blob: 99a1980d19cd5e390a433e65bfcfff61f731c8c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../dart/resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class UndefinedSetterTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_functionAlias_typeInstantiated() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
typedef Fn<T> = void Function(T);
void bar() {
Fn<int>.foo = 7;
extension E on Type {
set foo(int value) {}
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER_ON_FUNCTION_TYPE, 58, 3),
test_functionAlias_typeInstantiated_parenthesized() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
typedef Fn<T> = void Function(T);
void bar() {
(Fn<int>).foo = 7;
extension E on Type {
set foo(int value) {}
test_importWithPrefix_defined() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/lib.dart', r'''
library lib;
set y(int value) {}''');
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
import 'lib.dart' as x;
main() {
x.y = 0;
test_instance_undefined() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class T {}
f(T e1) { e1.m = 0; }
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 24, 1,
messageContains: ["the type 'T'"]),
test_instance_undefined_mixin() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
mixin M {
f() { this.m = 0; }
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 23, 1),
test_inSubtype() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {
set b(x) {}
f(var a) {
if (a is A) {
a.b = 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 80, 1),
test_inType() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {}
f(var a) {
if(a is A) {
a.m = 0;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 43, 1),
test_new_cascade() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class C {}
f(C? c) { = 1;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 27, 3),
test_new_dynamic() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
f(dynamic d) { = 1;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 19, 3),
test_new_instance() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class C {}
f(C c) { = 1;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 25, 3),
test_new_interfaceType() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class C {}
f() { = 1;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 22, 3),
test_new_nullAware() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class C {}
f(C? c) {
c?.new = 1;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 27, 3),
test_new_typeVariable() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
f<T>(T t) { = 1;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 16, 3),
test_set_abstract_field_valid() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
abstract class A {
abstract int x;
void f(A a, int x) {
a.x = x;
test_set_external_field_valid() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class A {
external int x;
void f(A a, int x) {
a.x = x;
test_set_external_static_field_valid() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class A {
external static int x;
void f(int x) {
A.x = x;
test_static_conditionalAccess_defined() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class A {
static var x;
f() { A?.x = 1; }
''', [
error(StaticWarningCode.INVALID_NULL_AWARE_OPERATOR, 35, 2),
test_static_definedInSuperclass() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class S {
static set s(int i) {}
class C extends S {}
f(var p) {
f(C.s = 1);
}''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 75, 1,
messageContains: ["type 'C'"]),
test_static_extension_instanceAccess() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class C {}
extension E on C {
static set a(int v) {}
f(C c) {
c.a = 2;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 72, 1),
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.assignment('a ='), r'''
leftHandSide: PrefixedIdentifier
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: c
staticElement: <testLibraryFragment>::@function::f::@parameter::c
staticType: C
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: =
rightHandSide: IntegerLiteral
literal: 2
parameter: <null>
staticType: int
readElement: <null>
readType: null
writeElement: <null>
writeType: InvalidType
staticElement: <null>
staticType: int
test_static_undefined() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {}
f() { A.B = 0;}
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 19, 1),
test_typeLiteral_cascadeTarget() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class T {
static void set foo(_) {}
main() { = 42;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 54, 3),
test_withExtension() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class C {}
extension E on C {}
f(C c) {
c.a = 1;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER, 46, 1),