blob: a7a1747effea0d4f84a25a3f06094a6c017538ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'exhaustive.dart';
import 'key.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'space.dart';
import 'static_type.dart';
import 'types.dart';
/// Interface implemented by analyze/CFE to support type operations need for the
/// shared [StaticType]s.
abstract class TypeOperations<Type extends Object> {
/// Returns the type for `Object?`.
Type get nullableObjectType;
/// Returns the type for the non-nullable `Object`.
Type get nonNullableObjectType;
/// Returns `true` if [s] is a subtype of [t].
bool isSubtypeOf(Type s, Type t);
/// Returns a type that overapproximates the possible values of [type] by
/// replacing all type variables with the default types.
Type overapproximate(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is a nullable type.
bool isNullable(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is a potentially nullable type.
bool isPotentiallyNullable(Type type);
/// Returns the non-nullable type corresponding to [type]. For instance
/// `Foo` for `Foo?`. If [type] is already non-nullable, it itself is
/// returned.
Type getNonNullable(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is the `Null` type.
bool isNullType(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is the `Never` type.
bool isNeverType(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is the `Object?` type.
bool isNullableObject(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is the `Object` type.
bool isNonNullableObject(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is the `dynamic` type.
bool isDynamic(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is the `bool` type.
bool isBoolType(Type type);
/// Returns the `bool` type.
Type get boolType;
/// Returns `true` if [type] is a record type.
bool isRecordType(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is a generic interface type.
bool isGeneric(Type type);
/// Returns the type `T` if [type] is `FutureOr<T>`. Returns `null` otherwise.
Type? getFutureOrTypeArgument(Type type);
/// Returns the non-nullable type `Future<T>` for [type] `T`.
Type instantiateFuture(Type type);
/// Returns a map of the field names and corresponding types available on
/// [type]. For an interface type, these are the fields and getters, and for
/// record types these are the record fields.
Map<Key, Type> getFieldTypes(Type type);
/// Returns the value type `V` if [type] implements `Map<K, V>` or `null`
/// otherwise.
Type? getMapValueType(Type type);
/// Returns the element type `E` if [type] implements `List<E>` or `null`
/// otherwise.
Type? getListElementType(Type type);
/// Returns the list type `List<E>` if [type] implements `List<E>` or `null`
/// otherwise.
Type? getListType(Type type);
/// Returns the extension type erasure of [type].
/// This is [type] in which all occurrences of extension types have been
/// replaced with their representation type.
Type getExtensionTypeErasure(Type type);
/// Returns a human-readable representation of the [type].
String typeToString(Type type);
/// Returns `true` if [type] has a simple name that can be used as the type
/// of an object pattern.
bool hasSimpleName(Type type);
/// Returns the bound of [type] if is a type variable or a promoted type
/// variable. Otherwise returns `null`.
Type? getTypeVariableBound(Type type);
/// Interface for looking up fields and their corresponding [StaticType]s of
/// a given type.
abstract class FieldLookup<Type extends Object> {
/// Returns a map of the field names and corresponding [StaticType]s available
/// on [type]. For an interface type, these are the fields and getters, and
/// for record types these are the record fields.
Map<Key, StaticType> getFieldTypes(Type type);
StaticType? getAdditionalFieldType(Type type, Key key);
/// Cache used for computing [StaticType]s used for exhaustiveness checking.
/// This implementation is shared between analyzer and CFE, and implemented
/// using the analyzer/CFE implementations of [TypeOperations],
/// [EnumOperations], and [SealedClassOperations].
class ExhaustivenessCache<
Type extends Object,
Class extends Object,
EnumClass extends Object,
EnumElement extends Object,
EnumElementValue extends Object>
implements FieldLookup<Type>, ObjectPropertyLookup {
final TypeOperations<Type> typeOperations;
final EnumOperations<Type, EnumClass, EnumElement, EnumElementValue>
final SealedClassOperations<Type, Class> _sealedClassOperations;
/// Cache for [EnumInfo] for enum classes.
Map<EnumClass, EnumInfo<Type, EnumClass, EnumElement, EnumElementValue>>
_enumInfo = {};
/// Cache for [SealedClassInfo] for sealed classes.
Map<Class, SealedClassInfo<Type, Class>> _sealedClassInfo = {};
/// Cache for unique [StaticType]s.
Map<Object, StaticType> _uniqueTypeMap = {};
/// Cache for the [StaticType] for `bool`.
late BoolStaticType _boolStaticType =
new BoolStaticType(typeOperations, this, typeOperations.boolType);
/// Cache for [StaticType]s for fields available on a [Type].
Map<Type, Map<Key, StaticType>> _fieldCache = {};
this.typeOperations, this.enumOperations, this._sealedClassOperations);
/// Returns the [EnumInfo] for [enumClass].
EnumInfo<Type, EnumClass, EnumElement, EnumElementValue> _getEnumInfo(
EnumClass enumClass) {
return _enumInfo[enumClass] ??=
new EnumInfo(typeOperations, this, enumOperations, enumClass);
/// Returns the [SealedClassInfo] for [sealedClass].
SealedClassInfo<Type, Class> _getSealedClassInfo(Class sealedClass) {
return _sealedClassInfo[sealedClass] ??=
new SealedClassInfo(_sealedClassOperations, sealedClass);
/// Returns the [StaticType] for the boolean [value].
StaticType getBoolValueStaticType(bool value) {
return value ? _boolStaticType.trueType : _boolStaticType.falseType;
/// Returns the [StaticType] for [type].
StaticType getStaticType(Type type) {
type = typeOperations.getExtensionTypeErasure(type);
if (typeOperations.isNeverType(type)) {
return StaticType.neverType;
} else if (typeOperations.isNullType(type)) {
return StaticType.nullType;
} else if (typeOperations.isNonNullableObject(type)) {
return StaticType.nonNullableObject;
} else if (typeOperations.isNullableObject(type) ||
typeOperations.isDynamic(type)) {
return StaticType.nullableObject;
StaticType staticType;
Type nonNullable = typeOperations.getNonNullable(type);
if (typeOperations.isBoolType(nonNullable)) {
staticType = _boolStaticType;
} else if (typeOperations.isRecordType(nonNullable)) {
staticType = new RecordStaticType(typeOperations, this, nonNullable);
} else {
Type? futureOrTypeArgument =
if (futureOrTypeArgument != null) {
StaticType typeArgument = getStaticType(futureOrTypeArgument);
StaticType futureType = getStaticType(
bool isImplicitlyNullable =
staticType = new FutureOrStaticType(
typeOperations, this, nonNullable, typeArgument, futureType,
isImplicitlyNullable: isImplicitlyNullable);
} else {
EnumClass? enumClass = enumOperations.getEnumClass(nonNullable);
if (enumClass != null) {
staticType = new EnumStaticType(
typeOperations, this, nonNullable, _getEnumInfo(enumClass));
} else {
Class? sealedClass =
if (sealedClass != null) {
staticType = new SealedClassStaticType(
} else {
Type? listType = typeOperations.getListType(nonNullable);
if (listType != null) {
staticType =
new ListTypeStaticType(typeOperations, this, nonNullable);
} else {
bool isImplicitlyNullable =
staticType = new TypeBasedStaticType(
typeOperations, this, nonNullable,
isImplicitlyNullable: isImplicitlyNullable);
Type? bound = typeOperations.getTypeVariableBound(type);
if (bound != null) {
staticType =
new WrappedStaticType(getStaticType(bound), staticType);
if (typeOperations.isNullable(type)) {
staticType = staticType.nullable;
return staticType;
/// Returns the [StaticType] for the [enumElementValue] declared by
/// [enumClass].
StaticType getEnumElementStaticType(
EnumClass enumClass, EnumElementValue enumElementValue) {
return _getEnumInfo(enumClass).getEnumElement(enumElementValue);
/// Creates a new unique [StaticType].
StaticType getUnknownStaticType() {
// The unknown static type should be based on the nullable `Object`, since
// even though it _might_ be `null`, using the nullable `Object` here would
// mean that it _does_ include `null`, and we need this type to only cover
// itself.
return getUniqueStaticType<Object>(
typeOperations.nonNullableObjectType, new Object(), '?');
/// Returns a [StaticType] of the given [type] with the given
/// [textualRepresentation] that unique identifies the [uniqueValue].
/// This is used for constants that are neither bool nor enum values.
StaticType getUniqueStaticType<Identity extends Object>(
Type type, Identity uniqueValue, String textualRepresentation) {
Type nonNullable = typeOperations.getNonNullable(type);
StaticType staticType = _uniqueTypeMap[uniqueValue] ??=
new GeneralValueStaticType<Type, Identity>(
new IdentityRestriction<Identity>(uniqueValue),
if (typeOperations.isNullable(type)) {
staticType = staticType.nullable;
return staticType;
/// Returns a [StaticType] of the list [type] with the given [restriction] .
StaticType getListStaticType(
Type type, ListTypeRestriction<Type> restriction) {
Type nonNullable = typeOperations.getNonNullable(type);
StaticType staticType = new ListPatternStaticType(
typeOperations, this, nonNullable, restriction, restriction.toString());
if (typeOperations.isNullable(type)) {
staticType = staticType.nullable;
return staticType;
/// Returns a [StaticType] of the map [type] with the given [restriction] .
StaticType getMapStaticType(Type type, MapTypeRestriction<Type> restriction) {
Type nonNullable = typeOperations.getNonNullable(type);
StaticType staticType = new MapPatternStaticType(
typeOperations, this, nonNullable, restriction, restriction.toString());
if (typeOperations.isNullable(type)) {
staticType = staticType.nullable;
return staticType;
Map<Key, StaticType> getFieldTypes(Type type) {
Map<Key, StaticType>? fields = _fieldCache[type];
if (fields == null) {
_fieldCache[type] = fields = {};
for (MapEntry<Key, Type> entry
in typeOperations.getFieldTypes(type).entries) {
fields[entry.key] = getStaticType(entry.value);
return fields;
StaticType? getAdditionalFieldType(Type type, Key key) {
if (key is MapKey) {
Type? valueType = typeOperations.getMapValueType(type);
if (valueType != null) {
return getStaticType(valueType);
} else if (key is HeadKey || key is TailKey) {
Type? elementType = typeOperations.getListElementType(type);
if (elementType != null) {
return getStaticType(elementType);
} else if (key is RestKey) {
Type? listType = typeOperations.getListType(type);
if (listType != null) {
return getStaticType(listType);
} else {
return getObjectFieldType(key);
return null;
StaticType? getObjectFieldType(Key key) {
return getFieldTypes(typeOperations.nonNullableObjectType)[key];
/// Mixin for creating [Space]s from [Pattern]s.
mixin SpaceCreator<Pattern extends Object, Type extends Object> {
TypeOperations<Type> get typeOperations;
ObjectPropertyLookup get objectFieldLookup;
/// Returns `true` if the current library has version greater than or equal
/// to `$major.$minor`.
bool hasLanguageVersion(int major, int minor);
/// Creates a [StaticType] for an unknown type.
/// This is used when the type of the pattern is unknown or can't be
/// represented as a [StaticType]. This type is unique and ensures that it
/// is neither matches anything nor is matched by anything.
StaticType createUnknownStaticType();
/// Creates the [StaticType] for [type].
StaticType createStaticType(Type type);
/// Creates the [StaticType] for [type] restricted by the [contextType].
/// If [nonNull] is `true`, the created type is non-nullable.
StaticType _createStaticTypeWithContext(StaticType contextType, Type type,
{required bool nonNull}) {
StaticType staticType = createStaticType(type);
if (contextType.isSubtypeOf(staticType)) {
staticType = contextType;
if (nonNull) {
staticType = staticType.nonNullable;
return staticType;
/// Creates the [StaticType] for the list [type] with the given [restriction].
StaticType createListType(Type type, ListTypeRestriction<Type> restriction);
/// Creates the [StaticType] for the map [type] with the given [restriction].
StaticType createMapType(Type type, MapTypeRestriction<Type> restriction);
/// Creates the [Space] for [pattern] at the given [path].
/// The [contextType] is the [StaticType] in which the pattern match is
/// performed. This is used to the restrict type of the created [Space] to
/// the types allowed by the context. For instance `Object(:var hashCode)` is
/// in itself unrestricted and would yield the top space for matching
/// `var hashCode`. Using the [contextType] `int`, as given by the type of
/// the `Object.hashCode`, the created space is all `int` values rather than
/// all values.
/// If [nonNull] is `true`, the space is implicitly non-nullable.
Space dispatchPattern(Path path, StaticType contextType, Pattern pattern,
{required bool nonNull});
/// Creates the root space for [pattern].
Space createRootSpace(StaticType contextType, Pattern pattern,
{required bool hasGuard}) {
if (hasGuard) {
return createUnknownSpace(const Path.root());
} else {
return dispatchPattern(const Path.root(), contextType, pattern,
nonNull: false);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a variable pattern of the declared
/// [type].
/// If [nonNull] is `true`, the space is implicitly non-nullable.
Space createVariableSpace(Path path, StaticType contextType, Type type,
{required bool nonNull}) {
StaticType staticType =
_createStaticTypeWithContext(contextType, type, nonNull: nonNull);
return new Space(path, staticType);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for an object pattern of the required [type]
/// and [fieldPatterns].
/// If [nonNull] is `true`, the space is implicitly non-nullable.
Space createObjectSpace(
Path path,
StaticType contextType,
Type type,
Map<String, Pattern> fieldPatterns,
Map<String, Type> extensionPropertyTypes,
{required bool nonNull}) {
StaticType staticType =
_createStaticTypeWithContext(contextType, type, nonNull: nonNull);
Map<Key, Space> properties = <Key, Space>{};
for (MapEntry<String, Pattern> entry in fieldPatterns.entries) {
String name = entry.key;
StaticType propertyType;
Type? extensionPropertyType = extensionPropertyTypes[name];
Key key;
if (extensionPropertyType != null) {
propertyType = createStaticType(extensionPropertyType);
key = new ExtensionKey(createStaticType(type), name, propertyType);
} else {
key = new NameKey(name);
propertyType = staticType.getPropertyType(objectFieldLookup, key) ??
properties[key] = dispatchPattern(
path.add(key), propertyType, entry.value,
nonNull: false);
return new Space(path, staticType, properties: properties);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a record pattern of the required
/// [recordType], [positionalFields], and [namedFields].
Space createRecordSpace(Path path, StaticType contextType, Type recordType,
List<Pattern> positionalFields, Map<String, Pattern> namedFields) {
StaticType staticType =
_createStaticTypeWithContext(contextType, recordType, nonNull: true);
Map<Key, Space> properties = <Key, Space>{};
for (int index = 0; index < positionalFields.length; index++) {
Key key = new RecordIndexKey(index);
StaticType propertyType =
staticType.getPropertyType(objectFieldLookup, key) ??
properties[key] = dispatchPattern(
path.add(key), propertyType, positionalFields[index],
nonNull: false);
for (MapEntry<String, Pattern> entry in namedFields.entries) {
Key key = new RecordNameKey(entry.key);
StaticType propertyType =
staticType.getPropertyType(objectFieldLookup, key) ??
properties[key] = dispatchPattern(
path.add(key), propertyType, entry.value,
nonNull: false);
return new Space(path, staticType, properties: properties);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a wildcard pattern with the declared
/// [type].
/// If [nonNull] is `true`, the space is implicitly non-nullable.
Space createWildcardSpace(Path path, StaticType contextType, Type? type,
{required bool nonNull}) {
if (type == null) {
StaticType staticType = contextType;
if (nonNull) {
staticType = staticType.nonNullable;
return new Space(path, staticType);
} else {
StaticType staticType =
_createStaticTypeWithContext(contextType, type, nonNull: nonNull);
return new Space(path, staticType);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a relational pattern.
Space createRelationalSpace(Path path) {
// This pattern do not add to the exhaustiveness coverage.
return createUnknownSpace(path);
/// Returns `true` if [singleSpace] does not restrict the spaces of any of its
/// properties. For instance the pattern `Object(:int hashCode)` is
/// unrestricted but the pattern `Object(hashCode: 5)` is restricted.
bool _isUnrestricted(SingleSpace singleSpace) {
if ( {
Map<Key, StaticType> fieldTypes = singleSpace.type.fields;
for (MapEntry<Key, Space> entry in {
Key key = entry.key;
StaticType fieldType = fieldTypes[key] ?? StaticType.neverType;
if (!_isContainedIn(fieldType, entry.value)) {
return false;
if (singleSpace.additionalProperties.isNotEmpty) {
for (MapEntry<Key, Space> entry
in singleSpace.additionalProperties.entries) {
Key key = entry.key;
StaticType fieldType =
singleSpace.type.getAdditionalPropertyType(key) ??
if (!_isContainedIn(fieldType, entry.value)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Returns `true` if the space implied by [type], i.e. all values of [type]
/// regardless of properties, is contained in [space].
bool _isContainedIn(StaticType type, Space space) {
Map<SingleSpace, bool> unrestrictedCache = {};
if (space.singleSpaces.length == 1) {
// Optimize for simple spaces to avoid unnecessary expansion of subtypes.
SingleSpace singleSpace = space.singleSpaces.single;
bool isUnrestricted =
unrestrictedCache[singleSpace] ??= _isUnrestricted(singleSpace);
if (isUnrestricted && type.isSubtypeOf(singleSpace.type)) {
return true;
// To handle case like:
// sealed class M {}
// class A extends M {}
// class B extends M {}
// method(o) => switch (o) {
// (A() || B()) as M => 0,
// };
// we expand [type] into subtypes before determining for containment.
List<StaticType> subtypes = expandSealedSubtypes(type, const {});
for (StaticType subtype in subtypes) {
bool found = false;
for (SingleSpace singleSpace in space.singleSpaces) {
bool isUnrestricted =
unrestrictedCache[singleSpace] ??= _isUnrestricted(singleSpace);
if (isUnrestricted && subtype.isSubtypeOf(singleSpace.type)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
return true;
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a cast pattern with the given
/// [subPattern].
/// If [nonNull] is `true`, the space is implicitly non-nullable.
Space createCastSpace(
Path path, StaticType contextType, Type type, Pattern subPattern,
{required bool nonNull}) {
Space space =
dispatchPattern(path, contextType, subPattern, nonNull: nonNull);
StaticType castType = createStaticType(type);
if (hasLanguageVersion(3, 3)) {
if (_isContainedIn(castType, space)) {
// If all values in [castType] are also in [space] then the complete
// [contextType] is matched. For instance
// method(var d) => switch (d) {
// final String value => value,
// // This covers everything either by matching as int or by
// // throwing.
// final value as int => value,
// };
space = new Space(path, contextType);
if (!typeOperations.isPotentiallyNullable(type)) {
// If `null` is _not_ included in [castType], we can include in the
// generated [space].
space = space.union(new Space(path, StaticType.nullType));
} else {
// The following check assumes that the subpattern space is
// unrestrictive.
if (castType.isSubtypeOf(contextType) && contextType.isSealed) {
for (StaticType subtype
in expandSealedSubtypes(contextType, const {})) {
// If [subtype] is a subtype of [castType] it will not throw and
// must be handled by [subPattern]. For instance
// sealed class S {}
// sealed class X extends S {}
// class A extends X {}
// method(S s) => switch (s) {
// A() as X => 0,
// }
// If [castType] is a subtype of [subtype] it might not throw but
// still not handle all values of the [subtype].
// sealed class S {}
// class A extends S {}
// class X extends A {
// int field;
// X(this.field);
// }
// method(S s) => switch (s) {
// X(field: 42) as X => 0,
// }
if (!castType.isSubtypeOf(subtype) &&
!subtype.isSubtypeOf(castType)) {
// Otherwise the cast implicitly handles [subtype].
space = space.union(new Space(path, subtype));
return space;
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a null check pattern with the given
/// [subPattern].
Space createNullCheckSpace(
Path path, StaticType contextType, Pattern subPattern) {
return dispatchPattern(path, contextType, subPattern, nonNull: true);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a null assert pattern with the given
/// [subPattern].
Space createNullAssertSpace(
Path path, StaticType contextType, Pattern subPattern) {
Space space = dispatchPattern(path, contextType, subPattern, nonNull: true);
return space.union(new Space(path, StaticType.nullType));
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a logical or pattern with the given
/// [left] and [right] subpatterns.
/// If [nonNull] is `true`, the space is implicitly non-nullable.
Space createLogicalOrSpace(
Path path, StaticType contextType, Pattern left, Pattern right,
{required bool nonNull}) {
Space aSpace = dispatchPattern(path, contextType, left, nonNull: nonNull);
Space bSpace = dispatchPattern(path, contextType, right, nonNull: nonNull);
return aSpace.union(bSpace);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a logical and pattern with the given
/// [left] and [right] subpatterns.
/// If [nonNull] is `true`, the space is implicitly non-nullable.
Space createLogicalAndSpace(
Path path, StaticType contextType, Pattern left, Pattern right,
{required bool nonNull}) {
Space aSpace = dispatchPattern(path, contextType, left, nonNull: nonNull);
Space bSpace = dispatchPattern(path, contextType, right, nonNull: nonNull);
return _createSpaceIntersection(path, aSpace, bSpace);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a list pattern.
Space createListSpace(Path path,
{required Type type,
required Type elementType,
required List<Pattern> headElements,
required Pattern? restElement,
required List<Pattern> tailElements,
required bool hasRest,
required bool hasExplicitTypeArgument}) {
int headSize = headElements.length;
int tailSize = tailElements.length;
String typeArgumentText;
if (hasExplicitTypeArgument) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
typeArgumentText = sb.toString();
} else {
typeArgumentText = '';
ListTypeRestriction<Type> identity = new ListTypeRestriction(
elementType, typeArgumentText,
size: headSize + tailSize, hasRest: hasRest);
StaticType staticType = createListType(type, identity);
Map<Key, Space> additionalProperties = {};
for (int index = 0; index < headSize; index++) {
Key key = new HeadKey(index);
StaticType propertyType = staticType.getAdditionalPropertyType(key) ??
additionalProperties[key] = dispatchPattern(
path.add(key), propertyType, headElements[index],
nonNull: false);
if (hasRest) {
Key key = new RestKey(headSize, tailSize);
StaticType propertyType = staticType.getAdditionalPropertyType(key) ??
if (restElement != null) {
additionalProperties[key] = dispatchPattern(
path.add(key), propertyType, restElement,
nonNull: false);
} else {
additionalProperties[key] = new Space(path.add(key), propertyType);
for (int index = 0; index < tailSize; index++) {
Key key = new TailKey(index);
StaticType propertyType = staticType.getAdditionalPropertyType(key) ??
additionalProperties[key] = dispatchPattern(path.add(key), propertyType,
tailElements[tailElements.length - index - 1],
nonNull: false);
return new Space(path, staticType,
additionalProperties: additionalProperties);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a map pattern.
Space createMapSpace(Path path,
{required Type type,
required Type keyType,
required Type valueType,
required Map<MapKey, Pattern> entries,
required bool hasExplicitTypeArguments}) {
String typeArgumentsText;
if (hasExplicitTypeArguments) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write(', ');
typeArgumentsText = sb.toString();
} else {
typeArgumentsText = '';
MapTypeRestriction<Type> identity = new MapTypeRestriction(
keyType, valueType, entries.keys.toSet(), typeArgumentsText);
StaticType staticType = createMapType(type, identity);
Map<Key, Space> additionalProperties = {};
for (MapEntry<Key, Pattern> entry in entries.entries) {
Key key = entry.key;
StaticType propertyType = staticType.getAdditionalPropertyType(key) ??
additionalProperties[key] = dispatchPattern(
path.add(key), propertyType, entry.value,
nonNull: false);
return new Space(path, staticType,
additionalProperties: additionalProperties);
/// Creates the [Space] at [path] for a pattern with unknown space.
/// This is used when the space of the pattern is unknown or can't be
/// represented precisely as a union of [SingleSpace]s. This space is unique
/// and ensures that it is neither matches anything nor is matched by
/// anything.
Space createUnknownSpace(Path path) {
return new Space(path, createUnknownStaticType());
/// Creates an approximation of the intersection of the single spaces [a] and
/// [b].
SingleSpace? _createSingleSpaceIntersection(
Path path, SingleSpace a, SingleSpace b) {
StaticType? type;
if (a.type.isSubtypeOf(b.type)) {
type = a.type;
} else if (b.type.isSubtypeOf(a.type)) {
type = b.type;
if (type == null) {
return null;
Map<Key, Space> properties = {};
for (MapEntry<Key, Space> entry in {
Key key = entry.key;
Space aSpace = entry.value;
Space? bSpace =[key];
if (bSpace != null) {
properties[key] =
_createSpaceIntersection(path.add(key), aSpace, bSpace);
} else {
properties[key] = aSpace;
for (MapEntry<Key, Space> entry in {
Key key = entry.key;
properties[key] ??= entry.value;
return new SingleSpace(type, properties: properties);
/// Creates an approximation of the intersection of spaces [a] and [b].
Space _createSpaceIntersection(Path path, Space a, Space b) {
path == a.path, "Unexpected path. Expected $path, actual ${a.path}.");
path == b.path, "Unexpected path. Expected $path, actual ${b.path}.");
List<SingleSpace> singleSpaces = [];
bool hasUnknownSpace = false;
for (SingleSpace aSingleSpace in a.singleSpaces) {
for (SingleSpace bSingleSpace in b.singleSpaces) {
SingleSpace? space =
_createSingleSpaceIntersection(path, aSingleSpace, bSingleSpace);
if (space != null) {
} else {
hasUnknownSpace = true;
if (hasUnknownSpace) {
singleSpaces.add(new SingleSpace(createUnknownStaticType()));
return new Space.fromSingleSpaces(path, singleSpaces);