blob: 9c81f2592af92ad55d98da779e6d7b540a7a06e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'identifier_context.dart';
import 'literal_entry_info_impl.dart';
import 'parser_impl.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// [simpleEntry] is the first step for parsing a literal entry
/// without any control flow or spread collection operator.
const LiteralEntryInfo simpleEntry =
const LiteralEntryInfo(/* hasEntry = */ true, /* ifConditionDelta = */ 0);
/// [LiteralEntryInfo] represents steps for processing an entry
/// in a literal list, map, or set. These steps will handle parsing
/// both control flow and spreadable operators, and indicate
/// when the client should parse the literal entry.
/// Clients should parse a single entry in a list, set, or map like this:
/// ```
/// LiteralEntryInfo info = computeLiteralEntry(token);
/// while (info != null) {
/// if (info.hasEntry) {
/// ... parse expression (`:` expression)? ...
/// token = lastConsumedToken;
/// } else {
/// token = info.parse(token, parser);
/// }
/// info = info.computeNext(token);
/// }
/// ```
class LiteralEntryInfo {
/// `true` if an entry should be parsed by the caller
/// or `false` if this object's [parse] method should be called.
final bool hasEntry;
/// Used for recovery, this indicates
/// +1 for an `if` condition and -1 for `else`.
final int ifConditionDelta;
const LiteralEntryInfo(this.hasEntry, this.ifConditionDelta);
/// Parse the control flow and spread collection aspects of this entry.
Token parse(Token token, Parser parser) {
throw hasEntry
? 'Internal Error: should not call parse'
: 'Internal Error: $runtimeType should implement parse';
/// Returns the next step when parsing an entry or `null` if none.
LiteralEntryInfo? computeNext(Token token) => null;
/// Compute the [LiteralEntryInfo] for the literal list, map, or set entry.
LiteralEntryInfo computeLiteralEntry(Token token) {
Token next =!;
if (optional('if', next)) {
return ifCondition;
} else if (optional('for', next) ||
(optional('await', next) && optional('for',!))) {
return new ForCondition();
} else if (optional('...', next) || optional('...?', next)) {
return spreadOperator;
} else if (optional('?', next)) {
return nullAwareEntry;
return simpleEntry;
/// Return `true` if the given [token] should be treated like the start of
/// a literal entry in a list, set, or map for the purposes of recovery.
bool looksLikeLiteralEntry(Token token) =>
looksLikeExpressionStart(token) ||
optional('...', token) ||
optional('...?', token) ||
optional('if', token) ||
optional('for', token) ||
(optional('await', token) && optional('for',!));