blob: 12a59f2183b8be3d125cb8fbc21d5035b17b5834 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test megamorphic calls.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class A {
A() {}
f1() { return 1; }
f2() { return 2; }
f3() { return 3; }
f4() { return 4; }
f5() { return 5; }
f6() { return 6; }
f7() { return 7; }
f8() { return 8; }
f9() { return 9; }
f11() { return 11; }
f12() { return 12; }
f13() { return 13; }
f14() { return 14; }
f15() { return 15; }
f16() { return 16; }
f17() { return 17; }
f18() { return 18; }
f19() { return 19; }
f20() { return 20; }
f21() { return 21; }
f22() { return 22; }
f23() { return 23; }
f24() { return 24; }
f25() { return 25; }
f26() { return 26; }
f27() { return 27; }
f28() { return 28; }
f29() { return 29; }
f30() { return 30; }
f31() { return 31; }
f32() { return 32; }
f33() { return 33; }
f34() { return 34; }
f35() { return 35; }
f36() { return 36; }
f37() { return 37; }
f38() { return 38; }
f39() { return 39; }
class B extends A {
B() : super() {}
class ManyCallsTest {
static testMain() {
var list = new List(10);
for (int i = 0; i < (list.length ~/ 2) ; i++) {
list[i] = new A();
for (int i = (list.length ~/ 2); i < list.length; i++) {
list[i] = new B();
for (int loop = 0; loop < 7; loop++) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
Expect.equals(1, list[i].f1());
Expect.equals(2, list[i].f2());
Expect.equals(3, list[i].f3());
Expect.equals(4, list[i].f4());
Expect.equals(5, list[i].f5());
Expect.equals(6, list[i].f6());
Expect.equals(7, list[i].f7());
Expect.equals(8, list[i].f8());
Expect.equals(9, list[i].f9());
Expect.equals(11, list[i].f11());
Expect.equals(12, list[i].f12());
Expect.equals(13, list[i].f13());
Expect.equals(14, list[i].f14());
Expect.equals(15, list[i].f15());
Expect.equals(16, list[i].f16());
Expect.equals(17, list[i].f17());
Expect.equals(18, list[i].f18());
Expect.equals(19, list[i].f19());
Expect.equals(20, list[i].f20());
Expect.equals(21, list[i].f21());
Expect.equals(22, list[i].f22());
Expect.equals(23, list[i].f23());
Expect.equals(24, list[i].f24());
Expect.equals(25, list[i].f25());
Expect.equals(26, list[i].f26());
Expect.equals(27, list[i].f27());
Expect.equals(28, list[i].f28());
Expect.equals(29, list[i].f29());
Expect.equals(30, list[i].f30());
Expect.equals(31, list[i].f31());
Expect.equals(32, list[i].f32());
Expect.equals(33, list[i].f33());
Expect.equals(34, list[i].f34());
Expect.equals(35, list[i].f35());
Expect.equals(36, list[i].f36());
Expect.equals(37, list[i].f37());
Expect.equals(38, list[i].f38());
Expect.equals(39, list[i].f39());
main() {