blob: 28c03f801d486b4342a759857bedfe91c51c66e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart._isolate_helper;
/// Serialize [message].
_serializeMessage(message) {
return new _Serializer().serialize(message);
/// Deserialize [message].
_deserializeMessage(message) {
return new _Deserializer().deserialize(message);
/// Clones the message.
/// Contrary to a `_deserializeMessage(_serializeMessage(x))` the `_clone`
/// function will not try to adjust SendPort values and pass them through.
_clone(message) {
_Serializer serializer = new _Serializer(serializeSendPorts: false);
_Deserializer deserializer = new _Deserializer();
return deserializer.deserialize(serializer.serialize(message));
class _Serializer {
final bool _serializeSendPorts;
Map<dynamic, int> serializedObjectIds = new Map<dynamic, int>.identity();
_Serializer({serializeSendPorts: true})
: _serializeSendPorts = serializeSendPorts;
/// Returns a message that can be transmitted through web-worker channels.
serialize(x) {
if (isPrimitive(x)) return serializePrimitive(x);
int serializationId = serializedObjectIds[x];
if (serializationId != null) return makeRef(serializationId);
serializationId = serializedObjectIds.length;
serializedObjectIds[x] = serializationId;
if (x is NativeByteBuffer) return serializeByteBuffer(x);
if (x is NativeTypedData) return serializeTypedData(x);
if (x is JSIndexable) return serializeJSIndexable(x);
if (x is InternalMap) return serializeMap(x);
if (x is JSObject) return serializeJSObject(x);
// We should not have any interceptors any more.
if (x is Interceptor) unsupported(x);
if (x is RawReceivePort) {
unsupported(x, "RawReceivePorts can't be transmitted:");
// SendPorts need their workerIds adjusted (either during serialization or
// deserialization).
if (x is _NativeJsSendPort) return serializeJsSendPort(x);
if (x is _WorkerSendPort) return serializeWorkerSendPort(x);
if (x is Function) return serializeClosure(x);
return serializeDartObject(x);
void unsupported(x, [String message]) {
if (message == null) message = "Can't transmit:";
throw new UnsupportedError("$message $x");
makeRef(int serializationId) => ["ref", serializationId];
bool isPrimitive(x) => x == null || x is String || x is num || x is bool;
serializePrimitive(primitive) => primitive;
serializeByteBuffer(NativeByteBuffer buffer) {
return ["buffer", buffer];
serializeTypedData(NativeTypedData data) {
return ["typed", data];
serializeJSIndexable(JSIndexable indexable) {
// Strings are JSIndexable but should have been treated earlier.
assert(indexable is! String);
List serialized = serializeArray(indexable);
if (indexable is JSFixedArray) return ["fixed", serialized];
if (indexable is JSExtendableArray) return ["extendable", serialized];
// MutableArray check must be last, since JSFixedArray and JSExtendableArray
// extend JSMutableArray.
if (indexable is JSMutableArray) return ["mutable", serialized];
// The only JSArrays left are the const Lists (as in `const [1, 2]`).
if (indexable is JSArray) return ["const", serialized];
unsupported(indexable, "Can't serialize indexable: ");
return null;
serializeArray(JSArray x) {
List serialized = [];
serialized.length = x.length;
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
serialized[i] = serialize(x[i]);
return serialized;
serializeArrayInPlace(JSArray x) {
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i] = serialize(x[i]);
return x;
serializeMap(InternalMap x) {
Function serializeTearOff = serialize;
return ['map',,];
serializeJSObject(JSObject x) {
// Don't serialize objects if their `constructor` property isn't `Object`
// or undefined/null.
// A different constructor is taken as a sign that the object has complex
// internal state, or that it is a function, and won't be serialized.
if (JS('bool', '!!(#.constructor)', x) &&
JS('bool', 'x.constructor !== Object')) {
unsupported(x, "Only plain JS Objects are supported:");
List keys = JS('JSArray', 'Object.keys(#)', x);
List values = [];
values.length = keys.length;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
values[i] = serialize(JS('', '#[#]', x, keys[i]));
return ['js-object', keys, values];
serializeWorkerSendPort(_WorkerSendPort x) {
if (_serializeSendPorts) {
return ['sendport', x._workerId, x._isolateId, x._receivePortId];
return ['raw sendport', x];
serializeJsSendPort(_NativeJsSendPort x) {
if (_serializeSendPorts) {
int workerId = _globalState.currentManagerId;
return ['sendport', workerId, x._isolateId, x._receivePort._id];
return ['raw sendport', x];
serializeCapability(CapabilityImpl x) => ['capability', x._id];
serializeClosure(Function x) {
final name = IsolateNatives._getJSFunctionName(x);
if (name == null) {
unsupported(x, "Closures can't be transmitted:");
return ['function', name];
serializeDartObject(x) {
String classId = JS('String', '#(#)', classExtractor, x);
List fields = JS('JSArray', '#(#)', fieldsExtractor, x);
return ['dart', classId, serializeArrayInPlace(fields)];
class _Deserializer {
/// When `true`, encodes sendports specially so that they can be adjusted on
/// the receiving end.
/// When `false`, sendports are cloned like any other object.
final bool _adjustSendPorts;
List<dynamic> deserializedObjects = new List<dynamic>();
_Deserializer({adjustSendPorts: true}) : _adjustSendPorts = adjustSendPorts;
/// Returns a message that can be transmitted through web-worker channels.
deserialize(x) {
if (isPrimitive(x)) return deserializePrimitive(x);
if (x is! JSArray) throw new ArgumentError("Bad serialized message: $x");
switch (x.first) {
case "ref": return deserializeRef(x);
case "buffer": return deserializeByteBuffer(x);
case "typed": return deserializeTypedData(x);
case "fixed": return deserializeFixed(x);
case "extendable": return deserializeExtendable(x);
case "mutable": return deserializeMutable(x);
case "const": return deserializeConst(x);
case "map": return deserializeMap(x);
case "sendport": return deserializeSendPort(x);
case "raw sendport": return deserializeRawSendPort(x);
case "js-object": return deserializeJSObject(x);
case "function": return deserializeClosure(x);
case "dart": return deserializeDartObject(x);
default: throw "couldn't deserialize: $x";
bool isPrimitive(x) => x == null || x is String || x is num || x is bool;
deserializePrimitive(x) => x;
// ['ref', id].
deserializeRef(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'ref');
int serializationId = x[1];
return deserializedObjects[serializationId];
// ['buffer', <byte buffer>].
NativeByteBuffer deserializeByteBuffer(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'buffer');
NativeByteBuffer result = x[1];
return result;
// ['typed', <typed array>].
NativeTypedData deserializeTypedData(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'typed');
NativeTypedData result = x[1];
return result;
// Updates the given array in place with its deserialized content.
List deserializeArrayInPlace(JSArray x) {
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i] = deserialize(x[i]);
return x;
// ['fixed', <array>].
List deserializeFixed(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'fixed');
List result = x[1];
return new JSArray.markFixed(deserializeArrayInPlace(result));
// ['extendable', <array>].
List deserializeExtendable(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'extendable');
List result = x[1];
return new JSArray.markGrowable(deserializeArrayInPlace(result));
// ['mutable', <array>].
List deserializeMutable(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'mutable');
List result = x[1];
return deserializeArrayInPlace(result);
// ['const', <array>].
List deserializeConst(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'const');
List result = x[1];
// TODO(floitsch): need to mark list as non-changeable.
return new JSArray.markFixed(deserializeArrayInPlace(result));
// ['map', <key-list>, <value-list>].
Map deserializeMap(InternalMap x) {
assert(x[0] == 'map');
List keys = x[1];
List values = x[2];
Map result = {};
// We need to keep the order of how objects were serialized.
// First deserialize all keys, and then only deserialize the values.
keys =;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
result[keys[i]] = deserialize(values[i]);
return result;
// ['sendport', <managerId>, <isolateId>, <receivePortId>].
SendPort deserializeSendPort(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'sendport');
int managerId = x[1];
int isolateId = x[2];
int receivePortId = x[3];
SendPort result;
// If two isolates are in the same manager, we use NativeJsSendPorts to
// deliver messages directly without using postMessage.
if (managerId == _globalState.currentManagerId) {
var isolate = _globalState.isolates[isolateId];
if (isolate == null) return null; // Isolate has been closed.
var receivePort = isolate.lookup(receivePortId);
if (receivePort == null) return null; // Port has been closed.
result = new _NativeJsSendPort(receivePort, isolateId);
} else {
result = new _WorkerSendPort(managerId, isolateId, receivePortId);
return result;
// ['raw sendport', <sendport>].
SendPort deserializeRawSendPort(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'raw sendport');
SendPort result = x[1];
return result;
// ['js-object', <key-list>, <value-list>].
deserializeJSObject(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'js-object');
List keys = x[1];
List values = x[2];
var o = JS('', '{}');
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
JS('', '#[#]=#', o, keys[i], deserialize(values[i]));
return o;
// ['function', <name>].
Function deserializeClosure(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'function');
String name = x[1];
Function result = IsolateNatives._getJSFunctionFromName(name);
return result;
// ['dart', <class-id>, <field-list>].
deserializeDartObject(x) {
assert(x[0] == 'dart');
String classId = x[1];
List fields = x[2];
var emptyInstance = JS('', '#(#)', instanceFromClassId, classId);
return JS('', '#(#, #, #)',
initializeObject, classId, emptyInstance, fields);