blob: f25d53b9cae6d7d45e0b90b946859fb216b129a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library docgen.models.method;
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as markdown;
import '../exports/mirrors_util.dart' as dart2js_util;
import '../exports/source_mirrors.dart';
import '../library_helpers.dart';
import 'class.dart';
import 'doc_gen_type.dart';
import 'dummy_mirror.dart';
import 'indexable.dart';
import 'model_helpers.dart';
import 'owned_indexable.dart';
import 'parameter.dart';
/// A class containing properties of a Dart method.
class Method extends OwnedIndexable<MethodMirror> {
/// Parameters for this method.
final Map<String, Parameter> parameters;
final bool isStatic;
final bool isAbstract;
final bool isConst;
final DocGenType returnType;
Method methodInheritedFrom;
/// Qualified name to state where the comment is inherited from.
String commentInheritedFrom = "";
factory Method(MethodMirror mirror, Indexable owner,
[Method methodInheritedFrom]) {
var method = getDocgenObject(mirror, owner);
if (method is DummyMirror) {
method = new Method._(mirror, owner, methodInheritedFrom);
return method;
Method._(MethodMirror mirror, Indexable owner, this.methodInheritedFrom)
: returnType = new DocGenType(mirror.returnType, owner.owningLibrary),
isStatic = mirror.isStatic,
isAbstract = mirror.isAbstract,
isConst = mirror.isConstConstructor,
parameters = createParameters(mirror.parameters, owner),
super(mirror, owner);
Method get originallyInheritedFrom => methodInheritedFrom == null ?
this : methodInheritedFrom.originallyInheritedFrom;
/// Look for the specified name starting with the current member, and
/// progressively working outward to the current library scope.
String findElementInScope(String name) {
var lookupFunc = determineLookupFunc(name);
var memberScope = lookupFunc(this.mirror, name);
if (memberScope != null) {
// do we check for a dummy mirror returned here and look up with an owner
// higher ooooor in getDocgenObject do we include more things in our
// lookup
var result = getDocgenObject(memberScope, owner);
if (result is DummyMirror && owner.owner != null
&& owner.owner is! DummyMirror) {
var aresult = getDocgenObject(memberScope, owner.owner);
if (aresult is! DummyMirror) result = aresult;
if (result is DummyMirror) return packagePrefix + result.docName;
return result.packagePrefix + result.docName;
if (owner != null) {
var result = owner.findElementInScope(name);
if (result != null) return result;
return super.findElementInScope(name);
String get docName {
if (mirror.isConstructor) {
// We name constructors specially -- including the class name again and a
// "-" to separate the constructor from its name (if any).
return '${owner.docName}.${dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror.owner)}-'
return super.docName;
String get qualifiedName => packagePrefix + docName;
/// Makes sure that the method with an inherited equivalent have comments.
void ensureCommentFor(Method inheritedMethod) {
if (comment.isNotEmpty) return;
comment = inheritedMethod.commentToHtml(this);
unresolvedComment = inheritedMethod.unresolvedComment;
commentInheritedFrom = inheritedMethod.commentInheritedFrom == '' ?
new DummyMirror(inheritedMethod.mirror).docName :
/// Generates a map describing the [Method] object.
Map toMap() => {
'name': name,
'qualifiedName': qualifiedName,
'comment': comment,
'commentFrom': (methodInheritedFrom != null &&
commentInheritedFrom == methodInheritedFrom.docName ? ''
: commentInheritedFrom),
'inheritedFrom': (methodInheritedFrom == null? '' :
'static': isStatic,
'abstract': isAbstract,
'constant': isConst,
'return': [returnType.toMap()],
'parameters': recurseMap(parameters),
'annotations': => a.toMap()).toList()
String get typeName {
if (mirror.isConstructor) return 'constructor';
if (mirror.isGetter) return 'getter';
if (mirror.isSetter) return 'setter';
if (mirror.isOperator) return 'operator';
return 'method';
String get comment {
if (commentField != null) return commentField;
if (owner is Class) {
(owner as Class).ensureComments();
var result = super.comment;
if (result == '' && methodInheritedFrom != null) {
// This should be NOT from the MIRROR, but from the COMMENT.
methodInheritedFrom.comment; // Ensure comment field has been populated.
unresolvedComment = methodInheritedFrom.unresolvedComment;
comment = unresolvedComment == null ? '' :
linkResolver: fixReference, inlineSyntaxes: MARKDOWN_SYNTAXES);
commentInheritedFrom = comment != '' ?
methodInheritedFrom.commentInheritedFrom : '';
result = comment;
return result;
bool isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror) => mirror is MethodMirror;