blob: f44f6af054efe759110b49c24d8fbb80d51f91ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// @docImport 'string_scanner.dart';
/// @docImport 'utf8_bytes_scanner.dart';
/// @docImport '../parser/class_member_parser.dart';
library _fe_analyzer_shared.scanner.abstract_scanner;
import 'dart:collection' show ListMixin;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint16List, Uint32List;
import 'token.dart'
import 'token.dart' as analyzer show StringToken;
import '../messages/codes.dart'
import '../util/link.dart' show Link;
import 'characters.dart';
import 'error_token.dart'
import 'keyword_state.dart' show KeywordState;
import 'token_impl.dart' show DartDocToken, StringTokenImpl;
import 'token_constants.dart';
import 'scanner.dart'
show ErrorToken, Keyword, Scanner, buildUnexpectedCharacterToken;
typedef void LanguageVersionChanged(
Scanner scanner, LanguageVersionToken languageVersion);
abstract class AbstractScanner implements Scanner {
* A flag indicating whether character sequences `&&=` and `||=`
* should be tokenized as the assignment operators
* See issue
static const bool LAZY_ASSIGNMENT_ENABLED = false;
final bool includeComments;
/// Called when the scanner detects a language version comment
/// so that the listener can update the scanner configuration
/// based upon the specified language version.
final LanguageVersionChanged? languageVersionChanged;
/// Experimental flag for enabling scanning of the `extension` token.
bool _enableExtensionMethods = false;
/// Experimental flag for enabling scanning of NNBD tokens
/// such as 'required' and 'late'.
bool _enableNonNullable = false;
/// Experimental flag for enabling scanning of `>>>`.
/// See
/// and
bool _enableTripleShift = false;
/// If `true`, 'augment' is treated as a built-in identifier.
bool _forAugmentationLibrary = false;
* The string offset for the next token that will be created.
* Note that in the [Utf8BytesScanner], [stringOffset] and [scanOffset] values
* are different. One string character can be encoded using multiple UTF-8
* bytes.
int tokenStart = -1;
* A pointer to the token stream created by this scanner. The first token
* is a special token and not part of the source file. This is an
* implementation detail to avoids special cases in the scanner. This token
* is not exposed to clients of the scanner, which are expected to invoke
* [firstToken] to access the token stream.
final Token tokens = new Token.eof(/* offset = */ -1);
* A pointer to the last scanned token.
late Token tail;
* A pointer to the last prepended error token.
late Token errorTail;
bool hasErrors = false;
* A pointer to the stream of comment tokens created by this scanner
* before they are assigned to the [Token] precedingComments field
* of a non-comment token. A value of `null` indicates no comment tokens.
CommentToken? comments;
* A pointer to the last scanned comment token or `null` if none.
Token? commentsTail;
final List<int> lineStarts;
* The stack of open groups, e.g [: { ... ( .. :]
* Each BeginToken has a pointer to the token where the group
* ends. This field is set when scanning the end group token.
Link<BeginToken> groupingStack = const Link<BeginToken>();
final bool inRecoveryOption;
int recoveryCount = 0;
final bool allowLazyStrings;
AbstractScanner(ScannerConfiguration? config, this.includeComments,
{int? numberOfBytesHint, this.allowLazyStrings = true})
: lineStarts = new LineStarts(numberOfBytesHint),
inRecoveryOption = false {
this.tail = this.tokens;
this.errorTail = this.tokens;
this.configuration = config;
AbstractScanner createRecoveryOptionScanner();
AbstractScanner.recoveryOptionScanner(AbstractScanner copyFrom)
: lineStarts = [],
includeComments = false,
languageVersionChanged = null,
inRecoveryOption = true,
allowLazyStrings = true {
this.tail = this.tokens;
this.errorTail = this.tokens;
this._enableExtensionMethods = copyFrom._enableExtensionMethods;
this._enableNonNullable = copyFrom._enableNonNullable;
this._enableTripleShift = copyFrom._enableTripleShift;
this.tokenStart = copyFrom.tokenStart;
this.groupingStack = copyFrom.groupingStack;
set configuration(ScannerConfiguration? config) {
if (config != null) {
_enableExtensionMethods = config.enableExtensionMethods;
_enableNonNullable = config.enableNonNullable;
_enableTripleShift = config.enableTripleShift;
_forAugmentationLibrary = config.forAugmentationLibrary;
* Advances and returns the next character.
* If the next character is non-ASCII, then the returned value depends on the
* scanner implementation. The [Utf8BytesScanner] returns a UTF-8 byte, while
* the [StringScanner] returns a UTF-16 code unit.
* The scanner ensures that [advance] is not invoked after it returned [$EOF].
* This allows implementations to omit bound checks if the data structure ends
* with '0'.
int advance();
* Returns the current unicode character.
* If the current character is ASCII, then it is returned unchanged.
* The [Utf8BytesScanner] decodes the next unicode code point starting at the
* current position. Note that every unicode character is returned as a single
* code point, that is, for '\u{1d11e}' it returns 119070, and the following
* [advance] returns the next character.
* The [StringScanner] returns the current character unchanged, which might
* be a surrogate character. In the case of '\u{1d11e}', it returns the first
* code unit 55348, and the following [advance] returns the second code unit
* 56606.
* Invoking [currentAsUnicode] multiple times is safe, i.e.,
* [:currentAsUnicode(next) == currentAsUnicode(currentAsUnicode(next)):].
int currentAsUnicode(int next);
* Returns the character at the next position. Like in [advance], the
* [Utf8BytesScanner] returns a UTF-8 byte, while the [StringScanner] returns
* a UTF-16 code unit.
int peek();
* Notifies the scanner that unicode characters were detected in either a
* comment or a string literal between [startScanOffset] and the current
* scan offset.
void handleUnicode(int startScanOffset);
* Returns the current scan offset.
* In the [Utf8BytesScanner] this is the offset into the byte list, in the
* [StringScanner] the offset in the source string.
int get scanOffset;
* Returns the current string offset.
* In the [StringScanner] this is identical to the [scanOffset]. In the
* [Utf8BytesScanner] it is computed based on encountered UTF-8 characters.
int get stringOffset;
* Returns the first token scanned by this [Scanner].
Token firstToken() =>!;
* Notifies that a new token starts at current offset.
void beginToken() {
tokenStart = stringOffset;
* Appends a substring from the scan offset [:start:] to the current
* [:scanOffset:] plus the [:extraOffset:]. For example, if the current
* scanOffset is 10, then [:appendSubstringToken(5, -1):] will append the
* substring string [5,9).
* Note that [extraOffset] can only be used if the covered character(s) are
* known to be ASCII.
void appendSubstringToken(TokenType type, int start, bool asciiOnly,
[int extraOffset = 0]) {
type, start, asciiOnly, extraOffset, allowLazyStrings));
* Returns a new substring from the scan offset [start] to the current
* [scanOffset] plus the [extraOffset]. For example, if the current
* scanOffset is 10, then [appendSubstringToken(5, -1)] will append the
* substring string [5,9).
* Note that [extraOffset] can only be used if the covered character(s) are
* known to be ASCII.
analyzer.StringToken createSubstringToken(TokenType type, int start,
bool asciiOnly, int extraOffset, bool allowLazy);
* Appends a substring from the scan offset [start] to the current
* [scanOffset] plus [syntheticChars]. The additional char(s) will be added
* to the unterminated string literal's lexeme but the returned
* token's length will *not* include those additional char(s)
* so as to be true to the original source.
void appendSyntheticSubstringToken(
TokenType type, int start, bool asciiOnly, String syntheticChars) {
createSyntheticSubstringToken(type, start, asciiOnly, syntheticChars));
* Returns a new synthetic substring from the scan offset [start]
* to the current [scanOffset] plus the [syntheticChars].
* The [syntheticChars] are appended to the unterminated string
* literal's lexeme but the returned token's length will *not* include
* those additional characters so as to be true to the original source.
analyzer.StringToken createSyntheticSubstringToken(
TokenType type, int start, bool asciiOnly, String syntheticChars);
* Appends a fixed token whose kind and content is determined by [type].
* Appends an *operator* token from [type].
* An operator token represent operators like ':', '.', ';', '&&', '==', '--',
* '=>', etc.
void appendPrecedenceToken(TokenType type) {
appendToken(new Token(type, tokenStart, comments));
* Appends a fixed token based on whether the current char is [choice] or not.
* If the current char is [choice] a fixed token whose kind and content
* is determined by [yes] is appended, otherwise a fixed token whose kind
* and content is determined by [no] is appended.
int select(int choice, TokenType yes, TokenType no) {
int next = advance();
if (identical(next, choice)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
* Appends a keyword token whose kind is determined by [keyword].
void appendKeywordToken(Keyword keyword) {
String syntax = keyword.lexeme;
// Type parameters and arguments cannot contain 'this'.
if (identical(syntax, 'this')) {
appendToken(new KeywordToken(keyword, tokenStart, comments));
void appendEofToken() {
while (!groupingStack.isEmpty) {
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
appendToken(new Token.eof(tokenStart, comments));
* Notifies scanning a whitespace character. Note that [appendWhiteSpace] is
* not always invoked for [$SPACE] characters.
* This method is used by the scanners to track line breaks and create the
* [lineStarts] map.
void appendWhiteSpace(int next) {
if (next == $LF) {
lineStarts.add(stringOffset + 1); // +1, the line starts after the $LF.
* Notifies on [$LF] characters in multi-line comments or strings.
* This method is used by the scanners to track line breaks and create the
* [lineStarts] map.
void lineFeedInMultiline() {
lineStarts.add(stringOffset + 1);
* Appends a token that begins a new group, represented by [type].
* Group begin tokens are '{', '(', '[', '<' and '${'.
void appendBeginGroup(TokenType type) {
BeginToken token = new BeginToken(type, tokenStart, comments);
// { [ ${ cannot appear inside a type parameters / arguments.
if (!identical(type.kind, LT_TOKEN) &&
!identical(type.kind, OPEN_PAREN_TOKEN)) {
groupingStack = groupingStack.prepend(token);
* Appends a token that begins an end group, represented by [type].
* It handles the group end tokens '}', ')' and ']'. The tokens '>',
* '>>' and '>>>' are handled separately by [appendGt], [appendGtGt]
* and [appendGtGtGt].
int appendEndGroup(TokenType type, int openKind) {
assert(!identical(openKind, LT_TOKEN)); // openKind is < for > and >>
bool foundMatchingBrace = discardBeginGroupUntil(openKind);
return appendEndGroupInternal(foundMatchingBrace, type, openKind);
/// Append the end group (parenthesis, bracket etc).
/// If [foundMatchingBrace] is true the grouping stack (stack of parenthesis
/// etc) is updated, otherwise it's left alone.
/// In effect, if [foundMatchingBrace] is false this end token is basically
/// ignored, i.e. not really seen as an end group.
int appendEndGroupInternal(
bool foundMatchingBrace, TokenType type, int openKind) {
if (!foundMatchingBrace) {
// No begin group. Leave the grouping stack alone and just continue.
return advance();
Token close = tail;
BeginToken begin = groupingStack.head;
if (!identical(begin.kind, openKind)) {
assert(begin.kind == STRING_INTERPOLATION_TOKEN &&
// We're ending an interpolated expression.
begin.endGroup = close;
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
// Using "start-of-text" to signal that we're back in string
// scanning mode.
return $STX;
begin.endGroup = close;
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
return advance();
* Appends a token for '>'.
* This method does not issue unmatched errors, because > is also the
* greater-than operator. It does not necessarily have to close a group.
void appendGt(TokenType type) {
if (groupingStack.isEmpty) return;
if (identical(groupingStack.head.kind, LT_TOKEN)) {
groupingStack.head.endGroup = tail;
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
* Appends a token for '>>'.
* This method does not issue unmatched errors, because >> is also the
* shift operator. It does not necessarily have to close a group.
void appendGtGt(TokenType type) {
if (groupingStack.isEmpty) return;
if (identical(groupingStack.head.kind, LT_TOKEN)) {
// Don't assign endGroup: in "T<U<V>>", the '>>' token closes the outer
// '<', the inner '<' is left without endGroup.
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
if (groupingStack.isEmpty) return;
if (identical(groupingStack.head.kind, LT_TOKEN)) {
groupingStack.head.endGroup = tail;
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
/// Appends a token for '>>>'.
/// This method does not issue unmatched errors, because >>> is also the
/// triple shift operator. It does not necessarily have to close a group.
void appendGtGtGt(TokenType type) {
if (groupingStack.isEmpty) return;
// Don't assign endGroup: in "T<U<V<X>>>", the '>>>' token closes the
// outer '<', all the inner '<' are left without endGroups.
if (identical(groupingStack.head.kind, LT_TOKEN)) {
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
if (groupingStack.isEmpty) return;
if (identical(groupingStack.head.kind, LT_TOKEN)) {
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
if (groupingStack.isEmpty) return;
if (identical(groupingStack.head.kind, LT_TOKEN)) {
groupingStack.head.endGroup = tail;
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
/// Prepend [token] to the token stream.
void prependErrorToken(ErrorToken token) {
hasErrors = true;
if (errorTail == tail) {
errorTail = tail;
} else { =;!.previous = token; = token;
token.previous = errorTail;
errorTail =!;
* Returns a new comment from the scan offset [start] to the current
* [scanOffset] plus the [extraOffset]. For example, if the current
* scanOffset is 10, then [appendSubstringToken(5, -1)] will append the
* substring string [5,9).
* Note that [extraOffset] can only be used if the covered character(s) are
* known to be ASCII.
CommentToken createCommentToken(TokenType type, int start, bool asciiOnly,
[int extraOffset = 0]);
* Returns a new dartdoc from the scan offset [start] to the current
* [scanOffset] plus the [extraOffset]. For example, if the current
* scanOffset is 10, then [appendSubstringToken(5, -1)] will append the
* substring string [5,9).
* Note that [extraOffset] can only be used if the covered character(s) are
* known to be ASCII.
DartDocToken createDartDocToken(TokenType type, int start, bool asciiOnly,
[int extraOffset = 0]);
* Returns a new language version token from the scan offset [start]
* to the current [scanOffset] similar to createCommentToken.
LanguageVersionToken createLanguageVersionToken(
int start, int major, int minor);
* If a begin group token matches [openKind],
* then discard begin group tokens up to that match and return `true`,
* otherwise return `false`.
* This recovers nicely from situations like "{[}" and "{foo());}",
* but not "foo(() {bar());});"
bool discardBeginGroupUntil(int openKind) {
Link<BeginToken> originalStack = groupingStack;
bool first = true;
do {
// Don't report unmatched errors for <; it is also the less-than operator.
if (groupingStack.isEmpty) break; // recover
BeginToken begin = groupingStack.head;
if (openKind == begin.kind ||
if (first) {
// If the expected opener has been found on the first pass
// then no recovery necessary.
return true;
break; // recover
first = false;
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
} while (!groupingStack.isEmpty);
// If the stack does not have any opener of the given type,
// then return without discarding anything.
// This recovers nicely from situations like "{foo());}".
if (groupingStack.isEmpty) {
groupingStack = originalStack;
return false;
// We found a matching group somewhere in the stack, but generally don't
// know if we should recover by inserting synthetic closers or
// basically ignore the current token.
// We're in a recovery setting so we're allowed to be 'relatively slow' ---
// try both and see which is better (i.e. gives fewest rewrites later).
// To not get exponential runtime we will not do this nested though.
// E.g. we can recover "{[}" as "{[]}" (better) or (with . for ignored
// tokens) "{[.".
// Or we can recover "[(])]" as "[()].." or "[(.)]" (better).
if (!inRecoveryOption) {
TokenType type;
switch (openKind) {
type = TokenType.CLOSE_PAREN;
throw new StateError("Unexpected openKind");
// Option #1: Insert synthetic closers.
int option1Recoveries;
AbstractScanner option1 = createRecoveryOptionScanner();
option1.insertSyntheticClosers(originalStack, groupingStack);
option1Recoveries = option1.recoveryOptionTokenizer(
/* foundMatchingBrace = */ true, type, openKind));
option1Recoveries += option1.groupingStack.slowLength();
// Option #2: ignore this token.
int option2Recoveries;
AbstractScanner option2 = createRecoveryOptionScanner();
option2.groupingStack = originalStack;
option2Recoveries = option2.recoveryOptionTokenizer(
/* foundMatchingBrace = */ false, type, openKind));
// We add 1 to make this option pay for ignoring this token.
option2Recoveries += option2.groupingStack.slowLength() + 1;
// The option-runs might have set invalid endGroup pointers. Reset them.
for (Link<BeginToken> link = originalStack;
link = link.tail!) {
link.head.endToken = null;
if (option2Recoveries < option1Recoveries) {
// Perform option #2 recovery.
groupingStack = originalStack;
return false;
// option #1 is the default, so fall though.
// Insert synthetic closers and report errors for any unbalanced openers.
// This recovers nicely from situations like "{[}".
insertSyntheticClosers(originalStack, groupingStack);
return true;
void insertSyntheticClosers(
Link<BeginToken> originalStack, Link<BeginToken> entryToUse) {
// Insert synthetic closers and report errors for any unbalanced openers.
// This recovers nicely from situations like "{[}".
while (!identical(originalStack, entryToUse)) {
// Don't report unmatched errors for <; it is also the less-than operator.
if (!identical(entryToUse.head.kind, LT_TOKEN)) {
originalStack = originalStack.tail!;
* This method is called to discard '<' from the "grouping" stack.
* [ClassMemberParser.skipExpression] relies on the fact that we do not
* create groups for stuff like:
* [:a = b < c, d = e > f:].
* In other words, this method is called when the scanner recognizes
* something which cannot possibly be part of a type parameter/argument
* list, like the '=' in the above example.
void discardOpenLt() {
while (!groupingStack.isEmpty &&
identical(groupingStack.head.kind, LT_TOKEN)) {
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
* This method is called to discard '${' from the "grouping" stack.
* This method is called when the scanner finds an unterminated
* interpolation expression.
void discardInterpolation() {
while (!groupingStack.isEmpty) {
BeginToken beginToken = groupingStack.head;
groupingStack = groupingStack.tail!;
if (identical(beginToken.kind, STRING_INTERPOLATION_TOKEN)) break;
void unmatchedBeginGroup(BeginToken begin) {
// We want to ensure that unmatched BeginTokens are reported as
// errors. However, the diet parser assumes that groups are well-balanced
// and will never look at the endGroup token. This is a nice property that
// allows us to skip quickly over correct code. By inserting an additional
// synthetic token in the stream, we can keep ignoring endGroup tokens.
// [begin] --next--> [tail]
// [begin] --endG--> [synthetic] --next--> [next] --next--> [tail]
// This allows the diet parser to skip from [begin] via endGroup to
// [synthetic] and ignore the [synthetic] token (assuming it's correct),
// then the error will be reported when parsing the [next] token.
// For example, tokenize("{[1};") produces:
// SymbolToken({) --endGroup------------------------+
// | |
// next |
// v |
// SymbolToken([) --endGroup--+ |
// | | |
// next | |
// v | |
// StringToken(1) | |
// | | |
// next | |
// v | |
// SymbolToken(])<------------+ <-- Synthetic token |
// | |
// next |
// v |
// UnmatchedToken([) |
// | |
// next |
// v |
// SymbolToken(})<----------------------------------+
// |
// next
// v
// SymbolToken(;)
// |
// next
// v
// EOF
TokenType type = closeBraceInfoFor(begin);
appendToken(new SyntheticToken(type, tokenStart)..beforeSynthetic = tail);
begin.endGroup = tail;
prependErrorToken(new UnmatchedToken(begin));
/// Return true when at EOF.
bool atEndOfFile();
Token tokenize() {
while (!atEndOfFile()) {
int next = advance();
// Scan the header looking for a language version
if (!identical(next, $EOF)) {
Token oldTail = tail;
next = bigHeaderSwitch(next);
if (!identical(next, $EOF) && tail.kind == SCRIPT_TOKEN) {
oldTail = tail;
next = bigHeaderSwitch(next);
while (!identical(next, $EOF) && tail == oldTail) {
next = bigHeaderSwitch(next);
next = next;
while (!identical(next, $EOF)) {
next = bigSwitch(next);
if (atEndOfFile()) {
} else {
// Always pretend that there's a line at the end of the file.
lineStarts.add(stringOffset + 1);
return firstToken();
/// Tokenize a (small) part of the data. Used for recovery "option testing".
/// Returns the number of recoveries performed.
int recoveryOptionTokenizer(int next) {
int iterations = 0;
while (!atEndOfFile()) {
while (!identical(next, $EOF)) {
// TODO(jensj): Look at number of lines, tokens, parenthesis stack,
// semi-colon etc, not just number of iterations.
next = bigSwitch(next);
if (iterations > 100) {
return recoveryCount;
if (!atEndOfFile()) {
// $EOF in the middle of the file. Skip it as `tokenize`.
next = advance();
if (iterations > 100) {
return recoveryCount;
return recoveryCount;
int bigHeaderSwitch(int next) {
if (!identical(next, $SLASH)) {
return bigSwitch(next);
if (!identical($SLASH, peek())) {
return tokenizeSlashOrComment(next);
return tokenizeLanguageVersionOrSingleLineComment(next);
int bigSwitch(int next) {
if (identical(next, $SPACE) ||
identical(next, $TAB) ||
identical(next, $LF) ||
identical(next, $CR)) {
next = advance();
// Sequences of spaces are common, so advance through them fast.
while (identical(next, $SPACE)) {
// We don't invoke [:appendWhiteSpace(next):] here for efficiency,
// assuming that it does not do anything for space characters.
next = advance();
return next;
int nextLower = next | 0x20;
if ($a <= nextLower && nextLower <= $z) {
if (identical($r, next)) {
return tokenizeRawStringKeywordOrIdentifier(next);
return tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(next, /* allowDollar = */ true);
if (identical(next, $CLOSE_PAREN)) {
return appendEndGroup(TokenType.CLOSE_PAREN, OPEN_PAREN_TOKEN);
if (identical(next, $OPEN_PAREN)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $SEMICOLON)) {
// Type parameters and arguments cannot contain semicolon.
return advance();
if (identical(next, $PERIOD)) {
return tokenizeDotsOrNumber(next);
if (identical(next, $COMMA)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return tokenizeEquals(next);
if (identical(next, $CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET)) {
return appendEndGroup(
if (identical(next, $SLASH)) {
return tokenizeSlashOrComment(next);
if (identical(next, $OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $DQ) || identical(next, $SQ)) {
return tokenizeString(next, scanOffset, /* raw = */ false);
if (identical(next, $_)) {
return tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(next, /* allowDollar = */ true);
if (identical(next, $COLON)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $LT)) {
return tokenizeLessThan(next);
if (identical(next, $GT)) {
return tokenizeGreaterThan(next);
if (identical(next, $BANG)) {
return tokenizeExclamation(next);
if (identical(next, $OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET)) {
return tokenizeOpenSquareBracket(next);
if (identical(next, $CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET)) {
return appendEndGroup(
if (identical(next, $AT)) {
return tokenizeAt(next);
if (next >= $1 && next <= $9) {
return tokenizeNumber(next);
if (identical(next, $AMPERSAND)) {
return tokenizeAmpersand(next);
if (identical(next, $0)) {
return tokenizeHexOrNumber(next);
if (identical(next, $QUESTION)) {
return tokenizeQuestion(next);
if (identical(next, $BAR)) {
return tokenizeBar(next);
if (identical(next, $PLUS)) {
return tokenizePlus(next);
if (identical(next, $$)) {
return tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(next, /* allowDollar = */ true);
if (identical(next, $MINUS)) {
return tokenizeMinus(next);
if (identical(next, $STAR)) {
return tokenizeMultiply(next);
if (identical(next, $CARET)) {
return tokenizeCaret(next);
if (identical(next, $TILDE)) {
return tokenizeTilde(next);
if (identical(next, $PERCENT)) {
return tokenizePercent(next);
if (identical(next, $BACKPING)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $BACKSLASH)) {
return advance();
if (identical(next, $HASH)) {
return tokenizeTag(next);
if (next < 0x1f) {
return unexpected(next);
next = currentAsUnicode(next);
return unexpected(next);
int tokenizeTag(int next) {
// # or #!.*[\n\r]
if (scanOffset == 0) {
if (identical(peek(), $BANG)) {
int start = scanOffset;
bool asciiOnly = true;
do {
next = advance();
if (next > 127) asciiOnly = false;
} while (!identical(next, $LF) &&
!identical(next, $CR) &&
!identical(next, $EOF));
if (!asciiOnly) handleUnicode(start);
appendSubstringToken(TokenType.SCRIPT_TAG, start, asciiOnly);
return next;
return advance();
int tokenizeTilde(int next) {
// ~ ~/ ~/=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $SLASH)) {
return select($EQ, TokenType.TILDE_SLASH_EQ, TokenType.TILDE_SLASH);
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeOpenSquareBracket(int next) {
// [ [] []=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET)) {
return select($EQ, TokenType.INDEX_EQ, TokenType.INDEX);
return next;
int tokenizeCaret(int next) {
// ^ ^=
return select($EQ, TokenType.CARET_EQ, TokenType.CARET);
int tokenizeQuestion(int next) {
// ? ?. ?.. ?? ??=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $QUESTION)) {
return select(
} else if (identical(next, $PERIOD)) {
next = advance();
if (_enableNonNullable) {
if (identical($PERIOD, next)) {
return advance();
return next;
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeBar(int next) {
// | || |= ||=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $BAR)) {
next = advance();
if (LAZY_ASSIGNMENT_ENABLED && identical(next, $EQ)) {
return advance();
return next;
} else if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeAmpersand(int next) {
// && &= & &&=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $AMPERSAND)) {
next = advance();
if (LAZY_ASSIGNMENT_ENABLED && identical(next, $EQ)) {
return advance();
return next;
} else if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizePercent(int next) {
// % %=
return select($EQ, TokenType.PERCENT_EQ, TokenType.PERCENT);
int tokenizeMultiply(int next) {
// * *=
return select($EQ, TokenType.STAR_EQ, TokenType.STAR);
int tokenizeMinus(int next) {
// - -- -=
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $MINUS)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizePlus(int next) {
// + ++ +=
next = advance();
if (identical($PLUS, next)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical($EQ, next)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeExclamation(int next) {
// ! !=
// !== is kept for user-friendly error reporting.
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
//was `return select($EQ, TokenType.BANG_EQ_EQ, TokenType.BANG_EQ);`
int next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
prependErrorToken(new UnsupportedOperator(tail, tokenStart));
return advance();
} else {
return next;
return next;
int tokenizeEquals(int next) {
// = == =>
// === is kept for user-friendly error reporting.
// Type parameters and arguments cannot contain any token that
// starts with '='.
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
// was `return select($EQ, TokenType.EQ_EQ_EQ, TokenType.EQ_EQ);`
int next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EQ)) {
prependErrorToken(new UnsupportedOperator(tail, tokenStart));
return advance();
} else {
return next;
} else if (identical(next, $GT)) {
return advance();
return next;
int tokenizeGreaterThan(int next) {
// > >= >> >>= >>> >>>=
next = advance();
if (identical($EQ, next)) {
// Saw `>=` only.
return advance();
} else if (identical($GT, next)) {
// Saw `>>` so far.
next = advance();
if (identical($EQ, next)) {
// Saw `>>=` only.
return advance();
} else if (_enableTripleShift && identical($GT, next)) {
// Saw `>>>` so far.
next = advance();
if (identical($EQ, next)) {
// Saw `>>>=` only.
return advance();
} else {
// Saw `>>>` only.
return next;
} else {
// Saw `>>` only.
return next;
} else {
// Saw `>` only.
return next;
int tokenizeLessThan(int next) {
// < <= << <<=
next = advance();
if (identical($EQ, next)) {
return advance();
} else if (identical($LT, next)) {
return select($EQ, TokenType.LT_LT_EQ, TokenType.LT_LT);
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeNumber(int next) {
int start = scanOffset;
bool hasSeparators = false;
bool previousWasSeparator = false;
while (true) {
next = advance();
if ($0 <= next && next <= $9) {
previousWasSeparator = false;
} else if (identical(next, $_)) {
hasSeparators = true;
previousWasSeparator = true;
} else if (identical(next, $e) || identical(next, $E)) {
if (previousWasSeparator) {
// Not allowed.
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
return tokenizeFractionPart(next, start, hasSeparators);
} else {
if (identical(next, $PERIOD)) {
if (previousWasSeparator) {
// Not allowed.
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
int nextnext = peek();
if ($0 <= nextnext && nextnext <= $9) {
return tokenizeFractionPart(nextnext, start, hasSeparators);
} else {
TokenType tokenType =
hasSeparators ? TokenType.INT_WITH_SEPARATORS : TokenType.INT;
appendSubstringToken(tokenType, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true);
return next;
if (previousWasSeparator) {
// End of the number is a separator; not allowed.
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
TokenType tokenType =
hasSeparators ? TokenType.INT_WITH_SEPARATORS : TokenType.INT;
appendSubstringToken(tokenType, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true);
return next;
int tokenizeHexOrNumber(int next) {
int x = peek();
if (identical(x, $x) || identical(x, $X)) {
return tokenizeHex(next);
return tokenizeNumber(next);
int tokenizeHex(int next) {
int start = scanOffset;
next = advance(); // Advance past the $x or $X.
bool hasDigits = false;
bool hasSeparators = false;
bool previousWasSeparator = false;
while (true) {
next = advance();
if (($0 <= next && next <= $9) ||
($A <= next && next <= $F) ||
($a <= next && next <= $f)) {
hasDigits = true;
previousWasSeparator = false;
} else if (identical(next, $_)) {
if (!hasDigits) {
// Not allowed.
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
hasSeparators = true;
previousWasSeparator = true;
} else {
if (!hasDigits) {
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageExpectedHexDigit, start, stringOffset));
// Recovery
TokenType.HEXADECIMAL, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true, "0");
return next;
if (previousWasSeparator) {
// End of the number is a separator; not allowed.
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
TokenType tokenType = hasSeparators
appendSubstringToken(tokenType, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true);
return next;
int tokenizeDotsOrNumber(int next) {
int start = scanOffset;
next = advance();
if (($0 <= next && next <= $9)) {
return tokenizeFractionPart(next, start, /* hasSeparators = */ false);
} else if (identical($PERIOD, next)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $PERIOD)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $QUESTION)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
} else {
return next;
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeFractionPart(int next, int start, bool hasSeparators) {
bool done = false;
bool hasDigit = false;
bool previousWasSeparator = false;
while (!done) {
if ($0 <= next && next <= $9) {
hasDigit = true;
previousWasSeparator = false;
} else if (identical($_, next)) {
if (!hasDigit) {
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
hasSeparators = true;
previousWasSeparator = true;
} else if (identical($e, next) || identical($E, next)) {
if (previousWasSeparator) {
// Not allowed.
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
hasDigit = true;
previousWasSeparator = false;
next = advance();
while (identical(next, $_)) {
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
hasSeparators = true;
previousWasSeparator = true;
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $PLUS) || identical(next, $MINUS)) {
previousWasSeparator = false;
next = advance();
bool hasExponentDigits = false;
while (true) {
if ($0 <= next && next <= $9) {
hasExponentDigits = true;
previousWasSeparator = false;
} else if (identical(next, $_)) {
if (!hasExponentDigits) {
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
hasSeparators = true;
previousWasSeparator = true;
} else {
if (!hasExponentDigits) {
TokenType.DOUBLE, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true, '0');
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageMissingExponent, tokenStart, stringOffset));
return next;
next = advance();
if (previousWasSeparator) {
// End of the number is a separator; not allowed.
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
done = true;
continue LOOP;
} else {
if (previousWasSeparator) {
// End of the number is a separator; not allowed.
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedSeparatorInNumber, start, stringOffset));
done = true;
continue LOOP;
next = advance();
if (!hasDigit) {
// Reduce offset, we already advanced to the token past the period.
TokenType.INT, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true, /* extraOffset = */ -1);
// TODO(ahe): Wrong offset for the period. Cannot call beginToken because
// the scanner already advanced past the period.
if (identical($PERIOD, next)) {
return select(
return next;
TokenType tokenType =
hasSeparators ? TokenType.DOUBLE_WITH_SEPARATORS : TokenType.DOUBLE;
appendSubstringToken(tokenType, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true);
return next;
int tokenizeSlashOrComment(int next) {
int start = scanOffset;
next = advance();
if (identical($STAR, next)) {
return tokenizeMultiLineComment(next, start);
} else if (identical($SLASH, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineComment(next, start);
} else if (identical($EQ, next)) {
return advance();
} else {
return next;
int tokenizeLanguageVersionOrSingleLineComment(int next) {
int start = scanOffset;
next = advance();
// Dart doc
if (identical($SLASH, peek())) {
return tokenizeSingleLineComment(next, start);
// "@dart"
next = advance();
while (identical($SPACE, next)) {
next = advance();
if (!identical($AT, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
next = advance();
if (!identical($d, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
next = advance();
if (!identical($a, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
next = advance();
if (!identical($r, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
next = advance();
if (!identical($t, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
next = advance();
// "="
while (identical($SPACE, next)) {
next = advance();
if (!identical($EQ, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
next = advance();
// major
while (identical($SPACE, next)) {
next = advance();
int major = 0;
int majorStart = scanOffset;
while (isDigit(next)) {
major = major * 10 + next - $0;
next = advance();
if (scanOffset == majorStart) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
// minor
if (!identical($PERIOD, next)) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
next = advance();
int minor = 0;
int minorStart = scanOffset;
while (isDigit(next)) {
minor = minor * 10 + next - $0;
next = advance();
if (scanOffset == minorStart) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
// trailing spaces
while (identical($SPACE, next)) {
next = advance();
if (next != $LF && next != $CR && next != $EOF) {
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, /* dartdoc = */ false);
LanguageVersionToken languageVersion =
createLanguageVersionToken(start, major, minor);
if (languageVersionChanged != null) {
// TODO(danrubel): make this required and remove the languageVersion field
languageVersionChanged!(this, languageVersion);
} else {
// TODO(danrubel): remove this hack and require listener to update
// the scanner's configuration.
configuration = ScannerConfiguration.classic;
if (includeComments) {
return next;
int tokenizeSingleLineComment(int next, int start) {
bool dartdoc = identical($SLASH, peek());
next = advance();
return tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(next, start, dartdoc);
int tokenizeSingleLineCommentRest(int next, int start, bool dartdoc) {
bool asciiOnly = true;
while (true) {
if (next > 127) asciiOnly = false;
if (identical($LF, next) ||
identical($CR, next) ||
identical($EOF, next)) {
if (!asciiOnly) handleUnicode(start);
if (dartdoc) {
appendDartDoc(start, TokenType.SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, asciiOnly);
} else {
appendComment(start, TokenType.SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT, asciiOnly);
return next;
next = advance();
int tokenizeMultiLineComment(int next, int start) {
bool asciiOnlyComment = true; // Track if the entire comment is ASCII.
bool asciiOnlyLines = true; // Track ASCII since the last handleUnicode.
int unicodeStart = start;
int nesting = 1;
next = advance();
bool dartdoc = identical($STAR, next);
while (true) {
if (identical($EOF, next)) {
if (!asciiOnlyLines) handleUnicode(unicodeStart);
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnterminatedComment, tokenStart, stringOffset));
advanceAfterError(/* shouldAdvance = */ true);
} else if (identical($STAR, next)) {
next = advance();
if (identical($SLASH, next)) {
if (0 == nesting) {
if (!asciiOnlyLines) handleUnicode(unicodeStart);
next = advance();
if (dartdoc) {
start, TokenType.MULTI_LINE_COMMENT, asciiOnlyComment);
} else {
start, TokenType.MULTI_LINE_COMMENT, asciiOnlyComment);
} else {
next = advance();
} else if (identical($SLASH, next)) {
next = advance();
if (identical($STAR, next)) {
next = advance();
} else if (identical(next, $LF)) {
if (!asciiOnlyLines) {
// Synchronize the string offset in the utf8 scanner.
asciiOnlyLines = true;
unicodeStart = scanOffset;
next = advance();
} else {
if (next > 127) {
asciiOnlyLines = false;
asciiOnlyComment = false;
next = advance();
return next;
void appendComment(int start, TokenType type, bool asciiOnly) {
if (!includeComments) return;
CommentToken newComment = createCommentToken(type, start, asciiOnly);
void appendDartDoc(int start, TokenType type, bool asciiOnly) {
if (!includeComments) return;
CommentToken newComment = createDartDocToken(type, start, asciiOnly);
* Append the given token to the [tail] of the current stream of tokens.
void appendToken(Token token) { = token;
token.previous = tail;
tail = token;
if (comments != null && comments == token.precedingComments) {
comments = null;
commentsTail = null;
} else {
// It is the responsibility of the caller to construct the token
// being appended with preceding comments if any
assert(comments == null || token.isSynthetic || token is ErrorToken);
void _appendToCommentStream(CommentToken newComment) {
if (comments == null) {
comments = newComment;
commentsTail = comments;
} else {
commentsTail!.next = newComment;
commentsTail!.next!.previous = commentsTail;
commentsTail = commentsTail!.next;
int tokenizeRawStringKeywordOrIdentifier(int next) {
// [next] is $r.
int nextnext = peek();
if (identical(nextnext, $DQ) || identical(nextnext, $SQ)) {
int start = scanOffset;
next = advance();
return tokenizeString(next, start, /* raw = */ true);
return tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(next, /* allowDollar = */ true);
int tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(int next, bool allowDollar) {
KeywordState? state = KeywordState.KEYWORD_STATE;
int start = scanOffset;
// We allow a leading capital character.
if ($A <= next && next <= $Z) {
state = state.nextCapital(next);
next = advance();
} else if ($a <= next && next <= $z) {
// Do the first next call outside the loop to avoid an additional test
// and to make the loop monomorphic.
state =;
next = advance();
while (state != null && $a <= next && next <= $z) {
state =;
next = advance();
if (state == null) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
Keyword? keyword = state.keyword;
if (keyword == null) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
if (!_enableExtensionMethods && keyword == Keyword.EXTENSION) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
if (!_enableNonNullable &&
(keyword == Keyword.LATE || keyword == Keyword.REQUIRED)) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
if (!_forAugmentationLibrary && keyword == Keyword.AUGMENT) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
if (($A <= next && next <= $Z) ||
($0 <= next && next <= $9) ||
identical(next, $_) ||
(allowDollar && identical(next, $$))) {
return tokenizeIdentifier(next, start, allowDollar);
} else {
return next;
* [allowDollar] can exclude '$', which is not allowed as part of a string
* interpolation identifier.
int tokenizeIdentifier(int next, int start, bool allowDollar) {
while (true) {
if (_isIdentifierChar(next, allowDollar)) {
next = advance();
} else {
// Identifier ends here.
if (start == scanOffset) {
return unexpected(next);
} else {
TokenType.IDENTIFIER, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true);
return next;
int tokenizeAt(int next) {
return advance();
int tokenizeString(int next, int start, bool raw) {
int quoteChar = next;
next = advance();
if (identical(quoteChar, next)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(quoteChar, next)) {
// Multiline string.
return tokenizeMultiLineString(quoteChar, start, raw);
} else {
// Empty string.
appendSubstringToken(TokenType.STRING, start, /* asciiOnly = */ true);
return next;
if (raw) {
return tokenizeSingleLineRawString(next, quoteChar, start);
} else {
return tokenizeSingleLineString(next, quoteChar, start);
* [next] is the first character after the quote.
* [quoteStart] is the scanOffset of the quote.
* The token contains a substring of the source file, including the
* string quotes, backslashes for escaping. For interpolated strings,
* the parts before and after are separate tokens.
* "a $b c"
* gives StringToken("a $), StringToken(b) and StringToken( c").
int tokenizeSingleLineString(int next, int quoteChar, int quoteStart) {
int start = quoteStart;
bool asciiOnly = true;
while (!identical(next, quoteChar)) {
if (identical(next, $BACKSLASH)) {
next = advance();
} else if (identical(next, $$)) {
if (!asciiOnly) handleUnicode(start);
next = tokenizeStringInterpolation(start, asciiOnly);
start = scanOffset;
asciiOnly = true;
if (next <= $CR &&
(identical(next, $LF) ||
identical(next, $CR) ||
identical(next, $EOF))) {
if (!asciiOnly) handleUnicode(start);
unterminatedString(quoteChar, quoteStart, start,
asciiOnly: asciiOnly, isMultiLine: false, isRaw: false);
return next;
if (next > 127) asciiOnly = false;
next = advance();
if (!asciiOnly) handleUnicode(start);
// Advance past the quote character.
next = advance();
appendSubstringToken(TokenType.STRING, start, asciiOnly);
return next;
int tokenizeStringInterpolation(int start, bool asciiOnly) {
appendSubstringToken(TokenType.STRING, start, asciiOnly);
beginToken(); // $ starts here.
int next = advance();
if (identical(next, $OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET)) {
return tokenizeInterpolatedExpression(next);
} else {
return tokenizeInterpolatedIdentifier(next);
int tokenizeInterpolatedExpression(int next) {
beginToken(); // The expression starts here.
next = advance(); // Move past the curly bracket.
while (!identical(next, $EOF) && !identical(next, $STX)) {
next = bigSwitch(next);
if (identical(next, $EOF)) {
return next;
next = advance(); // Move past the $STX.
beginToken(); // The string interpolation suffix starts here.
return next;
int tokenizeInterpolatedIdentifier(int next) {
if ($a <= next && next <= $z ||
$A <= next && next <= $Z ||
identical(next, $_)) {
beginToken(); // The identifier starts here.
next = tokenizeKeywordOrIdentifier(next, /* allowDollar = */ false);
} else {
beginToken(); // The synthetic identifier starts here.
TokenType.IDENTIFIER, scanOffset, /* asciiOnly = */ true, '');
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedToken(
messageUnexpectedDollarInString, tokenStart, stringOffset));
beginToken(); // The string interpolation suffix starts here.
return next;
int tokenizeSingleLineRawString(int next, int quoteChar, int quoteStart) {
bool asciiOnly = true;
while (next != $EOF) {
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
if (!asciiOnly) handleUnicode(quoteStart);
next = advance();
appendSubstringToken(TokenType.STRING, quoteStart, asciiOnly);
return next;
} else if (identical(next, $LF) || identical(next, $CR)) {
if (!asciiOnly) handleUnicode(quoteStart);
unterminatedString(quoteChar, quoteStart, quoteStart,
asciiOnly: asciiOnly, isMultiLine: false, isRaw: true);
return next;
} else if (next > 127) {
asciiOnly = false;
next = advance();
if (!asciiOnly) handleUnicode(quoteStart);
unterminatedString(quoteChar, quoteStart, quoteStart,
asciiOnly: asciiOnly, isMultiLine: false, isRaw: true);
return next;
int tokenizeMultiLineRawString(int quoteChar, int quoteStart) {
bool asciiOnlyString = true;
bool asciiOnlyLine = true;
int unicodeStart = quoteStart;
int next = advance(); // Advance past the (last) quote (of three).
while (!identical(next, $EOF)) {
while (!identical(next, quoteChar)) {
if (identical(next, $LF)) {
if (!asciiOnlyLine) {
// Synchronize the string offset in the utf8 scanner.
asciiOnlyLine = true;
unicodeStart = scanOffset;
} else if (next > 127) {
asciiOnlyLine = false;
asciiOnlyString = false;
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EOF)) break outer;
next = advance();
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
if (!asciiOnlyLine) handleUnicode(unicodeStart);
next = advance();
appendSubstringToken(TokenType.STRING, quoteStart, asciiOnlyString);
return next;
if (!asciiOnlyLine) handleUnicode(unicodeStart);
unterminatedString(quoteChar, quoteStart, quoteStart,
asciiOnly: asciiOnlyLine, isMultiLine: true, isRaw: true);
return next;
int tokenizeMultiLineString(int quoteChar, int quoteStart, bool raw) {
if (raw) return tokenizeMultiLineRawString(quoteChar, quoteStart);
int start = quoteStart;
bool asciiOnlyString = true;
bool asciiOnlyLine = true;
int unicodeStart = start;
int next = advance(); // Advance past the (last) quote (of three).
while (!identical(next, $EOF)) {
if (identical(next, $$)) {
if (!asciiOnlyLine) handleUnicode(unicodeStart);
next = tokenizeStringInterpolation(start, asciiOnlyString);
start = scanOffset;
unicodeStart = start;
asciiOnlyString = true; // A new string token is created for the rest.
asciiOnlyLine = true;
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, quoteChar)) {
if (!asciiOnlyLine) handleUnicode(unicodeStart);
next = advance();
appendSubstringToken(TokenType.STRING, start, asciiOnlyString);
return next;
if (identical(next, $BACKSLASH)) {
next = advance();
if (identical(next, $EOF)) break;
if (identical(next, $LF)) {
if (!asciiOnlyLine) {
// Synchronize the string offset in the utf8 scanner.
asciiOnlyLine = true;
unicodeStart = scanOffset;
} else if (next > 127) {
asciiOnlyString = false;
asciiOnlyLine = false;
next = advance();
if (!asciiOnlyLine) handleUnicode(unicodeStart);
unterminatedString(quoteChar, quoteStart, start,
asciiOnly: asciiOnlyString, isMultiLine: true, isRaw: false);
return next;
int unexpected(int character) {
ErrorToken errorToken =
buildUnexpectedCharacterToken(character, tokenStart);
if (errorToken is NonAsciiIdentifierToken) {
int charOffset;
List<int> codeUnits = <int>[];
if (tail.type == TokenType.IDENTIFIER && tail.charEnd == tokenStart) {
charOffset = tail.charOffset;
tail = tail.previous!;
} else {
charOffset = errorToken.charOffset;
int next = advanceAfterError(/* shouldAdvance = */ true);
while (_isIdentifierChar(next, /* allowDollar = */ true)) {
next = advance();
appendToken(new StringTokenImpl.fromString(
TokenType.IDENTIFIER, new String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits), charOffset,
precedingComments: comments));
return next;
} else {
return advanceAfterError(/* shouldAdvance = */ true);
void unexpectedEof() {
ErrorToken errorToken = buildUnexpectedCharacterToken($EOF, tokenStart);
void unterminatedString(int quoteChar, int quoteStart, int start,
{required bool asciiOnly,
required bool isMultiLine,
required bool isRaw}) {
String suffix = new String.fromCharCodes(
isMultiLine ? [quoteChar, quoteChar, quoteChar] : [quoteChar]);
String prefix = isRaw ? 'r$suffix' : suffix;
appendSyntheticSubstringToken(TokenType.STRING, start, asciiOnly, suffix);
// Ensure that the error is reported on a visible token
int errorStart = tokenStart < stringOffset ? tokenStart : quoteStart;
prependErrorToken(new UnterminatedString(prefix, errorStart, stringOffset));
int advanceAfterError(bool shouldAdvance) {
if (atEndOfFile()) return $EOF;
if (shouldAdvance) {
return advance(); // Ensure progress.
} else {
return -1;
TokenType closeBraceInfoFor(BeginToken begin) {
return const {
'(': TokenType.CLOSE_PAREN,
'<': TokenType.GT,
class LineStarts extends Object with ListMixin<int> {
List<int> array;
int arrayLength = 0;
LineStarts(int? numberOfBytesHint)
: array = _createInitialArray(numberOfBytesHint) {
// The first line starts at character offset 0.
add(/* value = */ 0);
// Implement abstract members used by [ListMixin]
int get length => arrayLength;
int operator [](int index) {
assert(index < arrayLength);
return array[index];
void set length(int newLength) {
if (newLength > array.length) {
arrayLength = newLength;
void operator []=(int index, int value) {
if (value > 65535 && array is! Uint32List) {
array[index] = value;
// Specialize methods from [ListMixin].
void add(int value) {
if (arrayLength >= array.length) {
grow(/* newLengthMinimum = */ 0);
if (value > 65535 && array is! Uint32List) {
array[arrayLength++] = value;
// Helper methods.
void grow(int newLengthMinimum) {
int newLength = array.length * 2;
if (newLength < newLengthMinimum) newLength = newLengthMinimum;
if (array is Uint16List) {
final Uint16List newArray = new Uint16List(newLength);
newArray.setRange(/* start = */ 0, arrayLength, array);
array = newArray;
} else {
void switchToUint32(int newLength) {
final Uint32List newArray = new Uint32List(newLength);
newArray.setRange(/* start = */ 0, arrayLength, array);
array = newArray;
static List<int> _createInitialArray(int? numberOfBytesHint) {
// Let's assume the average Dart file is 300 bytes.
numberOfBytesHint ??= 300;
// Let's assume we have on average 22 bytes per line.
final int expectedNumberOfLines = 1 + (numberOfBytesHint ~/ 22);
if (numberOfBytesHint > 65535) {
return new Uint32List(expectedNumberOfLines);
} else {
return new Uint16List(expectedNumberOfLines);
/// [ScannerConfiguration] contains information for configuring which tokens
/// the scanner produces based upon the Dart language level.
class ScannerConfiguration {
static const ScannerConfiguration classic = const ScannerConfiguration();
static const ScannerConfiguration nonNullable =
const ScannerConfiguration(enableNonNullable: true);
/// Experimental flag for enabling scanning of the `extension` keyword.
final bool enableExtensionMethods;
/// Experimental flag for enabling scanning of NNBD tokens
/// such as 'required' and 'late'
final bool enableNonNullable;
/// Experimental flag for enabling scanning of `>>>`.
/// See
/// and
final bool enableTripleShift;
/// If `true`, 'augment' is treated as a built-in identifier.
final bool forAugmentationLibrary;
const ScannerConfiguration({
this.enableExtensionMethods = false,
this.enableNonNullable = false,
this.enableTripleShift = false,
this.forAugmentationLibrary = false,
bool _isIdentifierChar(int next, bool allowDollar) {
return ($a <= next && next <= $z) ||
($A <= next && next <= $Z) ||
($0 <= next && next <= $9) ||
identical(next, $_) ||
(identical(next, $$) && allowDollar);