blob: e792b7001d2d314149d4f8a18e6075f9bfa108f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.enqueue;
import 'common/elements.dart' show ElementEnvironment;
import 'common/tasks.dart' show CompilerTask;
import 'common/work.dart' show WorkItem;
import 'constants/values.dart';
import 'elements/entities.dart';
import 'elements/types.dart';
import 'universe/use.dart' show ConstantUse, DynamicUse, StaticUse, TypeUse;
import 'universe/world_impact.dart' show WorldImpact;
abstract class EnqueuerListener {
/// Called to instruct to the backend that [type] has been instantiated.
void registerInstantiatedType(InterfaceType type,
{bool isGlobal = false, bool nativeUsage = false});
/// Called to notify to the backend that a class is being instantiated. Any
/// backend specific [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerInstantiatedClass(ClassEntity cls);
/// Called to notify to the backend that a class is implemented by an
/// instantiated class. Any backend specific [WorldImpact] of this is
/// returned.
WorldImpact registerImplementedClass(ClassEntity cls);
/// Called to register that a static function has been closurized. Any backend
/// specific [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerGetOfStaticFunction();
/// Called to register that [function] has been closurized. Any backend
/// specific [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerClosurizedMember(FunctionEntity function);
/// Called to register that [element] is statically known to be used. Any
/// backend specific [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerUsedElement(MemberEntity member);
/// Called to register that [value] is statically known to be used. Any
/// backend specific [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerUsedConstant(ConstantValue value);
void onQueueOpen(
Enqueuer enqueuer, FunctionEntity mainMethod, Iterable<Uri> libraries);
/// Called when [enqueuer]'s queue is empty, but before it is closed.
/// This is used, for example, by the JS backend to enqueue additional
/// elements needed for reflection. [recentClasses] is a collection of
/// all classes seen for the first time by the [enqueuer] since the last call
/// to [onQueueEmpty].
/// A return value of `true` indicates that [recentClasses] has been
/// processed and its elements do not need to be seen in the next round. When
/// `false` is returned, [onQueueEmpty] will be called again once the
/// resolution queue has drained and [recentClasses] will be a superset of the
/// current value.
/// There is no guarantee that a class is only present once in
/// [recentClasses], but every class seen by the [enqueuer] will be present in
/// [recentClasses] at least once.
bool onQueueEmpty(Enqueuer enqueuer, Iterable<ClassEntity> recentClasses);
/// Called when to the queue has been closed.
void onQueueClosed();
/// Called after the queue has been emptied.
void logSummary(void log(String message));
abstract class Enqueuer {
/// If `true` the checking for unenqueued members is skipped. The current
/// implementation registers parameter usages as a side-effect so unit
/// testing of member usage we need to test both with and without the
/// enqueuer check.
// TODO(johnniwinther): [checkEnqueuerConsistency] should not have
// side-effects.
static bool skipEnqueuerCheckForTesting = false;
bool get queueIsClosed;
set queueIsClosed(bool closed);
bool get queueIsEmpty;
void forEach(void f(WorkItem work));
/// Apply the [worldImpact] to this enqueuer.
void applyImpact(WorldImpact worldImpact) {
if (worldImpact.isEmpty) return;
worldImpact.forEachDynamicUse((_, use) => processDynamicUse(use));
worldImpact.forEachConstantUse((_, use) => processConstantUse(use));
bool checkNoEnqueuedInvokedInstanceMethods(
ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment);
/// Check the enqueuer queue is empty or fail otherwise.
void checkQueueIsEmpty();
void logSummary(void log(String message));
Iterable<MemberEntity> get processedEntities;
Iterable<ClassEntity> get directlyInstantiatedClasses;
CompilerTask get task;
void checkClass(ClassEntity cls);
void processStaticUse(MemberEntity? member, StaticUse staticUse);
void processTypeUse(MemberEntity? member, TypeUse typeUse);
void processDynamicUse(DynamicUse dynamicUse);
void processConstantUse(ConstantUse constantUse);
EnqueuerListener get listener;
void open(FunctionEntity mainMethod, Iterable<Uri> libraries) {
listener.onQueueOpen(this, mainMethod, libraries);
void close() {
/// Check enqueuer consistency after the queue has been closed.
bool checkEnqueuerConsistency(ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment) {
task.measureSubtask('resolution.check', () {
// Run through the classes and see if we need to enqueue more methods.
for (ClassEntity classElement in directlyInstantiatedClasses) {
for (ClassEntity? currentClass = classElement;
currentClass != null;
currentClass = elementEnvironment.getSuperClass(currentClass)) {
return true;
/// Interface for creating work items for enqueued member entities.
abstract class WorkItemBuilder {
WorkItem? createWorkItem(covariant MemberEntity entity);