blob: 9605a1cf934485df11b5249642f09cb919cde54e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library descriptor.entry;
import 'dart:async';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// The base class for various declarative descriptions of filesystem entries.
/// All asynchronous operations on descriptors are [schedule]d unless otherwise
/// noted.
abstract class Entry {
/// The name of this entry. For most operations, this must be a [String];
/// however, if the entry will only be used for validation, it may be a
/// non-[String] [Pattern]. In this case, there must be only one entry
/// matching it in the physical filesystem for validation to succeed.
final Pattern name;
/// Schedules the creation of the described entry within the [parent]
/// directory. Returns a [Future] that completes after the creation is done.
/// [parent] defaults to [defaultRoot].
Future create([String parent]);
/// Schedules the validation of the described entry. This validates that the
/// physical file system under [parent] contains an entry that matches the one
/// described by [this]. Returns a [Future] that completes to `null` if the
/// entry is valid, or throws an error if it failed.
/// [parent] defaults to [defaultRoot].
Future validate([String parent]);
/// Treats [this] as an in-memory filesystem and returns a stream of the
/// contents of the child entry located at [path]. This only works if [this]
/// is a directory entry. This operation is not [schedule]d.
/// This method uses POSIX paths regardless of the underlying operating
/// system.
/// All errors in loading the file will be passed through the returned
/// [Stream].
Stream<List<int>> load(String pathToLoad) => errorStream("Can't load "
"'$pathToLoad' from within $nameDescription: not a directory.");
/// Returns the contents of [this] as a stream. This only works if [this] is a
/// file entry. This operation is not [schedule]d.
/// All errors in loading the file will be passed through the returned
/// [Stream].
Stream<List<int>> read();
/// Asserts that the name of the descriptor is a [String] and returns it.
String get stringName {
if (name is String) return name;
throw 'Pattern $nameDescription must be a string.';
/// Returns a human-readable description of [name], for error reporting. For
/// string names, this will just be the name in quotes; for regular
/// expressions, it will use JavaScript-style `/.../` notation.
String get nameDescription => describePattern(name);
/// Returns a detailed tree-style description of [this].
String describe();