blob: ff5d6a9506b73cee7fbd13b0c0d235dabb7b780e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js;
class World {
final Compiler compiler;
final Map<ClassElement, Set<MixinApplicationElement>> mixinUses;
final Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>> typesImplementedBySubclasses;
final FullFunctionSet allFunctions;
// We keep track of subtype and subclass relationships in four
// distinct sets to make class hierarchy analysis faster.
final Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>> subclasses =
new Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>>();
final Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>> superclasses =
new Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>>();
final Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>> subtypes =
new Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>>();
final Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>> supertypes =
new Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>>();
World(Compiler compiler)
: mixinUses = new Map<ClassElement, Set<MixinApplicationElement>>(),
typesImplementedBySubclasses =
new Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>>(),
allFunctions = new FullFunctionSet(compiler),
this.compiler = compiler;
void populate() {
void addSubtypes(ClassElement cls) {
if (cls.resolutionState != STATE_DONE) {
cls, 'Class "${}" is not resolved.');
for (DartType type in cls.allSupertypes) {
Set<Element> supertypesOfClass =
supertypes.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new Set<ClassElement>());
Set<Element> subtypesOfSupertype =
subtypes.putIfAbsent(type.element, () => new Set<ClassElement>());
// Walk through the superclasses, and record the types
// implemented by that type on the superclasses.
DartType type = cls.supertype;
while (type != null) {
Set<Element> superclassesOfClass =
superclasses.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new Set<ClassElement>());
Set<Element> subclassesOfSuperclass =
subclasses.putIfAbsent(type.element, () => new Set<ClassElement>());
Set<Element> typesImplementedBySubclassesOfCls =
type.element, () => new Set<ClassElement>());
for (DartType current in cls.allSupertypes) {
ClassElement classElement = type.element;
type = classElement.supertype;
// Use the [:seenClasses:] set to include non-instantiated
// classes: if the superclass of these classes require RTI, then
// they also need RTI, so that a constructor passes the type
// variables to the super constructor.
Iterable<ClassElement> commonSupertypesOf(ClassElement x, ClassElement y) {
Set<ClassElement> xSet = supertypes[x];
if (xSet == null) return const <ClassElement>[];
Set<ClassElement> ySet = supertypes[y];
if (ySet == null) return const <ClassElement>[];
Set<ClassElement> smallSet, largeSet;
if (xSet.length <= ySet.length) {
smallSet = xSet;
largeSet = ySet;
} else {
smallSet = ySet;
largeSet = xSet;
return smallSet.where((ClassElement each) => largeSet.contains(each));
void registerMixinUse(MixinApplicationElement mixinApplication,
ClassElement mixin) {
Set<MixinApplicationElement> users =
mixinUses.putIfAbsent(mixin, () =>
new Set<MixinApplicationElement>());
bool isUsedAsMixin(ClassElement cls) {
Set<MixinApplicationElement> uses = mixinUses[cls];
return uses != null && !uses.isEmpty;
bool hasAnySubclass(ClassElement cls) {
Set<ClassElement> classes = subclasses[cls];
return classes != null && !classes.isEmpty;
bool hasAnySubtype(ClassElement cls) {
Set<ClassElement> classes = subtypes[cls];
return classes != null && !classes.isEmpty;
bool hasAnyUserDefinedGetter(Selector selector) {
return allFunctions.filter(selector).any((each) => each.isGetter());
bool hasAnyUserDefinedSetter(Selector selector) {
return allFunctions.filter(selector).any((each) => each.isSetter());
// Returns whether a subclass of [superclass] implements [type].
bool hasAnySubclassThatImplements(ClassElement superclass, DartType type) {
Set<ClassElement> subclasses = typesImplementedBySubclasses[superclass];
if (subclasses == null) return false;
return subclasses.contains(type.element);
// Returns whether a subclass of [superclass] mixes in [other].
bool hasAnySubclassThatMixes(ClassElement superclass, ClassElement other) {
Set<MixinApplicationElement> uses = mixinUses[other];
return (uses != null)
? uses.any((each) => each.isSubclassOf(superclass))
: false;
void registerUsedElement(Element element) {
if (element.isInstanceMember() && !element.isAbstract(compiler)) {
VariableElement locateSingleField(Selector selector) {
Element result = locateSingleElement(selector);
return (result != null && result.isField()) ? result : null;
Element locateSingleElement(Selector selector) {
Iterable<Element> targets = allFunctions.filter(selector);
if (targets.length != 1) return null;
Element result = targets.first;
ClassElement enclosing = result.getEnclosingClass();
// TODO(kasperl): Move this code to the type mask.
ti.TypeMask mask = selector.mask;
ClassElement receiverTypeElement = (mask == null)
? compiler.objectClass
: mask.base.element;
// We only return the found element if it is guaranteed to be
// implemented on the exact receiver type. It could be found in a
// subclass or in an inheritance-wise unrelated class in case of
// subtype selectors.
return (receiverTypeElement.isSubclassOf(enclosing)) ? result : null;
Iterable<ClassElement> locateNoSuchMethodHolders(Selector selector) {
Selector noSuchMethodSelector = new Selector.noSuchMethod();
ti.TypeMask mask = selector.mask;
if (mask != null) {
noSuchMethodSelector = new TypedSelector(mask, noSuchMethodSelector);
ClassElement objectClass = compiler.objectClass;
return allFunctions
.map((Element member) => member.getEnclosingClass())
.where((ClassElement holder) => !identical(holder, objectClass));