blob: e461fb2c688c09daaebfce48d0c5c37ca940cca3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../generated/test_support.dart';
import '../dart/resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class InvalidConstantTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_conditionalExpression_unknownCondition() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
const bool kIsWeb = identical(0, 0.0);
void f() {
const A(kIsWeb ? 0 : 1);
class A {
const A(int _);
test_conditionalExpression_unknownCondition_errorInBranch() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
const bool kIsWeb = identical(0, 0.0);
void f() {
var x = 2;
const A(kIsWeb ? 0 : x);
class A {
const A(int _);
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 87, 1),
test_in_initializer_assert_condition() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class A {
const A(int i) : assert(i.isNegative);
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 36, 12),
test_in_initializer_assert_message() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
const A(int i) : assert(i < 0, 'isNegative = ${i.isNegative}');
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 59, 12),
test_in_initializer_field() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
static int C = 0;
final int a;
const A() : a = C;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 63, 1),
test_in_initializer_field_as() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
class C<T> {
final l;
const C.test(dynamic x) : l = x as List<T>;
test_in_initializer_from_deferred_library_field() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/lib1.dart', '''
library lib1;
const int c = 1;''');
await assertErrorsInCode('''
library root;
import 'lib1.dart' deferred as a;
class A {
final int x;
const A() : x = a.c;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 91, 3),
test_in_initializer_from_deferred_library_field_nested() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/lib1.dart', '''
library lib1;
const int c = 1;
await assertErrorsInCode('''
library root;
import 'lib1.dart' deferred as a;
class A {
final int x;
const A() : x = a.c + 1;
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 91, 3),
test_in_initializer_from_deferred_library_redirecting() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/lib1.dart', '''
library lib1;
const int c = 1;
await assertErrorsInCode('''
library root;
import 'lib1.dart' deferred as a;
class A {
const A.named(p);
const A() : this.named(a.c);
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 103, 3),
test_in_initializer_from_deferred_library_super() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/lib1.dart', '''
library lib1;
const int c = 1;
await assertErrorsInCode('''
library root;
import 'lib1.dart' deferred as a;
class A {
const A(p);
class B extends A {
const B() : super(a.c);
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 114, 3),
test_in_initializer_instanceCreation() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
class B {
const B() : a = new A();
final a;
var b = const B();
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 47, 7),
contextMessages: [
ExpectedContextMessage(testFile, 47, 7,
"The error is in the field initializer of 'B', and occurs here."),
test_in_initializer_redirecting() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
static var C;
const A.named(p);
const A() : this.named(C);
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 71, 1),
test_in_initializer_super() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
const A(p);
class B extends A {
static var C;
const B() : super(C);
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 82, 1),
test_issue49389() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class Foo {
const Foo({required});
final Map<String, String> bar;
void main() {
final data = <String, String>{};
const Foo(bar: data);
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT, 148, 4),