expectReportErrors(env, e, [b]);
// Matching subtypes of sealed type is exhaustive.
expectReportErrors(env, a, [b, c]);
expectReportErrors(env, a, [d, e, f]);
expectReportErrors(env, a, [b, f]);
env, a, [c, d], 'A is not exhaustively matched by C|D.');
env, f, [g, h], 'F is not exhaustively matched by G|H.');
test('unreachable case', () {
// Same type.
expectReportErrors(env, b, [b, b], 'Case #2 B is unreachable.');
// Previous case is supertype.
expectReportErrors(env, b, [a, b], 'Case #2 B is unreachable.');
// Previous subtype cases cover sealed supertype.
expectReportErrors(env, a, [b, c, a], 'Case #3 A is unreachable.');
expectReportErrors(env, a, [d, e, f, a], 'Case #4 A is unreachable.');
expectReportErrors(env, a, [b, f, a], 'Case #3 A is unreachable.');
expectReportErrors(env, a, [c, d, a]);
// Previous subtype cases do not cover unsealed supertype.
expectReportErrors(env, f, [g, h, f]);
test('covered record destructuring |', () {
var r = env.createRecordType({x: a, y: a, z: a});
// Wider field is not covered.
expectReportErrors(env, r, [
ty(r, {x: b}),
ty(r, {x: a}),
// Narrower field is covered.
ty(r, {x: a}),
ty(r, {x: b}),
'Case #2 (x: B, y: A, z: A) is unreachable.');
test('nullable sealed |', () {
// (A)
// / \
// B (C)
// / \
// D E
var env = TestEnvironment();
var a = env.createClass('A', isSealed: true);
var b = env.createClass('B', inherits: [a]);
var c = env.createClass('C', isSealed: true, inherits: [a]);
var d = env.createClass('D', inherits: [c]);
var e = env.createClass('E', inherits: [c]);
// Must cover null.
expectReportErrors(env, a.nullable, [b, d, e],
'A? is not exhaustively matched by B|D|E.');
// Can cover null with any nullable subtype.
expectReportErrors(env, a.nullable, [b.nullable, c]);
expectReportErrors(env, a.nullable, [b, c.nullable]);
expectReportErrors(env, a.nullable, [b, d.nullable, e]);
expectReportErrors(env, a.nullable, [b, d, e.nullable]);
// Can cover null with a null space.
expectReportErrors(env, a.nullable, [b, c, StaticType.nullType]);
expectReportErrors(env, a.nullable, [b, d, e, StaticType.nullType]);
// Nullable covers the non-null.
env, a.nullable, [a.nullable, a], 'Case #2 A is unreachable.');
env, b.nullable, [a.nullable, b], 'Case #2 B is unreachable.');
// Nullable covers null.
expectReportErrors(env, a.nullable, [a.nullable, StaticType.nullType],
'Case #2 Null is unreachable.');
expectReportErrors(env, b.nullable, [a.nullable, StaticType.nullType],
'Case #2 Null is unreachable.');
void expectReportErrors(ObjectPropertyLookup objectFieldLookup,
StaticType valueType, List<Object> cases,
[String errors = '']) {
reportErrors(objectFieldLookup, valueType, parseSpaces(cases),
computeUnreachable: true)