blob: 2fcfa19b2fc4950028fb7eb5ce98125dea46bfad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library docgen.models.closure;
import '../exports/source_mirrors.dart';
import 'doc_gen_type.dart';
import 'indexable.dart';
import 'mirror_based.dart';
import 'model_helpers.dart';
import 'parameter.dart';
/// A class containing the properties of a function to be called (used in our
/// case specifically to illustrate evidence of the type of function for a
/// parameter).
class Closure extends MirrorBased<FunctionTypeMirror> {
/// Parameters for this method.
final Map<String, Parameter> parameters;
final DocGenType returnType;
final FunctionTypeMirror mirror;
Closure(FunctionTypeMirror mirror, Indexable owner)
: returnType = new DocGenType(mirror.returnType, owner.owningLibrary),
parameters = createParameters(mirror.parameters, owner),
mirror = mirror;
/// Generates a map describing the [Method] object.
Map toMap() => {
'return': [returnType.toMap()],
'parameters': recurseMap(parameters),