blob: 387f35001a2f442f0297a2e0b9e6e7874d6e095f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
[ $compiler == dart2analyzer ]
#argument_definition_test/01: fail # issue 11565 (passing for the wrong reason)
# test issue 11581, it is not warning to call dynamic
call_through_getter_test: fail
# test issue 11582, non-final field with 'const' constructor
compile_time_constant10_test/none: fail
# test issue 11583, int is valid key for constant map literal
compile_time_constant_c_test/01: fail
# test issue 11589, export D from 2 export directives
export_cyclic_test: fail
# test issue 11580, Function is not a malformed type
black_listed_test/11: fail
# test issue 11584, positional arguments cannot be used for named parameters
compile_time_constant_e_test: fail
# test issue 11585, static warning, not negative test
constructor3_negative_test: fail # issue 11585
constructor_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: fail
instance_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: fail
# test issue 11586, Class(args) is compile-time warning, not error
constructor_negative_test: fail
# test issue 11590, runtime only negative test
field_method4_negative_test: fail
# test issue 11591, assigning to the final variable is warning, not error
final_for_in_variable_test/01: fail
final_param_negative_test: fail
final_var_negative_test: fail
final_variable_assignment_test/01: fail
final_variable_assignment_test/02: fail
final_variable_assignment_test/03: fail
final_variable_assignment_test/04: fail
getter_no_setter_test/01: fail
# test issue 11592, Function type alias (typedef) is not a constant
first_class_types_constants_test: fail
# test issue 11594, Reference to a not resolve identifier is static warning
import_combinators_negative_test: fail
interface_static_non_final_fields_negative_test: fail
# test issue 11595, It is static warning to create instance (new) of the malformed type
instantiate_type_variable_negative_test: fail
# test issue 11596. e is Unknown is not a compile time error
is_not_class2_negative_test: fail
# test issue 11597, It is a compile-time error if part has no "part of" directive
library_juxtaposition_test: fail
# test issue 11598, Any use of a malbounded type gives rise to a static warning
mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/01: fail
mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/02: fail
mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/05: fail
illegal_invocation_test/01: fail # Issue: 11892
# TBF: a.imethod = () { return 1; };
assign_instance_method_negative_test: fail
# TBF: m([int p = 'String'])
assign_static_type_test/06: fail
# TBD: using built-in identifers
built_in_identifier_prefix_test: fail
# TBF: (o as C) is not rolled back
cast_test/04: fail
cast_test/05: fail
# TBF: It is a compile-time error if the superclass of a class C appears in the implements clause of C.
closure_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: fail
const_constructor_super_test/01: fail
compile_time_constant10_test/none: fail
compile_time_constant_c_test/01: fail
# Runtime negative test. No static errors or warnings.
closure_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: skip
# TBF: m([int p = 'String']) and call 'const' instance creation
compile_time_constant_checked2_test/03: fail
compile_time_constant_checked3_test/03: fail
# TBF: not initialized final instance variable
constructor2_negative_test: fail
constructor3_negative_test: fail
constructor_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: fail
constructor_initializer_test: fail # uses argument definition test
constructor_negative_test: fail
# TBF: It is a static type warning if a type parameter is a supertype of its upper bound.
cyclic_type_variable_test/01: fail
cyclic_type_variable_test/02: fail
cyclic_type_variable_test/03: fail
cyclic_type_variable_test/04: fail
# TBF: It is a static type warning if any of the type arguments to k' are not subtypes of the bounds of the corresponding formal type parameters of type.
default_factory2_test/01: fail
# TBF: It is a static warning if the function type of k' is not a subtype of the type of k.
default_implementation2_test: fail
# TBD: F-bounded quantification
f_bounded_quantification_test/01: fail
f_bounded_quantification_test/02: fail
named_parameters_aggregated_test/03: fail
no_such_method_negative_test: fail
non_const_super_negative_test: fail
number_identifier_negative_test: fail
override_field_test/01: fail
override_field_test/02: fail
override_field_test/03: fail
prefix10_negative_test: fail
prefix11_negative_test: fail
prefix12_negative_test: fail
prefix1_negative_test: fail
prefix2_negative_test: fail
prefix4_negative_test: fail
prefix5_negative_test: fail
prefix6_negative_test: fail
prefix8_negative_test: fail
prefix9_negative_test: fail
private_member1_negative_test: fail
private_member2_negative_test: fail
private_member3_negative_test: fail
pseudo_kw_illegal_test/14: fail
pseudo_kw_test: fail
scope_negative_test: fail
static_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: fail
static_field_test/01: fail
static_field_test/02: fail
static_field_test/03: fail
static_final_field2_negative_test: fail
static_final_field_negative_test: fail
syntax_test/28: fail
syntax_test/29: fail
syntax_test/30: fail
syntax_test/31: fail
syntax_test/32: fail
syntax_test/33: fail
throw7_negative_test: fail
type_error_test: fail
type_parameter_test/none: fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/00: fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/01: fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/02: fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/03: fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/04: fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/06: fail
type_variable_static_context_negative_test: fail
unresolved_in_factory_negative_test: fail
unresolved_top_level_method_negative_test: fail
unresolved_top_level_var_negative_test: fail
# test issue 10683, It is a compile-time error if e refers to the name v or the name v=.
block_scope_test: fail
lazy_static3_test: fail
# test issue 10752, there are 'implicit' scopes for 'if', 'while' and 'do-while'
implicit_scope_test: fail
# test issue 10889, "throw" requires expression, "rethrow" should be used instead
execute_finally10_test: fail
execute_finally11_test: fail
final_used_in_try_test: fail
full_stacktrace2_test: fail
stack_trace_test: fail
throw3_test: fail
try_catch3_test: fail
# test issue 10890; on-catch UnknownType is a static warning, not error
try_catch_on_syntax_test/01: fail
try_catch_on_syntax_test/07: fail
try_catch_syntax_test/08: fail
# test issue 10899; it is static warning, not error, to call methods of class literal
class_literal_test/02: fail
class_literal_test/05: fail
class_literal_test/07: fail
class_literal_test/10: fail
class_literal_test/11: fail
class_literal_test/12: fail
class_literal_test/14: fail
class_literal_test/17: fail
class_literal_test/18: fail
class_literal_test/19: fail
class_literal_test/22: fail
class_literal_test/23: fail
class_literal_test/24: fail
class_literal_test/27: fail
class_literal_test/28: fail
class_literal_test/29: fail
class_literal_test/none: fail
# Test issue 11124, Uninitialized finals are warnings not errors
field3a_negative_test: fail
const_syntax_test/01: fail
const_syntax_test/04: fail
const_syntax_test/02: fail
const_syntax_test/03: fail
final_syntax_test/01: fail
final_syntax_test/04: fail
final_syntax_test/02: fail
final_syntax_test/03: fail
# Test issue 11123, Only static fields can be declared as 'const'
const_escape_frog_test: fail
compile_time_constant_test/none: fail
# Test issue 11544, using @TypeName as annotation is not valid
inferrer_constructor2_test: fail
inferrer_constructor3_test: fail
multiple_field_assignment_constructor_test: fail
# Test issue 11545, using not existing constructor name in annotation
metadata_test: fail
# Test issue 11564, named parameter starts with '_'
named_parameters_with_object_property_names_test: fail
method_override2_test/00: fail # issue 11497
method_override2_test/01: fail # issue 11497
method_override2_test/02: fail # issue 11497
method_override2_test/03: fail # issue 11497
method_override3_test/00: fail # issue 11497
method_override3_test/01: fail # issue 11497
method_override3_test/02: fail # issue 11497
method_override4_test: fail # issue 11497
method_override5_test: fail # issue 11497
method_override6_test: fail # issue 11497
# testing framework problem: we do report warning, framework does not understand it
# may be will fix this
type_variable_bounds_test/08: fail
wrong_number_type_arguments_test/01: fail
# test issue 11575, classes with abstrac members are not marked as abstract
abstract_factory_constructor_test/none: fail
abstract_syntax_test/none: fail
get_set_syntax_test/none: fail
implicit_this_test/none: fail
interface_test/none: fail
syntax_test/none: fail
# test issue 11576
bad_constructor_test/none: fail
# test issue 11577, has return type for []=
cascade_test/none: fail
# test issue 11578, redirecting factory with not subtype
factory5_test/none: fail
factory_redirection_test/none: fail
type_variable_bounds_test/none: fail
type_variable_scope_test/none: fail
factory_implementation_test/none: fail
# test issue 11579, assignment, no setter
getter_no_setter_test/none: fail
# issue 11918: mixin and const constructor
const_constructor_mixin_test/01: fail
const_constructor_mixin3_test/01: fail
[ $compiler == dart2analyzer && $checked ]
factory1_test/00: fail
factory1_test/01: fail
field_type_check2_test/01: fail
factory_implementation_test/00: fail
factory_redirection_test/08: fail
factory_redirection_test/09: fail
factory_redirection_test/10: fail
factory_redirection_test/11: fail
factory_redirection_test/12: fail
factory_redirection_test/13: fail
factory_redirection_test/14: fail
getters_setters2_test/03: fail
type_variable_bounds3_test/00: fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/05: fail
type_variable_scope_test/00: fail
type_variable_scope_test/01: fail
type_variable_scope_test/02: fail
type_variable_scope_test/03: fail
type_variable_scope_test/04: fail
type_variable_scope_test/05: fail