blob: 16eaf74722acae73f47ea676bd8877fd7d957bf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vm;
import '../rpc_error_codes.dart';
import 'adapters/dart.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'protocol_generated.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Manages state of Isolates (called Threads by the DAP protocol).
/// Handles incoming Isolate and Debug events to track the lifetime of isolates
/// and updating breakpoints for each isolate as necessary.
class IsolateManager {
// TODO(dantup): This class has a lot of overlap with the same-named class
// in DDS. Review what can be shared.
final DartDebugAdapter _adapter;
final Map<String, Completer<void>> _isolateRegistrations = {};
final Map<String, ThreadInfo> _threadsByIsolateId = {};
final Map<int, ThreadInfo> _threadsByThreadId = {};
int _nextThreadNumber = 1;
/// Whether debugging is enabled for this session.
/// This must be set before any isolates are spawned and controls whether
/// breakpoints or exception pause modes are sent to the VM.
/// If false, requests to send breakpoints or exception pause mode will be
/// dropped. Other functionality (handling pause events, resuming, etc.) will
/// all still function.
/// This is used to support debug sessions that have VM Service connections
/// but were run with noDebug: true (for example we may need a VM Service
/// connection for a noDebug flutter app in order to support hot reload).
bool debug = false;
/// Whether SDK libraries should be marked as debuggable.
/// Calling [sendLibraryDebuggables] is required after changing this value to
/// apply changes. This allows applying both [debugSdkLibraries] and
/// [debugExternalPackageLibraries] in one step.
bool debugSdkLibraries = true;
/// Whether external package libraries should be marked as debuggable.
/// Calling [sendLibraryDebuggables] is required after changing this value to
/// apply changes. This allows applying both [debugSdkLibraries] and
/// [debugExternalPackageLibraries] in one step.
bool debugExternalPackageLibraries = true;
/// Whether to automatically resume new isolates after configuring them.
/// This setting is almost always `true` because isolates are paused only so
/// we can configure them (send breakpoints, pause-on-exceptions,
/// setLibraryDebuggables) without races. It is set to `false` during the
/// initial connection of an `attachRequest` to allow paused isolates to
/// remain paused. In this case, it will be automatically re-set to `true` the
/// first time the user resumes.
bool autoResumeStartingIsolates = true;
/// The root of the Dart SDK containing the VM running the debug adapter.
late final String sdkRoot;
/// Tracks breakpoints last provided by the client so they can be sent to new
/// isolates that appear after initial breakpoints were sent.
final Map<String, List<SourceBreakpoint>> _clientBreakpointsByUri = {};
/// Tracks client breakpoints by the ID assigned by the VM so we can look up
/// conditions/logpoints when hitting breakpoints.
final Map<String, SourceBreakpoint> _clientBreakpointsByVmId = {};
/// Tracks breakpoints created in the VM so they can be removed when the
/// editor sends new breakpoints (currently the editor just sends a new list
/// and not requests to add/remove).
final Map<String, Map<String, List<vm.Breakpoint>>>
_vmBreakpointsByIsolateIdAndUri = {};
/// The exception pause mode last provided by the client.
/// This will be sent to isolates as they are created, and to all existing
/// isolates at start or when changed.
String _exceptionPauseMode = 'None';
/// An incrementing number used as the reference for [_storedData].
var _nextStoredDataId = 1;
/// A store of data indexed by a number that is used for round tripping
/// references to the client (which only accepts ints).
/// For example, when we send a stack frame back to the client we provide only
/// a "sourceReference" integer and the client may later ask us for the source
/// using that number (via sourceRequest).
/// Stored data is thread-scoped but the client will not provide the thread
/// when asking for data so it's all stored together here.
final _storedData = <int, _StoredData>{};
/// A pattern that matches an opening brace `{` that was not preceded by a
/// dollar.
/// Any leading character matched in place of the dollar is in the first capture.
final _braceNotPrefixedByDollarOrBackslashPattern = RegExp(r'(^|[^\\\$]){');
IsolateManager(this._adapter) {
final vmPath = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
sdkRoot = path.dirname(path.dirname(vmPath));
/// A list of all current active isolates.
/// When isolates exit, they will no longer be returned in this list, although
/// due to the async nature, it's not guaranteed that threads in this list have
/// not exited between accessing this list and trying to use the results.
List<ThreadInfo> get threads => _threadsByIsolateId.values.toList();
/// Re-applies debug options to all isolates/libraries.
/// This is required if options like debugSdkLibraries are modified, but is a
/// separate step to batch together changes to multiple options.
Future<void> applyDebugOptions() async {
await Future.wait(
// debuggable libraries is the only thing currently affected by these
// changable options.
(thread) => _sendLibraryDebuggables(thread),
Future<T> getObject<T extends vm.Response>(
vm.IsolateRef isolate, vm.ObjRef object) async {
final res = await _adapter.vmService?.getObject(!,!);
return res as T;
/// Retrieves some basic data indexed by an integer for use in "reference"
/// fields that are round-tripped to the client.
_StoredData? getStoredData(int id) {
return _storedData[id];
ThreadInfo? getThread(int threadId) => _threadsByThreadId[threadId];
/// Handles Isolate and Debug events.
Future<void> handleEvent(vm.Event event) async {
final isolateId = event.isolate?.id!;
final eventKind = event.kind;
if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kIsolateStart ||
eventKind == vm.EventKind.kIsolateRunnable) {
await registerIsolate(event.isolate!, eventKind!);
// Additionally, ensure the thread registration has completed before trying
// to process any other events. This is to cover the case where we are
// processing the above registerIsolate call in the handler for one isolate
// event but another one arrives and gets us here before the registration
// above (in the other event handler) has finished.
await _isolateRegistrations[isolateId]?.future;
if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kIsolateExit) {
} else if (eventKind?.startsWith('Pause') ?? false) {
await _handlePause(event);
} else if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kResume) {
/// Registers a new isolate that exists at startup, or has subsequently been
/// created.
/// New isolates will be configured with the correct pause-exception behaviour,
/// libraries will be marked as debuggable if appropriate, and breakpoints
/// sent.
Future<ThreadInfo> registerIsolate(
vm.IsolateRef isolate,
String eventKind,
) async {
// Ensure the completer is set up before doing any async work, so future
// events can wait on it.
final registrationCompleter =
_isolateRegistrations.putIfAbsent(!, () => Completer<void>());
final thread = _threadsByIsolateId.putIfAbsent(!,
() {
// The first time we see an isolate, start tracking it.
final info = ThreadInfo(this, _nextThreadNumber++, isolate);
_threadsByThreadId[info.threadId] = info;
// And notify the client about it.
ThreadEventBody(reason: 'started', threadId: info.threadId),
return info;
// If it's just become runnable (IsolateRunnable), configure the isolate
// by sending breakpoints etc.
if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kIsolateRunnable && !thread.runnable) {
thread.runnable = true;
await _configureIsolate(thread);
return thread;
/// Calls reloadSources for all isolates.
Future<void> reloadSources() async {
await Future.wait(
(isolate) => _reloadSources(isolate.isolate),
Future<void> resumeIsolate(vm.IsolateRef isolateRef) async {
final isolateId =!;
final thread = _threadsByIsolateId[isolateId];
if (thread == null) {
await resumeThread(thread.threadId);
/// Resumes (or steps) an isolate using its client [threadId].
/// If the isolate is not paused, or already has a pending resume request
/// in-flight, a request will not be sent.
/// If the isolate is paused at an async suspension and the [resumeType] is
/// [vm.StepOption.kOver], a [StepOption.kOverAsyncSuspension] step will be
/// sent instead.
Future<void> resumeThread(int threadId, [String? resumeType]) async {
// The first time a user resumes a thread is our signal that the app is now
// "running" and future isolates can be auto-resumed. This only affects
// attach, as it's already `true` for launch requests.
autoResumeStartingIsolates = true;
final thread = _threadsByThreadId[threadId];
if (thread == null) {
throw DebugAdapterException('Thread $threadId was not found');
// Check this thread hasn't already been resumed by another handler in the
// meantime (for example if the user performs a hot restart or something
// while we processing some previous events).
if (!thread.paused || thread.hasPendingResume) {
// We always assume that a step when at an async suspension is intended to
// be an async step.
if (resumeType == vm.StepOption.kOver && thread.atAsyncSuspension) {
resumeType = vm.StepOption.kOverAsyncSuspension;
thread.hasPendingResume = true;
try {
await _adapter.vmService?.resume(!, step: resumeType);
} finally {
thread.hasPendingResume = false;
/// Sends an event informing the client that a thread is stopped at entry.
void sendStoppedOnEntryEvent(int threadId) {
_adapter.sendEvent(StoppedEventBody(reason: 'entry', threadId: threadId));
/// Records breakpoints for [uri].
/// [breakpoints] represents the new set and entirely replaces anything given
/// before.
Future<void> setBreakpoints(
String uri,
List<SourceBreakpoint> breakpoints,
) async {
// Track the breakpoints to get sent to any new isolates that start.
_clientBreakpointsByUri[uri] = breakpoints;
// Send the breakpoints to all existing threads.
await Future.wait(_threadsByThreadId.values
.map((thread) => _sendBreakpoints(thread, uri: uri)));
/// Clears all breakpoints.
Future<void> clearAllBreakpoints() async {
// Clear all breakpoints for each URI. Do not remove the items from the map
// as that will stop them being tracked/sent by the call below.
_clientBreakpointsByUri.updateAll((key, value) => []);
// Send the breakpoints to all existing threads.
await Future.wait( => _sendBreakpoints(thread)),
/// Records exception pause mode as one of 'None', 'Unhandled' or 'All'. All
/// existing isolates will be updated to reflect the new setting.
Future<void> setExceptionPauseMode(String mode) async {
_exceptionPauseMode = mode;
// Send to all existing threads.
await Future.wait(
(thread) => _sendExceptionPauseMode(thread),
/// Stores some basic data indexed by an integer for use in "reference" fields
/// that are round-tripped to the client.
int storeData(ThreadInfo thread, Object data) {
final id = _nextStoredDataId++;
_storedData[id] = _StoredData(thread, data);
return id;
ThreadInfo? threadForIsolate(vm.IsolateRef? isolate) =>
isolate?.id != null ? _threadsByIsolateId[isolate!.id!] : null;
/// Evaluates breakpoint condition [condition] and returns whether the result
/// is true (or non-zero for a numeric), sending any evaluation error to the
/// client.
Future<bool> _breakpointConditionEvaluatesTrue(
ThreadInfo thread,
String condition,
) async {
final result =
await _evaluateAndPrintErrors(thread, condition, 'condition');
if (result == null) {
return false;
// Values we consider true for breakpoint conditions are boolean true,
// or non-zero numerics.
return (result.kind == vm.InstanceKind.kBool &&
result.valueAsString == 'true') ||
(result.kind == vm.InstanceKind.kInt && result.valueAsString != '0') ||
(result.kind == vm.InstanceKind.kDouble && result.valueAsString != '0');
/// Configures a new isolate, setting it's exception-pause mode, which
/// libraries are debuggable, and sending all breakpoints.
Future<void> _configureIsolate(ThreadInfo thread) async {
// Libraries must be set as debuggable _before_ sending breakpoints, or
// they may fail for SDK sources.
await Future.wait([
], eagerError: true);
await _sendBreakpoints(thread);
/// Evaluates an expression, returning the result if it is a [vm.InstanceRef]
/// and sending any error as an [OutputEvent].
Future<vm.InstanceRef?> _evaluateAndPrintErrors(
ThreadInfo thread,
String expression,
String type,
) async {
try {
final result = await _adapter.vmService?.evaluateInFrame(!,
disableBreakpoints: true,
if (result is vm.InstanceRef) {
return result;
} else if (result is vm.ErrorRef) {
final message = result.message ?? '<error ref>';
'Debugger failed to evaluate breakpoint $type "$expression": $message\n',
} else if (result is vm.Sentinel) {
final message = result.valueAsString ?? '<collected>';
'Debugger failed to evaluate breakpoint $type "$expression": $message\n',
} catch (e) {
'Debugger failed to evaluate breakpoint $type "$expression": $e\n',
return null;
void _handleExit(vm.Event event) {
final isolate = event.isolate!;
final isolateId =!;
final thread = _threadsByIsolateId[isolateId];
if (thread != null) {
// Notify the client.
ThreadEventBody(reason: 'exited', threadId: thread.threadId),
/// Handles a pause event.
/// For [vm.EventKind.kPausePostRequest] which occurs after a restart, the
/// isolate will be re-configured (pause-exception behaviour, debuggable
/// libraries, breakpoints) and then (if [autoResumeStartingIsolates] is
/// `true`) resumed.
/// For [vm.EventKind.kPauseStart] and [autoResumeStartingIsolates] is `true`,
/// the isolate will be resumed.
/// For breakpoints with conditions that are not met and for logpoints, the
/// isolate will be automatically resumed.
/// For all other pause types, the isolate will remain paused and a
/// corresponding "Stopped" event sent to the editor.
Future<void> _handlePause(vm.Event event) async {
final eventKind = event.kind;
final isolate = event.isolate!;
final thread = _threadsByIsolateId[!];
if (thread == null) {
thread.atAsyncSuspension = event.atAsyncSuspension ?? false;
thread.paused = true;
thread.pauseEvent = event;
// For PausePostRequest we need to re-send all breakpoints; this happens
// after a hot restart.
if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kPausePostRequest) {
await _configureIsolate(thread);
if (autoResumeStartingIsolates) {
await resumeThread(thread.threadId);
} else if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kPauseStart) {
// Don't resume from a PauseStart if this has already happened (see
// comments on [thread.hasBeenStarted]).
if (!thread.startupHandled) {
thread.startupHandled = true;
// If requested, automatically resume. Otherwise send a Stopped event to
// inform the client UI the thread is paused.
if (autoResumeStartingIsolates) {
await resumeThread(thread.threadId);
} else {
} else {
// PauseExit, PauseBreakpoint, PauseInterrupted, PauseException
var reason = 'pause';
if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint &&
(event.pauseBreakpoints?.isNotEmpty ?? false)) {
reason = 'breakpoint';
// Look up the client breakpoints that correspond to the VM breakpoint(s)
// we hit. It's possible some of these may be missing because we could
// hit a breakpoint that was set before we were attached.
final clientBreakpoints = event.pauseBreakpoints!
.map((bp) => _clientBreakpointsByVmId[!])
// Split into logpoints (which just print messages) and breakpoints.
final logPoints = clientBreakpoints
.where((bp) => bp.logMessage?.isNotEmpty ?? false)
final breakpoints = clientBreakpoints.difference(logPoints);
await _processLogPoints(thread, logPoints);
// Resume if there are no (non-logpoint) breakpoints, of any of the
// breakpoints don't have false conditions.
if (breakpoints.isEmpty ||
!await _shouldHitBreakpoint(thread, breakpoints)) {
await resumeThread(thread.threadId);
} else if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kPauseBreakpoint) {
reason = 'step';
} else if (eventKind == vm.EventKind.kPauseException) {
reason = 'exception';
// If we stopped at an exception, capture the exception instance so we
// can add a variables scope for it so it can be examined.
final exception = event.exception;
String? text;
if (exception != null) {
_adapter.storeEvaluateName(exception, threadExceptionExpression);
thread.exceptionReference = thread.storeData(exception);
text = await _adapter.getFullString(thread, exception);
// Notify the client.
reason: reason,
threadId: thread.threadId,
text: text,
/// Handles a resume event from the VM, updating our local state.
void _handleResumed(vm.Event event) {
final isolate = event.isolate!;
final thread = _threadsByIsolateId[!];
if (thread != null) {
thread.paused = false;
thread.pauseEvent = null;
thread.exceptionReference = null;
/// Attempts to resolve [uris] to file:/// URIs via the VM Service.
/// This method calls the VM service directly. Most requests to resolve URIs
/// should go through [ThreadInfo]'s resolveXxx methods which perform caching
/// of results.
Future<List<Uri?>?> _lookupResolvedPackageUris<T extends vm.Response>(
vm.IsolateRef isolate,
List<Uri> uris,
) async {
final isolateId =!;
final uriStrings = => uri.toString()).toList();
final res = await _adapter.vmService
?.lookupResolvedPackageUris(isolateId, uriStrings);
return res?.uris
.map((uri) => uri != null ? Uri.parse(uri) : null)
/// Interpolates and prints messages for any log points.
/// Log Points are breakpoints with string messages attached. When the VM hits
/// the breakpoint, we evaluate/print the message and then automatically
/// resume (as long as there was no other breakpoint).
Future<void> _processLogPoints(
ThreadInfo thread,
Set<SourceBreakpoint> logPoints,
) async {
// Otherwise, we need to evaluate all of the conditions and see if any are
// true, in which case we will also hit.
final messages = => bp.logMessage!).toList();
final results = await Future.wait(
(message) {
// Log messages are bare so use jsonEncode to make them valid string
// expressions.
final expression = jsonEncode(message)
// The DAP spec says "Expressions within {} are interpolated" so to
// avoid any clever parsing, just prefix them with $ and treat them
// like other Dart interpolation expressions.
(match) => '${}\${')
// Remove any backslashes the user added to "escape" braces.
.replaceAll(r'\\{', '{');
return _evaluateAndPrintErrors(thread, expression, 'log message');
for (final messageResult in results) {
// TODO(dantup): Format this using other existing code in protocol converter?
_adapter.sendOutput('console', '${messageResult?.valueAsString}\n');
/// Resumes any paused isolates.
Future<void> resumeAll() async {
final pausedThreads = threads.where((thread) => thread.paused).toList();
await Future.wait( => resumeThread(thread.threadId)),
/// Calls reloadSources for the given isolate.
Future<void> _reloadSources(vm.IsolateRef isolateRef) async {
final service = _adapter.vmService;
if (!debug || service == null) {
final isolateId =!;
await service.reloadSources(isolateId);
/// Sets breakpoints for an individual isolate.
/// If [uri] is provided, only breakpoints for that URI will be sent (used
/// when breakpoints are modified for a single file in the editor). Otherwise
/// breakpoints for all previously set URIs will be sent (used for
/// newly-created isolates).
Future<void> _sendBreakpoints(ThreadInfo thread, {String? uri}) async {
final service = _adapter.vmService;
if (!debug || service == null) {
final isolateId =!;
// If we were passed a single URI, we should send breakpoints only for that
// (this means the request came from the client), otherwise we should send
// all of them (because this is a new/restarting isolate).
final uris = uri != null ? [uri] : _clientBreakpointsByUri.keys;
for (final uri in uris) {
// Clear existing breakpoints.
final existingBreakpointsForIsolate =
_vmBreakpointsByIsolateIdAndUri.putIfAbsent(isolateId, () => {});
final existingBreakpointsForIsolateAndUri =
existingBreakpointsForIsolate.putIfAbsent(uri, () => []);
// Before doing async work, take a copy of the breakpoints to remove
// and remove them from the list, so any subsequent calls here don't
// try to remove the same ones.
final breakpointsToRemove = existingBreakpointsForIsolateAndUri.toList();
await Future.forEach<vm.Breakpoint>(breakpointsToRemove,
(bp) => service.removeBreakpoint(isolateId,!));
// Set new breakpoints.
final newBreakpoints = _clientBreakpointsByUri[uri] ?? const [];
await Future.forEach<SourceBreakpoint>(newBreakpoints, (bp) async {
try {
// Some file URIs (like SDK sources) need to be converted to
// appropriate internal URIs to be able to set breakpoints.
final vmUri = await thread.resolvePathToUri(
final vmBp = await service.addBreakpointWithScriptUri(
isolateId, vmUri.toString(), bp.line,
column: bp.column);
_clientBreakpointsByVmId[!] = bp;
} catch (e) {
// Swallow errors setting breakpoints rather than failing the whole
// request as it's very easy for editors to send us breakpoints that
// aren't valid any more.
_adapter.logger?.call('Failed to add breakpoint $e');
/// Sets the exception pause mode for an individual isolate.
Future<void> _sendExceptionPauseMode(ThreadInfo thread) async {
final service = _adapter.vmService;
if (!debug || service == null) {
await service.setIsolatePauseMode(!,
exceptionPauseMode: _exceptionPauseMode,
/// Calls setLibraryDebuggable for all libraries in the given isolate based
/// on the debug settings.
Future<void> _sendLibraryDebuggables(ThreadInfo thread) async {
final service = _adapter.vmService;
if (!debug || service == null) {
final isolateId =!;
final isolate = await service.getIsolate(isolateId);
final libraries = isolate.libraries;
if (libraries == null) {
// Pre-resolve all URIs in batch so the call below does not trigger
// many requests to the server.
final allUris = libraries
.map((library) => library.uri)
await thread.resolveUrisToPackageLibPathsBatch(allUris);
await Future.wait( async {
final libraryUri = library.uri;
final isDebuggable = libraryUri != null
? await _adapter.libraryIsDebuggable(thread, Uri.parse(libraryUri))
: false;
try {
await service.setLibraryDebuggable(
isolateId,!, isDebuggable);
} on vm.RPCError catch (e) {
// DWDS does not currently support `setLibraryDebuggable` so instead of
// failing (because this code runs in a VM event handler where there's
// no incoming request to fail/reject), just log this error.
if (e.code == RpcErrorCodes.kMethodNotFound) {
'setLibraryDebuggable not available ($libraryUri, $e)',
} else {
/// Checks whether a breakpoint the VM paused at is one we should actually
/// remain at. That is, it either has no condition, or its condition evaluates
/// to something truthy.
Future<bool> _shouldHitBreakpoint(
ThreadInfo thread,
Set<SourceBreakpoint?> breakpoints,
) async {
// If any were missing (they're null) or do not have a condition, we should
// hit the breakpoint.
final clientBreakpointsWithConditions =
breakpoints.where((bp) => bp?.condition?.isNotEmpty ?? false).toList();
if (breakpoints.length != clientBreakpointsWithConditions.length) {
return true;
// Otherwise, we need to evaluate all of the conditions and see if any are
// true, in which case we will also hit.
final conditions = => bp!.condition!).toSet();
final results = await Future.wait(
(condition) => _breakpointConditionEvaluatesTrue(thread, condition),
return results.any((result) => result);
/// Holds state for a single Isolate/Thread.
class ThreadInfo {
final IsolateManager _manager;
final vm.IsolateRef isolate;
final int threadId;
var runnable = false;
var atAsyncSuspension = false;
int? exceptionReference;
var paused = false;
/// Tracks whether an isolates startup routine has been handled.
/// The startup routine will either automatically resume the isolate or send
/// a stopped-on-entry event, depending on whether we're launching or
/// attaching.
/// This is used to prevent trying to resume a thread twice if a PauseStart
/// event arrives around the same time that are our initialization code (which
/// automatically resumes threads that are in the PauseStart state when we
/// connect).
/// If we send a duplicate resume, it could trigger an unwanted resume for a
/// breakpoint or exception that occur early on.
/// In the case of attach, a similar race exists.. The initialization may
/// choose not to resume the isolate (so we can attach to a VM with paused
/// isolates) but then a PauseStart event that arrived during initialization
/// could trigger a resume that we don't want.
bool startupHandled = false;
/// The most recent pauseEvent for this isolate.
vm.Event? pauseEvent;
/// A cache of requests (Futures) to fetch scripts, so that multiple requests
/// that require scripts (for example looking up locations for stack frames from
/// tokenPos) can share the same response.
final _scripts = <String, Future<vm.Script>>{};
/// A cache of requests (Futures) to resolve URIs to their local file paths.
/// Used so that multiple requests that require them (for example looking up
/// locations for stack frames from tokenPos) can share the same response.
/// Keys are URIs in string form.
/// Values are file paths (not file URIs!).
final _resolvedPaths = <String, Future<String?>>{};
/// Whether this isolate has an in-flight resume request that has not yet
/// been responded to.
var hasPendingResume = false;
ThreadInfo(this._manager, this.threadId, this.isolate);
Future<T> getObject<T extends vm.Response>(vm.ObjRef ref) =>
_manager.getObject<T>(isolate, ref);
/// Fetches a script for a given isolate.
/// Results from this method are cached so that if there are multiple
/// concurrent calls (such as when converting multiple stack frames) they will
/// all use the same script.
Future<vm.Script> getScript(vm.ScriptRef script) {
return _scripts.putIfAbsent(!, () => getObject<vm.Script>(script));
/// Resolves a source file path into a URI for the VM.
/// sdk-path/lib/core/print.dart -> dart:core/print.dart
/// This is required so that when the user sets a breakpoint in an SDK source
/// (which they may have navigated to via the Analysis Server) we generate a
/// valid URI that the VM would create a breakpoint for.
Future<Uri?> resolvePathToUri(String filePath) async {
// We don't currently need to call lookupPackageUris because the VM can
// handle incoming file:/// URIs for packages, and also the org-dartlang-sdk
// URIs directly for SDK sources (we do not need to convert to 'dart:'),
// however this method is Future-returning in case this changes in future
// and we need to include a call to lookupPackageUris here.
return _convertPathToOrgDartlangSdk(filePath) ?? Uri.file(filePath);
/// Batch resolves source URIs from the VM to a file path for the package lib
/// folder.
/// This method is more performant than repeatedly calling
/// [resolveUrisToPackageLibPath] because it resolves multiple URIs in a
/// single request to the VM.
/// Results are cached and shared with [resolveUrisToPackageLibPath] (and
/// [resolveUriToPath]) so it's reasonable to call this method up-front and
/// then use [resolveUrisToPackageLibPath] (and [resolveUriToPath]) to read
/// the results later.
Future<List<String?>> resolveUrisToPackageLibPathsBatch(
List<Uri> uris,
) async {
final results = await resolveUrisToPathsBatch(uris);
return results
.mapIndexed((i, filePath) => _trimPathToLibFolder(filePath, uris[i]))
/// Batch resolves source URIs from the VM to a file path.
/// This method is more performant than repeatedly calling [resolveUriToPath]
/// because it resolves multiple URIs in a single request to the VM.
/// Results are cached and shared with [resolveUriToPath] so it's reasonable
/// to call this method up-front and then use [resolveUriToPath] to read
/// the results later.
Future<List<String?>> resolveUrisToPathsBatch(List<Uri> uris) async {
// First find the set of URIs we don't already have results for.
final requiredUris = uris
.where((uri) => !_resolvedPaths.containsKey(uri.toString()))
.toSet() // Take only distinct values.
if (requiredUris.isNotEmpty) {
// Populate completers for each URI before we start the request so that
// concurrent calls to this method will not start their own requests.
final completers = Map<String, Completer<String?>>.fromEntries( => MapEntry('$uri', Completer<String?>())),
(uri, completer) => _resolvedPaths[uri] = completer.future,
try {
final results =
await _manager._lookupResolvedPackageUris(isolate, requiredUris);
if (results == null) {
// If no result, all of the results are null.
completers.forEach((uri, completer) => completer.complete(null));
} else {
// Otherwise, complete each one by index with the corresponding value., result) {
final uri = requiredUris[i].toString();
} catch (e) {
// We can't leave dangling completers here because others may already
// be waiting on them, so propagate the error to them.
completers.forEach((uri, completer) => completer.completeError(e));
// Finally, assemble a list of the values by using the cached futures and
// the original list. Any non-file URI is guaranteed to be in [_resolvedPaths]
// because they were either filtered out of [requiredUris] because they were
// already there, or we then populated completers for them above.
final futures = async {
return uri.isScheme('file')
? uri.toFilePath()
: await _resolvedPaths[uri.toString()]!;
return Future.wait(futures);
/// Resolves a source URI to a file path for the lib folder of its package.
/// package:foo/a/b/c/d.dart -> /code/packages/foo/lib
/// This method is an optimisation over calling [resolveUriToPath] where only
/// the package root is required (for example when determining whether a
/// package is within the users workspace). This method allows results to be
/// cached per-package to avoid hitting the VM Service for each individual
/// library within a package.
Future<String?> resolveUriToPackageLibPath(Uri uri) async {
final result = await resolveUrisToPackageLibPathsBatch([uri]);
return result.first;
/// Resolves a source URI from the VM to a file path.
/// dart:core/print.dart -> sdk-path/lib/core/print.dart
/// This is required so that when the user stops (or navigates via a stack
/// frame) we open the same file on their local disk. If we downloaded the
/// source from the VM, they would end up seeing two copies of files (and they
/// would each have their own breakpoints) which can be confusing.
Future<String?> resolveUriToPath(Uri uri) async {
final result = await resolveUrisToPathsBatch([uri]);
return result.first;
/// Stores some basic data indexed by an integer for use in "reference" fields
/// that are round-tripped to the client.
int storeData(Object data) => _manager.storeData(this, data);
/// Converts a URI in the form org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/collection/hash_set.dart
/// to a local file path based on the current SDK.
String? _convertOrgDartlangSdkToPath(Uri uri) {
// org-dartlang-sdk URIs can be in multiple forms:
// - org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/collection/hash_set.dart
// - org-dartlang-sdk:///runtime/lib/convert_patch.dart
// We currently only handle the sdk folder, as we don't know which runtime
// is being used (this code is shared) and do not want to map to the wrong
// sources.
if (uri.pathSegments.isNotEmpty && uri.pathSegments.first == 'sdk') {
// TODO(dantup): Do we need to worry about this content not matching
// up with what's local (eg. for Flutter the VM running the app is
// on another device to the VM running this DA).
final sdkRoot = _manager.sdkRoot;
return path.joinAll([sdkRoot, ...uri.pathSegments.skip(1)]);
return null;
/// Converts a file path inside the current SDK root into a URI in the form
/// org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/collection/hash_set.dart.
Uri? _convertPathToOrgDartlangSdk(String input) {
final sdkRoot = _manager.sdkRoot;
if (path.isWithin(sdkRoot, input)) {
final relative = path.relative(input, from: sdkRoot);
return Uri(
scheme: 'org-dartlang-sdk',
host: '',
pathSegments: ['sdk', ...path.split(relative)],
return null;
/// Converts a URI to a file path.
/// Supports file:// URIs and org-dartlang-sdk:// URIs.
String? _convertUriToFilePath(Uri? input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
} else if (input.isScheme('file')) {
return input.toFilePath();
} else if (input.isScheme('org-dartlang-sdk')) {
return _convertOrgDartlangSdkToPath(input);
} else {
return null;
/// Helper to remove a libraries path from the a file path so it points at the
/// lib folder.
/// [uri] should be the equivalent package: URI and is used to know how many
/// segments to remove from the file path to get to the lib folder.
String? _trimPathToLibFolder(String? filePath, Uri uri) {
if (filePath == null) {
return null;
final fileUri = Uri.file(filePath);
// Track how many segments from the path are from the lib folder to the
// library that will need to be removed later.
final libraryPathSegments = uri.pathSegments.length - 1;
// It should never be the case that the returned value doesn't have at
// least as many segments as the path of the URI.
assert(fileUri.pathSegments.length > libraryPathSegments);
if (fileUri.pathSegments.length <= libraryPathSegments) {
return filePath;
// Strip off the correct number of segments to the resulting path points
// to the root of the package:/ URI.
final keepSegments = fileUri.pathSegments.length - libraryPathSegments;
return fileUri
.replace(pathSegments: fileUri.pathSegments.sublist(0, keepSegments))
class _StoredData {
final ThreadInfo thread;
final Object data;