blob: 6c3a77a0d0508d763a3a3edf2a9145e6fee8349d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// part of "common_patch.dart";
class RawServerSocket {
static Future<RawServerSocket> bind(address, int port,
{int backlog: 0, bool v6Only: false, bool shared: false}) {
return _RawServerSocket.bind(address, port, backlog, v6Only, shared);
class RawSocket {
static Future<RawSocket> connect(dynamic host, int port,
{dynamic sourceAddress, Duration? timeout}) {
return _RawSocket.connect(host, port, sourceAddress, timeout);
static Future<ConnectionTask<RawSocket>> startConnect(dynamic host, int port,
{dynamic sourceAddress}) {
return _RawSocket.startConnect(host, port, sourceAddress);
class RawSocketOption {
static final List<int?> _optionsCache =
List<int?>.filled(_RawSocketOptions.values.length, null);
static int _getOptionValue(int key) {
if (key > _RawSocketOptions.values.length) {
throw ArgumentError.value(key, 'key');
return _optionsCache[key] ??= _getNativeOptionValue(key);
static int _getNativeOptionValue(int key)
native "RawSocketOption_GetOptionValue";
class InternetAddress {
static InternetAddress get LOOPBACK_IP_V4 {
return _InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4;
static InternetAddress get LOOPBACK_IP_V6 {
return _InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6;
static InternetAddress get ANY_IP_V4 {
return _InternetAddress.anyIPv4;
static InternetAddress get ANY_IP_V6 {
return _InternetAddress.anyIPv6;
factory InternetAddress(String address, {InternetAddressType? type}) {
return _InternetAddress.fromString(address, type: type);
factory InternetAddress.fromRawAddress(Uint8List rawAddress,
{InternetAddressType? type}) {
return _InternetAddress.fromRawAddress(rawAddress, type: type);
static Future<List<InternetAddress>> lookup(String host,
{InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.any}) {
return _NativeSocket.lookup(host, type: type);
static InternetAddress _cloneWithNewHost(
InternetAddress address, String host) {
return (address as _InternetAddress)._cloneWithNewHost(host);
static InternetAddress? tryParse(String address) {
return _InternetAddress.tryParse(address);
class NetworkInterface {
static bool get listSupported {
return _listSupported();
static Future<List<NetworkInterface>> list(
{bool includeLoopback: false,
bool includeLinkLocal: false,
InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.any}) {
return _NativeSocket.listInterfaces(
includeLoopback: includeLoopback,
includeLinkLocal: includeLinkLocal,
type: type);
static bool _listSupported() native "NetworkInterface_ListSupported";
void _throwOnBadPort(int port) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(port, "port");
if ((port < 0) || (port > 0xFFFF)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid port $port");
void _throwOnBadTtl(int ttl) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(ttl, "ttl");
if (ttl < 1 || ttl > 255) {
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid ttl $ttl');
class _InternetAddress implements InternetAddress {
static const int _addressLoopbackIPv4 = 0;
static const int _addressLoopbackIPv6 = 1;
static const int _addressAnyIPv4 = 2;
static const int _addressAnyIPv6 = 3;
static const int _IPv4AddrLength = 4;
static const int _IPv6AddrLength = 16;
static _InternetAddress loopbackIPv4 =
static _InternetAddress loopbackIPv6 =
static _InternetAddress anyIPv4 = _InternetAddress.fixed(_addressAnyIPv4);
static _InternetAddress anyIPv6 = _InternetAddress.fixed(_addressAnyIPv6);
final String address;
final String? _host;
final Uint8List _in_addr;
final int _scope_id;
final InternetAddressType type;
String get host => _host ?? address;
Uint8List get rawAddress => new Uint8List.fromList(_in_addr);
bool get isLoopback {
switch (type) {
case InternetAddressType.IPv4:
return _in_addr[0] == 127;
case InternetAddressType.IPv6:
for (int i = 0; i < _IPv6AddrLength - 1; i++) {
if (_in_addr[i] != 0) return false;
return _in_addr[_IPv6AddrLength - 1] == 1;
case InternetAddressType.unix:
return false;
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected address type $type");
bool get isLinkLocal {
switch (type) {
case InternetAddressType.IPv4:
// Checking for
return _in_addr[0] == 169 && _in_addr[1] == 254;
case InternetAddressType.IPv6:
// Checking for fe80::/10.
return _in_addr[0] == 0xFE && (_in_addr[1] & 0xB0) == 0x80;
case InternetAddressType.unix:
return false;
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected address type $type");
bool get isMulticast {
switch (type) {
case InternetAddressType.IPv4:
// Checking for through
return _in_addr[0] >= 224 && _in_addr[0] < 240;
case InternetAddressType.IPv6:
// Checking for ff00::/8.
return _in_addr[0] == 0xFF;
case InternetAddressType.unix:
return false;
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected address type $type");
Future<InternetAddress> reverse() {
if (type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
return Future.value(this);
return _NativeSocket.reverseLookup(this);
_InternetAddress(this.type, this.address, this._host, this._in_addr,
[this._scope_id = 0]);
factory _InternetAddress.fromString(String address,
{InternetAddressType? type}) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(address, 'address');
if (type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
var rawAddress = FileSystemEntity._toUtf8Array(address);
return _InternetAddress(
InternetAddressType.unix, address, null, rawAddress);
} else {
int index = address.indexOf('%');
String originalAddress = address;
String? scopeID;
if (index > 0) {
scopeID = address.substring(index, address.length);
address = address.substring(0, index);
var inAddr = _parse(address);
if (inAddr == null) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid internet address $address');
InternetAddressType type = inAddr.length == _IPv4AddrLength
? InternetAddressType.IPv4
: InternetAddressType.IPv6;
if (scopeID != null && scopeID.length > 0) {
if (type != InternetAddressType.IPv6) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
address, 'address', 'IPv4 addresses cannot have a scope ID');
final scopeID = _parseScopedLinkLocalAddress(originalAddress);
if (scopeID is int) {
return _InternetAddress(
InternetAddressType.IPv6, originalAddress, null, inAddr, scopeID);
} else {
throw ArgumentError.value(
address, 'address', 'Invalid IPv6 address with scope ID');
return _InternetAddress(type, originalAddress, null, inAddr, 0);
factory _InternetAddress.fromRawAddress(Uint8List rawAddress,
{InternetAddressType? type}) {
if (type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(rawAddress, 'rawAddress');
var rawPath = FileSystemEntity._toNullTerminatedUtf8Array(rawAddress);
var address = FileSystemEntity._toStringFromUtf8Array(rawAddress);
return _InternetAddress(InternetAddressType.unix, address, null, rawPath);
} else {
int type = -1;
if (rawAddress.length == _IPv4AddrLength) {
type = 0;
} else {
if (rawAddress.length != _IPv6AddrLength) {
throw ArgumentError("Invalid internet address ${rawAddress}");
type = 1;
var address = _rawAddrToString(rawAddress);
return _InternetAddress(
InternetAddressType._from(type), address, null, rawAddress);
static _InternetAddress? tryParse(String address) {
checkNotNullable(address, "address");
try {
return _InternetAddress.fromString(address);
} on ArgumentError catch (_) {
return null;
factory _InternetAddress.fixed(int id) {
switch (id) {
case _addressLoopbackIPv4:
var in_addr = Uint8List(_IPv4AddrLength);
in_addr[0] = 127;
in_addr[_IPv4AddrLength - 1] = 1;
return _InternetAddress(
InternetAddressType.IPv4, "", null, in_addr);
case _addressLoopbackIPv6:
var in_addr = Uint8List(_IPv6AddrLength);
in_addr[_IPv6AddrLength - 1] = 1;
return _InternetAddress(InternetAddressType.IPv6, "::1", null, in_addr);
case _addressAnyIPv4:
var in_addr = Uint8List(_IPv4AddrLength);
return _InternetAddress(
InternetAddressType.IPv4, "", "", in_addr);
case _addressAnyIPv6:
var in_addr = Uint8List(_IPv6AddrLength);
return _InternetAddress(InternetAddressType.IPv6, "::", "::", in_addr);
throw ArgumentError();
// Create a clone of this _InternetAddress replacing the host.
_InternetAddress _cloneWithNewHost(String host) {
return _InternetAddress(
type, address, host, Uint8List.fromList(_in_addr), _scope_id);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (!(other is _InternetAddress)) return false;
if (other.type != type) return false;
if (type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
return address == other.address;
bool equals = true;
for (int i = 0; i < _in_addr.length && equals; i++) {
equals = other._in_addr[i] == _in_addr[i];
return equals;
int get hashCode {
if (type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
return address.hashCode;
int result = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < _in_addr.length; i++) {
result = (result * 31 + _in_addr[i]) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
return result;
String toString() {
return "InternetAddress('$address', ${})";
static String _rawAddrToString(Uint8List address)
native "InternetAddress_RawAddrToString";
static dynamic /* int | OSError */ _parseScopedLinkLocalAddress(
String address) native "InternetAddress_ParseScopedLinkLocalAddress";
static Uint8List? _parse(String address) native "InternetAddress_Parse";
class _NetworkInterface implements NetworkInterface {
final String name;
final int index;
final List<InternetAddress> addresses = [];
_NetworkInterface(, this.index);
String toString() {
return "NetworkInterface('$name', $addresses)";
// The NativeFieldWrapperClass1 cannot be used with a mixin, due to missing
// implicit constructor.
class _NativeSocketNativeWrapper extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {}
/// Returns error code that corresponds to EINPROGRESS OS error.
int get _inProgressErrorCode native "OSError_inProgressErrorCode";
// The _NativeSocket class encapsulates an OS socket.
class _NativeSocket extends _NativeSocketNativeWrapper with _ServiceObject {
// Bit flags used when communicating between the eventhandler and
// dart code. The EVENT flags are used to indicate events of
// interest when sending a message from dart code to the
// eventhandler. When receiving a message from the eventhandler the
// EVENT flags indicate the events that actually happened. The
// COMMAND flags are used to send commands from dart to the
// eventhandler. COMMAND flags are never received from the
// eventhandler. Additional flags are used to communicate other
// information.
static const int readEvent = 0;
static const int writeEvent = 1;
static const int errorEvent = 2;
static const int closedEvent = 3;
static const int destroyedEvent = 4;
static const int firstEvent = readEvent;
static const int lastEvent = destroyedEvent;
static const int eventCount = lastEvent - firstEvent + 1;
static const int closeCommand = 8;
static const int shutdownReadCommand = 9;
static const int shutdownWriteCommand = 10;
// The lower bits of returnTokenCommand messages contains the number
// of tokens returned.
static const int returnTokenCommand = 11;
static const int setEventMaskCommand = 12;
static const int firstCommand = closeCommand;
static const int lastCommand = setEventMaskCommand;
// Type flag send to the eventhandler providing additional
// information on the type of the file descriptor.
static const int listeningSocket = 16;
static const int pipeSocket = 17;
static const int typeNormalSocket = 0;
static const int typeListeningSocket = 1 << listeningSocket;
static const int typePipe = 1 << pipeSocket;
static const int typeTypeMask = typeListeningSocket | pipeSocket;
// Protocol flags.
// Keep in sync with SocketType enum in socket.h.
static const int tcpSocket = 18;
static const int udpSocket = 19;
static const int internalSocket = 20;
static const int internalSignalSocket = 21;
static const int typeTcpSocket = 1 << tcpSocket;
static const int typeUdpSocket = 1 << udpSocket;
static const int typeInternalSocket = 1 << internalSocket;
static const int typeInternalSignalSocket = 1 << internalSignalSocket;
static const int typeProtocolMask = typeTcpSocket |
typeUdpSocket |
typeInternalSocket |
// Native port messages.
static const hostNameLookupMessage = 0;
static const listInterfacesMessage = 1;
static const reverseLookupMessage = 2;
// Protocol flags.
static const int protocolIPv4 = 1 << 0;
static const int protocolIPv6 = 1 << 1;
static const int normalTokenBatchSize = 8;
static const int listeningTokenBatchSize = 2;
static const Duration _retryDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 250);
static const Duration _retryDurationLoopback =
const Duration(milliseconds: 25);
// Socket close state
bool isClosed = false;
bool isClosing = false;
bool isClosedRead = false;
bool closedReadEventSent = false;
bool isClosedWrite = false;
Completer closeCompleter = new Completer.sync();
// Handlers and receive port for socket events from the event handler.
final List eventHandlers = new List.filled(eventCount + 1, null);
RawReceivePort? eventPort;
bool flagsSent = false;
// The type flags for this socket.
final int typeFlags;
// Holds the port of the socket, 0 if not known.
int localPort = 0;
// Holds the address used to connect or bind the socket.
late InternetAddress localAddress;
// The size of data that is ready to be read, for TCP sockets.
// This might be out-of-date when Read is called.
// The number of pending connections, for Listening sockets.
int available = 0;
// Only used for UDP sockets.
bool _availableDatagram = false;
// The number of incoming connnections for Listening socket.
int connections = 0;
// The count of received event from eventhandler.
int tokens = 0;
bool sendReadEvents = false;
bool readEventIssued = false;
bool sendWriteEvents = false;
bool writeEventIssued = false;
bool writeAvailable = false;
// The owner object is the object that the Socket is being used by, e.g.
// a HttpServer, a WebSocket connection, a process pipe, etc.
Object? owner;
static Future<List<InternetAddress>> lookup(String host,
{InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.any}) {
return _IOService._dispatch(_IOService.socketLookup, [host, type._value])
.then((response) {
if (isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw createError(response, "Failed host lookup: '$host'");
return [
for (var result in response.skip(1))
_InternetAddress(InternetAddressType._from(result[0]), result[1],
host, result[2], result[3])
static Stream<List<InternetAddress>> lookupAsStream(String host,
{InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.any}) {
final controller = StreamController<List<InternetAddress>>();
controller.onListen = () {
lookup(host, type: type).then((list) {
}, onError: controller.addError).whenComplete(controller.close);
static Future<InternetAddress> reverseLookup(InternetAddress addr) {
return _IOService._dispatch(_IOService.socketReverseLookup,
[(addr as _InternetAddress)._in_addr]).then((response) {
if (isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw createError(response, "Failed reverse host lookup", addr);
} else {
return (addr as _InternetAddress)._cloneWithNewHost(response);
static Future<List<NetworkInterface>> listInterfaces(
{bool includeLoopback: false,
bool includeLinkLocal: false,
InternetAddressType type: InternetAddressType.any}) {
return _IOService._dispatch(_IOService.socketListInterfaces, [type._value])
.then((response) {
if (isErrorResponse(response)) {
throw createError(response, "Failed listing interfaces");
} else {
var map = response.skip(1).fold(new Map<String, NetworkInterface>(),
(map, result) {
var type = InternetAddressType._from(result[0]);
var name = result[3];
var index = result[4];
var address = _InternetAddress(type, result[1], "", result[2]);
if (!includeLinkLocal && address.isLinkLocal) return map;
if (!includeLoopback && address.isLoopback) return map;
map.putIfAbsent(name, () => new _NetworkInterface(name, index));
return map;
return map.values.toList();
static String escapeLinkLocalAddress(String host) {
// if the host contains escape, host is an IPv6 address with scope ID.
// Remove '25' before feeding into native calls.
int index = host.indexOf('%');
if (index >= 0) {
if (!checkLinkLocalAddress(host)) {
// The only well defined usage is link-local address. Checks Section 4 of
// If it is not a valid link-local address and contains escape character, throw an exception.
throw new FormatException(
'${host} is not a valid link-local address but contains %. Scope id should be used as part of link-local address.',
if (host.startsWith("25", index + 1)) {
// Remove '25' after '%' if present
host = host.replaceRange(index + 1, index + 3, '');
return host;
static bool checkLinkLocalAddress(String host) {
// The shortest possible link-local address is [fe80::1]
if (host.length < 7) return false;
var char = host[2];
return host.startsWith('fe') &&
(char == '8' || char == '9' || char == 'a' || char == 'b');
/// Explicitly makes two separate OS lookup requests: first for IPv4, then
/// after short delay for IPv6.
/// This avoids making single OS lookup request that internally does both IPv4
/// and IPv6 together, which on iOS sometimes seems to be taking unreasonably
/// long because of slow IPv6 lookup even though IPv4 lookup is fast.
static Stream<List<InternetAddress>> staggeredLookup(String host) {
final controller = StreamController<List<InternetAddress>>(sync: true);
controller.onListen = () {
// Completed when there are no further addresses, or when the returned
// stream is canceled,
// The latter signals that no further addresses are needed.
// When both completers are completed, one way or another, the stream is
// closed.
final ipv4Completer = Completer<void>();
final ipv6Completer = Completer<void>();
void lookupAddresses(InternetAddressType type, Completer<void> done) {
lookup(host, type: type).then((addresses) {
if (done.isCompleted) {
// By the time lookup is done, [connectNext] might have
// been able to connect to one of the resolved addresses.
}, onError: (e, st) {
if (done.isCompleted) {
// By the time lookup is done, [connectNext] might have
// been able to connect to one of the resolved addresses.
controller.addError(e, st);
}).whenComplete(() {
if (!done.isCompleted) {
lookupAddresses(InternetAddressType.IPv4, ipv4Completer);
// Give a chance for a connect to an IPv4 address to complete before
// starting an IPv6 lookup. If IPv4 connect succeeds before timer goes
// off, the timer gets cancelled.
const concurrentLookupDelay = Duration(milliseconds: 10);
final ipv6LookupDelay = Timer(concurrentLookupDelay, () {
lookupAddresses(InternetAddressType.IPv6, ipv6Completer);
Future.wait([ipv4Completer.future, ipv6Completer.future])
.then((_) => controller.close());
controller.onCancel = () {
// This is invoked when [connectNext] managed to connect to one of the
// looked-up addresses at which point we want to stop looking up
// the addresses.
if (!ipv4Completer.isCompleted) ipv4Completer.complete();
if (!ipv6Completer.isCompleted) ipv6Completer.complete();
static Future<ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket>> startConnect(
dynamic host, int port, dynamic sourceAddress) {
// Looks up [sourceAddress] to one or more IP addresses,
// then tries connecting to each one until a connection succeeds.
// Attempts are staggered by a minimum delay, so a new
// attempt isn't made until either a previous attempt has *failed*,
// or the delay has passed.
// This ensures that at most *n* uncompleted connections can be
// active after *n* × *delay* time has passed.
if (host is String) {
host = escapeLinkLocalAddress(host);
_InternetAddress? source;
if (sourceAddress != null) {
if (sourceAddress is _InternetAddress) {
source = sourceAddress;
} else if (sourceAddress is String) {
source = new _InternetAddress.fromString(sourceAddress);
} else {
throw ArgumentError.value(sourceAddress, "sourceAddress",
"Must be a string or native InternetAddress");
return new Future.value(host).then<ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket>>((host) {
if (host is _InternetAddress) {
return tryConnectToResolvedAddresses(
host, port, source, Stream.value(<_InternetAddress>[host]));
final hostname = host as String;
final staggeredLookupOverride = bool.fromEnvironment(
defaultValue: false);
// On ios name resolution can get delayed by slow IPv6 name resolution,
// so we run IPv4 and IPv6 name resolution in parallel(IPv6 slightly
// delayed so if IPv4 is successfully looked up, we don't do IPv6 look up
// at all) and grab first successfully resolved name we are able to connect to.
final Stream<List<InternetAddress>> stream =
Platform.isIOS || staggeredLookupOverride
? staggeredLookup(hostname)
: lookupAsStream(hostname);
return tryConnectToResolvedAddresses(host, port, source, stream);
static ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket> tryConnectToResolvedAddresses(
dynamic host,
int port,
_InternetAddress? source,
Stream<List<InternetAddress>> addresses) {
// Completer for result.
final result = new Completer<_NativeSocket>();
// Error, set if an error occurs.
// Keeps first error if multiple errors occur.
var error = null;
// Contains all sockets which haven't received an initial
// write or error event.
final connecting = <_NativeSocket>{};
// Timer counting down from the last connection attempt.
// Reset when a new connection is attempted,
// which happens either when a previous timer runs out,
// or when a previous connection attempt fails.
Timer? timer;
// Addresses arrived from lookup stream, but haven't been tried to connect
// to yet due to Timer-based throttling.
final pendingLookedUp = Queue<InternetAddress>();
// When deciding how to handle errors we need to know whether more
// addresses potentially are coming from the lookup stream.
bool isLookedUpStreamClosed = false;
late StreamSubscription<List<InternetAddress>> addressesSubscription;
Object? createConnection(InternetAddress address, _InternetAddress? source,
_NativeSocket socket) {
Object? connectionResult;
if (address.type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
if (source == null) {
connectionResult = socket.nativeCreateUnixDomainConnect(
address.address, _Namespace._namespace);
} else {
assert(source.type == InternetAddressType.unix);
connectionResult = socket.nativeCreateUnixDomainBindConnect(
address.address, source.address, _Namespace._namespace);
assert(connectionResult == true ||
connectionResult is Error ||
connectionResult is OSError);
} else {
final address_ = address as _InternetAddress;
if (source == null) {
connectionResult = socket.nativeCreateConnect(
address_._in_addr, port, address_._scope_id);
} else {
connectionResult = socket.nativeCreateBindConnect(
address_._in_addr, port, source._in_addr, address_._scope_id);
assert(connectionResult == true || connectionResult is OSError);
return connectionResult;
createConnectionError(Object? connectionResult, InternetAddress address,
int port, _NativeSocket socket) {
if (connectionResult is OSError) {
final errorCode = connectionResult.errorCode;
if (source != null &&
errorCode != null &&
socket.isBindError(errorCode)) {
return createError(connectionResult, "Bind failed", source);
} else {
return createError(
connectionResult, "Connection failed", address, port);
} else if (connectionResult is Error) {
return connectionResult;
return createError(null, "Connection failed", address);
// Invoked either directly or via throttling Timer callback when we
// are ready to verify that we can connect to resolved address.
connectNext() {
if (isLookedUpStreamClosed &&
connecting.isEmpty &&
pendingLookedUp.isEmpty) {
assert(error != null);
if (!result.isCompleted) {
// Might be already completed via onCancel
if (pendingLookedUp.isEmpty) {
assert(!isLookedUpStreamClosed || connecting.isNotEmpty);
final address = pendingLookedUp.removeFirst();
final socket = new _NativeSocket.normal(address);
// Will contain values of various types representing the result
// of trying to create a connection.
// A value of `true` means success, everything else means failure.
final Object? connectionResult =
createConnection(address, source, socket);
if (connectionResult != true) {
// connectionResult was not a success.
error = createConnectionError(connectionResult, address, port, socket);
connectNext(); // Try again after failure to connect.
// Query the local port for error messages.
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e is OSError && e.errorCode == _inProgressErrorCode) {
// Ignore the error, proceed with waiting for a socket to become open.
// In non-blocking mode connect might not be established away, socket
// have to be waited for.
// EINPROGRESS error is ignored during |connect| call in native code,
// it has be ignored here during |port| query here.
} else {
error ??= createError(e, "Connection failed", address, port);
connectNext(); // Try again after failure to connect.
// Try again if no response (failure or success) within a duration.
// If this occurs, the socket is still trying to connect, and might
// succeed or fail later.
final duration =
address.isLoopback ? _retryDurationLoopback : _retryDuration;
timer = new Timer(duration, connectNext);
// Setup handlers for receiving the first write event which
// indicate that the socket is fully connected.
socket.setHandlers(write: () {
// First remote response on connection.
// If error, drop the socket and go to the next address.
// If success, complete with the socket
// and stop all other open connection attempts.
// From 'man 2 connect':
// After select(2) indicates writability, use getsockopt(2) to read
// the SO_ERROR option at level SOL_SOCKET to determine whether
// connect() completed successfully (SO_ERROR is zero) or
// unsuccessfully.
final OSError osError = socket.nativeGetError();
if (osError.errorCode != 0) {
error ??= osError;
// Connection success!
// Stop all other connecting sockets and the timer.
socket.setListening(read: false, write: false);
for (var s in connecting) {
s.setListening(read: false, write: false);
if (!result.isCompleted) {
// Might be already completed via onCancel
}, error: (e, st) {
socket.setListening(read: false, write: false);
// Keep first error, if present.
error ??= e;
connectNext(); // Try again after failure to connect.
socket.setListening(read: false, write: true);
void onCancel() {
for (var s in connecting) {
s.setListening(read: false, write: false);
if (!result.isCompleted) {
error ??= createError(
null, "Connection attempt cancelled, host: ${host}, port: ${port}");
addressesSubscription = addresses.listen((address) {
if (timer == null || !timer!.isActive) {
}, onDone: () {
isLookedUpStreamClosed = true;
}, onError: (e, st) {
error = e;
return new ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket>._(result.future, onCancel);
static Future<_NativeSocket> connect(
dynamic host, int port, dynamic sourceAddress, Duration? timeout) {
return startConnect(host, port, sourceAddress)
.then((ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket> task) {
Future<_NativeSocket> socketFuture = task.socket;
if (timeout != null) {
socketFuture = socketFuture.timeout(timeout, onTimeout: () {
throw createError(
null, "Connection timed out, host: ${host}, port: ${port}");
return socketFuture;
static Future<_InternetAddress> _resolveHost(dynamic host) async {
if (host is _InternetAddress) {
return host;
} else {
final list = await lookup(host);
if (list.isEmpty) {
throw createError(null, "Failed host lookup: '$host'");
return list.first as _InternetAddress;
static Future<_NativeSocket> bind(
host, int port, int backlog, bool v6Only, bool shared) async {
if (host is String) {
host = escapeLinkLocalAddress(host);
final address = await _resolveHost(host);
var socket = new _NativeSocket.listen(address);
var result;
if (address.type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
var path = address.address;
if (FileSystemEntity.isLinkSync(path)) {
path = Link(path).targetSync();
result = socket.nativeCreateUnixDomainBindListen(
path, backlog, shared, _Namespace._namespace);
} else {
result = socket.nativeCreateBindListen(
address._in_addr, port, backlog, v6Only, shared, address._scope_id);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new SocketException("Failed to create server socket",
osError: result, address: address, port: port);
if (port != 0) socket.localPort = port;
return socket;
static Future<_NativeSocket> bindDatagram(
host, int port, bool reuseAddress, bool reusePort, int ttl) async {
final address = await _resolveHost(host);
var socket = new _NativeSocket.datagram(address);
var result = socket.nativeCreateBindDatagram(
address._in_addr, port, reuseAddress, reusePort, ttl);
if (result is OSError) {
throw new SocketException("Failed to create datagram socket",
osError: result, address: address, port: port);
if (port != 0) socket.localPort = port;
return socket;
: typeFlags = typeNormalSocket | typeUdpSocket;
: typeFlags = typeNormalSocket | typeTcpSocket;
: typeFlags = typeListeningSocket | typeTcpSocket {
isClosedWrite = true;
_NativeSocket.pipe() : typeFlags = typePipe;
_NativeSocket._watchCommon(int id, int type)
: typeFlags = typeNormalSocket | type {
isClosedWrite = true;
nativeSetSocketId(id, typeFlags);
_NativeSocket.watchSignal(int id)
: this._watchCommon(id, typeInternalSignalSocket); id) : this._watchCommon(id, typeInternalSocket);
bool get isListening => (typeFlags & typeListeningSocket) != 0;
bool get isPipe => (typeFlags & typePipe) != 0;
bool get isInternal => (typeFlags & typeInternalSocket) != 0;
bool get isInternalSignal => (typeFlags & typeInternalSignalSocket) != 0;
bool get isTcp => (typeFlags & typeTcpSocket) != 0;
bool get isUdp => (typeFlags & typeUdpSocket) != 0;
Map _toJSON(bool ref) => throw new UnimplementedError();
String get _serviceTypePath => throw new UnimplementedError();
String get _serviceTypeName => throw new UnimplementedError();
Uint8List? read(int? count) {
if (count != null && count <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError("Illegal length $count");
if (isClosing || isClosed) return null;
try {
Uint8List? list;
if (count != null) {
list = nativeRead(count);
available = nativeAvailable();
} else {
// If count is null, read as many bytes as possible.
// Loop here to ensure bytes that arrived while this read was
// issued are also read.
BytesBuilder builder = BytesBuilder();
do {
assert(available > 0);
list = nativeRead(available);
if (list == null) {
available = nativeAvailable();
} while (available > 0);
if (builder.isEmpty) {
list = null;
} else {
list = builder.toBytes();
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
nativeGetSocketId(), _SocketProfileType.readBytes, list?.length);
return list;
} catch (e) {
reportError(e, StackTrace.current, "Read failed");
return null;
Datagram? receive() {
if (isClosing || isClosed) return null;
try {
Datagram? result = nativeRecvFrom();
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
_SocketProfileType.readBytes, result?.data.length);
_availableDatagram = nativeAvailableDatagram();
return result;
} catch (e) {
reportError(e, StackTrace.current, "Receive failed");
return null;
static int _fixOffset(int? offset) => offset ?? 0;
int write(List<int> buffer, int offset, int? bytes) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
offset = _fixOffset(offset);
if (bytes == null) {
if (offset > buffer.length) {
throw new RangeError.value(offset);
bytes = buffer.length - offset;
if (offset < 0) throw new RangeError.value(offset);
if (bytes < 0) throw new RangeError.value(bytes);
if ((offset + bytes) > buffer.length) {
throw new RangeError.value(offset + bytes);
if (isClosing || isClosed) return 0;
if (bytes == 0) return 0;
try {
_BufferAndStart bufferAndStart =
_ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(buffer, offset, offset + bytes);
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
bufferAndStart.buffer.length - bufferAndStart.start);
int result =
nativeWrite(bufferAndStart.buffer, bufferAndStart.start, bytes);
// The result may be negative, if we forced a short write for testing
// purpose. In such case, don't mark writeAvailable as false, as we don't
// know if we'll receive an event. It's better to just retry.
if (result >= 0 && result < bytes) {
writeAvailable = false;
// Negate the result, as stated above.
if (result < 0) result = -result;
return result;
} catch (e) {
StackTrace st = StackTrace.current;
scheduleMicrotask(() => reportError(e, st, "Write failed"));
return 0;
int send(List<int> buffer, int offset, int bytes, InternetAddress address,
int port) {
if (isClosing || isClosed) return 0;
try {
_BufferAndStart bufferAndStart =
_ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(buffer, offset, bytes);
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
bufferAndStart.buffer.length - bufferAndStart.start);
int result = nativeSendTo(bufferAndStart.buffer, bufferAndStart.start,
bytes, (address as _InternetAddress)._in_addr, port);
return result;
} catch (e) {
StackTrace st = StackTrace.current;
scheduleMicrotask(() => reportError(e, st, "Send failed"));
return 0;
_NativeSocket? accept() {
// Don't issue accept if we're closing.
if (isClosing || isClosed) return null;
assert(connections > 0);
var socket = new _NativeSocket.normal(address);
if (nativeAccept(socket) != true) return null;
socket.localPort = localPort;
return socket;
int get port {
if (localAddress.type == InternetAddressType.unix) return 0;
if (localPort != 0) return localPort;
if (isClosing || isClosed) throw const SocketException.closed();
var result = nativeGetPort();
if (result is OSError) {
throw result;
return localPort = result;
int get remotePort {
if (localAddress.type == InternetAddressType.unix) return 0;
if (isClosing || isClosed) throw const SocketException.closed();
return nativeGetRemotePeer()[1];
InternetAddress get address => localAddress;
InternetAddress get remoteAddress {
if (isClosing || isClosed) throw const SocketException.closed();
var result = nativeGetRemotePeer();
var addr = result[0];
var type = new InternetAddressType._from(addr[0]);
if (type == InternetAddressType.unix) {
return _InternetAddress.fromString(addr[1],
type: InternetAddressType.unix);
return _InternetAddress(type, addr[1], null, addr[2]);
void issueReadEvent() {
if (closedReadEventSent) return;
if (readEventIssued) return;
readEventIssued = true;
void issue() {
readEventIssued = false;
if (isClosing) return;
if (!sendReadEvents) return;
if (stopRead()) {
if (isClosedRead && !closedReadEventSent) {
if (isClosedWrite) close();
var handler = eventHandlers[closedEvent];
if (handler == null) return;
closedReadEventSent = true;
var handler = eventHandlers[readEvent];
if (handler == null) return;
readEventIssued = true;
bool stopRead() {
if (isUdp) {
return !_availableDatagram;
} else {
return available == 0;
void issueWriteEvent({bool delayed: true}) {
if (writeEventIssued) return;
if (!writeAvailable) return;
void issue() {
writeEventIssued = false;
if (!writeAvailable) return;
if (isClosing) return;
if (!sendWriteEvents) return;
sendWriteEvents = false;
var handler = eventHandlers[writeEvent];
if (handler == null) return;
if (delayed) {
writeEventIssued = true;
} else {
// Multiplexes socket events to the socket handlers.
void multiplex(Object eventsObj) {
// TODO(paulberry): when issue #31305 is fixed, we should be able to simply
// declare `events` as a `covariant int` parameter.
int events = eventsObj as int;
for (int i = firstEvent; i <= lastEvent; i++) {
if (((events & (1 << i)) != 0)) {
if ((i == closedEvent || i == readEvent) && isClosedRead) continue;
if (isClosing && i != destroyedEvent) continue;
if (i == closedEvent && !isListening && !isClosing && !isClosed) {
isClosedRead = true;
if (i == writeEvent) {
writeAvailable = true;
issueWriteEvent(delayed: false);
if (i == readEvent) {
if (isListening) {
} else {
if (isUdp) {
_availableDatagram = nativeAvailableDatagram();
} else {
available = nativeAvailable();
var handler = eventHandlers[i];
if (i == destroyedEvent) {
isClosed = true;
if (handler != null) handler();
if (i == errorEvent) {
if (!isClosing) {
reportError(nativeGetError(), null, "");
} else if (!isClosed) {
// If the connection is closed right after it's accepted, there's a
// chance the close-handler is not set.
if (handler != null) handler();
if (!isListening) {
void returnTokens(int tokenBatchSize) {
if (!isClosing && !isClosed) {
assert(eventPort != null);
// Return in batches.
if (tokens == tokenBatchSize) {
assert(tokens < (1 << firstCommand));
sendToEventHandler((1 << returnTokenCommand) | tokens);
tokens = 0;
void setHandlers({read, write, error, closed, destroyed}) {
eventHandlers[readEvent] = read;
eventHandlers[writeEvent] = write;
eventHandlers[errorEvent] = error;
eventHandlers[closedEvent] = closed;
eventHandlers[destroyedEvent] = destroyed;
void setListening({bool read: true, bool write: true}) {
sendReadEvents = read;
sendWriteEvents = write;
if (read) issueReadEvent();
if (write) issueWriteEvent();
if (!flagsSent && !isClosing) {
flagsSent = true;
int flags = 1 << setEventMaskCommand;
if (!isClosedRead) flags |= 1 << readEvent;
if (!isClosedWrite) flags |= 1 << writeEvent;
Future close() {
if (!isClosing && !isClosed) {
sendToEventHandler(1 << closeCommand);
isClosing = true;
return closeCompleter.future;
void shutdown(SocketDirection direction) {
if (!isClosing && !isClosed) {
switch (direction) {
case SocketDirection.receive:
case SocketDirection.send:
case SocketDirection.both:
throw new ArgumentError(direction);
void shutdownWrite() {
if (!isClosing && !isClosed) {
if (closedReadEventSent) {
} else {
sendToEventHandler(1 << shutdownWriteCommand);
isClosedWrite = true;
void shutdownRead() {
if (!isClosing && !isClosed) {
if (isClosedWrite) {
} else {
sendToEventHandler(1 << shutdownReadCommand);
isClosedRead = true;
void sendToEventHandler(int data) {
int fullData = (typeFlags & typeTypeMask) | data;
_EventHandler._sendData(this, eventPort!.sendPort, fullData);
void connectToEventHandler() {
if (eventPort == null) {
eventPort = new RawReceivePort(multiplex, 'Socket Event Handler');
void disconnectFromEventHandler() {
eventPort = null;
// Now that we don't track this Socket anymore, we can clear the owner
// field.
owner = null;
// Check whether this is an error response from a native port call.
static bool isErrorResponse(response) {
return response is List && response[0] != _successResponse;
// Create the appropriate error/exception from different returned
// error objects.
static createError(error, String message,
[InternetAddress? address, int? port]) {
if (error is OSError) {
return new SocketException(message,
osError: error, address: address, port: port);
} else if (error is List) {
switch (error[0]) {
case _illegalArgumentResponse:
return new ArgumentError();
case _osErrorResponse:
return new SocketException(message,
osError: new OSError(error[2], error[1]),
address: address,
port: port);
return new Exception("Unknown error");
} else {
return new SocketException(message, address: address, port: port);
void reportError(error, StackTrace? st, String message) {
var e =
createError(error, message, isUdp || isTcp ? address : null, localPort);
// Invoke the error handler if any.
if (eventHandlers[errorEvent] != null) {
eventHandlers[errorEvent](e, st);
// For all errors we close the socket
dynamic getOption(SocketOption option) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(option, "option");
var result = nativeGetOption(option._value, address.type._value);
if (result is OSError) throw result;
return result;
bool setOption(SocketOption option, value) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(option, "option");
nativeSetOption(option._value, address.type._value, value);
return true;
Uint8List getRawOption(RawSocketOption option) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(option, "option");
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(option.value, "option.value");
nativeGetRawOption(option.level, option.option, option.value);
return option.value;
void setRawOption(RawSocketOption option) {
// TODO(40614): Remove once non-nullability is sound.
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(option, "option");
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(option.value, "option.value");
nativeSetRawOption(option.level, option.option, option.value);
InternetAddress? multicastAddress(
InternetAddress addr, NetworkInterface? interface) {
// On Mac OS using the interface index for joining IPv4 multicast groups
// is not supported. Here the IP address of the interface is needed.
if (Platform.isMacOS && addr.type == InternetAddressType.IPv4) {
if (interface != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < interface.addresses.length; i++) {
if (interface.addresses[i].type == InternetAddressType.IPv4) {
return interface.addresses[i];
// No IPv4 address found on the interface.
throw new SocketException(
"The network interface does not have an address "
"of the same family as the multicast address");
} else {
// Default to the ANY address if no interface is specified.
return InternetAddress.anyIPv4;
} else {
return null;
void joinMulticast(InternetAddress addr, NetworkInterface? interface) {
final interfaceAddr =
multicastAddress(addr, interface) as _InternetAddress?;
var interfaceIndex = interface == null ? 0 : interface.index;
nativeJoinMulticast((addr as _InternetAddress)._in_addr,
interfaceAddr?._in_addr, interfaceIndex);
void leaveMulticast(InternetAddress addr, NetworkInterface? interface) {
final interfaceAddr =
multicastAddress(addr, interface) as _InternetAddress?;
var interfaceIndex = interface == null ? 0 : interface.index;
nativeLeaveMulticast((addr as _InternetAddress)._in_addr,
interfaceAddr?._in_addr, interfaceIndex);
void nativeSetSocketId(int id, int typeFlags) native "Socket_SetSocketId";
int nativeAvailable() native "Socket_Available";
bool nativeAvailableDatagram() native "Socket_AvailableDatagram";
Uint8List? nativeRead(int len) native "Socket_Read";
Datagram? nativeRecvFrom() native "Socket_RecvFrom";
int nativeWrite(List<int> buffer, int offset, int bytes)
native "Socket_WriteList";
int nativeSendTo(List<int> buffer, int offset, int bytes, Uint8List address,
int port) native "Socket_SendTo";
nativeCreateConnect(Uint8List addr, int port, int scope_id)
native "Socket_CreateConnect";
nativeCreateUnixDomainConnect(String addr, _Namespace namespace)
native "Socket_CreateUnixDomainConnect";
nativeCreateBindConnect(Uint8List addr, int port, Uint8List sourceAddr,
int scope_id) native "Socket_CreateBindConnect";
nativeCreateUnixDomainBindConnect(String addr, String sourceAddr,
_Namespace namespace) native "Socket_CreateUnixDomainBindConnect";
bool isBindError(int errorNumber) native "SocketBase_IsBindError";
nativeCreateBindListen(Uint8List addr, int port, int backlog, bool v6Only,
bool shared, int scope_id) native "ServerSocket_CreateBindListen";
nativeCreateUnixDomainBindListen(String addr, int backlog, bool shared,
_Namespace namespace) native "ServerSocket_CreateUnixDomainBindListen";
nativeCreateBindDatagram(Uint8List addr, int port, bool reuseAddress,
bool reusePort, int ttl) native "Socket_CreateBindDatagram";
bool nativeAccept(_NativeSocket socket) native "ServerSocket_Accept";
dynamic nativeGetPort() native "Socket_GetPort";
List nativeGetRemotePeer() native "Socket_GetRemotePeer";
int nativeGetSocketId() native "Socket_GetSocketId";
OSError nativeGetError() native "Socket_GetError";
nativeGetOption(int option, int protocol) native "Socket_GetOption";
void nativeGetRawOption(int level, int option, Uint8List data)
native "Socket_GetRawOption";
void nativeSetOption(int option, int protocol, value)
native "Socket_SetOption";
void nativeSetRawOption(int level, int option, Uint8List data)
native "Socket_SetRawOption";
void nativeJoinMulticast(Uint8List addr, Uint8List? interfaceAddr,
int interfaceIndex) native "Socket_JoinMulticast";
void nativeLeaveMulticast(Uint8List addr, Uint8List? interfaceAddr,
int interfaceIndex) native "Socket_LeaveMulticast";
class _RawServerSocket extends Stream<RawSocket> implements RawServerSocket {
final _NativeSocket _socket;
StreamController<RawSocket>? _controller;
bool _v6Only;
static Future<_RawServerSocket> bind(
address, int port, int backlog, bool v6Only, bool shared) {
if (backlog < 0) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid backlog $backlog");
return _NativeSocket.bind(address, port, backlog, v6Only, shared)
.then((socket) => new _RawServerSocket(socket, v6Only));
_RawServerSocket(this._socket, this._v6Only);
StreamSubscription<RawSocket> listen(void onData(RawSocket event)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) {
if (_controller != null) {
throw new StateError("Stream was already listened to");
var zone = Zone.current;
final controller = _controller = new StreamController(
sync: true,
onListen: _onSubscriptionStateChange,
onCancel: _onSubscriptionStateChange,
onPause: _onPauseStateChange,
onResume: _onPauseStateChange);
read: zone.bindCallbackGuarded(() {
while (_socket.connections > 0) {
var socket = _socket.accept();
if (socket == null) return;
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
_tcpSocket, socket.address, socket.port);
if (controller.isPaused) return;
error: zone.bindBinaryCallbackGuarded((Object e, StackTrace? st) {
controller.addError(e, st);
destroyed: () => controller.close());
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
int get port => _socket.port;
InternetAddress get address => _socket.address;
Future<RawServerSocket> close() {
return _socket.close().then<RawServerSocket>((_) => this);
void _pause() {
_socket.setListening(read: false, write: false);
void _resume() {
_socket.setListening(read: true, write: false);
void _onSubscriptionStateChange() {
if (_controller!.hasListener) {
} else {
void _onPauseStateChange() {
if (_controller!.isPaused) {
} else {
void set _owner(owner) {
_socket.owner = owner;
class _RawSocket extends Stream<RawSocketEvent> implements RawSocket {
final _NativeSocket _socket;
final _controller = new StreamController<RawSocketEvent>(sync: true);
bool _readEventsEnabled = true;
bool _writeEventsEnabled = true;
// Flag to handle Ctrl-D closing of stdio on Mac OS.
bool _isMacOSTerminalInput = false;
static Future<RawSocket> connect(
dynamic host, int port, dynamic sourceAddress, Duration? timeout) {
return _NativeSocket.connect(host, port, sourceAddress, timeout)
.then((socket) {
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
socket.nativeGetSocketId(), _tcpSocket, socket.address, port);
return _RawSocket(socket);
static Future<ConnectionTask<_RawSocket>> startConnect(
dynamic host, int port, dynamic sourceAddress) {
return _NativeSocket.startConnect(host, port, sourceAddress)
.then((ConnectionTask<_NativeSocket> nativeTask) {
final Future<_RawSocket> raw =
nativeTask.socket.then((_NativeSocket nativeSocket) {
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
_tcpSocket, nativeSocket.address, port);
return _RawSocket(nativeSocket);
return ConnectionTask<_RawSocket>._(raw, nativeTask._onCancel);
_RawSocket(this._socket) {
var zone = Zone.current;
..onListen = _onSubscriptionStateChange
..onCancel = _onSubscriptionStateChange
..onPause = _onPauseStateChange
..onResume = _onPauseStateChange;
read: () => _controller.add(,
write: () {
// The write event handler is automatically disabled by the
// event handler when it fires.
writeEventsEnabled = false;
closed: () => _controller.add(RawSocketEvent.readClosed),
destroyed: () {
error: zone.bindBinaryCallbackGuarded((Object e, StackTrace? st) {
_controller.addError(e, st);
factory _RawSocket._writePipe() {
var native = new _NativeSocket.pipe();
native.isClosedRead = true;
native.closedReadEventSent = true;
return new _RawSocket(native);
factory _RawSocket._readPipe(int? fd) {
var native = new _NativeSocket.pipe();
native.isClosedWrite = true;
if (fd != null) _getStdioHandle(native, fd);
var result = new _RawSocket(native);
if (fd != null) {
var socketType = _StdIOUtils._nativeSocketType(result._socket);
result._isMacOSTerminalInput =
Platform.isMacOS && socketType == _stdioHandleTypeTerminal;
return result;
StreamSubscription<RawSocketEvent> listen(void onData(RawSocketEvent event)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) {
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
int available() => _socket.available;
Uint8List? read([int? len]) {
if (_isMacOSTerminalInput) {
var available = this.available();
if (available == 0) return null;
var data =;
if (data == null || data.length < available) {
// Reading less than available from a Mac OS terminal indicate Ctrl-D.
// This is interpreted as read closed.
scheduleMicrotask(() => _controller.add(RawSocketEvent.readClosed));
return data;
} else {
int write(List<int> buffer, [int offset = 0, int? count]) =>
_socket.write(buffer, offset, count);
Future<RawSocket> close() => _socket.close().then<RawSocket>((_) {
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
_socket.nativeGetSocketId(), _SocketProfileType.endTime);
return this;
void shutdown(SocketDirection direction) => _socket.shutdown(direction);
int get port => _socket.port;
int get remotePort => _socket.remotePort;
InternetAddress get address => _socket.address;
InternetAddress get remoteAddress => _socket.remoteAddress;
bool get readEventsEnabled => _readEventsEnabled;
void set readEventsEnabled(bool value) {
if (value != _readEventsEnabled) {
_readEventsEnabled = value;
if (!_controller.isPaused) _resume();
bool get writeEventsEnabled => _writeEventsEnabled;
void set writeEventsEnabled(bool value) {
if (value != _writeEventsEnabled) {
_writeEventsEnabled = value;
if (!_controller.isPaused) _resume();
bool setOption(SocketOption option, bool enabled) =>
_socket.setOption(option, enabled);
Uint8List getRawOption(RawSocketOption option) =>
void setRawOption(RawSocketOption option) => _socket.setRawOption(option);
_pause() {
_socket.setListening(read: false, write: false);
void _resume() {
_socket.setListening(read: _readEventsEnabled, write: _writeEventsEnabled);
void _onPauseStateChange() {
if (_controller.isPaused) {
} else {
void _onSubscriptionStateChange() {
if (_controller.hasListener) {
} else {
void set _owner(owner) {
_socket.owner = owner;
class ServerSocket {
static Future<ServerSocket> _bind(address, int port,
{int backlog: 0, bool v6Only: false, bool shared: false}) {
return _ServerSocket.bind(address, port, backlog, v6Only, shared);
class _ServerSocket extends Stream<Socket> implements ServerSocket {
final _socket;
static Future<_ServerSocket> bind(
address, int port, int backlog, bool v6Only, bool shared) {
return _RawServerSocket.bind(address, port, backlog, v6Only, shared)
.then((socket) => new _ServerSocket(socket));
StreamSubscription<Socket> listen(void onData(Socket event)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) {
return<Socket>((rawSocket) => new _Socket(rawSocket)).listen(
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
int get port => _socket.port;
InternetAddress get address => _socket.address;
Future<ServerSocket> close() =>
_socket.close().then<ServerSocket>((_) => this);
void set _owner(owner) {
_socket._owner = owner;
class Socket {
static Future<Socket> _connect(dynamic host, int port,
{dynamic sourceAddress, Duration? timeout}) {
return RawSocket.connect(host, port,
sourceAddress: sourceAddress, timeout: timeout)
.then((socket) => new _Socket(socket));
static Future<ConnectionTask<Socket>> _startConnect(dynamic host, int port,
{dynamic sourceAddress}) {
return RawSocket.startConnect(host, port, sourceAddress: sourceAddress)
.then((rawTask) {
Future<Socket> socket =
rawTask.socket.then((rawSocket) => new _Socket(rawSocket));
return new ConnectionTask<Socket>._(socket, rawTask._onCancel);
class _SocketStreamConsumer extends StreamConsumer<List<int>> {
StreamSubscription? subscription;
final _Socket socket;
int? offset;
List<int>? buffer;
bool paused = false;
Completer<Socket>? streamCompleter;
Future<Socket> addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
final completer = streamCompleter = new Completer<Socket>();
if (socket._raw != null) {
subscription = stream.listen((data) {
assert(buffer == null);
buffer = data;
offset = 0;
try {
} catch (e) {
}, onError: (error, [stackTrace]) {
done(error, stackTrace);
}, onDone: () {
}, cancelOnError: true);
return completer.future;
Future<Socket> close() {
return new Future.value(socket);
void write() {
final sub = subscription;
if (sub == null) return;
// Write as much as possible.
offset =
offset! + socket._write(buffer!, offset!, buffer!.length - offset!);
if (offset! < buffer!.length) {
if (!paused) {
paused = true;
} else {
buffer = null;
if (paused) {
paused = false;
void done([error, stackTrace]) {
final completer = streamCompleter;
if (completer != null) {
if (error != null) {
completer.completeError(error, stackTrace);
} else {
streamCompleter = null;
void stop() {
final sub = subscription;
if (sub == null) return;
subscription = null;
paused = false;
class _Socket extends Stream<Uint8List> implements Socket {
RawSocket? _raw; // Set to null when the raw socket is closed.
bool _closed = false; // Set to true when the raw socket is closed.
final _controller = new StreamController<Uint8List>(sync: true);
bool _controllerClosed = false;
late _SocketStreamConsumer _consumer;
late IOSink _sink;
StreamSubscription? _subscription;
var _detachReady;
_Socket(RawSocket raw) : _raw = raw {
..onListen = _onSubscriptionStateChange
..onCancel = _onSubscriptionStateChange
..onPause = _onPauseStateChange
..onResume = _onPauseStateChange;
_consumer = new _SocketStreamConsumer(this);
_sink = new IOSink(_consumer);
// Disable read events until there is a subscription.
raw.readEventsEnabled = false;
// Disable write events until the consumer needs it for pending writes.
raw.writeEventsEnabled = false;
factory _Socket._writePipe() {
return new _Socket(new _RawSocket._writePipe());
factory _Socket._readPipe([int? fd]) {
return new _Socket(new _RawSocket._readPipe(fd));
// Note: this code seems a bit suspicious because _raw can be _RawSocket and
// it can be _RawSecureSocket because _SecureSocket extends _Socket
// and these two types are incompatible because _RawSecureSocket._socket
// is Socket and not _NativeSocket.
_NativeSocket get _nativeSocket => (_raw as _RawSocket)._socket;
StreamSubscription<Uint8List> listen(void onData(Uint8List event)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) {
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Encoding get encoding => _sink.encoding;
void set encoding(Encoding value) {
_sink.encoding = value;
void write(Object? obj) => _sink.write(obj);
void writeln([Object? obj = ""]) => _sink.writeln(obj);
void writeCharCode(int charCode) => _sink.writeCharCode(charCode);
void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String sep = ""]) =>
_sink.writeAll(objects, sep);
void add(List<int> bytes) => _sink.add(bytes);
void addError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot send errors on sockets");
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
return _sink.addStream(stream);
Future flush() => _sink.flush();
Future close() => _sink.close();
Future get done => _sink.done;
void destroy() {
// Destroy can always be called to get rid of a socket.
if (_raw == null) return;
_controllerClosed = true;
bool setOption(SocketOption option, bool enabled) {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw == null) throw const SocketException.closed();
return raw.setOption(option, enabled);
Uint8List getRawOption(RawSocketOption option) {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw == null) throw const SocketException.closed();
return raw.getRawOption(option);
void setRawOption(RawSocketOption option) {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw == null) throw const SocketException.closed();
int get port {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw == null) throw const SocketException.closed();
return raw.port;
InternetAddress get address {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw == null) throw const SocketException.closed();
return raw.address;
int get remotePort {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw == null) throw const SocketException.closed();
return raw.remotePort;
InternetAddress get remoteAddress {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw == null) throw const SocketException.closed();
return raw.remoteAddress;
Future _detachRaw() {
_detachReady = new Completer();
return _detachReady.future.then((_) {
assert(_consumer.buffer == null);
var raw = _raw;
_raw = null;
return [raw, _subscription];
// Ensure a subscription on the raw socket. Both the stream and the
// consumer needs a subscription as they share the error and done
// events from the raw socket.
void _ensureRawSocketSubscription() {
final raw = _raw;
if (_subscription == null && raw != null) {
_subscription = raw.listen(_onData,
onError: _onError, onDone: _onDone, cancelOnError: true);
_closeRawSocket() {
var raw = _raw!;
_raw = null;
_closed = true;
void _onSubscriptionStateChange() {
final raw = _raw;
if (_controller.hasListener) {
// Enable read events for providing data to subscription.
if (raw != null) {
raw.readEventsEnabled = true;
} else {
_controllerClosed = true;
if (raw != null) {
void _onPauseStateChange() {
_raw?.readEventsEnabled = !_controller.isPaused;
void _onData(event) {
switch (event) {
if (_raw == null) break;
var buffer = _raw!.read();
if (buffer != null) _controller.add(buffer);
case RawSocketEvent.write:
case RawSocketEvent.readClosed:
_controllerClosed = true;
void _onDone() {
if (!_controllerClosed) {
_controllerClosed = true;
void _onError(error, stackTrace) {
if (!_controllerClosed) {
_controllerClosed = true;
_controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
_consumer.done(error, stackTrace);
int _write(List<int> data, int offset, int length) {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw != null) {
return raw.write(data, offset, length);
return 0;
void _enableWriteEvent() {
_raw?.writeEventsEnabled = true;
void _disableWriteEvent() {
_raw?.writeEventsEnabled = false;
void _consumerDone() {
if (_detachReady != null) {
} else {
final raw = _raw;
if (raw != null) {
void set _owner(owner) {
// Note: _raw can be _RawSocket and _RawSecureSocket which are two
// incompatible types.
(_raw as dynamic)._owner = owner;
class RawDatagramSocket {
static Future<RawDatagramSocket> bind(host, int port,
{bool reuseAddress: true, bool reusePort: false, int ttl: 1}) {
return _RawDatagramSocket.bind(host, port, reuseAddress, reusePort, ttl);
class _RawDatagramSocket extends Stream<RawSocketEvent>
implements RawDatagramSocket {
_NativeSocket _socket;
late StreamController<RawSocketEvent> _controller;
bool _readEventsEnabled = true;
bool _writeEventsEnabled = true;
_RawDatagramSocket(this._socket) {
var zone = Zone.current;
_controller = new StreamController<RawSocketEvent>(
sync: true,
onListen: _onSubscriptionStateChange,
onCancel: _onSubscriptionStateChange,
onPause: _onPauseStateChange,
onResume: _onPauseStateChange);
read: () => _controller.add(,
write: () {
// The write event handler is automatically disabled by the
// event handler when it fires.
writeEventsEnabled = false;
closed: () => _controller.add(RawSocketEvent.readClosed),
destroyed: () {
error: zone.bindBinaryCallbackGuarded((Object e, StackTrace? st) {
_controller.addError(e, st);
static Future<RawDatagramSocket> bind(
host, int port, bool reuseAddress, bool reusePort, int ttl) {
return _NativeSocket.bindDatagram(host, port, reuseAddress, reusePort, ttl)
.then((socket) {
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
socket.nativeGetSocketId(), _udpSocket, socket.address, port);
return _RawDatagramSocket(socket);
StreamSubscription<RawSocketEvent> listen(void onData(RawSocketEvent event)?,
{Function? onError, void onDone()?, bool? cancelOnError}) {
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Future close() => _socket.close().then<RawDatagramSocket>((_) {
if (!const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.vm.product")) {
_socket.nativeGetSocketId(), _SocketProfileType.endTime);
return this;
int send(List<int> buffer, InternetAddress address, int port) =>
_socket.send(buffer, 0, buffer.length, address, port);
Datagram? receive() {
return _socket.receive();
void joinMulticast(InternetAddress group, [NetworkInterface? interface]) {
_socket.joinMulticast(group, interface);
void leaveMulticast(InternetAddress group, [NetworkInterface? interface]) {
_socket.leaveMulticast(group, interface);
bool get readEventsEnabled => _readEventsEnabled;
void set readEventsEnabled(bool value) {
if (value != _readEventsEnabled) {
_readEventsEnabled = value;
if (!_controller.isPaused) _resume();
bool get writeEventsEnabled => _writeEventsEnabled;
void set writeEventsEnabled(bool value) {
if (value != _writeEventsEnabled) {
_writeEventsEnabled = value;
if (!_controller.isPaused) _resume();
bool get multicastLoopback =>
void set multicastLoopback(bool value) =>
_socket.setOption(SocketOption._ipMulticastLoop, value);
int get multicastHops => _socket.getOption(SocketOption._ipMulticastHops);
void set multicastHops(int value) =>
_socket.setOption(SocketOption._ipMulticastHops, value);
NetworkInterface get multicastInterface => throw UnimplementedError();
void set multicastInterface(NetworkInterface? value) =>
throw UnimplementedError();
bool get broadcastEnabled => _socket.getOption(SocketOption._ipBroadcast);
void set broadcastEnabled(bool value) =>
_socket.setOption(SocketOption._ipBroadcast, value);
int get port => _socket.port;
InternetAddress get address => _socket.address;
_pause() {
_socket.setListening(read: false, write: false);
void _resume() {
_socket.setListening(read: _readEventsEnabled, write: _writeEventsEnabled);
void _onPauseStateChange() {
if (_controller.isPaused) {
} else {
void _onSubscriptionStateChange() {
if (_controller.hasListener) {
} else {
Uint8List getRawOption(RawSocketOption option) =>
void setRawOption(RawSocketOption option) => _socket.setRawOption(option);
@pragma("vm:entry-point", "call")
Datagram _makeDatagram(
Uint8List data, String address, Uint8List in_addr, int port, int type) {
return new Datagram(
_InternetAddress(InternetAddressType._from(type), address, null, in_addr),