| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /// Utilities for building JS ASTs at runtime. Contains a builder class and a |
| /// parser that parses part of the language. |
| library js_ast.builder; |
| |
| import 'characters.dart' as char_codes; |
| import 'nodes.dart'; |
| import 'template.dart'; |
| |
| /// Global template manager. |
| /// |
| /// We should aim to have a fixed number of templates. This implies that we do |
| /// not use js('xxx') to parse text that is constructed from values that depend |
| /// on names in the Dart program. |
| // TODO(sra): Find the remaining places where js('xxx') used to parse an |
| // unbounded number of expression, or institute a cache policy. |
| TemplateManager templateManager = TemplateManager(); |
| |
| /// [js] is a singleton instance of JsBuilder. |
| /// |
| /// JsBuilder is a set of conveniences for constructing JavaScript ASTs. |
| /// |
| /// [string] and [number] are used to create leaf AST nodes: |
| /// |
| /// var s = js.string('hello'); // s = new LiteralString('"hello"') |
| /// var n = js.number(123); // n = new LiteralNumber(123) |
| /// |
| /// In the line above `a --> b` means Dart expression `a` evaluates to a |
| /// JavaScript AST that would pretty-print as `b`. |
| /// |
| /// The [call] method constructs an Expression AST. |
| /// |
| /// No argument |
| /// |
| /// js('window.alert("hello")') --> window.alert("hello") |
| /// |
| /// The input text can contain placeholders `#` that are replaced with provided |
| /// arguments. A single argument can be passed directly: |
| /// |
| /// js('window.alert(#)', s) --> window.alert("hello") |
| /// |
| /// Multiple arguments are passed as a list: |
| /// |
| /// js('# + #', [s, s]) --> "hello" + "hello" |
| /// |
| /// The [statement] method constructs a Statement AST, but is otherwise like the |
| /// [call] method. This constructs a Return AST: |
| /// |
| /// var ret = js.statement('return #;', n); --> return 123; |
| /// |
| /// A placeholder in a Statement context must be followed by a semicolon ';'. |
| /// One can think of a statement placeholder as being `#;` to explain why the |
| /// output still has one semicolon: |
| /// |
| /// js.statement('if (happy) #;', ret) |
| /// --> |
| /// if (happy) |
| /// return 123; |
| /// |
| /// If the placeholder is not followed by a semicolon, it is part of an |
| /// expression. Here the placeholder is in the position of the function in a |
| /// function call: |
| /// |
| /// var vFoo = new VariableUse('foo'); |
| /// js.statement('if (happy) #("Happy!")', vFoo) |
| /// --> |
| /// if (happy) |
| /// foo("Happy!"); |
| /// |
| /// Generally, a placeholder in an expression position requires an Expression |
| /// AST as an argument and a placeholder in a statement position requires a |
| /// Statement AST. An expression will be converted to a Statement if needed by |
| /// creating an ExpressionStatement. A String argument will be converted into a |
| /// VariableUse and requires that the string is a JavaScript identifier. |
| /// |
| /// js('# + 1', vFoo) --> foo + 1 |
| /// js('# + 1', 'foo') --> foo + 1 |
| /// js('# + 1', 'foo.bar') --> assertion failure |
| /// |
| /// Some placeholder positions are _splicing contexts_. A function argument list |
| /// is a splicing expression context. A placeholder in a splicing expression |
| /// context can take a single Expression (or String, converted to VariableUse) |
| /// or an Iterable of Expressions (and/or Strings). |
| /// |
| /// // non-splicing argument: |
| /// js('#(#)', ['say', s]) --> say("hello") |
| /// // splicing arguments: |
| /// js('#(#)', ['say', []]) --> say() |
| /// js('#(#)', ['say', [s]]) --> say("hello") |
| /// js('#(#)', ['say', [s, n]]) --> say("hello", 123) |
| /// |
| /// A splicing context can be used to append 'lists' and add extra elements: |
| /// |
| /// js('foo(#, #, 1)', [ ['a', n], s]) --> foo(a, 123, "hello", 1) |
| /// js('foo(#, #, 1)', [ ['a', n], [s, n]]) --> foo(a, 123, "hello", 123, 1) |
| /// js('foo(#, #, 1)', [ [], [s, n]]) --> foo("hello", 123, 1) |
| /// js('foo(#, #, 1)', [ [], [] ]) --> foo(1) |
| /// |
| /// The generation of a compile-time optional argument expression can be chosen |
| /// by providing an empty or singleton list. |
| /// |
| /// In addition to Expressions and Statements, there are Parameters, which occur |
| /// only in the parameter list of a function expression or declaration. |
| /// Placeholders in parameter positions behave like placeholders in Expression |
| /// positions, except only Parameter AST nodes are permitted. String arguments |
| /// for parameter placeholders are converted to Parameter AST nodes. |
| /// |
| /// var pFoo = new Parameter('foo') |
| /// js('function(#) { return #; }', [pFoo, vFoo]) |
| /// --> |
| /// function(foo) { return foo; } |
| /// |
| /// Expressions and Parameters are not compatible with each other's context: |
| /// |
| /// js('function(#) { return #; }', [vFoo, vFoo]) --> error |
| /// js('function(#) { return #; }', [pFoo, pFoo]) --> error |
| /// |
| /// The parameter context is a splicing context. When combined with the |
| /// context-sensitive conversion of Strings, this simplifies the construction of |
| /// trampoline-like functions: |
| /// |
| /// var args = ['a', 'b']; |
| /// js('function(#) { return f(this, #); }', [args, args]) |
| /// --> |
| /// function(a, b) { return f(this, a, b); } |
| /// |
| /// A statement placeholder in a Block is also in a splicing context. In |
| /// addition to splicing Iterables, statement placeholders in a Block will also |
| /// splice a Block or an EmptyStatement. This flattens nested blocks and allows |
| /// blocks to be appended. |
| /// |
| /// var b1 = js.statement('{ 1; 2; }'); |
| /// var sEmpty = new EmptyStatement(); |
| /// js.statement('{ #; #; #; #; }', [sEmpty, b1, b1, sEmpty]) |
| /// --> |
| /// { 1; 2; 1; 2; } |
| /// |
| /// A placeholder in the context of an if-statement condition also accepts a |
| /// Dart bool argument, which selects the then-part or else-part of the |
| /// if-statement: |
| /// |
| /// js.statement('if (#) return;', vFoo) --> if (foo) return; |
| /// js.statement('if (#) return;', true) --> return; |
| /// js.statement('if (#) return;', false) --> ; // empty statement |
| /// var eTrue = new LiteralBool(true); |
| /// js.statement('if (#) return;', eTrue) --> if (true) return; |
| /// |
| /// Combined with block splicing, if-statement condition context placeholders |
| /// allows the creation of templates that select code depending on variables. |
| /// |
| /// js.statement('{ 1; if (#) 2; else { 3; 4; } 5;}', true) |
| /// --> { 1; 2; 5; } |
| /// |
| /// js.statement('{ 1; if (#) 2; else { 3; 4; } 5;}', false) |
| /// --> { 1; 3; 4; 5; } |
| /// |
| /// A placeholder following a period in a property access is in a property |
| /// access context. This is just like an expression context, except String |
| /// arguments are converted to JavaScript property accesses. In JavaScript, |
| /// `a.b` is short-hand for `a["b"]`: |
| /// |
| /// js('a[#]', vFoo) --> a[foo] |
| /// js('a[#]', s) --> a.hello (i.e. a["hello"]). |
| /// js('a[#]', 'x') --> a[x] |
| /// |
| /// js('a.#', vFoo) --> a[foo] |
| /// js('a.#', s) --> a.hello (i.e. a["hello"]) |
| /// js('a.#', 'x') --> a.x (i.e. a["x"]) |
| /// |
| /// (Question - should `.#` be restricted to permit only String arguments? The |
| /// template should probably be written with `[]` if non-strings are accepted.) |
| /// |
| /// |
| /// Object initializers allow placeholders in the key property name position: |
| /// |
| /// js('{#:1, #:2}', [s, 'bye']) --> {hello: 1, bye: 2} |
| /// |
| /// |
| /// What is not implemented: |
| /// |
| /// - Array initializers and object initializers could support splicing. In |
| /// the array case, we would need some way to know if an ArrayInitializer |
| /// argument should be splice or is intended as a single value. |
| const JsBuilder js = JsBuilder(); |
| |
| class JsBuilder { |
| const JsBuilder(); |
| |
| /// Parses a bit of JavaScript, and returns an expression. |
| /// |
| /// See the MiniJsParser class. |
| /// |
| /// [arguments] can be a single [Node] (e.g. an [Expression] or [Statement]) |
| /// or a list of [Node]s, which will be interpolated into the source at the |
| /// '#' signs. |
| Expression call(String source, [var arguments]) { |
| Template template = _findExpressionTemplate(source); |
| arguments ??= []; |
| // We allow a single argument to be given directly. |
| if (arguments is! List && arguments is! Map) arguments = [arguments]; |
| return template.instantiate(arguments) as Expression; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parses a JavaScript Statement, otherwise just like [call]. |
| Statement statement(String source, [var arguments]) { |
| Template template = _findStatementTemplate(source); |
| arguments ??= []; |
| // We allow a single argument to be given directly. |
| if (arguments is! List && arguments is! Map) arguments = [arguments]; |
| return template.instantiate(arguments) as Statement; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parses JavaScript written in the `JS` foreign instruction. |
| /// |
| /// The [source] must be a JavaScript expression or a JavaScript throw |
| /// statement. |
| Template parseForeignJS(String source) { |
| // TODO(sra): Parse with extra validation to forbid `#` interpolation in |
| // functions, as this leads to unanticipated capture of temporaries that are |
| // reused after capture. |
| if (source.startsWith('throw ')) { |
| return _findStatementTemplate(source); |
| } else { |
| return _findExpressionTemplate(source); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Template _findExpressionTemplate(String source) { |
| Template? template = templateManager.lookupExpressionTemplate(source); |
| if (template == null) { |
| MiniJsParser parser = MiniJsParser(source); |
| Expression expression = parser.expression(); |
| template = templateManager.defineExpressionTemplate(source, expression); |
| } |
| return template; |
| } |
| |
| Template _findStatementTemplate(String source) { |
| Template? template = templateManager.lookupStatementTemplate(source); |
| if (template == null) { |
| MiniJsParser parser = MiniJsParser(source); |
| Statement statement = parser.statement(); |
| template = templateManager.defineStatementTemplate(source, statement); |
| } |
| return template; |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates an Expression template for the given [source]. |
| /// |
| /// The returned template is cached. |
| Template expressionTemplateFor(String source) { |
| return _findExpressionTemplate(source); |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates an Expression template without caching the result. |
| Template uncachedExpressionTemplate(String source) { |
| MiniJsParser parser = MiniJsParser(source); |
| Expression expression = parser.expression(); |
| return Template(source, expression, isExpression: true, forceCopy: false); |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates a Statement template without caching the result. |
| Template uncachedStatementTemplate(String source) { |
| MiniJsParser parser = MiniJsParser(source); |
| Statement statement = parser.statement(); |
| return Template(source, statement, isExpression: false, forceCopy: false); |
| } |
| |
| /// Create an Expression template which has [ast] as the result. This is used |
| /// to wrap a generated AST in a zero-argument Template so it can be passed to |
| /// context that expects a template. |
| Template expressionTemplateYielding(Expression ast) { |
| return Template.withExpressionResult(ast); |
| } |
| |
| Template statementTemplateYielding(Statement ast) { |
| return Template.withStatementResult(ast); |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates a literal js string from [value]. |
| LiteralString string(String value) => LiteralString(value); |
| |
| StringConcatenation concatenateStrings(Iterable<Literal> parts) { |
| return StringConcatenation(List.of(parts, growable: false)); |
| } |
| |
| Iterable<Literal> joinLiterals( |
| Iterable<Literal> items, Literal separator) sync* { |
| bool first = true; |
| for (final item in items) { |
| if (!first) yield separator; |
| yield item; |
| first = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| LiteralString quoteName(Name name) { |
| return LiteralStringFromName(name); |
| } |
| |
| LiteralNumber number(num value) => LiteralNumber('$value'); |
| |
| LiteralBool boolean(bool value) => LiteralBool(value); |
| |
| ArrayInitializer numArray(Iterable<int> list) => |
| ArrayInitializer(list.map(number).toList()); |
| |
| ArrayInitializer stringArray(Iterable<String> list) => |
| ArrayInitializer(list.map(string).toList()); |
| |
| Comment comment(String text) => Comment(text); |
| |
| Call propertyCall( |
| Expression receiver, Expression fieldName, List<Expression> arguments) { |
| return Call(PropertyAccess(receiver, fieldName), arguments); |
| } |
| |
| ObjectInitializer objectLiteral(Map<String, Expression> map) { |
| List<Property> properties = []; |
| map.forEach((name, value) { |
| properties.add(Property(string(name), value)); |
| }); |
| return ObjectInitializer(properties); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| LiteralString string(String value) => js.string(value); |
| |
| /// Returns a LiteralString which has contents determined by [Name]. |
| /// |
| /// This is used to force a Name to be a string literal regardless of |
| /// context. It is not necessary for properties. |
| LiteralString quoteName(Name name) => js.quoteName(name); |
| |
| Iterable<Literal> joinLiterals(Iterable<Literal> list, Literal separator) { |
| return js.joinLiterals(list, separator); |
| } |
| |
| StringConcatenation concatenateStrings(Iterable<Literal> parts) { |
| return js.concatenateStrings(parts); |
| } |
| |
| LiteralNumber number(num value) => js.number(value); |
| ArrayInitializer numArray(Iterable<int> list) => js.numArray(list); |
| ArrayInitializer stringArray(Iterable<String> list) => js.stringArray(list); |
| Call propertyCall( |
| Expression receiver, Expression fieldName, List<Expression> arguments) { |
| return js.propertyCall(receiver, fieldName, arguments); |
| } |
| |
| ObjectInitializer objectLiteral(Map<String, Expression> map) { |
| return js.objectLiteral(map); |
| } |
| |
| class MiniJsParserError { |
| MiniJsParserError(this.parser, this.message); |
| |
| final MiniJsParser parser; |
| final String message; |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() { |
| int pos = parser.lastPosition; |
| |
| // Discard lines following the line containing lastPosition. |
| String src = parser.src; |
| int newlinePos = src.indexOf('\n', pos); |
| if (newlinePos >= pos) src = src.substring(0, newlinePos); |
| |
| // Extract the prefix of the error line before lastPosition. |
| String line = src; |
| int lastLineStart = line.lastIndexOf('\n'); |
| if (lastLineStart >= 0) line = line.substring(lastLineStart + 1); |
| String prefix = line.substring(0, pos - (src.length - line.length)); |
| |
| // Replace non-tabs with spaces, giving a print indent that matches the text |
| // for tabbing. |
| String spaces = prefix.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[^\t]'), ' '); |
| return 'Error in MiniJsParser:\n$src\n$spaces^\n$spaces$message\n'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| enum _Category { |
| none, |
| alpha, |
| numeric, |
| string, |
| symbol, |
| assignment, |
| dot, |
| lparen, |
| rparen, |
| lbrace, |
| rbrace, |
| lsquare, |
| rsquare, |
| comma, |
| query, |
| colon, |
| semicolon, |
| arrow, |
| hash, |
| whitespace, |
| other, |
| ; |
| |
| static const _asciiTable = <_Category>[ |
| other, other, other, other, other, other, other, other, // 0-7 |
| other, whitespace, whitespace, other, other, whitespace, // 8-13 |
| other, other, other, other, other, other, other, other, // 14-21 |
| other, other, other, other, other, other, other, other, // 22-29 |
| other, other, whitespace, // 30-32 |
| symbol, other, hash, alpha, symbol, symbol, other, // !"#$%&` |
| lparen, rparen, symbol, symbol, comma, symbol, dot, symbol, // ()*+,-./ |
| numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, // 01234 |
| numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, // 56789 |
| colon, semicolon, symbol, symbol, symbol, query, other, // :;<=>?@ |
| alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, // ABCDEFGH |
| alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, // IJKLMNOP |
| alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, // QRSTUVWX |
| alpha, alpha, lsquare, other, rsquare, symbol, alpha, other, // YZ[\]^_' |
| alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, // abcdefgh |
| alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, // ijklmnop |
| alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha, // qrstuvwx |
| alpha, alpha, lbrace, symbol, rbrace, symbol, // yx{|}~ |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| /// Mini JavaScript parser for tiny snippets of code that we want to make into |
| /// AST nodes. Handles: |
| /// * identifiers. |
| /// * dot access. |
| /// * method calls. |
| /// * [] access. |
| /// * array, string, regexp, boolean, null and numeric literals. |
| /// * most operators. |
| /// * brackets. |
| /// * var declarations. |
| /// * operator precedence. |
| /// * anonymous functions and named function expressions and declarations. |
| /// Notable things it can't do yet include: |
| /// * some statements are still missing (do-while, while, switch). |
| /// |
| /// It's a fairly standard recursive descent parser. |
| /// |
| /// Literal strings are passed through to the final JS source code unchanged, |
| /// including the choice of surrounding quotes, so if you parse |
| /// r'var x = "foo\n\"bar\""' you will end up with |
| /// var x = "foo\n\"bar\"" in the final program. \x and \u escapes are not |
| /// allowed in string and regexp literals because the machinery for checking |
| /// their correctness is rather involved. |
| class MiniJsParser { |
| MiniJsParser(this.src) { |
| getToken(); |
| } |
| |
| _Category _lastCategory = _Category.none; |
| String lastToken = ''; |
| int lastPosition = 0; |
| int position = 0; |
| bool skippedNewline = false; // skipped newline in last getToken? |
| final String src; |
| |
| final List<InterpolatedNode> interpolatedValues = []; |
| bool get hasNamedHoles => |
| interpolatedValues.isNotEmpty && interpolatedValues.first.isNamed; |
| bool get hasPositionalHoles => |
| interpolatedValues.isNotEmpty && interpolatedValues.first.isPositional; |
| |
| // Make sure that ]] is two symbols. |
| bool _singleCharCategory(_Category category) => |
| category.index >= _Category.dot.index; |
| |
| // This must be a >= the highest precedence number handled by parseBinary. |
| static bool isAssignment(String symbol) => BINARY_PRECEDENCE[symbol] == 17; |
| |
| // From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence |
| static final BINARY_PRECEDENCE = { |
| '+=': 17, |
| '-=': 17, |
| '*=': 17, |
| '/=': 17, |
| '%=': 17, |
| '^=': 17, |
| '|=': 17, |
| '&=': 17, |
| '<<=': 17, |
| '>>=': 17, |
| '>>>=': 17, |
| '**=': 17, |
| '=': 17, |
| '||': 14, |
| '&&': 13, |
| '|': 12, |
| '^': 11, |
| '&': 10, |
| '!=': 9, |
| '==': 9, |
| '!==': 9, |
| '===': 9, |
| '<': 8, |
| '<=': 8, |
| '>=': 8, |
| '>': 8, |
| 'in': 8, |
| 'instanceof': 8, |
| '<<': 7, |
| '>>': 7, |
| '>>>': 7, |
| '+': 6, |
| '-': 6, |
| '*': 5, |
| '/': 5, |
| '%': 5, |
| '**': 4, |
| }; |
| static final UNARY_OPERATORS = { |
| '++', |
| '--', |
| '+', |
| '-', |
| '~', |
| '!', |
| 'typeof', |
| 'void', |
| 'delete', |
| 'await' |
| }; |
| |
| 'typeof', |
| 'void', |
| 'delete', |
| 'in', |
| 'instanceof', |
| 'await' |
| }; |
| |
| static _Category _category(int code) { |
| if (code >= _Category._asciiTable.length) return _Category.other; |
| return _Category._asciiTable[code]; |
| } |
| |
| String getRegExp(int startPosition) { |
| position = startPosition; |
| int delimiter = src.codeUnitAt(startPosition); |
| int currentCode; |
| do { |
| position++; |
| if (position >= src.length) error('Unterminated literal'); |
| currentCode = src.codeUnitAt(position); |
| if (currentCode == char_codes.$LF) error('Unterminated literal'); |
| if (currentCode == char_codes.$BACKSLASH) { |
| if (++position >= src.length) error('Unterminated literal'); |
| int escaped = src.codeUnitAt(position); |
| if (escaped == char_codes.$x || |
| escaped == char_codes.$X || |
| escaped == char_codes.$u || |
| escaped == char_codes.$U || |
| _category(escaped) == _Category.numeric) { |
| error('Numeric and hex escapes are not supported in RegExp literals'); |
| } |
| } |
| } while (currentCode != delimiter); |
| position++; |
| return src.substring(lastPosition, position); |
| } |
| |
| String getString(int startPosition, int quote) { |
| assert(src.codeUnitAt(startPosition) == quote); |
| position = startPosition + 1; |
| final value = StringBuffer(); |
| while (true) { |
| if (position >= src.length) error('Unterminated literal'); |
| int code = src.codeUnitAt(position++); |
| if (code == quote) break; |
| if (code == char_codes.$LF) error('Unterminated literal'); |
| if (code == char_codes.$BACKSLASH) { |
| if (position >= src.length) error('Unterminated literal'); |
| code = src.codeUnitAt(position++); |
| if (code == char_codes.$f) { |
| value.writeCharCode(12); |
| } else if (code == char_codes.$n) { |
| value.writeCharCode(10); |
| } else if (code == char_codes.$r) { |
| value.writeCharCode(13); |
| } else if (code == char_codes.$t) { |
| value.writeCharCode(8); |
| } else if (code == char_codes.$BACKSLASH || |
| code == char_codes.$SQ || |
| code == char_codes.$DQ) { |
| value.writeCharCode(code); |
| } else if (code == char_codes.$x || code == char_codes.$X) { |
| error('Hex escapes not supported in string literals'); |
| } else if (code == char_codes.$u || code == char_codes.$U) { |
| error('Unicode escapes not supported in string literals'); |
| } else if (char_codes.$0 <= code && code <= char_codes.$9) { |
| error('Numeric escapes not supported in string literals'); |
| } else { |
| error('Unknown escape U+${code.toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0')}'); |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| value.writeCharCode(code); |
| } |
| return value.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| void getToken() { |
| skippedNewline = false; |
| for (;;) { |
| if (position >= src.length) break; |
| int code = src.codeUnitAt(position); |
| // Skip '//' and '/*' style comments. |
| if (code == char_codes.$SLASH && position + 1 < src.length) { |
| if (src.codeUnitAt(position + 1) == char_codes.$SLASH) { |
| int nextPosition = src.indexOf('\n', position); |
| if (nextPosition == -1) nextPosition = src.length; |
| position = nextPosition; |
| continue; |
| } else if (src.codeUnitAt(position + 1) == char_codes.$STAR) { |
| int nextPosition = src.indexOf('*/', position + 2); |
| if (nextPosition == -1) error('Unterminated comment'); |
| position = nextPosition + 2; |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| if (_category(code) != _Category.whitespace) break; |
| if (code == char_codes.$LF) skippedNewline = true; |
| ++position; |
| } |
| |
| if (position == src.length) { |
| _lastCategory = _Category.none; |
| lastToken = ''; |
| lastPosition = position; |
| return; |
| } |
| int code = src.codeUnitAt(position); |
| lastPosition = position; |
| if (code == char_codes.$SQ || code == char_codes.$DQ) { |
| // String literal. |
| _lastCategory = _Category.string; |
| lastToken = getString(position, code); |
| } else if (code == char_codes.$0 && |
| position + 2 < src.length && |
| src.codeUnitAt(position + 1) == char_codes.$x) { |
| // Hex literal. |
| for (position += 2; position < src.length; position++) { |
| final cat = _category(src.codeUnitAt(position)); |
| if (cat != _Category.numeric && cat != _Category.alpha) break; |
| } |
| _lastCategory = _Category.numeric; |
| lastToken = src.substring(lastPosition, position); |
| if (int.tryParse(lastToken) == null) { |
| error('Unparseable number'); |
| } |
| } else if (code == char_codes.$SLASH) { |
| // Tokens that start with / are special due to regexp literals. |
| _lastCategory = _Category.symbol; |
| position++; |
| if (position < src.length && src.codeUnitAt(position) == char_codes.$EQ) { |
| position++; |
| } |
| lastToken = src.substring(lastPosition, position); |
| } else { |
| // All other tokens handled here. |
| final cat = _category(src.codeUnitAt(position)); |
| _Category newCat; |
| do { |
| position++; |
| if (position == src.length) break; |
| int code = src.codeUnitAt(position); |
| // Special code to disallow !, ~ and / in non-first position in token, |
| // so that !! and ~~ parse as two tokens and != parses as one, while =/ |
| // parses as a an equals token followed by a regexp literal start. |
| newCat = (code == char_codes.$BANG || |
| code == char_codes.$SLASH || |
| code == char_codes.$TILDE) |
| ? _Category.none |
| : _category(code); |
| } while (!_singleCharCategory(cat) && |
| (cat == newCat || |
| (cat == _Category.alpha && |
| newCat == _Category.numeric) || // eg. level42. |
| (cat == _Category.numeric && |
| newCat == _Category.dot))); // eg. 3.1415 |
| _lastCategory = cat; |
| lastToken = src.substring(lastPosition, position); |
| if (cat == _Category.numeric) { |
| if (double.tryParse(lastToken) == null) { |
| error('Unparseable number'); |
| } |
| } else if (cat == _Category.symbol) { |
| if (lastToken == '=>') { |
| _lastCategory = _Category.arrow; |
| } else { |
| int? binaryPrecedence = BINARY_PRECEDENCE[lastToken]; |
| if (binaryPrecedence == null && |
| !UNARY_OPERATORS.contains(lastToken)) { |
| error('Unknown operator'); |
| } |
| if (isAssignment(lastToken)) _lastCategory = _Category.assignment; |
| } |
| } else if (cat == _Category.alpha) { |
| if (OPERATORS_THAT_LOOK_LIKE_IDENTIFIERS.contains(lastToken)) { |
| _lastCategory = _Category.symbol; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _expectCategory(_Category cat) { |
| if (cat != _lastCategory) error('Expected $cat'); |
| getToken(); |
| } |
| |
| bool _acceptCategory(_Category cat) { |
| if (cat == _lastCategory) { |
| getToken(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void expectSemicolon() { |
| if (acceptSemicolon()) return; |
| error('Expected SEMICOLON'); |
| } |
| |
| bool acceptSemicolon() { |
| // Accept semicolon or automatically inserted semicolon before close brace. |
| // Miniparser forbids other kinds of semicolon insertion. |
| if (_Category.rbrace == _lastCategory) return true; |
| if (_Category.none == _lastCategory) return true; // end of input |
| if (skippedNewline) { |
| error('No automatic semicolon insertion at preceding newline'); |
| } |
| return _acceptCategory(_Category.semicolon); |
| } |
| |
| bool acceptString(String string) { |
| if (lastToken == string) { |
| getToken(); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| Never error(String message) { |
| throw MiniJsParserError(this, message); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns either the name for the hole, or its integer position. |
| Object parseHash() { |
| String holeName = lastToken; |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.alpha)) { |
| // Named hole. Example: 'function #funName() { ... }' |
| if (hasPositionalHoles) { |
| error('Holes must all be positional or named. $holeName'); |
| } |
| return holeName; |
| } else { |
| if (hasNamedHoles) { |
| error('Holes must all be positional or named. $holeName'); |
| } |
| int position = interpolatedValues.length; |
| return position; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Expression parsePrimary() { |
| String last = lastToken; |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.alpha)) { |
| if (last == 'true') { |
| return LiteralBool(true); |
| } else if (last == 'false') { |
| return LiteralBool(false); |
| } else if (last == 'null') { |
| return LiteralNull(); |
| } else if (last == 'function') { |
| return parseFunctionExpression(); |
| } else if (last == 'this') { |
| return This(); |
| } else { |
| return VariableUse(last); |
| } |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.lparen)) { |
| return parseExpressionOrArrowFunction(); |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.string)) { |
| return LiteralString(last); |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.numeric)) { |
| return LiteralNumber(last); |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.lbrace)) { |
| return parseObjectInitializer(); |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.lsquare)) { |
| var values = <Expression>[]; |
| while (true) { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.comma)) { |
| values.add(ArrayHole()); |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.rsquare)) break; |
| values.add(parseAssignment()); |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.rsquare)) break; |
| _expectCategory(_Category.comma); |
| } |
| return ArrayInitializer(values); |
| } else if (last.startsWith('/')) { |
| String regexp = getRegExp(lastPosition); |
| getToken(); |
| String flags = lastToken; |
| if (!_acceptCategory(_Category.alpha)) flags = ''; |
| Expression expression = RegExpLiteral(regexp + flags); |
| return expression; |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.hash)) { |
| var nameOrPosition = parseHash(); |
| InterpolatedExpression expression = |
| InterpolatedExpression(nameOrPosition); |
| interpolatedValues.add(expression); |
| return expression; |
| } else { |
| error('Expected primary expression'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseFunctionExpression() { |
| if (_lastCategory == _Category.alpha || _lastCategory == _Category.hash) { |
| Declaration name = parseVariableDeclaration(); |
| return NamedFunction(name, parseFun()); |
| } |
| return parseFun(); |
| } |
| |
| Fun parseFun() { |
| List<Parameter> params = []; |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lparen); |
| if (!_acceptCategory(_Category.rparen)) { |
| for (;;) { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.hash)) { |
| var nameOrPosition = parseHash(); |
| InterpolatedParameter parameter = |
| InterpolatedParameter(nameOrPosition); |
| interpolatedValues.add(parameter); |
| params.add(parameter); |
| } else { |
| String argumentName = lastToken; |
| _expectCategory(_Category.alpha); |
| params.add(Parameter(argumentName)); |
| } |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.comma)) continue; |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| AsyncModifier asyncModifier; |
| if (acceptString('async')) { |
| if (acceptString('*')) { |
| asyncModifier = AsyncModifier.asyncStar; |
| } else { |
| asyncModifier = AsyncModifier.async; |
| } |
| } else if (acceptString('sync')) { |
| if (!acceptString('*')) error('Only sync* is valid - sync is implied'); |
| asyncModifier = AsyncModifier.syncStar; |
| } else { |
| asyncModifier = AsyncModifier.sync; |
| } |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lbrace); |
| Block block = parseBlock(); |
| return Fun(params, block, asyncModifier: asyncModifier); |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseObjectInitializer() { |
| List<Property> properties = []; |
| for (;;) { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.rbrace)) break; |
| properties.add(parseMethodDefinitionOrProperty()); |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.rbrace)) break; |
| _expectCategory(_Category.comma); |
| } |
| return ObjectInitializer(properties); |
| } |
| |
| Property parseMethodDefinitionOrProperty() { |
| // Limited subset: keys are identifiers, no 'get' or 'set' properties. |
| Literal propertyName; |
| String identifier = lastToken; |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.alpha)) { |
| propertyName = LiteralString(identifier); |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.string)) { |
| propertyName = LiteralString(identifier); |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.symbol)) { |
| // e.g. void |
| propertyName = LiteralString(identifier); |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.hash)) { |
| var nameOrPosition = parseHash(); |
| InterpolatedLiteral interpolatedLiteral = |
| InterpolatedLiteral(nameOrPosition); |
| interpolatedValues.add(interpolatedLiteral); |
| propertyName = interpolatedLiteral; |
| } else { |
| error('Expected property name'); |
| } |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.colon)) { |
| Expression value = parseAssignment(); |
| return Property(propertyName, value); |
| } else { |
| final fun = parseFun(); |
| return MethodDefinition(propertyName, fun); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseMember() { |
| Expression receiver = parsePrimary(); |
| while (true) { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.dot)) { |
| receiver = getDotRhs(receiver); |
| } else if (_acceptCategory(_Category.lsquare)) { |
| Expression inBraces = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rsquare); |
| receiver = PropertyAccess(receiver, inBraces); |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| return receiver; |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseCall() { |
| bool constructor = acceptString('new'); |
| Expression receiver = parseMember(); |
| while (true) { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.lparen)) { |
| final arguments = <Expression>[]; |
| if (!_acceptCategory(_Category.rparen)) { |
| while (true) { |
| Expression argument = parseAssignment(); |
| arguments.add(argument); |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.rparen)) break; |
| _expectCategory(_Category.comma); |
| } |
| } |
| receiver = |
| constructor ? New(receiver, arguments) : Call(receiver, arguments); |
| constructor = false; |
| } else if (!constructor && _acceptCategory(_Category.lsquare)) { |
| Expression inBraces = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rsquare); |
| receiver = PropertyAccess(receiver, inBraces); |
| } else if (!constructor && _acceptCategory(_Category.dot)) { |
| receiver = getDotRhs(receiver); |
| } else { |
| // JS allows new without (), but we don't. |
| if (constructor) error('Parentheses are required for new'); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| return receiver; |
| } |
| |
| Expression getDotRhs(Expression receiver) { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.hash)) { |
| var nameOrPosition = parseHash(); |
| InterpolatedSelector property = InterpolatedSelector(nameOrPosition); |
| interpolatedValues.add(property); |
| return PropertyAccess(receiver, property); |
| } |
| String identifier = lastToken; |
| // In ES5 keywords like delete and continue are allowed as property |
| // names, and the IndexedDB API uses that, so we need to allow it here. |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.symbol)) { |
| if (!OPERATORS_THAT_LOOK_LIKE_IDENTIFIERS.contains(identifier)) { |
| error('Expected alphanumeric identifier'); |
| } |
| } else { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.alpha); |
| } |
| return PropertyAccess.field(receiver, identifier); |
| } |
| |
| Expression parsePostfix() { |
| Expression expression = parseCall(); |
| String operator = lastToken; |
| // JavaScript grammar is: |
| // LeftHandSideExpression [no LineTerminator here] ++ |
| if (_lastCategory == _Category.symbol && |
| !skippedNewline && |
| (acceptString('++') || acceptString('--'))) { |
| return Postfix(operator, expression); |
| } |
| // If we don't accept '++' or '--' due to skippedNewline a newline, no other |
| // part of the parser will accept the token and we will get an error at the |
| // whole expression level. |
| return expression; |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseUnaryHigh() { |
| String operator = lastToken; |
| if (_lastCategory == _Category.symbol && |
| UNARY_OPERATORS.contains(operator) && |
| (acceptString('++') || acceptString('--') || acceptString('await'))) { |
| if (operator == 'await') return Await(parsePostfix()); |
| return Prefix(operator, parsePostfix()); |
| } |
| return parsePostfix(); |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseUnaryLow() { |
| String operator = lastToken; |
| if (_lastCategory == _Category.symbol && |
| UNARY_OPERATORS.contains(operator) && |
| operator != '++' && |
| operator != '--') { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.symbol); |
| if (operator == 'await') return Await(parsePostfix()); |
| return Prefix(operator, parseUnaryLow()); |
| } |
| return parseUnaryHigh(); |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseBinary(int maxPrecedence) { |
| Expression lhs = parseUnaryLow(); |
| Expression? rhs; // This is null first time around. |
| late int minPrecedence; |
| late String lastSymbol; |
| |
| while (true) { |
| final symbol = lastToken; |
| if (_lastCategory != _Category.symbol) break; |
| final symbolPrecedence = BINARY_PRECEDENCE[symbol]; |
| if (symbolPrecedence == null) break; |
| if (symbolPrecedence > maxPrecedence) break; |
| |
| _expectCategory(_Category.symbol); |
| if (rhs == null || symbolPrecedence >= minPrecedence) { |
| if (rhs != null) lhs = Binary(lastSymbol, lhs, rhs); |
| minPrecedence = symbolPrecedence; |
| rhs = parseUnaryLow(); |
| lastSymbol = symbol; |
| } else { |
| Expression higher = parseBinary(symbolPrecedence); |
| rhs = Binary(symbol, rhs, higher); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (rhs == null) return lhs; |
| return Binary(lastSymbol, lhs, rhs); |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseConditional() { |
| Expression lhs = parseBinary(HIGHEST_PARSE_BINARY_PRECEDENCE); |
| if (!_acceptCategory(_Category.query)) return lhs; |
| Expression ifTrue = parseAssignment(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.colon); |
| Expression ifFalse = parseAssignment(); |
| return Conditional(lhs, ifTrue, ifFalse); |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseAssignment() { |
| Expression lhs = parseConditional(); |
| String assignmentOperator = lastToken; |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.assignment)) { |
| Expression rhs = parseAssignment(); |
| if (assignmentOperator == '=') { |
| return Assignment(lhs, rhs); |
| } else { |
| // Handle +=, -=, etc. |
| String operator = |
| assignmentOperator.substring(0, assignmentOperator.length - 1); |
| return Assignment.compound(lhs, operator, rhs); |
| } |
| } |
| return lhs; |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseExpression() { |
| Expression expression = parseAssignment(); |
| while (_acceptCategory(_Category.comma)) { |
| Expression right = parseAssignment(); |
| expression = Binary(',', expression, right); |
| } |
| return expression; |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseExpressionOrArrowFunction() { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.rparen)) { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.arrow); |
| return parseArrowFunctionBody([]); |
| } |
| List<Expression> expressions = [parseAssignment()]; |
| while (_acceptCategory(_Category.comma)) { |
| expressions.add(parseAssignment()); |
| } |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.arrow)) { |
| var params = <Parameter>[]; |
| for (Expression e in expressions) { |
| if (e is VariableUse) { |
| params.add(Parameter(e.name)); |
| } else if (e is InterpolatedExpression) { |
| params.add(InterpolatedParameter(e.nameOrPosition)); |
| } else { |
| error('Expected arrow function parameter list'); |
| } |
| } |
| return parseArrowFunctionBody(params); |
| } |
| return expressions.reduce( |
| (Expression value, Expression element) => Binary(',', value, element)); |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseArrowFunctionBody(List<Parameter> params) { |
| Node body; |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.lbrace)) { |
| body = parseBlock(); |
| } else { |
| body = parseAssignment(); |
| } |
| return ArrowFunction(params, body); |
| } |
| |
| VariableDeclarationList parseVariableDeclarationList() { |
| Declaration firstVariable = parseVariableDeclaration(); |
| return finishVariableDeclarationList(firstVariable); |
| } |
| |
| VariableDeclarationList finishVariableDeclarationList( |
| Declaration firstVariable) { |
| var initialization = <VariableInitialization>[]; |
| |
| void declare(Declaration declaration) { |
| Expression? initializer; |
| if (acceptString('=')) { |
| initializer = parseAssignment(); |
| } |
| initialization.add(VariableInitialization(declaration, initializer)); |
| } |
| |
| declare(firstVariable); |
| while (_acceptCategory(_Category.comma)) { |
| Declaration variable = parseVariableDeclaration(); |
| declare(variable); |
| } |
| return VariableDeclarationList(initialization); |
| } |
| |
| Expression parseVarDeclarationOrExpression() { |
| if (acceptString('var')) { |
| return parseVariableDeclarationList(); |
| } else { |
| return parseExpression(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Expression expression() { |
| Expression expression = parseVarDeclarationOrExpression(); |
| if (_lastCategory != _Category.none || position != src.length) { |
| error('Unparsed junk: $_lastCategory'); |
| } |
| return expression; |
| } |
| |
| Statement statement() { |
| Statement statement = parseStatement(); |
| if (_lastCategory != _Category.none || position != src.length) { |
| error('Unparsed junk: $_lastCategory'); |
| } |
| // TODO(sra): interpolated capture here? |
| return statement; |
| } |
| |
| Block parseBlock() { |
| List<Statement> statements = []; |
| |
| while (!_acceptCategory(_Category.rbrace)) { |
| Statement statement = parseStatement(); |
| statements.add(statement); |
| } |
| return Block(statements); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseStatement() { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.lbrace)) return parseBlock(); |
| |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.semicolon)) return EmptyStatement(); |
| |
| if (_lastCategory == _Category.alpha) { |
| if (acceptString('return')) return parseReturn(); |
| |
| if (acceptString('throw')) return parseThrow(); |
| |
| if (acceptString('break')) { |
| return parseBreakOrContinue((label) => Break(label)); |
| } |
| |
| if (acceptString('continue')) { |
| return parseBreakOrContinue((label) => Continue(label)); |
| } |
| |
| if (acceptString('if')) return parseIfThenElse(); |
| |
| if (acceptString('for')) return parseFor(); |
| |
| if (acceptString('function')) return parseFunctionDeclaration(); |
| |
| if (acceptString('try')) return parseTry(); |
| |
| if (acceptString('var')) { |
| Expression declarations = parseVariableDeclarationList(); |
| expectSemicolon(); |
| return ExpressionStatement(declarations); |
| } |
| |
| if (acceptString('while')) return parseWhile(); |
| |
| if (acceptString('do')) return parseDo(); |
| |
| if (acceptString('switch')) return parseSwitch(); |
| |
| if (lastToken == 'case') error('Case outside switch.'); |
| |
| if (lastToken == 'default') error('Default outside switch.'); |
| |
| if (lastToken == 'yield') return parseYield(); |
| |
| if (lastToken == 'with') { |
| error('Not implemented in mini parser'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool checkForInterpolatedStatement = _lastCategory == _Category.hash; |
| |
| Expression expression = parseExpression(); |
| |
| if (expression is VariableUse && _acceptCategory(_Category.colon)) { |
| return LabeledStatement(expression.name, parseStatement()); |
| } |
| |
| expectSemicolon(); |
| |
| if (checkForInterpolatedStatement) { |
| // 'Promote' the interpolated expression `#;` to an interpolated |
| // statement. |
| if (expression is InterpolatedExpression) { |
| assert(identical(interpolatedValues.last, expression)); |
| InterpolatedStatement statement = |
| InterpolatedStatement(expression.nameOrPosition); |
| interpolatedValues[interpolatedValues.length - 1] = statement; |
| return statement; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return ExpressionStatement(expression); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseReturn() { |
| if (acceptSemicolon()) return Return(); |
| Expression expression = parseExpression(); |
| expectSemicolon(); |
| return Return(expression); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseYield() { |
| bool hasStar = acceptString('*'); |
| Expression expression = parseExpression(); |
| expectSemicolon(); |
| return DartYield(expression, hasStar); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseThrow() { |
| if (skippedNewline) error('throw expression must be on same line'); |
| Expression expression = parseExpression(); |
| expectSemicolon(); |
| return Throw(expression); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseBreakOrContinue(Statement Function(String?) constructor) { |
| var identifier = lastToken; |
| if (!skippedNewline && _acceptCategory(_Category.alpha)) { |
| expectSemicolon(); |
| return constructor(identifier); |
| } |
| expectSemicolon(); |
| return constructor(null); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseIfThenElse() { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lparen); |
| Expression condition = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| Statement thenStatement = parseStatement(); |
| if (acceptString('else')) { |
| // Resolves dangling else by binding 'else' to closest 'if'. |
| Statement elseStatement = parseStatement(); |
| return If(condition, thenStatement, elseStatement); |
| } else { |
| return If.noElse(condition, thenStatement); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseFor() { |
| // For-init-condition-increment style loops are fully supported. |
| // |
| // Only one for-in variant is currently implemented: |
| // |
| // for (var variable in Expression) Statement |
| // |
| Statement finishFor(Expression? init) { |
| Expression? condition; |
| if (!_acceptCategory(_Category.semicolon)) { |
| condition = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.semicolon); |
| } |
| Expression? update; |
| if (!_acceptCategory(_Category.rparen)) { |
| update = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| } |
| Statement body = parseStatement(); |
| return For(init, condition, update, body); |
| } |
| |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lparen); |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.semicolon)) { |
| return finishFor(null); |
| } |
| |
| if (acceptString('var')) { |
| Declaration declaration = parseVariableDeclaration(); |
| if (acceptString('in')) { |
| Expression objectExpression = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| Statement body = parseStatement(); |
| return ForIn( |
| VariableDeclarationList( |
| [VariableInitialization(declaration, null)]), |
| objectExpression, |
| body); |
| } |
| Expression declarations = finishVariableDeclarationList(declaration); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.semicolon); |
| return finishFor(declarations); |
| } |
| |
| Expression init = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.semicolon); |
| return finishFor(init); |
| } |
| |
| Declaration parseVariableDeclaration() { |
| if (_acceptCategory(_Category.hash)) { |
| var nameOrPosition = parseHash(); |
| InterpolatedDeclaration declaration = |
| InterpolatedDeclaration(nameOrPosition); |
| interpolatedValues.add(declaration); |
| return declaration; |
| } else { |
| String token = lastToken; |
| _expectCategory(_Category.alpha); |
| return VariableDeclaration(token); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseFunctionDeclaration() { |
| Declaration name = parseVariableDeclaration(); |
| Fun fun = parseFun(); |
| return FunctionDeclaration(name, fun); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseTry() { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lbrace); |
| Block body = parseBlock(); |
| Catch? catchPart; |
| if (acceptString('catch')) catchPart = parseCatch(); |
| Block? finallyPart; |
| if (acceptString('finally')) { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lbrace); |
| finallyPart = parseBlock(); |
| } else { |
| if (catchPart == null) error("expected 'finally'"); |
| } |
| return Try(body, catchPart, finallyPart); |
| } |
| |
| SwitchClause parseSwitchClause() { |
| Expression? expression; |
| if (acceptString('case')) { |
| expression = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.colon); |
| } else { |
| if (!acceptString('default')) { |
| error('expected case or default'); |
| } |
| _expectCategory(_Category.colon); |
| } |
| List<Statement> statements = []; |
| while (_lastCategory != _Category.rbrace && |
| lastToken != 'case' && |
| lastToken != 'default') { |
| statements.add(parseStatement()); |
| } |
| return expression == null |
| ? Default(Block(statements)) |
| : Case(expression, Block(statements)); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseWhile() { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lparen); |
| Expression condition = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| Statement body = parseStatement(); |
| return While(condition, body); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseDo() { |
| Statement body = parseStatement(); |
| if (lastToken != 'while') error('Missing while after do body.'); |
| getToken(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lparen); |
| Expression condition = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| expectSemicolon(); |
| return Do(body, condition); |
| } |
| |
| Statement parseSwitch() { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lparen); |
| Expression key = parseExpression(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lbrace); |
| List<SwitchClause> clauses = []; |
| while (_lastCategory != _Category.rbrace) { |
| clauses.add(parseSwitchClause()); |
| } |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rbrace); |
| return Switch(key, clauses); |
| } |
| |
| Catch parseCatch() { |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lparen); |
| Declaration errorName = parseVariableDeclaration(); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.rparen); |
| _expectCategory(_Category.lbrace); |
| Block body = parseBlock(); |
| return Catch(errorName, body); |
| } |
| } |