blob: 65766534c7bd784b2b16586d4e0f18d140fc1280 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart._isolate_helper;
import 'dart:_runtime' as dart;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
/// Deprecated way of initializing `main()` in DDC, typically called from JS.
void startRootIsolate(main, args) {
if (args == null) args = <String>[];
if (args is List) {
if (args is! List<String>) args = List<String>.from(args);
// DDC attaches signatures only when torn off, and the typical way of
// getting `main` via the JS ABI won't do this. So use JS to invoke main.
if (JS<bool>('!', 'typeof # == "function"', main)) {
// JS will ignore extra arguments.
JS('', '#(#, #)', main, args, null);
} else {
// Not a function. Use a dynamic call to throw an error.
(main as dynamic)(args);
} else {
throw ArgumentError("Arguments to main must be a List: $args");
// TODO(vsm): Other libraries import global from here. Consider replacing
// those uses to just refer to the one in dart:runtime.
final global = dart.global_;
class TimerImpl implements Timer {
final bool _once;
int? _handle;
int _tick = 0;
TimerImpl(int milliseconds, void callback()) : _once = true {
if (hasTimer()) {
int currentHotRestartIteration = dart.hotRestartIteration;
void internalCallback() {
_handle = null;
_tick = 1;
if (currentHotRestartIteration == dart.hotRestartIteration) {
_handle = JS(
'int', '#.setTimeout(#, #)', global, internalCallback, milliseconds);
} else {
throw UnsupportedError("`setTimeout()` not found.");
TimerImpl.periodic(int milliseconds, void callback(Timer timer))
: _once = false {
if (hasTimer()) {
int start = JS<int>('!', '');
int currentHotRestartIteration = dart.hotRestartIteration;
_handle = JS<int>('!', '#.setInterval(#, #)', global, () {
if (currentHotRestartIteration != dart.hotRestartIteration) {
int tick = this._tick + 1;
if (milliseconds > 0) {
int duration = JS<int>('!', '') - start;
if (duration > (tick + 1) * milliseconds) {
tick = duration ~/ milliseconds;
this._tick = tick;
}, milliseconds);
} else {
throw UnsupportedError("Periodic timer.");
int get tick => _tick;
void cancel() {
if (hasTimer()) {
if (_handle == null) return;
if (_once) {
JS('void', '#.clearTimeout(#)', global, _handle);
} else {
JS('void', '#.clearInterval(#)', global, _handle);
_handle = null;
} else {
throw UnsupportedError("Canceling a timer.");
bool get isActive => _handle != null;
bool hasTimer() {
return JS('', '#.setTimeout', global) != null;