blob: f0bde8329ca748299066c2ea6577c4efff5960c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart'; // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
/// This test is currently written as a white box test to ensure we don't
/// regress on any of the existing code paths that lead to NoSuchMethod errors
/// from dynamic calls. The test cases written with the knowledge of what the
/// generated code will look like.
// TODO(52190): Improve the NSM errors to make them more helpful.
void Function() computation, String expectedErrorMessage) =>
computation, (error) => error.toString() == expectedErrorMessage);
class A {
String arity1(int val) {
val += 10;
return val.toString();
void genericArity2<T, S>() => print('$T, $S');
static String staticArity1(int val) {
val += 10;
return val.toString();
static void staticGenericArity2<T, S>() => print('$T, $S');
Function? nullField;
Function fieldArity1 = (int val) {
val += 10;
return val.toString();
String arity1(int val) {
val += 10;
return val.toString();
void genericArity2<T, S>() => print('$T, $S');
Function fieldArity1 = (int val) {
val += 10;
return val.toString();
String requiredNamedArity1({required bool fosse}) {
return fosse.toString();
int? x;
void main() {
group('Dynamic call of', () {
dynamic instanceOfA = A();
test('instance of a class with no `call()` method', () {
// Compiled as `dcall()`.
() => instanceOfA(),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'call'\n"
"Dynamic call of object has no instance method 'call'.\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(instanceOfA)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
group('null', () {
// TODO(49628): These should actually throw NoSuchMethodError with a
// helpful error message.
group('value', () {
dynamic nullVal = null;
test('without type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dcall()`.
Expect.throws(() => nullVal());
test('passing type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dgcall()`.
Expect.throws(() => nullVal<String, bool>());
group('instance field', () {
test('without type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dsend()`.
Expect.throws(() => instanceOfA.nullField());
test('passing type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dgsend()`.
Expect.throws(() => instanceOfA.nullField<String, bool>());
group('class instance members that do not exist', () {
group('method', () {
test('without passing type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dsend()`.
() => instanceOfA.doesNotExist(),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'doesNotExist'\n"
"Dynamic call of null.\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(instanceOfA)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
test('passing type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dgsend()`.
() => instanceOfA.doesNotExist<String, bool>(),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'doesNotExist'\n"
"Dynamic call of null.\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(instanceOfA)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
test('setter', () {
// Compiled as `dput()`.
() => instanceOfA.doesNotExist = 10,
"NoSuchMethodError: 'doesNotExist='\n"
"method not found\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(instanceOfA)}\n"
"Arguments: [10]");
test('getter', () {
// Compiled as `dload()`.
() => x = instanceOfA.doesNotExist,
"NoSuchMethodError: 'doesNotExist'\n"
"method not found\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(instanceOfA)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
group('tearoff', () {
// The code path for throwing NoSuchMethodErrors because of the incorrect
// type arguments is shared by all forms of dynamic invocations. Simply
// using tearoffs to trigger each form of the error.
dynamic arity1Tearoff = arity1;
dynamic genericArity2Tearoff = genericArity2;
dynamic instantiatedTearoff = genericArity2<int, String>;
test('passing unexpected type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dgcall()` and throws from `checkAndCall()`.
() => arity1Tearoff<bool>(42),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'arity1'\n"
"Dynamic call with unexpected type arguments. "
"Expected: 0 Actual: 1\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(arity1Tearoff)}\n"
"Arguments: [42]");
test('passing too many type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dgcall()` and throws from `checkAndCall()`.
() => genericArity2Tearoff<int, double, String>(),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'genericArity2'\n"
"Dynamic call with incorrect number of type arguments. "
"Expected: 2 Actual: 3\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(genericArity2Tearoff)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
test('passing too few type arguments', () {
// Compiled as `dgcall()` and throws from `checkAndCall()`.
() => genericArity2Tearoff<int>(),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'genericArity2'\n"
"Dynamic call with incorrect number of type arguments. "
"Expected: 2 Actual: 1\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(genericArity2Tearoff)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
test('already instantiated and passing type arguments ', () {
// Compiled as `dgcall()` and throws from `checkAndCall()`.
() => instantiatedTearoff<int, double>(),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'result'\n"
"Dynamic call with unexpected type arguments. "
"Expected: 0 Actual: 2\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(instantiatedTearoff)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
group('`Function.apply()`', () {
Function arity1Tearoff = arity1;
Function requiredNamedArity1Tearoff = requiredNamedArity1;
// The code path for throwing NoSuchMethodErrors because of the wrong
// number of arguments or incorrect named arguments is shared by all
// forms of dynamic invocations. Function.apply used here for simplicity.
// Argument errors generated from `_argumentErrors()`.
test('passing too many arguments', () {
() => Function.apply(arity1Tearoff, [42, false]),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'arity1'\n"
"Dynamic call with too many positional arguments. "
"Expected: 1 Actual: 2\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(arity1Tearoff)}\n"
"Arguments: [42, false]");
test('passing too few arguments', () {
() => Function.apply(arity1Tearoff, []),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'arity1'\n"
"Dynamic call with missing positional arguments. "
"Expected: 1 Actual: 0\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(arity1Tearoff)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
test('passing unexpected named argument', () {
() => Function.apply(
requiredNamedArity1Tearoff, null, {#fosse: true, #cello: true}),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'requiredNamedArity1'\n"
"Dynamic call with unexpected named argument 'cello'.\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(requiredNamedArity1Tearoff)}\n"
"Arguments: [fosse: true, cello: true]");
test('missing required named argument', () {
// Missing required named arguments are not an error when running
// without sound null safety.
if (hasUnsoundNullSafety) return;
() => Function.apply(requiredNamedArity1Tearoff, null),
"NoSuchMethodError: 'requiredNamedArity1'\n"
"Dynamic call with missing required named arguments: fosse.\n"
"Receiver: ${Error.safeToString(requiredNamedArity1Tearoff)}\n"
"Arguments: []");
group('Descriptors appearing in `NoSuchMethodError` message for ', () {
// Some extra tests for the names that appear in all the forms of dynamic
// calls. All of these tests pass wrong number of arguments just to trigger
// the error message.
test('class instance method', () {
dynamic instanceOfA = A();
Expect.throws<NoSuchMethodError>(() => instanceOfA.arity1(),
(error) => error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'arity1'"));
test('class instance method tearoff', () {
dynamic tearoff = A().arity1;
() => tearoff(),
(error) =>
error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'bound arity1'"));
test('class instance generic method', () {
dynamic instanceOfA = A();
() => instanceOfA.genericArity2(10),
(error) =>
error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'genericArity2'"));
test('class instance generic method tearoff', () {
dynamic tearoff = A().genericArity2;
() => tearoff(10),
(error) => error
.contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'bound genericArity2'"));
test('class instance generic method tearoff instantiated', () {
dynamic tearoff = A().genericArity2<int, String>;
Expect.throws<NoSuchMethodError>(() => tearoff(10),
(error) => error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'result'"));
test('class instance field', () {
dynamic instanceOfA = A();
() => instanceOfA.fieldArity1(),
(error) =>
error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'fieldArity1'"));
test('class static method tearoff', () {
dynamic tearoff = A.staticArity1;
() => tearoff(),
(error) =>
error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'staticArity1'"));
test('class static generic method tearoff', () {
dynamic tearoff = A.staticGenericArity2;
() => tearoff(10),
(error) => error
.contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'staticGenericArity2'"));
test('class static generic method tearoff instantiated', () {
dynamic tearoff = A.staticGenericArity2<int, double>;
Expect.throws<NoSuchMethodError>(() => tearoff(10),
(error) => error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'result'"));
test('top level method tearoff', () {
dynamic tearoff = A.staticArity1;
() => tearoff(),
(error) =>
error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'staticArity1'"));
test('top level generic method tearoff', () {
dynamic tearoff = genericArity2;
() => tearoff(10),
(error) =>
error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'genericArity2'"));
test('top level generic method tearoff instantiated', () {
dynamic tearoff = genericArity2<int, String>;
Expect.throws<NoSuchMethodError>(() => tearoff(10),
(error) => error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: 'result'"));
test('top level field', () {
Expect.throws<NoSuchMethodError>(() => fieldArity1(),
(error) => error.toString().contains("NoSuchMethodError: ''"));