blob: 73f95fb4460e71401bbea5b7c160e563980239dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart._js_helper;
// Helper method used by internal libraries.
regExpGetNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) => regexp._nativeRegExp;
* Returns a native version of the RegExp with the global flag set.
* The RegExp's `lastIndex` property is zero when it is returned.
* The returned regexp is shared, and its `lastIndex` property may be
* modified by other uses, so the returned regexp must be used immediately
* when it's returned, with no user-provided code run in between.
regExpGetGlobalNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) {
var nativeRegexp = regexp._nativeGlobalVersion;
JS("void", "#.lastIndex = 0", nativeRegexp);
return nativeRegexp;
* Computes the number of captures in a regexp.
* This currently involves creating a new RegExp object with a different
* source and running it against the empty string (the last part is usually
* fast).
* The JSSyntaxRegExp could cache the result, and set the cache any time
* it finds a match.
int regExpCaptureCount(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) {
var nativeAnchoredRegExp = regexp._nativeAnchoredVersion;
JSExtendableArray match =
JS('JSExtendableArray', "#.exec('')", nativeAnchoredRegExp);
// The native-anchored regexp always have one capture more than the original,
// and always matches the empty string.
return match.length - 2;
class JSSyntaxRegExp implements RegExp {
final String pattern;
final _nativeRegExp;
var _nativeGlobalRegExp;
var _nativeAnchoredRegExp;
String toString() =>
'RegExp/$pattern/' + JS<String>('!', '#.flags', _nativeRegExp);
JSSyntaxRegExp(String source,
{bool multiLine = false,
bool caseSensitive = true,
bool unicode = false,
bool dotAll = false})
: this.pattern = source,
this._nativeRegExp = makeNative(
source, multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode, dotAll, false);
get _nativeGlobalVersion {
if (_nativeGlobalRegExp != null) return _nativeGlobalRegExp;
return _nativeGlobalRegExp = makeNative(
pattern, _isMultiLine, _isCaseSensitive, _isUnicode, _isDotAll, true);
get _nativeAnchoredVersion {
if (_nativeAnchoredRegExp != null) return _nativeAnchoredRegExp;
// An "anchored version" of a regexp is created by adding "|()" to the
// source. This means that the regexp always matches at the first position
// that it tries, and you can see if the original regexp matched, or it
// was the added zero-width match that matched, by looking at the last
// capture. If it is a String, the match participated, otherwise it didn't.
return _nativeAnchoredRegExp = makeNative("$pattern|()", _isMultiLine,
_isCaseSensitive, _isUnicode, _isDotAll, true);
bool get _isMultiLine => JS("bool", "#.multiline", _nativeRegExp);
bool get _isCaseSensitive => JS("bool", "!#.ignoreCase", _nativeRegExp);
bool get _isUnicode => JS("bool", "#.unicode", _nativeRegExp);
// The "dotAll" property is not available on all browsers, but our internals
// currently assume this is non-null. Coerce to false if not present.
bool get _isDotAll => JS("bool", "#.dotAll == true", _nativeRegExp);
static makeNative(@nullCheck String source, bool multiLine,
bool caseSensitive, bool unicode, bool dotAll, bool global) {
String m = multiLine ? 'm' : '';
String i = caseSensitive ? '' : 'i';
String u = unicode ? 'u' : '';
String s = dotAll ? 's' : '';
String g = global ? 'g' : '';
// We're using the JavaScript's try catch instead of the Dart one
// to avoid dragging in Dart runtime support just because of using
// RegExp.
var regexp = JS(
'(function() {'
'try {'
'return new RegExp(#, # + # + # + # + #);'
'} catch (e) {'
'return e;'
if (JS<bool>('!', '# instanceof RegExp', regexp)) return regexp;
// The returned value is the JavaScript exception. Turn it into a
// Dart exception.
String errorMessage = JS<String>('!', r'String(#)', regexp);
throw FormatException("Illegal RegExp pattern: $source, $errorMessage");
RegExpMatch? firstMatch(@nullCheck String string) {
// This isn't reified List<String?>?, but it's safe to use as long as we use
// it locally and don't expose it to user code.
var m = JS<List<String?>?>('', r'#.exec(#)', _nativeRegExp, string);
if (m == null) return null;
return _MatchImplementation(this, m);
bool hasMatch(@nullCheck String string) {
return JS<bool>('!', r'#.test(#)', _nativeRegExp, string);
String? stringMatch(String string) {
var match = firstMatch(string);
if (match != null) return;
return null;
Iterable<RegExpMatch> allMatches(@nullCheck String string,
[@nullCheck int start = 0]) {
if (start < 0 || start > string.length) {
throw RangeError.range(start, 0, string.length);
return _AllMatchesIterable(this, string, start);
RegExpMatch? _execGlobal(String string, int start) {
Object regexp = _nativeGlobalVersion;
JS("void", "#.lastIndex = #", regexp, start);
// This isn't reified List<String?>?, but it's safe to use as long as we use
// it locally and don't expose it to user code.
var match = JS<List<String?>?>("", "#.exec(#)", regexp, string);
if (match == null) return null;
return _MatchImplementation(this, match);
RegExpMatch? _execAnchored(String string, int start) {
Object regexp = _nativeAnchoredVersion;
JS("void", "#.lastIndex = #", regexp, start);
// This isn't reified List<String?>?, but it's safe to use as long as we use
// it locally and don't expose it to user code.
var match = JS<List<String?>?>("", "#.exec(#)", regexp, string);
if (match == null) return null;
// If the last capture group participated, the original regexp did not
// match at the start position.
if (match[match.length - 1] != null) return null;
match.length -= 1;
return _MatchImplementation(this, match);
Match? matchAsPrefix(String string, [int start = 0]) {
if (start < 0 || start > string.length) {
throw RangeError.range(start, 0, string.length);
return _execAnchored(string, start);
bool get isMultiLine => _isMultiLine;
bool get isCaseSensitive => _isCaseSensitive;
bool get isUnicode => _isUnicode;
bool get isDotAll => _isDotAll;
class _MatchImplementation implements RegExpMatch {
final Pattern pattern;
// Contains a JS RegExp match object that is an Array with extra "index" and
// "input" properties. The array contains Strings but the values at indices
// related to capture groups can be undefined.
// This isn't reified List<String?>, but it's safe to use as long as we use
// it locally and don't expose it to user code.
final List<String?> _match;
_MatchImplementation(this.pattern, this._match) {
assert(JS("var", "#.input", _match) is String);
assert(JS("var", "#.index", _match) is int);
String get input => JS("String", "#.input", _match);
int get start => JS("int", "#.index", _match);
int get end => start + _match[0]!.length;
String? group(int index) => _match[index];
String? operator [](int index) => group(index);
int get groupCount => _match.length - 1;
List<String?> groups(List<int> groups) {
List<String?> out = [];
for (int i in groups) {
return out;
String? namedGroup(String name) {
var groups = JS<Object?>('Object|Null', '#.groups', _match);
if (groups != null) {
var result = JS<String?>('', '#[#]', groups, name);
if (result != null || JS<bool>('!', '# in #', name, groups)) {
return result;
throw ArgumentError.value(name, "name", "Not a capture group name");
Iterable<String> get groupNames {
var groups = JS<Object?>('Object|Null', '#.groups', _match);
if (groups != null) {
var keys = JSArray<String>.of(JS('', 'Object.keys(#)', groups));
return SubListIterable(keys, 0, null);
return Iterable.empty();
class _AllMatchesIterable extends IterableBase<RegExpMatch> {
final JSSyntaxRegExp _re;
final String _string;
final int _start;
_AllMatchesIterable(this._re, this._string, this._start);
Iterator<RegExpMatch> get iterator =>
_AllMatchesIterator(_re, _string, _start);
class _AllMatchesIterator implements Iterator<RegExpMatch> {
final JSSyntaxRegExp _regExp;
String? _string;
int _nextIndex;
RegExpMatch? _current;
_AllMatchesIterator(this._regExp, this._string, this._nextIndex);
RegExpMatch get current => _current as RegExpMatch;
static bool _isLeadSurrogate(int c) {
return c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdbff;
static bool _isTrailSurrogate(int c) {
return c >= 0xdc00 && c <= 0xdfff;
bool moveNext() {
var string = _string;
if (string == null) return false;
if (_nextIndex <= string.length) {
var match = _regExp._execGlobal(string, _nextIndex);
if (match != null) {
_current = match;
int nextIndex = match.end;
if (match.start == nextIndex) {
// Zero-width match. Advance by one more, unless the regexp
// is in unicode mode and it would put us within a surrogate
// pair. In that case, advance past the code point as a whole.
if (_regExp.isUnicode &&
_nextIndex + 1 < string.length &&
_isLeadSurrogate(string.codeUnitAt(_nextIndex)) &&
_isTrailSurrogate(string.codeUnitAt(_nextIndex + 1))) {
_nextIndex = nextIndex;
return true;
_current = null;
_string = null; // Marks iteration as ended.
return false;
/** Find the first match of [regExp] in [string] at or after [start]. */
RegExpMatch? firstMatchAfter(JSSyntaxRegExp regExp, String string, int start) {
return regExp._execGlobal(string, start);