blob: e41a822e11b585549535ff30976507875c346e85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import '../types/shared_type.dart';
import 'type_analysis_result.dart';
import 'type_analyzer_operations.dart';
/// Information supplied by the client to [TypeAnalyzer.analyzeSwitchExpression]
/// or [TypeAnalyzer.analyzeSwitchStatement] about a single case head or
/// `default` clause.
/// The client is free to `implement` or `extend` this class.
class CaseHeadOrDefaultInfo<Node extends Object, Expression extends Node,
Variable extends Object> {
/// For a `case` clause, the case pattern. For a `default` clause, `null`.
final Node? pattern;
/// The pattern variables declared in [pattern]. Some of them are joins of
/// individual pattern variable declarations. We don't know their types
/// until we do type analysis. So, some of these variables might become
/// not consistent.
final Map<String, Variable> variables;
/// For a `case` clause that has a guard clause, the expression following
/// `when`. Otherwise `null`.
final Expression? guard;
required this.pattern,
required this.variables,
/// The kind of inconsistency identified for a variable.
enum JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency {
/// No inconsistency.
/// Only one branch of a logical-or pattern has the variable.
/// Not every case of a shared case scope has the variable.
/// The shared case scope has a label or `default` case.
/// The finality or type of the variable components is not the same.
/// This is reported for both logical-or and shared cases.
final int _severity;
const JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency(this._severity);
/// Returns the most serious inconsistency for `this` or [other].
JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency maxWith(
JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency other,
) {
return _severity > other._severity ? this : other;
/// Returns the most serious inconsistency for `this` or [others].
JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency maxWithAll(
Iterable<JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency> others,
) {
JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency result = this;
for (JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency other in others) {
result = result.maxWith(other);
return result;
/// The location where the join of a pattern variable happens.
enum JoinedPatternVariableLocation {
/// A single pattern, from `logical-or` patterns.
/// A shared `case` scope, when multiple `case`s share the same body.
class MapPatternEntry<Expression extends Object, Pattern extends Object> {
final Expression key;
final Pattern value;
required this.key,
required this.value,
/// Information supplied by the client to [TypeAnalyzer.analyzeObjectPattern],
/// [TypeAnalyzer.analyzeRecordPattern], or
/// [TypeAnalyzer.analyzeRecordPatternSchema] about a single field in a record
/// or object pattern.
/// The client is free to `implement` or `extend` this class.
class RecordPatternField<Node extends Object, Pattern extends Object> {
/// The client specific node from which this object was created. It can be
/// used for error reporting.
final Node node;
/// If not `null` then the field is named, otherwise it is positional.
final String? name;
final Pattern pattern;
required this.node,
required this.pattern,
/// Kinds of relational pattern operators that shared analysis needs to
/// distinguish.
enum RelationalOperatorKind {
/// The operator `==`
/// The operator `!=`
/// Any relational pattern operator other than `==` or `!=`
/// Information about a relational operator.
class RelationalOperatorResolution<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>> {
final RelationalOperatorKind kind;
final SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> parameterType;
final SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> returnType;
required this.kind,
required this.parameterType,
required this.returnType,
/// Information supplied by the client to [TypeAnalyzer.analyzeSwitchExpression]
/// about an individual `case` or `default` clause.
/// The client is free to `implement` or `extend` this class.
class SwitchExpressionMemberInfo<Node extends Object, Expression extends Node,
Variable extends Object> {
/// The [CaseHeadOrDefaultInfo] associated with this clause.
final CaseHeadOrDefaultInfo<Node, Expression, Variable> head;
/// The body of the `case` or `default` clause.
final Expression expression;
SwitchExpressionMemberInfo({required this.head, required this.expression});
/// Information supplied by the client to [TypeAnalyzer.analyzeSwitchStatement]
/// about an individual `case` or `default` clause.
/// The client is free to `implement` or `extend` this class.
class SwitchStatementMemberInfo<Node extends Object, Statement extends Node,
Expression extends Node, Variable extends Object> {
/// The list of case heads for this case.
/// The reason this is a list rather than a single head is because the front
/// end merges together cases that share a body at parse time.
final List<CaseHeadOrDefaultInfo<Node, Expression, Variable>> heads;
/// Is `true` if the group of `case` and `default` clauses has a label.
final bool hasLabels;
/// The statements following this `case` or `default` clause. If this list is
/// empty, and this is not the last `case` or `default` clause, this clause
/// will be considered to share a body with the `case` or `default` clause
/// that follows.
final List<Statement> body;
/// The merged set of pattern variables from [heads]. If there is more than
/// one element in [heads], these variables are joins of individual pattern
/// variable declarations. Some of these variables might be already not
/// consistent, because they are present not in every head. We don't know
/// their types until we do type analysis. So, some of these variables
/// might become not consistent.
final Map<String, Variable> variables;
{required this.heads,
required this.body,
required this.variables,
required this.hasLabels});
/// Type analysis logic to be shared between the analyzer and front end. The
/// intention is that the client's main type inference visitor class can include
/// this mix-in and call shared analysis logic as needed.
/// Concrete methods in this mixin, typically named `analyzeX` for some `X`,
/// are intended to be called by the client in order to analyze an AST node (or
/// equivalent) of type `X`; a client's `visit` method shouldn't have to do much
/// than call the corresponding `analyze` method, passing in AST node's children
/// and other properties, possibly take some client-specific actions with the
/// returned value (such as storing intermediate inference results), and then
/// return the returned value up the call stack.
/// Abstract methods in this mixin are intended to be implemented by the client;
/// these are called by the `analyzeX` methods to report analysis results, to
/// query the client-specific information (e.g. to obtain the client's
/// representation of core types), and to trigger recursive analysis of child
/// AST nodes.
/// Note that calling an `analyzeX` method is guaranteed to call `dispatch` on
/// all its subexpressions. However, we don't specify the precise order in
/// which this will happen, nor do we always specify which callbacks will be
/// invoked during analysis, because these details are considered part of the
/// implementation of type analysis, not its API. Instead, we specify the
/// effect that each method has on a conceptual "stack" of entities.
/// In documentation, the entities in the stack are listed in low-to-high order.
/// So, for example, if the documentation says the stack contains "(K, L)", then
/// an entity of kind L is on the top of the stack, with an entity of kind K
/// under it. This low-to-high order is used when describing pushes and pops
/// too, so, for example a method documented with "pushes (K, L)" pushes K
/// first, then L, whereas a method documented with "pops (K, L)" pops L first,
/// then K.
/// In the paragraph above, "K" and "L" are just variables for illustrating the
/// conventions. The actual kinds used by the analyzer are concepts from the
/// language itself such as "Statement", "Expression", "Pattern", etc. See the
/// `Kind` enum in `test/mini_ir.dart` for a discussion of all possible kinds of
/// stack entries.
/// If multiple stack entries share a kind, we will sometimes add a name to
/// clarify which stack entry is which, e.g. analyzeIfStatement pushes
/// "(Expression condition, Statement ifTrue, Statement ifFalse)".
/// We'll also use the convention that "n * K" represents n consecutive entities
/// in the stack, each with kind K.
/// The kind associated with all pushes and pops is statically known (and
/// documented, and unit tested), and entities never change from one kind to
/// another. This fact gives the client considerable freedom in how to actually
/// represent the stack in practice; for example, they might choose to ignore
/// some kinds entirely, or represent certain kinds with a block of multiple
/// stack entries instead of just one. Or they might choose to multiple stacks,
/// one for each kind. It's also possible that some clients won't need to keep
/// a stack at all.
/// Reasons a client might want to actually have a stack include:
/// - Constructing a lowered intermediate representation of the code as a side
/// effect of analysis,
/// - Building up a symbolic representation of the program's runtime behavior,
/// - Or keeping track of AST nodes that need to be replaced (e.g. replacing an
/// `integer literal` node with a `double literal` node when int->double
/// conversion happens).
/// The unit tests in the `_fe_analyzer_shared` package associate a simple
/// intermediate representation with each stack entry, and also record the kind
/// of each entry in order to verify that when an entity is popped, it has the
/// expected kind.
mixin TypeAnalyzer<
TypeStructure extends SharedTypeStructure<TypeStructure>,
Node extends Object,
Statement extends Node,
Expression extends Node,
Variable extends Object,
Pattern extends Node,
InferableParameter extends Object,
TypeDeclarationType extends Object,
TypeDeclaration extends Object> {
TypeAnalyzerErrors<Node, Statement, Expression, Variable,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>, Pattern, Error> get errors;
/// Returns the client's [FlowAnalysis] object.
FlowAnalysis<Node, Statement, Expression, Variable,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>> get flow;
/// The [TypeAnalyzerOperations], used to access types, check subtyping, and
/// query variable types.
TypeAnalyzerOperations<TypeStructure, Variable, InferableParameter,
TypeDeclarationType, TypeDeclaration> get operations;
/// Options affecting the behavior of [TypeAnalyzer].
TypeAnalyzerOptions get options;
/// Analyzes a non-wildcard variable pattern appearing in an assignment
/// context. [node] is the pattern itself, and [variable] is the variable
/// being referenced.
/// Returns an [AssignedVariablePatternResult] with information about reported
/// errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// For wildcard patterns in an assignment context,
/// [analyzeDeclaredVariablePattern] should be used instead.
/// Stack effect: none.
AssignedVariablePatternResult<TypeStructure, Error>
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node,
Variable variable) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
Error? duplicateAssignmentPatternVariableError;
Map<Variable, Pattern>? assignedVariables = context.assignedVariables;
if (assignedVariables != null) {
Pattern? original = assignedVariables[variable];
if (original == null) {
assignedVariables[variable] = node;
} else {
duplicateAssignmentPatternVariableError =
variable: variable,
original: original,
duplicate: node,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> variableDeclaredType =
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
assert(irrefutableContext != null,
'Assigned variables must only appear in irrefutable pattern contexts');
Error? patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null &&
matchedValueType is! SharedDynamicTypeStructure &&
matchedValueType is! SharedInvalidTypeStructure &&
!operations.isSubtypeOf(matchedValueType, variableDeclaredType)) {
patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node,
context: irrefutableContext,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
requiredType: variableDeclaredType);
matchedType: matchedValueType, knownType: variableDeclaredType);
flow.assignedVariablePattern(node, variable, matchedValueType);
return new AssignedVariablePatternResult(
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a variable pattern appearing in an assignment
/// context. [variable] is the variable being referenced.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeAssignedVariablePatternSchema(
Variable variable) =>
flow.promotedType(variable) ?? operations.variableType(variable));
/// Analyzes a cast pattern. [innerPattern] is the sub-pattern] and
/// [requiredType] is the type to cast to.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Pattern innerPattern).
PatternResult<TypeStructure> analyzeCastPattern({
required MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>, Variable>
required Pattern pattern,
required Pattern innerPattern,
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> requiredType,
}) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
matchedType: matchedValueType,
knownType: requiredType,
matchFailsIfWrongType: false);
if (operations.isSubtypeOf(matchedValueType, requiredType) &&
requiredType is! SharedInvalidTypeStructure) {
pattern: pattern,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
requiredType: requiredType,
// Note: although technically the inner pattern match of a cast-pattern
// operates on the same value as the cast pattern does, we analyze it as
// though it's a different value; this ensures that (a) the matched value
// type when matching the inner pattern is precisely the cast type, and (b)
// promotions triggered by the inner pattern have no effect outside the
// cast.
dispatchPattern(context.withUnnecessaryWildcardKind(null), innerPattern);
// Stack: (Pattern)
return new PatternResult(matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a cast pattern.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeCastPatternSchema() =>
/// Analyzes a constant pattern. [node] is the pattern itself, and
/// [expression] is the constant expression. Depending on the client's
/// representation, [node] and [expression] might or might not be identical.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Returns a [ConstantPatternResult] with the static type of [expression]
/// and information about reported errors.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression).
ConstantPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeConstantPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Node node,
Expression expression) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
// Stack: ()
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
Error? refutablePatternInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null) {
refutablePatternInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node, context: irrefutableContext);
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> expressionType = analyzeExpression(
expression, operations.typeToSchema(matchedValueType));
flow.constantPattern_end(expression, expressionType,
patternsEnabled: options.patternsEnabled,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
// Stack: (Expression)
Error? caseExpressionTypeMismatchError;
if (!options.patternsEnabled) {
Expression? switchScrutinee = context.switchScrutinee;
if (switchScrutinee != null) {
bool nullSafetyEnabled = options.nullSafetyEnabled;
bool matches = nullSafetyEnabled
? operations.isSubtypeOf(expressionType, matchedValueType)
: operations.isAssignableTo(expressionType, matchedValueType);
if (!matches) {
caseExpressionTypeMismatchError = errors.caseExpressionTypeMismatch(
caseExpression: expression,
scrutinee: switchScrutinee,
caseExpressionType: expressionType,
scrutineeType: matchedValueType,
nullSafetyEnabled: nullSafetyEnabled);
return new ConstantPatternResult(
expressionType: expressionType,
caseExpressionTypeMismatchError: caseExpressionTypeMismatchError,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a constant pattern.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeConstantPatternSchema() {
// Constant patterns are only allowed in refutable contexts, and refutable
// contexts don't propagate a type schema into the scrutinee. So this
// code path is only reachable if the user's code contains errors.
return operations.unknownType;
/// Analyzes a variable pattern in a non-assignment context. [node] is the
/// pattern itself, [variable] is the variable, [declaredType] is the
/// explicitly declared type (if present). [variableName] is the name of the
/// variable; this is used to match up corresponding variables in the
/// different branches of logical-or patterns, as well as different switch
/// cases that share a body.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Returns a [DeclaredVariablePatternResult] with the static type of the
/// variable (possibly inferred) and information about reported errors.
/// Stack effect: none.
DeclaredVariablePatternResult<TypeStructure, Error>
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node,
Variable variable,
String variableName,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? declaredType,
) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> staticType =
declaredType ?? variableTypeFromInitializerType(matchedValueType);
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
Error? patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null &&
matchedValueType is! SharedDynamicTypeStructure &&
matchedValueType is! SharedInvalidTypeStructure &&
!operations.isSubtypeOf(matchedValueType, staticType)) {
patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node,
context: irrefutableContext,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
requiredType: staticType);
matchedType: matchedValueType, knownType: staticType);
// The promotion may have made the matched type even more specific than
// either `matchedType` or `staticType`, so fetch it again and use that
// in the call to `declaredVariablePattern` below.
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> promotedValueType =
bool isImplicitlyTyped = declaredType == null;
// TODO(paulberry): are we handling _isFinal correctly?
int promotionKey = context.patternVariablePromotionKeys[variableName] =
matchedType: promotedValueType,
staticType: staticType,
isFinal: context.isFinal || operations.isVariableFinal(variable),
isLate: false,
isImplicitlyTyped: isImplicitlyTyped);
setVariableType(variable, staticType);
(context.componentVariables[variableName] ??= []).add(variable);
flow.assignMatchedPatternVariable(variable, promotionKey);
return new DeclaredVariablePatternResult(
staticType: staticType,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a variable pattern in a non-assignment
/// context (or a wildcard pattern). [declaredType] is the explicitly
/// declared type (if present).
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeDeclaredVariablePatternSchema(
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? declaredType) {
return declaredType == null
? operations.unknownType
: operations.typeToSchema(declaredType);
/// Analyzes an expression. [node] is the expression to analyze, and
/// [schema] is the type schema which should be used for type inference.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression).
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> analyzeExpression(
Expression node, SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> schema) {
// Stack: ()
if (schema is SharedDynamicTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure>) {
schema = operations.unknownType;
ExpressionTypeAnalysisResult<TypeStructure> result =
dispatchExpression(node, schema);
// Stack: (Expression)
if (operations.isNever(result.provisionalType)) {
return result.resolveShorting();
/// Analyzes a collection element of the form
/// `if (expression case pattern) ifTrue` or
/// `if (expression case pattern) ifTrue else ifFalse`.
/// [node] should be the AST node for the entire element, [expression] for
/// the expression, [pattern] for the pattern to match, [ifTrue] for the
/// "then" branch, and [ifFalse] for the "else" branch (if present).
/// [variables] should be a map from variable name to the variable the client
/// wishes to use to represent that variable. This is used to join together
/// variables that appear in different branches of logical-or patterns.
/// Returns a [IfCaseStatementResult] with the static type of [expression] and
/// information about reported errors.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression scrutinee, Pattern, Expression guard,
/// CollectionElement ifTrue, CollectionElement ifFalse). If there is no
/// `else` clause, the representation for `ifFalse` will be pushed by
/// [handleNoCollectionElement]. If there is no guard, the representation
/// for `guard` will be pushed by [handleNoGuard].
IfCaseStatementResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeIfCaseElement({
required Node node,
required Expression expression,
required Pattern pattern,
required Map<String, Variable> variables,
required Expression? guard,
required Node ifTrue,
required Node? ifFalse,
required Object? context,
}) {
// Stack: ()
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> initializerType =
analyzeExpression(expression, operations.unknownType);
flow.ifCaseStatement_afterExpression(expression, initializerType);
// Stack: (Expression)
Map<String, List<Variable>> componentVariables = {};
Map<String, int> patternVariablePromotionKeys = {};
// TODO(paulberry): rework handling of isFinal
new MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
isFinal: false,
componentVariables: componentVariables,
patternVariablePromotionKeys: patternVariablePromotionKeys,
// Stack: (Expression, Pattern)
variables, componentVariables, patternVariablePromotionKeys,
location: JoinedPatternVariableLocation.singlePattern);
Error? nonBooleanGuardError;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? guardType;
if (guard != null) {
guardType = analyzeExpression(
guard, operations.typeToSchema(operations.boolType));
nonBooleanGuardError = _checkGuardType(guard, guardType);
} else {
handleNoGuard(node, 0);
// Stack: (Expression, Pattern, Guard)
_analyzeIfElementCommon(node, ifTrue, ifFalse, context);
return new IfCaseStatementResult(
matchedExpressionType: initializerType,
nonBooleanGuardError: nonBooleanGuardError,
guardType: guardType);
/// Analyzes a statement of the form `if (expression case pattern) ifTrue` or
/// `if (expression case pattern) ifTrue else ifFalse`.
/// [node] should be the AST node for the entire statement, [expression] for
/// the expression, [pattern] for the pattern to match, [ifTrue] for the
/// "then" branch, and [ifFalse] for the "else" branch (if present).
/// Returns a [IfCaseStatementResult] with the static type of [expression] and
/// information about reported errors.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression scrutinee, Pattern, Expression guard,
/// Statement ifTrue, Statement ifFalse). If there is no `else` clause, the
/// representation for `ifFalse` will be pushed by [handleNoStatement]. If
/// there is no guard, the representation for `guard` will be pushed by
/// [handleNoGuard].
IfCaseStatementResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeIfCaseStatement(
Statement node,
Expression expression,
Pattern pattern,
Expression? guard,
Statement ifTrue,
Statement? ifFalse,
Map<String, Variable> variables,
) {
// Stack: ()
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> initializerType =
analyzeExpression(expression, operations.unknownType);
flow.ifCaseStatement_afterExpression(expression, initializerType);
// Stack: (Expression)
Map<String, List<Variable>> componentVariables = {};
Map<String, int> patternVariablePromotionKeys = {};
// TODO(paulberry): rework handling of isFinal
new MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
isFinal: false,
componentVariables: componentVariables,
patternVariablePromotionKeys: patternVariablePromotionKeys,
location: JoinedPatternVariableLocation.singlePattern,
handle_ifCaseStatement_afterPattern(node: node);
// Stack: (Expression, Pattern)
Error? nonBooleanGuardError;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? guardType;
if (guard != null) {
guardType = analyzeExpression(
guard, operations.typeToSchema(operations.boolType));
nonBooleanGuardError = _checkGuardType(guard, guardType);
} else {
handleNoGuard(node, 0);
// Stack: (Expression, Pattern, Guard)
_analyzeIfCommon(node, ifTrue, ifFalse);
return new IfCaseStatementResult(
matchedExpressionType: initializerType,
nonBooleanGuardError: nonBooleanGuardError,
guardType: guardType);
/// Analyzes a collection element of the form `if (condition) ifTrue` or
/// `if (condition) ifTrue else ifFalse`.
/// [node] should be the AST node for the entire element, [condition] for
/// the condition expression, [ifTrue] for the "then" branch, and [ifFalse]
/// for the "else" branch (if present).
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression condition, CollectionElement ifTrue,
/// CollectionElement ifFalse). Note that if there is no `else` clause, the
/// representation for `ifFalse` will be pushed by
/// [handleNoCollectionElement].
void analyzeIfElement({
required Node node,
required Expression condition,
required Node ifTrue,
required Node? ifFalse,
required Object? context,
}) {
// Stack: ()
analyzeExpression(condition, operations.typeToSchema(operations.boolType));
// Stack: (Expression condition)
flow.ifStatement_thenBegin(condition, node);
_analyzeIfElementCommon(node, ifTrue, ifFalse, context);
/// Analyzes a statement of the form `if (condition) ifTrue` or
/// `if (condition) ifTrue else ifFalse`.
/// [node] should be the AST node for the entire statement, [condition] for
/// the condition expression, [ifTrue] for the "then" branch, and [ifFalse]
/// for the "else" branch (if present).
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression condition, Statement ifTrue, Statement
/// ifFalse). Note that if there is no `else` clause, the representation for
/// `ifFalse` will be pushed by [handleNoStatement].
void analyzeIfStatement(Statement node, Expression condition,
Statement ifTrue, Statement? ifFalse) {
// Stack: ()
analyzeExpression(condition, operations.typeToSchema(operations.boolType));
// Stack: (Expression condition)
flow.ifStatement_thenBegin(condition, node);
_analyzeIfCommon(node, ifTrue, ifFalse);
/// Analyzes an integer literal, given the type schema [schema].
/// Stack effect: none.
IntTypeAnalysisResult<TypeStructure> analyzeIntLiteral(
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> schema) {
bool convertToDouble = !operations.isTypeSchemaSatisfied(
type: operations.intType, typeSchema: schema) &&
type: operations.doubleType, typeSchema: schema);
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type =
convertToDouble ? operations.doubleType : operations.intType;
return new IntTypeAnalysisResult<TypeStructure>(
type: type, convertedToDouble: convertToDouble);
/// Analyzes a list pattern. [node] is the pattern itself, [elementType] is
/// the list element type (if explicitly supplied), and [elements] is the
/// list of subpatterns.
/// Returns a [ListPatternResult] with the required type and information about
/// reported errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (n * Pattern) where n = elements.length.
ListPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeListPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node,
{SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? elementType,
required List<Node> elements}) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> valueType;
if (elementType != null) {
valueType = elementType;
} else {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? listElementType =
if (listElementType != null) {
valueType = listElementType;
} else if (matchedValueType is SharedDynamicTypeStructure) {
valueType = operations.dynamicType;
} else if (matchedValueType is SharedInvalidTypeStructure) {
valueType = operations.errorType;
} else {
valueType = operations.objectQuestionType;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> requiredType = operations.listType(valueType);
matchedType: matchedValueType,
knownType: requiredType,
!(elements.length == 1 && isRestPatternElement(elements[0])));
// Stack: ()
Node? previousRestPattern;
Map<int, Error>? duplicateRestPatternErrors;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
Node element = elements[i];
if (isRestPatternElement(element)) {
if (previousRestPattern != null) {
(duplicateRestPatternErrors ??= {})[i] = errors.duplicateRestPattern(
mapOrListPattern: node,
original: previousRestPattern,
duplicate: element,
previousRestPattern = element;
Pattern? subPattern = getRestPatternElementPattern(element);
if (subPattern != null) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> subPatternMatchedType = requiredType;
context.withUnnecessaryWildcardKind(null), subPattern);
handleListPatternRestElement(node, element);
} else {
dispatchPattern(context.withUnnecessaryWildcardKind(null), element);
// Stack: (n * Pattern) where n = elements.length
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
Error? patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null &&
!operations.isAssignableTo(matchedValueType, requiredType)) {
patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node,
context: irrefutableContext,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
requiredType: requiredType);
return new ListPatternResult(
requiredType: requiredType,
duplicateRestPatternErrors: duplicateRestPatternErrors,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a list pattern. [elementType] is the list
/// element type (if explicitly supplied), and [elements] is the list of
/// subpatterns.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeListPatternSchema({
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? elementType,
required List<Node> elements,
}) {
if (elementType != null) {
return operations.listTypeSchema(operations.typeToSchema(elementType));
if (elements.isEmpty) {
return operations.listTypeSchema(operations.unknownType);
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure>? currentGLB;
for (Node element in elements) {
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure>? typeToAdd;
if (isRestPatternElement(element)) {
Pattern? subPattern = getRestPatternElementPattern(element);
if (subPattern != null) {
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> subPatternType =
typeToAdd = operations.matchIterableTypeSchema(subPatternType);
} else {
typeToAdd = dispatchPatternSchema(element);
if (typeToAdd != null) {
if (currentGLB == null) {
currentGLB = typeToAdd;
} else {
currentGLB = operations.typeSchemaGlb(currentGLB, typeToAdd);
currentGLB ??= operations.unknownType;
return operations.listTypeSchema(currentGLB);
/// Analyzes a logical-and pattern. [node] is the pattern itself, and [lhs]
/// and [rhs] are the left and right sides of the `&&` operator.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Pattern left, Pattern right)
PatternResult<TypeStructure> analyzeLogicalAndPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node,
Node lhs,
Node rhs) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
// Stack: ()
// Stack: (Pattern left)
// Stack: (Pattern left, Pattern right)
return new PatternResult(matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a logical-and pattern. [lhs] and [rhs] are
/// the left and right sides of the `&&` operator.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeLogicalAndPatternSchema(
Node lhs, Node rhs) {
return operations.typeSchemaGlb(
dispatchPatternSchema(lhs), dispatchPatternSchema(rhs));
/// Analyzes a logical-or pattern. [node] is the pattern itself, and [lhs]
/// and [rhs] are the left and right sides of the `||` operator.
/// Returns a [LogicalOrPatternResult] with information about reported errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Pattern left, Pattern right)
LogicalOrPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeLogicalOrPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node,
Node lhs,
Node rhs) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
Error? refutablePatternInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null) {
refutablePatternInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node, context: irrefutableContext);
// Avoid cascading errors
context = context.makeRefutable();
// Stack: ()
Map<String, int> leftPromotionKeys = {};
// Stack: (Pattern left)
// We'll use the promotion keys allocated during processing of the LHS as
// the merged keys.
for (MapEntry<String, int> entry in leftPromotionKeys.entries) {
String variableName = entry.key;
int promotionKey = entry.value;
context.patternVariablePromotionKeys[variableName] = promotionKey;
Map<String, int> rightPromotionKeys = {};
// Stack: (Pattern left, Pattern right)
for (MapEntry<String, int> entry in rightPromotionKeys.entries) {
String variableName = entry.key;
int rightPromotionKey = entry.value;
int? mergedPromotionKey = leftPromotionKeys[variableName];
if (mergedPromotionKey == null) {
// No matching variable on the LHS. This is an error condition (which
// has already been reported by VariableBinder). For error recovery,
// we still need to add the variable to
// context.patternVariablePromotionKeys so that later analysis still
// accounts for the presence of this variable. So we just use the
// promotion key from the RHS as the merged key.
mergedPromotionKey = rightPromotionKey;
context.patternVariablePromotionKeys[variableName] = mergedPromotionKey;
} else {
// Copy the promotion data over to the merged key.
sourceKey: rightPromotionKey, destinationKey: mergedPromotionKey);
// Since the promotion data is now all stored in the merged keys in both
// flow control branches, the normal join process will combine promotions
// accordingly.
return new LogicalOrPatternResult(
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a logical-or pattern. [lhs] and [rhs] are
/// the left and right sides of the `|` or `&` operator.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeLogicalOrPatternSchema(
Node lhs, Node rhs) {
// Logical-or patterns are only allowed in refutable contexts, and
// refutable contexts don't propagate a type schema into the scrutinee.
// So this code path is only reachable if the user's code contains errors.
return operations.unknownType;
/// Analyzes a map pattern. [node] is the pattern itself, [typeArguments]
/// contain explicit type arguments (if specified), and [elements] is the
/// list of subpatterns.
/// Returns a [MapPatternResult] with the required type and information about
/// reported errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (n * MapPatternElement) where n = elements.length.
MapPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeMapPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node, {
required ({
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> keyType,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> valueType
})? typeArguments,
required List<Node> elements,
}) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> keyType;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> valueType;
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> keySchema;
if (typeArguments != null) {
keyType = typeArguments.keyType;
valueType = typeArguments.valueType;
keySchema = operations.typeToSchema(keyType);
} else {
typeArguments = operations.matchMapType(matchedValueType);
if (typeArguments != null) {
keyType = typeArguments.keyType;
valueType = typeArguments.valueType;
keySchema = operations.typeToSchema(keyType);
} else if (matchedValueType is SharedDynamicTypeStructure) {
keyType = operations.dynamicType;
valueType = operations.dynamicType;
keySchema = operations.unknownType;
} else if (matchedValueType is SharedInvalidTypeStructure) {
keyType = operations.errorType;
valueType = operations.errorType;
keySchema = operations.unknownType;
} else {
keyType = operations.objectQuestionType;
valueType = operations.objectQuestionType;
keySchema = operations.unknownType;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> requiredType = operations.mapType(
keyType: keyType,
valueType: valueType,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
knownType: requiredType,
matchMayFailEvenIfCorrectType: true);
// Stack: ()
Map<int, Error>? restPatternErrors;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
Node element = elements[i];
if (isRestPatternElement(element)) {
(restPatternErrors ??= {})[i] =
errors.restPatternInMap(node: node, element: element);
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
Node element = elements[i];
MapPatternEntry<Expression, Pattern>? entry = getMapPatternEntry(element);
if (entry != null) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> keyType =
analyzeExpression(entry.key, keySchema);
handleMapPatternEntry(node, element, keyType);
} else {
Pattern? subPattern = getRestPatternElementPattern(element);
if (subPattern != null) {
handleMapPatternRestElement(node, element);
// Stack: (n * MapPatternElement) where n = elements.length
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
Error? patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null &&
!operations.isAssignableTo(matchedValueType, requiredType)) {
patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node,
context: irrefutableContext,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
requiredType: requiredType,
Error? emptyMapPatternError;
if (elements.isEmpty) {
emptyMapPatternError = errors.emptyMapPattern(pattern: node);
return new MapPatternResult(
requiredType: requiredType,
emptyMapPatternError: emptyMapPatternError,
restPatternErrors: restPatternErrors,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a map pattern. [typeArguments] contain
/// explicit type arguments (if specified), and [elements] is the list of
/// subpatterns.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeMapPatternSchema({
required ({
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> keyType,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> valueType
})? typeArguments,
required List<Node> elements,
}) {
if (typeArguments != null) {
return operations.typeToSchema(operations.mapType(
keyType: typeArguments.keyType,
valueType: typeArguments.valueType,
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure>? valueType;
for (Node element in elements) {
MapPatternEntry<Expression, Pattern>? entry = getMapPatternEntry(element);
if (entry != null) {
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> entryValueType =
if (valueType == null) {
valueType = entryValueType;
} else {
valueType = operations.typeSchemaGlb(valueType, entryValueType);
return operations.mapTypeSchema(
keyTypeSchema: operations.unknownType,
valueTypeSchema: valueType ?? operations.unknownType,
/// Analyzes a null-check or null-assert pattern. [node] is the pattern
/// itself, [innerPattern] is the sub-pattern, and [isAssert] indicates
/// whether this is a null-check or a null-assert pattern.
/// Returns a [NullCheckOrAssertPatternResult] with information about
/// reported errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Pattern innerPattern).
NullCheckOrAssertPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error>
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node,
Pattern innerPattern,
{required bool isAssert}) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
// Stack: ()
Error? refutablePatternInIrrefutableContextError;
Error? matchedTypeIsStrictlyNonNullableError;
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
bool matchedTypeIsStrictlyNonNullable = flow.nullCheckOrAssertPattern_begin(
isAssert: isAssert, matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
if (irrefutableContext != null && !isAssert) {
refutablePatternInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node, context: irrefutableContext);
// Avoid cascading errors
context = context.makeRefutable();
} else if (matchedTypeIsStrictlyNonNullable) {
matchedTypeIsStrictlyNonNullableError =
pattern: node,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
// Stack: (Pattern)
return new NullCheckOrAssertPatternResult(
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a null-check or null-assert pattern.
/// [innerPattern] is the sub-pattern and [isAssert] indicates whether this is
/// a null-check or a null-assert pattern.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeNullCheckOrAssertPatternSchema(
Pattern innerPattern,
{required bool isAssert}) {
if (isAssert) {
return operations
} else {
// Null-check patterns are only allowed in refutable contexts, and
// refutable contexts don't propagate a type schema into the scrutinee.
// So this code path is only reachable if the user's code contains errors.
return operations.unknownType;
/// Analyzes an object pattern. [node] is the pattern itself, and [fields]
/// is the list of subpatterns.
/// Returns a [ObjectPatternResult] with the required type and information
/// about reported errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (n * Pattern) where n = fields.length.
ObjectPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeObjectPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node, {
required List<RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern>> fields,
}) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
Map<int, Error>? duplicateRecordPatternFieldErrors =
_reportDuplicateRecordPatternFields(node, fields);
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> requiredType =
matchedType: matchedValueType,
pattern: node,
matchedType: matchedValueType, knownType: requiredType);
// If the required type is `dynamic` or `Never`, then every getter is
// treated as having the same type.
(Object?, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>)? overridePropertyGetType;
if (requiredType is SharedDynamicTypeStructure ||
requiredType is SharedInvalidTypeStructure ||
operations.isNever(requiredType)) {
overridePropertyGetType = (null, requiredType);
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
Error? patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null &&
!operations.isAssignableTo(matchedValueType, requiredType)) {
patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node,
context: irrefutableContext,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
requiredType: requiredType,
// Stack: ()
for (RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> field in fields) {
var (
Object? propertyMember,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> unpromotedPropertyType
) = overridePropertyGetType ??
objectPattern: node,
receiverType: requiredType,
field: field,
// Note: an object pattern field must always have a property name, but in
// error recovery circumstances, one may be absent; when this happens, use
// the empty string as a the property name to prevent a crash.
String propertyName = ?? '';
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> promotedPropertyType =
propertyName, propertyMember, unpromotedPropertyType) ??
if (operations.isNever(promotedPropertyType)) {
// Stack: (n * Pattern) where n = fields.length
return new ObjectPatternResult(
requiredType: requiredType,
duplicateRecordPatternFieldErrors: duplicateRecordPatternFieldErrors,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for an object pattern. [type] is the type
/// specified with the object name, and with the type arguments applied.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeObjectPatternSchema(
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type) {
return operations.typeToSchema(type);
/// Analyzes a patternAssignment expression of the form `pattern = rhs`.
/// [node] should be the AST node for the entire expression, [pattern] for
/// the pattern, and [rhs] for the right hand side.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression, Pattern).
PatternAssignmentAnalysisResult<TypeStructure> analyzePatternAssignment(
Expression node, Pattern pattern, Expression rhs) {
// Stack: ()
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> patternSchema =
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> rhsType =
analyzeExpression(rhs, patternSchema);
// Stack: (Expression)
flow.patternAssignment_afterRhs(rhs, rhsType);
Map<String, List<Variable>> componentVariables = {};
Map<String, int> patternVariablePromotionKeys = {};
new MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
isFinal: false,
irrefutableContext: node,
assignedVariables: <Variable, Pattern>{},
componentVariables: componentVariables,
patternVariablePromotionKeys: patternVariablePromotionKeys,
if (componentVariables.isNotEmpty) {
// Declared pattern variables should never appear in a pattern assignment
// so this should never happen.
// Stack: (Expression, Pattern)
return new PatternAssignmentAnalysisResult<TypeStructure>(
patternSchema: patternSchema,
type: rhsType,
/// Analyzes a `pattern-for-in` statement or element.
/// Statement:
/// `for (<keyword> <pattern> in <expression>) <statement>`
/// Element:
/// `for (<keyword> <pattern> in <expression>) <body>`
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression, Pattern).
/// Returns a [PatternForInResult] containing information on reported errors.
/// Note, however, that the caller is responsible for reporting an error if
/// the static type of [expression] is potentially nullable.
PatternForInResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzePatternForIn({
required Node node,
required bool hasAwait,
required Pattern pattern,
required Expression expression,
required void Function() dispatchBody,
}) {
// Stack: ()
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> patternTypeSchema =
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> expressionTypeSchema = hasAwait
? operations.streamTypeSchema(patternTypeSchema)
: operations.iterableTypeSchema(patternTypeSchema);
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> expressionType =
analyzeExpression(expression, expressionTypeSchema);
// Stack: (Expression)
Error? patternForInExpressionIsNotIterableError;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? elementType = hasAwait
? operations.matchStreamType(expressionType)
: operations.matchIterableType(expressionType);
if (elementType == null) {
if (expressionType is SharedDynamicTypeStructure) {
elementType = operations.dynamicType;
} else if (expressionType is SharedInvalidTypeStructure) {
elementType = operations.errorType;
} else {
patternForInExpressionIsNotIterableError =
node: node,
expression: expression,
expressionType: expressionType,
elementType = operations.errorType;
Map<String, List<Variable>> componentVariables = {};
Map<String, int> patternVariablePromotionKeys = {};
new MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
isFinal: false,
irrefutableContext: node,
componentVariables: componentVariables,
patternVariablePromotionKeys: patternVariablePromotionKeys,
// Stack: (Expression, Pattern)
return new PatternForInResult(
elementType: elementType,
expressionType: expressionType,
/// Analyzes a patternVariableDeclaration node of the form
/// `var pattern = initializer` or `final pattern = initializer`.
/// [node] should be the AST node for the entire declaration, [pattern] for
/// the pattern, and [initializer] for the initializer. [isFinal] indicates
/// whether this is a final declaration.
/// Returns a [PatternVariableDeclarationAnalysisResult] holding the static
/// type of the initializer and the type schema of the [pattern].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression, Pattern).
Node node, Pattern pattern, Expression initializer,
{required bool isFinal}) {
// Stack: ()
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> patternSchema =
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> initializerType =
analyzeExpression(initializer, patternSchema);
// Stack: (Expression)
initializer, initializerType);
Map<String, List<Variable>> componentVariables = {};
Map<String, int> patternVariablePromotionKeys = {};
new MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
isFinal: isFinal,
irrefutableContext: node,
componentVariables: componentVariables,
patternVariablePromotionKeys: patternVariablePromotionKeys,
{}, componentVariables, patternVariablePromotionKeys,
location: JoinedPatternVariableLocation.singlePattern);
// Stack: (Expression, Pattern)
return new PatternVariableDeclarationAnalysisResult(
initializerType: initializerType, patternSchema: patternSchema);
/// Analyzes a record pattern. [node] is the pattern itself, and [fields]
/// is the list of subpatterns.
/// Returns a [RecordPatternResult] with the required type and information
/// about reported errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (n * Pattern) where n = fields.length.
RecordPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeRecordPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node, {
required List<RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern>> fields,
}) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
List<SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>> demonstratedPositionalTypes = [];
List<(String, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>)> demonstratedNamedTypes = [];
void dispatchField(
RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> field,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedType,
) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> demonstratedType =
String? name =;
if (name == null) {
} else {
demonstratedNamedTypes.add((name, demonstratedType));
void dispatchFields(SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedType) {
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
dispatchField(fields[i], matchedType);
Map<int, Error>? duplicateRecordPatternFieldErrors =
_reportDuplicateRecordPatternFields(node, fields);
// Build the required type.
int requiredTypePositionalCount = 0;
List<(String, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>)> requiredTypeNamedTypes = [];
for (RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> field in fields) {
String? name =;
if (name == null) {
} else {
(name, operations.objectQuestionType),
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> requiredType = operations.recordType(
positional: new List.filled(
named: requiredTypeNamedTypes,
matchedType: matchedValueType, knownType: requiredType);
// Stack: ()
if (matchedValueType is SharedRecordTypeView<TypeStructure>) {
List<SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>>? fieldTypes =
_matchRecordTypeShape(fields, matchedValueType);
if (fieldTypes != null) {
assert(fieldTypes.length == fields.length);
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
dispatchField(fields[i], fieldTypes[i]);
} else {
} else if (matchedValueType is SharedDynamicTypeStructure) {
} else if (matchedValueType is SharedInvalidTypeStructure) {
} else {
// Stack: (n * Pattern) where n = fields.length
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
Error? patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null &&
!operations.isAssignableTo(matchedValueType, requiredType)) {
patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node,
context: irrefutableContext,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
requiredType: requiredType,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> demonstratedType = operations.recordType(
positional: demonstratedPositionalTypes, named: demonstratedNamedTypes);
matchedType: matchedValueType,
knownType: demonstratedType,
matchFailsIfWrongType: false);
return new RecordPatternResult(
requiredType: requiredType,
duplicateRecordPatternFieldErrors: duplicateRecordPatternFieldErrors,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a record pattern.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeRecordPatternSchema({
required List<RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern>> fields,
}) {
List<SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure>> positional = [];
List<(String, SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure>)> named = [];
for (RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> field in fields) {
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> fieldType =
String? name =;
if (name != null) {
named.add((name, fieldType));
} else {
return operations.recordTypeSchema(positional: positional, named: named);
/// Analyzes a relational pattern. [node] is the pattern itself, and
/// [operand] is a constant expression that will be passed to the relational
/// operator.
/// This method will invoke [resolveRelationalPatternOperator] to obtain
/// information about the operator.
/// Returns a [RelationalPatternResult] with the type of the [operand] and
/// information about reported errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression).
RelationalPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeRelationalPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Pattern node,
Expression operand) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
// Stack: ()
Error? refutablePatternInIrrefutableContextError;
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
if (irrefutableContext != null) {
refutablePatternInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node, context: irrefutableContext);
RelationalOperatorResolution<TypeStructure>? operator =
resolveRelationalPatternOperator(node, matchedValueType);
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? parameterType = operator?.parameterType;
bool isEquality = switch (operator?.kind) {
RelationalOperatorKind.equals => true,
RelationalOperatorKind.notEquals => true,
_ => false
if (isEquality && parameterType != null) {
parameterType = operations.makeNullable(parameterType);
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> operandType = analyzeExpression(
parameterType == null
? operations.unknownType
: operations.typeToSchema(parameterType));
if (isEquality) {
flow.equalityRelationalPattern_end(operand, operandType,
notEqual: operator?.kind == RelationalOperatorKind.notEquals,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
} else {
// Stack: (Expression)
Error? argumentTypeNotAssignableError;
Error? operatorReturnTypeNotAssignableToBoolError;
if (operator != null) {
if (parameterType != null &&
!operations.isAssignableTo(operandType, parameterType)) {
argumentTypeNotAssignableError =
pattern: node,
operandType: operandType,
parameterType: operator.parameterType,
if (!operations.isAssignableTo(
operator.returnType, operations.boolType)) {
operatorReturnTypeNotAssignableToBoolError =
pattern: node,
returnType: operator.returnType,
return new RelationalPatternResult(
operandType: operandType,
argumentTypeNotAssignableError: argumentTypeNotAssignableError,
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a relational pattern.
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeRelationalPatternSchema() {
// Relational patterns are only allowed in refutable contexts, and refutable
// contexts don't propagate a type schema into the scrutinee. So this
// code path is only reachable if the user's code contains errors.
return operations.unknownType;
/// Analyzes an expression of the form `switch (expression) { cases }`.
/// Returns a [SwitchExpressionResult] with the static type of the switch
/// expression and information about reported errors.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression, n * ExpressionCase), where n is the
/// number of cases.
SwitchExpressionResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeSwitchExpression(
Expression node,
Expression scrutinee,
int numCases,
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> schema) {
// Stack: ()
// The static type of a switch expression `E` of the form `switch (e0) { p1
// => e1, p2 => e2, ... pn => en }` with context type `K` is computed as
// follows:
// - The scrutinee (`e0`) is first analyzed with context type `_`.
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> expressionType =
analyzeExpression(scrutinee, operations.unknownType);
// Stack: (Expression)
flow.switchStatement_expressionEnd(null, scrutinee, expressionType);
// - If the switch expression has no cases, its static type is `Never`.
Map<int, Error>? nonBooleanGuardErrors;
Map<int, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>>? guardTypes;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> staticType;
if (numCases == 0) {
staticType = operations.neverType;
} else {
// - Otherwise, for each case `pi => ei`, let `Ti` be the type of `ei`
// inferred with context type `K`.
// - Let `T` be the least upper bound of the static types of all the case
// expressions.
// - Let `S` be the greatest closure of `K`.
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? t;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> s = operations.greatestClosure(schema);
bool allCasesSatisfyContext = true;
for (int i = 0; i < numCases; i++) {
// Stack: (Expression, i * ExpressionCase)
SwitchExpressionMemberInfo<Node, Expression, Variable> memberInfo =
getSwitchExpressionMemberInfo(node, i);
handleSwitchBeforeAlternative(node, caseIndex: i, subIndex: 0);
Node? pattern = memberInfo.head.pattern;
Expression? guard;
if (pattern != null) {
Map<String, List<Variable>> componentVariables = {};
Map<String, int> patternVariablePromotionKeys = {};
new MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>, Variable>(
isFinal: false,
switchScrutinee: scrutinee,
componentVariables: componentVariables,
patternVariablePromotionKeys: patternVariablePromotionKeys,
location: JoinedPatternVariableLocation.singlePattern,
// Stack: (Expression, i * ExpressionCase, Pattern)
guard = memberInfo.head.guard;
bool hasGuard = guard != null;
if (hasGuard) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> guardType = analyzeExpression(
guard, operations.typeToSchema(operations.boolType));
Error? nonBooleanGuardError = _checkGuardType(guard, guardType);
(guardTypes ??= {})[i] = guardType;
if (nonBooleanGuardError != null) {
(nonBooleanGuardErrors ??= {})[i] = nonBooleanGuardError;
// Stack: (Expression, i * ExpressionCase, Pattern, Expression)
} else {
handleNoGuard(node, i);
// Stack: (Expression, i * ExpressionCase, Pattern, Expression)
handleCaseHead(node, caseIndex: i, subIndex: 0);
} else {
handleDefault(node, caseIndex: i, subIndex: 0);
flow.switchStatement_endAlternative(guard, {});
flow.switchStatement_endAlternatives(null, hasLabels: false);
// Stack: (Expression, i * ExpressionCase, CaseHead)
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> ti =
analyzeExpression(memberInfo.expression, schema);
if (allCasesSatisfyContext && !operations.isSubtypeOf(ti, s)) {
allCasesSatisfyContext = false;
// Stack: (Expression, i * ExpressionCase, CaseHead, Expression)
if (t == null) {
t = ti;
} else {
t = operations.lub(t, ti);
finishExpressionCase(node, i);
// Stack: (Expression, (i + 1) * ExpressionCase)
// If `inferenceUpdate3` is not enabled, then the type of `E` is `T`.
if (!this.options.inferenceUpdate3Enabled) {
staticType = t!;
} else
// - If `T <: S`, then the type of `E` is `T`.
if (operations.isSubtypeOf(t!, s)) {
staticType = t;
} else
// - Otherwise, if `Ti <: S` for all `i`, then the type of `E` is `S`.
if (allCasesSatisfyContext) {
staticType = s;
} else
// - Otherwise, the type of `E` is `T`.
staticType = t;
// Stack: (Expression, numCases * ExpressionCase)
return new SwitchExpressionResult(
type: staticType,
nonBooleanGuardErrors: nonBooleanGuardErrors,
guardTypes: guardTypes);
/// Analyzes a statement of the form `switch (expression) { cases }`.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression, n * StatementCase), where n is the
/// number of cases after merging together cases that share a body.
SwitchStatementTypeAnalysisResult<TypeStructure, Error>
Statement node, Expression scrutinee, final int numCases) {
// Stack: ()
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> scrutineeType =
analyzeExpression(scrutinee, operations.unknownType);
// Stack: (Expression)
flow.switchStatement_expressionEnd(node, scrutinee, scrutineeType);
bool hasDefault = false;
bool lastCaseTerminates = true;
Map<int, Error>? switchCaseCompletesNormallyErrors;
Map<int, Map<int, Error>>? nonBooleanGuardErrors;
Map<int, Map<int, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>>>? guardTypes;
for (int caseIndex = 0; caseIndex < numCases; caseIndex++) {
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase)
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase,
// numHeads * CaseHead)
SwitchStatementMemberInfo<Node, Statement, Expression, Variable>
memberInfo = getSwitchStatementMemberInfo(node, caseIndex);
List<CaseHeadOrDefaultInfo<Node, Expression, Variable>> heads =
for (int headIndex = 0; headIndex < heads.length; headIndex++) {
CaseHeadOrDefaultInfo<Node, Expression, Variable> head =
Node? pattern = head.pattern;
caseIndex: caseIndex, subIndex: headIndex);
Expression? guard;
if (pattern != null) {
Map<String, List<Variable>> componentVariables = {};
Map<String, int> patternVariablePromotionKeys = {};
new MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>, Variable>(
isFinal: false,
switchScrutinee: scrutinee,
componentVariables: componentVariables,
patternVariablePromotionKeys: patternVariablePromotionKeys,
location: JoinedPatternVariableLocation.singlePattern,
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase,
// numHeads * CaseHead, Pattern),
guard = head.guard;
if (guard != null) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> guardType = analyzeExpression(
guard, operations.typeToSchema(operations.boolType));
Error? nonBooleanGuardError = _checkGuardType(guard, guardType);
((guardTypes ??= {})[caseIndex] ??= {})[headIndex] = guardType;
if (nonBooleanGuardError != null) {
((nonBooleanGuardErrors ??= {})[caseIndex] ??= {})[headIndex] =
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase,
// numHeads * CaseHead, Pattern, Expression),
} else {
handleNoGuard(node, caseIndex);
handleCaseHead(node, caseIndex: caseIndex, subIndex: headIndex);
} else {
hasDefault = true;
handleDefault(node, caseIndex: caseIndex, subIndex: headIndex);
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase,
// numHeads * CaseHead),
flow.switchStatement_endAlternative(guard, head.variables);
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase,
// numHeads * CaseHead)
PatternVariableInfo<Variable> patternVariableInfo =
hasLabels: memberInfo.hasLabels);
Map<String, Variable> variables = memberInfo.variables;
if (memberInfo.hasLabels || heads.length > 1) {
location: JoinedPatternVariableLocation.sharedCaseScope,
handleCase_afterCaseHeads(node, caseIndex, variables.values);
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase, CaseHeads)
// If there are joined variables, declare them.
for (Statement statement in memberInfo.body) {
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase, CaseHeads,
// n * Statement), where n = body.length
lastCaseTerminates = !flow.switchStatement_afterCase();
if (caseIndex < numCases - 1 &&
options.nullSafetyEnabled &&
!options.patternsEnabled &&
!lastCaseTerminates) {
(switchCaseCompletesNormallyErrors ??= {})[caseIndex] = errors
.switchCaseCompletesNormally(node: node, caseIndex: caseIndex);
caseIndex: caseIndex, isTerminating: lastCaseTerminates);
// Stack: (Expression, (numExecutionPaths + 1) * StatementCase)
// Stack: (Expression, numExecutionPaths * StatementCase)
bool isExhaustive;
bool requiresExhaustivenessValidation;
if (hasDefault) {
isExhaustive = true;
requiresExhaustivenessValidation = false;
} else if (options.patternsEnabled) {
requiresExhaustivenessValidation =
isExhaustive = operations.isAlwaysExhaustiveType(scrutineeType);
} else {
isExhaustive = isLegacySwitchExhaustive(node, scrutineeType);
requiresExhaustivenessValidation = false;
return new SwitchStatementTypeAnalysisResult(
hasDefault: hasDefault,
isExhaustive: isExhaustive,
lastCaseTerminates: lastCaseTerminates,
requiresExhaustivenessValidation: requiresExhaustivenessValidation,
scrutineeType: scrutineeType,
switchCaseCompletesNormallyErrors: switchCaseCompletesNormallyErrors,
nonBooleanGuardErrors: nonBooleanGuardErrors,
guardTypes: guardTypes,
/// Analyzes a variable declaration of the form `type variable;` or
/// `var variable;`.
/// [node] should be the AST node for the entire declaration, [variable] for
/// the variable, and [declaredType] for the type (if present). [isFinal]
/// indicates whether this is a final declaration.
/// Stack effect: none.
/// Returns the inferred type of the variable.
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> analyzeUninitializedVariableDeclaration(
Node node, Variable variable, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? declaredType,
{required bool isFinal}) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> inferredType =
declaredType ?? operations.dynamicType;
setVariableType(variable, inferredType);
flow.declare(variable, inferredType, initialized: false);
return inferredType;
/// Analyzes a wildcard pattern. [node] is the pattern.
/// Returns a [WildcardPatternResult] with information about reported errors.
/// See [dispatchPattern] for the meaning of [context].
/// Stack effect: none.
WildcardPatternResult<TypeStructure, Error> analyzeWildcardPattern({
required MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>, Variable>
required Pattern node,
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? declaredType,
}) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType = flow.getMatchedValueType();
Node? irrefutableContext = context.irrefutableContext;
Error? patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError;
if (irrefutableContext != null && declaredType != null) {
if (!operations.isAssignableTo(matchedValueType, declaredType)) {
patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContextError =
pattern: node,
context: irrefutableContext,
matchedType: matchedValueType,
requiredType: declaredType,
bool isAlwaysMatching;
if (declaredType != null) {
isAlwaysMatching = flow.promoteForPattern(
matchedType: matchedValueType, knownType: declaredType);
} else {
isAlwaysMatching = true;
UnnecessaryWildcardKind? unnecessaryWildcardKind =
if (isAlwaysMatching && unnecessaryWildcardKind != null) {
pattern: node,
kind: unnecessaryWildcardKind,
return new WildcardPatternResult(
matchedValueType: matchedValueType);
/// Computes the type schema for a wildcard pattern. [declaredType] is the
/// explicitly declared type (if present).
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> analyzeWildcardPatternSchema({
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? declaredType,
}) {
return declaredType == null
? operations.unknownType
: operations.typeToSchema(declaredType);
/// Calls the appropriate `analyze` method according to the form of
/// collection [element], and then adjusts the stack as needed to combine
/// any sub-structures into a single collection element.
/// For example, if [element] is an `if` element, calls [analyzeIfElement].
/// Stack effect: pushes (CollectionElement).
void dispatchCollectionElement(Node element, Object? context);
/// Calls the appropriate `analyze` method according to the form of
/// [node], and then adjusts the stack as needed to combine any
/// sub-structures into a single expression.
/// For example, if [node] is a switch expression, calls
/// [analyzeSwitchExpression].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression).
ExpressionTypeAnalysisResult<TypeStructure> dispatchExpression(
Expression node, SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> schema);
/// Calls the appropriate `analyze` method according to the form of [pattern].
/// [context] keeps track of other contextual information pertinent to the
/// matching of the [pattern], such as the context of the top-level pattern,
/// and the information accumulated while matching previous patterns.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Pattern).
PatternResult<TypeStructure> dispatchPattern(
MatchContext<Node, Expression, Pattern, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>,
Node pattern);
/// Calls the appropriate `analyze...Schema` method according to the form of
/// [pattern].
/// Stack effect: none.
SharedTypeSchemaView<TypeStructure> dispatchPatternSchema(Node pattern);
/// Calls the appropriate `analyze` method according to the form of
/// [statement], and then adjusts the stack as needed to combine any
/// sub-structures into a single statement.
/// For example, if [statement] is a switch statement, calls
/// [analyzeSwitchStatement].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Statement).
void dispatchStatement(Statement statement);
/// Infers the type for the [pattern], should be a subtype of [matchedType].
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> downwardInferObjectPatternRequiredType({
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedType,
required Pattern pattern,
/// Called after visiting an expression case.
/// [node] is the enclosing switch expression, and [caseIndex] is the index of
/// this code path within the switch expression's cases.
/// Stack effect: pops (CaseHead, Expression) and pushes (ExpressionCase).
void finishExpressionCase(Expression node, int caseIndex);
void finishJoinedPatternVariable(
Variable variable, {
required JoinedPatternVariableLocation location,
required JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency inconsistency,
required bool isFinal,
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type,
/// If the [element] is a map pattern entry, returns it.
MapPatternEntry<Expression, Pattern>? getMapPatternEntry(Node element);
/// If [node] is [isRestPatternElement], returns its optional pattern.
Pattern? getRestPatternElementPattern(Node node);
/// Returns an [SwitchExpressionMemberInfo] object describing the [index]th
/// `case` or `default` clause in the switch expression [node].
/// Note: it is allowed for the client's AST nodes for `case` and `default`
/// clauses to implement [SwitchExpressionMemberInfo], in which case this
/// method can simply return the [index]th `case` or `default` clause.
/// See [analyzeSwitchExpression].
SwitchExpressionMemberInfo<Node, Expression, Variable>
getSwitchExpressionMemberInfo(Expression node, int index);
/// Returns a [SwitchStatementMemberInfo] object describing the [caseIndex]th
/// `case` or `default` clause in the switch statement [node].
/// Note: it is allowed for the client's AST nodes for `case` and `default`
/// clauses to implement [SwitchStatementMemberInfo], in which case this
/// method can simply return the [caseIndex]th `case` or `default` clause.
/// See [analyzeSwitchStatement].
SwitchStatementMemberInfo<Node, Statement, Expression, Variable>
getSwitchStatementMemberInfo(Statement node, int caseIndex);
/// Called after visiting the pattern in `if-case` statement.
void handle_ifCaseStatement_afterPattern({required Statement node}) {}
/// Called after visiting the expression of an `if` element.
void handle_ifElement_conditionEnd(Node node) {}
/// Called after visiting the `else` element of an `if` element.
void handle_ifElement_elseEnd(Node node, Node ifFalse) {}
/// Called after visiting the `then` element of an `if` element.
void handle_ifElement_thenEnd(Node node, Node ifTrue) {}
/// Called after visiting the expression of an `if` statement.
void handle_ifStatement_conditionEnd(Statement node) {}
/// Called after visiting the `else` statement of an `if` statement.
void handle_ifStatement_elseEnd(Statement node, Statement ifFalse) {}
/// Called after visiting the `then` statement of an `if` statement.
void handle_ifStatement_thenEnd(Statement node, Statement ifTrue) {}
/// Called after visiting the left hand side of a logical-or (`||`) pattern.
void handle_logicalOrPattern_afterLhs(Pattern node) {}
/// Called after visiting a merged set of `case` / `default` clauses.
/// [node] is the enclosing switch statement, [caseIndex] is the index of the
/// merged `case` or `default` group.
/// Stack effect: pops (numHeads * CaseHead) and pushes (CaseHeads).
void handleCase_afterCaseHeads(
Statement node, int caseIndex, Iterable<Variable> variables);
/// Called after visiting a single `case` clause, consisting of a pattern and
/// an optional guard.
/// [node] is the enclosing switch statement or switch expression,
/// [caseIndex] is the index of the `case` clause, and [subIndex] is the index
/// of the case head.
/// Stack effect: pops (Pattern, Expression) and pushes (CaseHead).
void handleCaseHead(Node node,
{required int caseIndex, required int subIndex});
/// Called after visiting a `default` clause.
/// [node] is the enclosing switch statement or switch expression and
/// [caseIndex] is the index of the `default` clause.
/// [subIndex] is the index of the case head.
/// Stack effect: pushes (CaseHead).
void handleDefault(
Node node, {
required int caseIndex,
required int subIndex,
/// Called after visiting a rest element in a list pattern.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Pattern).
void handleListPatternRestElement(Pattern container, Node restElement);
/// Called after visiting an entry element in a map pattern.
/// Stack effect: pushes (MapPatternElement).
void handleMapPatternEntry(Pattern container, Node entryElement,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> keyType);
/// Called after visiting a rest element in a map pattern.
/// Stack effect: pushes (MapPatternElement).
void handleMapPatternRestElement(Pattern container, Node restElement);
/// Called after visiting a merged statement case.
/// [node] is enclosing switch statement, [caseIndex] is the index of the
/// merged `case` or `default` group.
/// If [isTerminating] is `true`, then flow analysis has determined that the
/// case ends in a construct that doesn't complete normally (e.g. a `break`,
/// `return`, `continue`, `throw`, or infinite loop); the client can use this
/// to determine whether a jump is needed to the end of the switch statement.
/// Stack effect: pops (CaseHeads, numStatements * Statement) and pushes
/// (StatementCase).
void handleMergedStatementCase(Statement node,
{required int caseIndex, required bool isTerminating});
/// Called when visiting a syntactic construct where there is an implicit
/// no-op collection element. For example, this is called in place of the
/// missing `else` part of an `if` element that lacks an `else` clause.
/// Stack effect: pushes (CollectionElement).
void handleNoCollectionElement(Node node);
/// Called when visiting a `case` that lacks a guard clause. Since the lack
/// of a guard clause is semantically equivalent to `when true`, this method
/// should behave similarly to visiting the boolean literal `true`.
/// [node] is the enclosing switch statement, switch expression, or `if`, and
/// [caseIndex] is the index of the `case` within [node].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Expression).
void handleNoGuard(Node node, int caseIndex);
/// Called when visiting a syntactic construct where there is an implicit
/// no-op statement. For example, this is called in place of the missing
/// `else` part of an `if` statement that lacks an `else` clause.
/// Stack effect: pushes (Statement).
void handleNoStatement(Statement node);
/// Called before visiting a single `case` or `default` clause.
/// [node] is the enclosing switch statement or switch expression and
/// [caseIndex] is the index of the `case` or `default` clause.
/// [subIndex] is the index of the case head.
void handleSwitchBeforeAlternative(Node node,
{required int caseIndex, required int subIndex});
/// Called after visiting the scrutinee part of a switch statement or switch
/// expression. This is a hook to allow the client to start exhaustiveness
/// analysis.
/// [type] is the static type of the scrutinee expression.
/// TODO(paulberry): move exhaustiveness analysis into the shared code and
/// eliminate this method.
/// Stack effect: none.
void handleSwitchScrutinee(SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type);
/// Queries whether the switch statement or expression represented by [node]
/// was exhaustive. [expressionType] is the static type of the scrutinee.
/// Will only be called if the switch statement or expression lacks a
/// `default` clause, and patterns support is disabled.
bool isLegacySwitchExhaustive(
Node node, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> expressionType);
/// Returns whether [node] is a rest element in a list or map pattern.
bool isRestPatternElement(Node node);
/// Queries whether [pattern] is a variable pattern.
bool isVariablePattern(Node pattern);
/// Returns the type of the property in [receiverType] that corresponds to
/// the name of the [field]. If the property cannot be resolved, the client
/// should report an error, and return `dynamic` for recovery.
(Object?, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>) resolveObjectPatternPropertyGet({
required Pattern objectPattern,
required SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> receiverType,
required RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> field,
/// Resolves the relational operator for [node] assuming that the value being
/// matched has static type [matchedValueType].
/// If no operator is found, `null` should be returned. (This could happen
/// either because the code is invalid, or because [matchedValueType] is
/// `dynamic`).
RelationalOperatorResolution<TypeStructure>? resolveRelationalPatternOperator(
Pattern node, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedValueType);
/// Records that type inference has assigned a [type] to a [variable]. This
/// is called once per variable, regardless of whether the variable's type is
/// explicit or inferred.
void setVariableType(Variable variable, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type);
/// Computes the type that should be inferred for an implicitly typed variable
/// whose initializer expression has static type [type].
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> variableTypeFromInitializerType(
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type);
/// Common functionality shared by [analyzeIfStatement] and
/// [analyzeIfCaseStatement].
/// Stack effect: pushes (Statement ifTrue, Statement ifFalse).
void _analyzeIfCommon(Statement node, Statement ifTrue, Statement? ifFalse) {
// Stack: ()
handle_ifStatement_thenEnd(node, ifTrue);
// Stack: (Statement ifTrue)
if (ifFalse == null) {
} else {
handle_ifStatement_elseEnd(node, ifFalse);
// Stack: (Statement ifTrue, Statement ifFalse)
/// Common functionality shared by [analyzeIfElement] and
/// [analyzeIfCaseElement].
/// Stack effect: pushes (CollectionElement ifTrue,
/// CollectionElement ifFalse).
void _analyzeIfElementCommon(
Node node, Node ifTrue, Node? ifFalse, Object? context) {
// Stack: ()
dispatchCollectionElement(ifTrue, context);
handle_ifElement_thenEnd(node, ifTrue);
// Stack: (CollectionElement ifTrue)
if (ifFalse == null) {
} else {
dispatchCollectionElement(ifFalse, context);
handle_ifElement_elseEnd(node, ifFalse);
// Stack: (CollectionElement ifTrue, CollectionElement ifFalse)
Error? _checkGuardType(
Expression expression, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type) {
// TODO(paulberry): harmonize this with analyzer's checkForNonBoolExpression
// TODO(paulberry): spec says the type must be `bool` or `dynamic`. This
// logic permits `T extends bool`, `T promoted to bool`, or `Never`. What
// do we want?
if (!operations.isAssignableTo(type, operations.boolType)) {
return errors.nonBooleanCondition(node: expression);
return null;
void _finishJoinedPatternVariables(
Map<String, Variable> variables,
Map<String, List<Variable>> componentVariables,
Map<String, int> patternVariablePromotionKeys, {
required JoinedPatternVariableLocation location,
}) {
assert(() {
// Every entry in `variables` should match a variable we know about.
for (String variableName in variables.keys) {
return true;
for (MapEntry<String, int> entry in patternVariablePromotionKeys.entries) {
String variableName = entry.key;
int promotionKey = entry.value;
Variable? variable = variables[variableName];
List<Variable> components = componentVariables[variableName] ?? [];
bool isFirst = true;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? typeIfConsistent;
bool? isFinalIfConsistent;
bool isIdenticalToComponent = false;
for (Variable component in components) {
if (identical(variable, component)) {
isIdenticalToComponent = true;
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> componentType =
bool isComponentFinal = operations.isVariableFinal(component);
if (isFirst) {
typeIfConsistent = componentType;
isFinalIfConsistent = isComponentFinal;
isFirst = false;
} else {
bool inconsistencyFound = false;
if (typeIfConsistent != null &&
typeIfConsistent, componentType)) {
typeIfConsistent = null;
inconsistencyFound = true;
if (isFinalIfConsistent != null &&
isFinalIfConsistent != isComponentFinal) {
isFinalIfConsistent = null;
inconsistencyFound = true;
if (inconsistencyFound &&
location == JoinedPatternVariableLocation.singlePattern &&
variable != null) {
variable: variable, component: component);
if (variable != null) {
if (!isIdenticalToComponent) {
location: location,
inconsistency: typeIfConsistent != null &&
isFinalIfConsistent != null
? JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency.none
: JoinedPatternVariableInconsistency.differentFinalityOrType,
isFinal: isFinalIfConsistent ?? false,
type: typeIfConsistent ?? operations.errorType);
flow.assignMatchedPatternVariable(variable, promotionKey);
/// If the shape described by [fields] is the same as the shape of the
/// [matchedType], returns matched types for each field in [fields].
/// Otherwise returns `null`.
List<SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>>? _matchRecordTypeShape(
List<RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern>> fields,
SharedRecordTypeView<TypeStructure> matchedType,
) {
Map<String, SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>> matchedTypeNamed = {};
for (var SharedNamedTypeView<TypeStructure>(:name, :type)
in matchedType.namedTypes) {
matchedTypeNamed[name] = type;
List<SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>> result = [];
int namedCount = 0;
Iterator<SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>> positionalIterator =
for (RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> field in fields) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure>? fieldType;
String? name =;
if (name != null) {
fieldType = matchedTypeNamed[name];
if (fieldType == null) {
return null;
} else {
if (!positionalIterator.moveNext()) {
return null;
fieldType = positionalIterator.current;
if (positionalIterator.moveNext()) {
return null;
if (namedCount != matchedTypeNamed.length) {
return null;
assert(result.length == fields.length);
return result;
/// Reports errors for duplicate named record fields.
Map<int, Error>? _reportDuplicateRecordPatternFields(
Pattern pattern, List<RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern>> fields) {
Map<int, Error>? errorResults;
Map<String, RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern>> nameToField = {};
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> field = fields[i];
String? name =;
if (name != null) {
RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern>? original = nameToField[name];
if (original != null) {
(errorResults ??= {})[i] = errors.duplicateRecordPatternField(
objectOrRecordPattern: pattern,
name: name,
original: original,
duplicate: field,
} else {
nameToField[name] = field;
return errorResults;
bool _structurallyEqualAfterNormTypes(SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type1,
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> type2) {
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> norm1 = operations.normalize(type1);
SharedTypeView<TypeStructure> norm2 = operations.normalize(type2);
return norm1.unwrapTypeView().isStructurallyEqualTo(norm2.unwrapTypeView());
/// Interface used by the shared [TypeAnalyzer] logic to report error conditions
/// up to the client during the "visit" phase of type analysis.
abstract class TypeAnalyzerErrors<
Node extends Object,
Statement extends Node,
Expression extends Node,
Variable extends Object,
Type extends Object,
Pattern extends Node,
Error> implements TypeAnalyzerErrorsBase {
/// Called if pattern support is disabled and a case constant's static type
/// doesn't properly match the scrutinee's static type.
Error caseExpressionTypeMismatch(
{required Expression scrutinee,
required Expression caseExpression,
required Type scrutineeType,
required Type caseExpressionType,
required bool nullSafetyEnabled});
/// Called for variable that is assigned more than once.
/// Returns an error object that is passed on the the caller.
Error duplicateAssignmentPatternVariable({
required Variable variable,
required Pattern original,
required Pattern duplicate,
/// Called for a pair of named fields have the same name.
Error duplicateRecordPatternField({
required Pattern objectOrRecordPattern,
required String name,
required RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> original,
required RecordPatternField<Node, Pattern> duplicate,
/// Called for a duplicate rest pattern found in a list or map pattern.
Error duplicateRestPattern({
required Pattern mapOrListPattern,
required Node original,
required Node duplicate,
/// Called if a map pattern does not have elements.
/// [pattern] is the map pattern.
Error emptyMapPattern({
required Pattern pattern,
/// Called when both branches have variables with the same name, but these
/// variables either don't have the same finality, or their `NORM` types
/// are not structurally equal.
void inconsistentJoinedPatternVariable({
required Variable variable,
required Variable component,
/// Called when a null-assert or null-check pattern is used with the matched
/// type that is strictly non-nullable, so the null check is not necessary.
Error? matchedTypeIsStrictlyNonNullable({
required Pattern pattern,
required Type matchedType,
/// Called when the matched type of a cast pattern is a subtype of the
/// required type, so the cast is not necessary.
void matchedTypeIsSubtypeOfRequired({
required Pattern pattern,
required Type matchedType,
required Type requiredType,
/// Called if the static type of a condition is not assignable to `bool`.
Error nonBooleanCondition({required Expression node});
/// Called if in a pattern `for-in` statement or element, the [expression]
/// that should be an `Iterable` (or dynamic) is actually not.
/// [expressionType] is the actual type of the [expression].
Error patternForInExpressionIsNotIterable({
required Node node,
required Expression expression,
required Type expressionType,
/// Called if, for a pattern in an irrefutable context, the matched type of
/// the pattern is not assignable to the required type.
/// [pattern] is the AST node of the pattern with the type error, [context] is
/// the containing AST node that established an irrefutable context,
/// [matchedType] is the matched type, and [requiredType] is the required
/// type.
Error patternTypeMismatchInIrrefutableContext(
{required Pattern pattern,
required Node context,
required Type matchedType,
required Type requiredType});
/// Called if a refutable pattern is illegally used in an irrefutable context.
/// [pattern] is the AST node of the refutable pattern, and [context] is the
/// containing AST node that established an irrefutable context.
/// TODO(paulberry): move this error reporting to the parser.
Error refutablePatternInIrrefutableContext(
{required Node pattern, required Node context});
/// Called if the operand of the [pattern] has the type [operandType], which
/// is not assignable to [parameterType] of the invoked relational operator.
Error relationalPatternOperandTypeNotAssignable({
required Pattern pattern,
required Type operandType,
required Type parameterType,
/// Called if the [returnType] of the invoked relational operator is not
/// assignable to `bool`.
Error relationalPatternOperatorReturnTypeNotAssignableToBool({
required Pattern pattern,
required Type returnType,
/// Called if a rest pattern found inside a map pattern.
/// [node] is the map pattern. [element] is the rest pattern.
Error restPatternInMap({required Pattern node, required Node element});
/// Called if one of the case bodies of a switch statement completes normally
/// (other than the last case body), and the "patterns" feature is not
/// enabled.
/// [node] is the AST node of the switch statement. [caseIndex] is the index
/// of the merged case with the erroneous case body.
Error switchCaseCompletesNormally(
{required Statement node, required int caseIndex});
/// Called when a wildcard pattern appears in the context where it is not
/// necessary, e.g. `0 && var _` vs. `[var _]`, and does not add anything
/// to type promotion, e.g. `final x = 0; if (x case int _ && > 0) {}`.
void unnecessaryWildcardPattern({
required Pattern pattern,
required UnnecessaryWildcardKind kind,
/// Base class for error reporting callbacks that might be reported either in
/// the "pre-visit" or the "visit" phase of type analysis.
abstract class TypeAnalyzerErrorsBase {
/// Called when the [TypeAnalyzer] encounters a condition which should be
/// impossible if the user's code is free from static errors, but which might
/// arise as a result of error recovery. To verify this invariant, the client
/// should double check (preferably using an assertion) that at least one
/// error is reported.
/// Note that the error might be reported after this method is called.
void assertInErrorRecovery();
/// Options affecting the behavior of [TypeAnalyzer].
/// The client is free to `implement` or `extend` this class.
class TypeAnalyzerOptions {
final bool nullSafetyEnabled;
final bool patternsEnabled;
final bool inferenceUpdate3Enabled;
{required this.nullSafetyEnabled,
required this.patternsEnabled,
required this.inferenceUpdate3Enabled});