blob: badaf3a8467fdda666321625415da6c631962ed1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library source.package_map_resolver;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/asserts.dart' as asserts;
* A [UriResolver] implementation for the `package:` scheme that uses a map of
* package names to their directories.
class PackageMapUriResolver extends UriResolver {
* The name of the `package` scheme.
static const String PACKAGE_SCHEME = "package";
* A table mapping package names to the path of the directories containing
* the package.
final Map<String, List<Folder>> packageMap;
* The [ResourceProvider] for this resolver.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
* Create a new [PackageMapUriResolver].
* [packageMap] is a table mapping package names to the paths of the
* directories containing the package
PackageMapUriResolver(this.resourceProvider, this.packageMap) {
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri) {
if (!isPackageUri(uri)) {
return null;
// Prepare path.
String path = uri.path;
// Prepare path components.
int index = path.indexOf('/');
if (index == -1 || index == 0) {
return null;
// <pkgName>/<relPath>
String pkgName = path.substring(0, index);
String relPath = path.substring(index + 1);
// Try to find an existing file.
List<Folder> packageDirs = packageMap[pkgName];
if (packageDirs != null) {
for (Folder packageDir in packageDirs) {
if (packageDir.exists) {
Resource result = packageDir.getChild(relPath);
if (result is File && result.exists) {
return result.createSource(uri);
// Return a NonExistingSource instance.
// This helps provide more meaningful error messages to users
// (a missing file error, as opposed to an invalid URI error).
return new NonExistingSource(uri.toString(), UriKind.PACKAGE_URI);
Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) {
String sourcePath = source.fullName;
for (String pkgName in packageMap.keys) {
List<Folder> pkgFolders = packageMap[pkgName];
for (Folder pkgFolder in pkgFolders) {
String pkgFolderPath = pkgFolder.path;
if (sourcePath.startsWith(pkgFolderPath)) {
String relPath = sourcePath.substring(pkgFolderPath.length);
return new Uri(path: '$PACKAGE_SCHEME:$pkgName$relPath');
return null;
* Returns `true` if [uri] is a `package` URI.
static bool isPackageUri(Uri uri) {
return uri.scheme == PACKAGE_SCHEME;