blob: 32e8e68d1b49f98380a6023b4c66f204f99d4bf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../types/shared_type.dart';
import 'type_analyzer_operations.dart';
/// Tracks a single constraint on a single type parameter.
/// We require that `typeParameter <: constraint` if `isUpper` is true, and
/// `constraint <: typeParameter` otherwise.
class GeneratedTypeConstraint<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
TypeParameter extends Object,
Variable extends Object> {
/// The type parameter that is constrained by [constraint].
final TypeParameter typeParameter;
/// The type schema constraining the type parameter.
final SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> constraint;
/// True if `typeParameter <: constraint`, and false otherwise.
/// Note that we require that either `typeParameter <: constraint` or
/// `constraint <: typeParameter`.
final bool isUpper;
GeneratedTypeConstraint.lower(this.typeParameter, this.constraint)
: isUpper = false;
GeneratedTypeConstraint.upper(this.typeParameter, this.constraint)
: isUpper = true;
String toString() {
return isUpper ? "<type> <: ${constraint}" : "${constraint} <: <type>";
/// A constraint on a type parameter that we're inferring.
class MergedTypeConstraint<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
TypeParameter extends Object,
Variable extends Object,
TypeDeclarationType extends Object,
TypeDeclaration extends Object> {
/// The lower bound of the type being constrained. This bound must be a
/// subtype of the type being constrained. In other words, lowerBound <: T.
/// This kind of constraint cannot be expressed in Dart, but it applies when
/// we're doing inference. For example, consider a signature like:
/// T pickAtRandom<T>(T x, T y);
/// and a call to it like:
/// pickAtRandom(1, 2.0)
/// when we see the first parameter is an `int`, we know that `int <: T`.
/// When we see `double` this implies `double <: T`.
/// Combining these constraints results in a lower bound of `num`.
/// In the example above `num` is chosen as the greatest upper bound between
/// `int` and `double`, so the resulting constraint is equal or stronger than
/// either of the two.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> lower;
/// The upper bound of the type being constrained. The type being constrained
/// must be a subtype of this bound. In other words, T <: upperBound.
/// In Dart this can be written as `<T extends UpperBoundType>`.
/// In inference, this can happen as a result of parameters of function type.
/// For example, consider a signature like:
/// T reduce<T>(List<T> values, T f(T x, T y));
/// and a call to it like:
/// reduce(values, (num x, num y) => ...);
/// From the function expression's parameters, we conclude `T <: num`. We may
/// still be able to conclude a different [lower] based on `values` or
/// the type of the elided `=> ...` body. For example:
/// reduce(['x'], (num x, num y) => 'hi');
/// Here the [lower] will be `String` and the upper bound will be `num`,
/// which cannot be satisfied, so this is ill typed.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> upper;
/// Where this constraint comes from, used for error messages.
TypeConstraintOrigin<TypeStructure, Variable, TypeParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration> origin;
{required this.lower, required this.upper, required this.origin});
{required String typeParameterName,
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> boundType,
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> extendsType,
required TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, TypeParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
: this(
origin: new TypeConstraintFromExtendsClause(
typeParameterName: typeParameterName,
boundType: boundType,
extendsType: extendsType,
upper: typeAnalyzerOperations.typeToSchema(extendsType),
lower: typeAnalyzerOperations.unknownType);
MergedTypeConstraint<TypeStructure, TypeParameter, Variable,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration> clone() {
return new MergedTypeConstraint(lower: lower, upper: upper, origin: origin);
bool isEmpty(
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, TypeParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
return lower is SharedUnknownTypeStructure &&
upper is SharedUnknownTypeStructure;
bool isSatisfiedBy(
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type,
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, TypeParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
return typeAnalyzerOperations.typeIsSubtypeOfTypeSchema(type, upper) &&
typeAnalyzerOperations.typeSchemaIsSubtypeOfType(lower, type);
void mergeIn(
GeneratedTypeConstraint<TypeStructure, TypeParameter, Variable>
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, TypeParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
if (generatedTypeConstraint.isUpper) {
generatedTypeConstraint.constraint, typeAnalyzerOperations);
} else {
generatedTypeConstraint.constraint, typeAnalyzerOperations);
void mergeInTypeSchemaUpper(
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> constraint,
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, TypeParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
upper = typeAnalyzerOperations.typeSchemaGlb(upper, constraint);
void mergeInTypeSchemaLower(
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> constraint,
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, TypeParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
lower = typeAnalyzerOperations.typeSchemaLub(lower, constraint);
String toString() {
return '${lower} <: <type> <: ${upper}';
/// The origin of a type constraint, for the purposes of producing a human
/// readable error message during type inference as well as determining whether
/// the constraint was used to fix the type parameter or not.
abstract class TypeConstraintOrigin<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Variable extends Object,
TypeParameter extends Object,
TypeDeclarationType extends Object,
TypeDeclaration extends Object> {
const TypeConstraintOrigin();
List<String> formatError(
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, TypeParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
class UnknownTypeConstraintOrigin<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Variable extends Object,
InferableParameter extends Object,
TypeDeclarationType extends Object,
TypeDeclaration extends Object>
extends TypeConstraintOrigin<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration> {
const UnknownTypeConstraintOrigin();
List<String> formatError(
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
return <String>[];
class TypeConstraintFromArgument<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Variable extends Object,
InferableParameter extends Object,
TypeDeclarationType extends Object,
TypeDeclaration extends Object>
extends TypeConstraintOrigin<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration> {
final SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> argumentType;
final SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> parameterType;
final String parameterName;
final String? genericClassName;
final bool isGenericClassInDartCore;
{required this.argumentType,
required this.parameterType,
required this.parameterName,
required this.genericClassName,
this.isGenericClassInDartCore = false});
List<String> formatError(
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
// TODO(cstefantsova): we should highlight the span. That would be more
// useful. However in summary code it doesn't look like the AST node with
// span is available.
String prefix;
if ((genericClassName == "List" || genericClassName == "Map") &&
isGenericClassInDartCore) {
// This will become:
// "List element"
// "Map key"
// "Map value"
prefix = "${genericClassName} $parameterName";
} else {
prefix = "Parameter '$parameterName'";
return [
"declared as '${parameterType.getDisplayString()}'",
"but argument is '${argumentType.getDisplayString()}'."
class TypeConstraintFromExtendsClause<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Variable extends Object,
InferableParameter extends Object,
TypeDeclarationType extends Object,
TypeDeclaration extends Object>
extends TypeConstraintOrigin<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration> {
/// Name of the type parameter with the extends clause.
final String typeParameterName;
/// The declared bound of the type parameter, not `null`, because we create
/// this clause only when it is not `null`.
/// For example `Iterable<T>` for `<T, E extends Iterable<T>>`.
final SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> boundType;
/// [boundType] in which type parameters are substituted with inferred
/// type arguments.
/// For example `Iterable<int>` if `T` inferred to `int`.
final SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> extendsType;
{required this.typeParameterName,
required this.boundType,
required this.extendsType});
List<String> formatError(
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
String boundStr = boundType.getDisplayString();
String extendsStr = extendsType.getDisplayString();
return [
"Type parameter '${typeParameterName}'",
"is declared to extend '${boundStr}' producing '${extendsStr}'."
class TypeConstraintFromFunctionContext<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Type extends SharedTypeStructure<Type>,
TypeSchema extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeSchema>,
Variable extends Object,
InferableParameter extends Object,
TypeDeclarationType extends Object,
TypeDeclaration extends Object>
extends TypeConstraintOrigin<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration> {
final Type contextType;
final Type functionType;
{required this.functionType, required this.contextType});
List<String> formatError(
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
return [
"Function type",
"declared as '${functionType.getDisplayString()}'",
"used where '${contextType.getDisplayString()}' is required."
class TypeConstraintFromReturnType<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Type extends SharedTypeStructure<Type>,
TypeSchema extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeSchema>,
Variable extends Object,
InferableParameter extends Object,
TypeDeclarationType extends Object,
TypeDeclaration extends Object>
extends TypeConstraintOrigin<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration> {
final Type contextType;
final Type declaredType;
{required this.declaredType, required this.contextType});
List<String> formatError(
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration>
typeAnalyzerOperations) {
return [
"Return type",
"declared as '${declaredType.getDisplayString()}'",
"used where '${contextType.getDisplayString()}' is required."