
  • Add TargetKinds to a few annotations to match custom-wired behavior that the Dart analyzer has been providing:

    • Require that @factory is only used on methods.
    • Require that @Immutable is only used on classes, extensions, and mixins.
    • Require that @mustBeOverridden and @mustCallSuper are only used on overridable members.
    • Require that @sealed is only used on classes.
  • Updated @doNotSubmit to (1) disallow same-library access (unlike other visibility annotation), (2) allow parameters marked with @doNotSubmit to be used in nested functions, and (3) disallowed @doNotSubmit on required parameters:

    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    void a() {}
    void b() {
      // HINT: invalid_use_of_do_not_submit: ...
    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    void test({
      @doNotSubmit bool solo = false
    }) {
      void nested() {
        // OK
        if (solo) { /*...*/ }
    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    void test({
      // HINT: Cannot use on required parameters.
      @doNotSubmit required bool solo
    }) {}

    See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/55558 for more information.

  • TargetKind.parameter is now allowed on a representation type, such as:

    // Ok, because `int _actual` is similar to a parameter declaration.
    extension type const FancyInt(@mustBeConst int _actual) {}


  • Updated @mustBeOverridden to only flag missing overrides in concrete classes; in other words, abstract classes (including implicitly abstract, i.e sealed) and mixin declarations are no longer required to provide an implementation:

    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    abstract class Base {
      void foo() {}
    class Derived extends Base {
      // ERROR: Missing implementation of `foo`.
    abstract class Abstract extends Base {
      // No error.
    sealed class Sealed extends Base {
      // No error.
    mixin Mixin on Base {
      // No error.

    See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/52965 for more information.

  • Introduce TargetKind.optionalParameter, to indicate that an annotation is valid on any optional parameter declaration.

  • Introduce TargetKind.overridableMember, to indicate that an annotation is valid on any instance member declaration.

  • Introduce TargetKind.instanceMember, to indicate that an annotation is valid on any instance member declaration.

  • Updated @doNotSubmit to (1) disallow same-library access (unlike other visibility annotation), (2) allow parameters marked with @doNotSubmit to be used in nested functions, and (3) disallowed @doNotSubmit on required parameters:

    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    void a() {}
    void b() {
      // HINT: invalid_use_of_do_not_submit: ...
    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    void test({
      @doNotSubmit bool solo = false
    }) {
      void nested() {
        // OK
        if (solo) { /*...*/ }
    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    void test({
      // HINT: Cannot use on required parameters.
      @doNotSubmit required bool solo
    }) {}

    See https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/55558 for more information.


  • Introduce TargetKind.constructor, to indicate that an annotation is valid on any constructor declaration.

  • Introduce TargetKind.directive, to indicate that an annotation is valid on any directive.

  • Introduce TargetKind.enumValue, to indicate that an annotation is valid on any enum value declaration.

  • Introduce TargetKind.typeParameter, to indicate that an annotation is valid on any type parameter declaration.

  • Introduce @doNotSubmit to annotate members that should not be accessed in checked-in code, typically because they are intended to be used ephemerally during development.

    One example is package:test's solo: ... parameter, which skips all other tests in a test suite when set to true. This parameter is useful during development, but should be prevented from being submitted:

    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    void test(
      String name,
      void Function() body, {
      @doNotSubmit bool solo = false
    }) {
      // ...
    import 'package:test/test.dart';
    void main() {
        'my test', () {
          // ...
        // HINT: invalid_use_of_do_not_submit: ...
        solo: true,
  • Introduce @mustBeConst to annotate parameters which only accept constant arguments.


  • Add type checks for the @ResourceIdentifier experimental annotation.


  • Introduce the @ResourceIdentifier experimental annotation for static methods whose constant literal arguments should be collected during compilation.
  • Indicate that @required and @Required are set to be deprecated for later removal.


  • Introduce TargetKind.extensionType to indicate that an annotation is valid on any extension type declaration.


  • Introduce @redeclare to annotate extension type members that redeclare members from a superinterface.
  • Migrate the TargetKind enum to a class to ease the addition of new kinds.


  • Update SDK constraints to >=2.12.0 <4.0.0.
  • Mark @reopen stable.


  • Introduce @reopen to annotate class or mixin declarations that can safely extend classes marked base, final or interface.
  • Introduce @MustBeOverridden to annotate class or mixin members which must be overridden in all subclasses.
  • Deprecate @alwaysThrows, which can be replaced by using a return type of ‘Never’.


  • Add @UseResult.unless.
  • The mechanism behind noInline and tryInline from dart2js.dart has been changed. This should not affect the use of these annotations in practice.


  • Restore TargetKindExtension and get displayString. We published analyzer 1.7.2 that is compatible with TargetKindExtension.

2.0.0 - removed

  • Restore TargetKindExtension and get displayString.


  • Remove TargetKindExtension. Adding it was a breaking change, because there are clients, e.g. analyze 1.7.0, that also declare an extension on TargetKind, and also declare get displayString. This causes a conflict.


  • Add TargetKindExtension.displayString.


  • Introduce TargetKind.topLevelVariable that indicates that an annotation is valid on any top-level variable declaration.
  • Introduce @useResult to annotate methods, fields, or getters that return values that should be used - stored, passed as arguments, etc.
  • Updates for documentation.


  • Stable release for null safety.


  • Update SDK constraints to >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0 based on beta release guidelines.


  • Allow prerelease versions of the 2.12 SDK.


  • Introduce @internal to annotate elements that should not be used outside of the package in which the element is declared.


  • Allow 2.10 stable and 2.11.0 dev SDK versions.


  • Update for the 2.10 dev SDK.


  • Allow the <=2.9.10 stable SDK.


  • Opt into null safety.


  • Removed unawaited because the attempt to move it from package:pedantic caused too many issues. If you see errors about unawaited being declared in two places, please update the version constraints for meta to 1.2.2 or later.


  • Fixed a bug by adding an import of dart:async so that the code really is compatible with the lower bound of the SDK constraints.


  • Introduce unawaited to mark invocations that return a Future where it's intentional that the future is not being awaited. (Moved from package:pedantic.)
  • Introduce @doNotStore to annotate methods, getters and functions to indicate that values obtained by invoking them should not be stored in a field or top-level variable.


  • Introduce @nonVirtual to annotate instance members that should not be overridden in subclasses or when mixed in.


  • Introduce @sealed to declare that a class or mixin is not allowed as a super-type.

    Only classes in the same package as a class or mixin annotated with @sealed may extend, implement or mix-in the annotated class or mixin. (SDK issue 27372).


  • Set max SDK version to <3.0.0.


  • Introduce @isTest and @isTestGroup to declare a function that is a test, or a test group.


  • Added dart2js.dart.


  • Rollback SDK constraint update for 2.0.0. No longer needed.


  • Update SDK constraint to be 2.0.0 dev friendly.


  • Introduce @alwaysThrows to declare that a function always throws (SDK issue 17999). This is first available in Dart SDK 1.25.0-dev.1.0.

    import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
    // Without knowing that [failBigTime] always throws, it looks like this
    // function might return without returning a bool.
    bool fn(expected, actual) {
      if (expected != actual)
        failBigTime(expected, actual);
        return True;
    void failBigTime(expected, actual) {
      throw new StateError('Expected $expected, but was $actual.');


  • Introduce @experimental to annotate a library, or any declaration that is part of the public interface of a library (such as top-level members, class members, and function parameters) to indicate that the annotated API is experimental and may be removed or changed at any-time without updating the version of the containing package, despite the fact that it would otherwise be a breaking change.


  • Introduce @virtual to allow field overrides in strong mode (SDK issue 27384).

    import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show virtual;
    class Base {
      @virtual int x;
    class Derived extends Base {
      int x;
      // Expose the hidden storage slot:
      int get superX => super.x;
      set superX(int v) { super.x = v; }


  • Introduce @checked to override a method and tighten a parameter type (SDK issue 25578).

    import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show checked;
    class View {
      addChild(View v) {}
    class MyView extends View {
      // this override is legal, it will check at runtime if we actually
      // got a MyView.
      addChild(@checked MyView v) {}
    main() {
      dynamic mv = new MyView();
      mv.addChild(new View()); // runtime error


  • Introduce @visibleForTesting annotation for declarations that may be referenced only in the library or in a test.


  • Updated @factory to allow statics and methods returning null.


  • First stable API release.


  • Updated @protected to include implemented interfaces (linter#252).


  • Fixed markdown in dartdocs.


  • Introduce @optionalTypeArgs annotation for classes whose type arguments are to be treated as optional.


  • Added new Required constructor with a means to specify a reason to explain why a parameter is required.


  • Introduce @factory annotation for methods that must either be abstract or must return a newly allocated object.
  • Introduce @literal annotation that indicates that any invocation of a constructor must use the keyword const unless one or more of the arguments to the constructor is not a compile-time constant.


  • Introduce @protected annotation for members that must only be called from instance members of subclasses.
  • Introduce @required annotation for optional parameters that should be treated as required.
  • Introduce @mustCallSuper annotation for methods that must be invoked by all overriding methods.