blob: c53b429dfbc899111744ceac9677643ee35e7f0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library descriptor.utils;
import 'dart:io';
import '../../../../../pkg/pathos/lib/path.dart' as path;
/// Returns a single filesystem entry within [parent] whose name matches
/// [pattern]. If [pattern] is a string, looks for an exact match; otherwise,
/// looks for an entry that contains [pattern].
/// If there are no entries in [parent] matching [pattern], or more than one,
/// this will throw an exception.
/// [type] is used for error reporting. It should be capitalized.
String entryMatchingPattern(String type, String parent, Pattern pattern) {
if (pattern is String) {
var fullPath = path.join(parent, pattern);
if (new File(fullPath).existsSync() || new Directory(fullPath).existsSync()) {
return fullPath;
throw "$type not found: '$fullPath'.";
var matchingEntries = new Directory(parent).listSync()
.map((entry) => entry is File ? entry.fullPathSync() : entry.path)
.where((entry) => path.basename(entry).contains(pattern))
if (matchingEntries.length == 0) {
throw "No entry found in '$parent' matching ${describePattern(pattern)}.";
} else if (matchingEntries.length > 1) {
throw "Multiple entries found in '$parent' matching "
"${ => '* $entry').join('\n')}";
} else {
return matchingEntries.first;
/// Returns a human-readable description of [pattern].
String describePattern(Pattern pattern) {
if (pattern is String) return "'$pattern'";
if (pattern is! RegExp) return '$pattern';
var flags = new StringBuffer();
if (!pattern.isCaseSensitive) flags.write('i');
if (pattern.isMultiLine) flags.write('m');
return '/${pattern.pattern}/$flags';