blob: 467e012218298e66a3cb822bb1386b115301f158 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart._debugger;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSArray;
import 'dart:_js_helper' show InternalMap;
import 'dart:_runtime' as dart;
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math';
part 'profile.dart';
/// JsonMLConfig object to pass to devtools to specify how an Object should
/// be displayed. skipDart signals that an object should not be formatted
/// by the Dart formatter. This is used to specify that an Object
/// should just be displayed using the regular JavaScript view instead of a
/// custom Dart view. For example, this is used to display the JavaScript view
/// of a Dart Function as a child of the regular Function object. keyToString
/// signals that a map key object should have its toString() displayed by
/// the Dart formatter.
/// We'd like this to be an enum, but we can't because it's a dev_compiler bug.
class JsonMLConfig {
const JsonMLConfig(;
final String name;
static const none = JsonMLConfig("none");
static const skipDart = JsonMLConfig("skipDart");
static const keyToString = JsonMLConfig("keyToString");
static const asClass = JsonMLConfig("asClass");
static const asObject = JsonMLConfig("asObject");
static const asMap = JsonMLConfig("asMap");
toString() => "JsonMLConfig($name)";
int _maxSpanLength = 100;
var _devtoolsFormatter = JsonMLFormatter(DartFormatter());
/// We truncate a toString() longer than [maxStringLength].
int maxFormatterStringLength = 100;
String _typeof(object) => JS<String>('!', 'typeof #', object);
List<String> getOwnPropertyNames(object) =>
List getOwnPropertySymbols(object) =>
JS('List', 'Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(#)', object);
// TODO(jacobr): move this to dart:js and fully implement.
class JSNative {
// Name may be a String or a Symbol.
static getProperty(object, name) => JS('', '#[#]', object, name);
// Name may be a String or a Symbol.
static setProperty(object, name, value) =>
JS('', '#[#]=#', object, name, value);
void addMetadataChildren(object, Set<NameValuePair> ret) {
name: "[[class]]",
value: dart.getReifiedType(object),
config: JsonMLConfig.asClass));
/// Add properties from a signature definition [sig] for [object].
/// Walk the prototype chain if [walkProtypeChain] is set.
/// Tag types on function typed properties of [object] if [tagTypes] is set.
void addPropertiesFromSignature(
sig, Set<NameValuePair> properties, object, bool walkPrototypeChain,
{tagTypes = false}) {
// Including these property names doesn't add any value and just clutters
// the debugger output.
// TODO(jacobr): consider adding runtimeType to this list.
var skippedNames = Set()..add('hashCode');
var objectPrototype = JS('', 'Object.prototype');
while (sig != null && !identical(sig, objectPrototype)) {
for (var symbol in getOwnPropertySymbols(sig)) {
var dartName = symbolName(symbol);
String dartXPrefix = 'dartx.';
if (dartName.startsWith(dartXPrefix)) {
dartName = dartName.substring(dartXPrefix.length);
if (skippedNames.contains(dartName)) continue;
var value = safeGetProperty(object, symbol);
// Tag the function with its runtime type.
if (tagTypes && _typeof(value) == 'function') {
dart.fn(value, JS('', '#[#]', sig, symbol));
properties.add(NameValuePair(name: dartName, value: value));
for (var name in getOwnPropertyNames(sig)) {
var value = safeGetProperty(object, name);
if (skippedNames.contains(name)) continue;
// Tag the function with its runtime type.
if (tagTypes && _typeof(value) == 'function') {
dart.fn(value, JS('', '#[#]', sig, name));
properties.add(NameValuePair(name: name, value: value));
if (!walkPrototypeChain) break;
sig = dart.getPrototypeOf(sig);
/// Sort properties sorting public names before private names.
List<NameValuePair> sortProperties(Iterable<NameValuePair> properties) {
var sortedProperties = properties.toList();
sortedProperties.sort((a, b) {
var aPrivate ='_');
var bPrivate ='_');
if (aPrivate != bPrivate) return aPrivate ? 1 : -1;
return sortedProperties;
String getObjectTypeName(object) {
var reifiedType = dart.getReifiedType(object);
if (reifiedType == null) {
if (_typeof(object) == 'function') {
return '[[Raw JavaScript Function]]';
return '<Error getting type name>';
return getTypeName(reifiedType);
String getTypeName(type) {
// TODO(jacobr): it would be nice if there was a way we could distinguish
// between a List<dynamic> created from Dart and an Array passed in from
// JavaScript.
return dart.typeName(type);
String safePreview(object, config) {
try {
var preview = _devtoolsFormatter._simpleFormatter.preview(object, config);
if (preview != null) return preview;
return object.toString();
} catch (e) {
return '<Exception thrown> $e';
String symbolName(symbol) {
var name = symbol.toString();
return name.substring('Symbol('.length, name.length - 1);
bool hasMethod(object, String name) {
try {
return dart.hasMethod(object, name);
} catch (e) {
return false;
/// [JsonMLFormatter] consumes [NameValuePair] objects and
class NameValuePair {
{ = '',
this.config = JsonMLConfig.none,
this.hideName = false});
// Define equality and hashCode so that NameValuePair can be used
// in a Set to dedupe entries with duplicate names.
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! NameValuePair) return false;
if (this.hideName || other.hideName) return identical(this, other);
return == name;
int get hashCode => name.hashCode;
final String name;
final Object? value;
final JsonMLConfig config;
final bool hideName;
String get displayName => hideName ? '' : name;
class MapEntry {
MapEntry({this.key, this.value});
final Object? key;
final Object? value;
class IterableSpan {
IterableSpan(this.start, this.end, this.iterable);
final int start;
final int end;
final Iterable iterable;
int get length => end - start;
/// Using length - .5, a list of length 10000 results in a
/// maxPowerOfSubsetSize of 1, so the list will be broken up into 100,
/// 100-length subsets. A list of length 10001 results in a
/// maxPowerOfSubsetSize of 2, so the list will be broken up into 1
/// 10000-length subset and 1 1-length subset.
int get maxPowerOfSubsetSize =>
(log(length - .5) / log(_maxSpanLength)).truncate();
int get subsetSize => pow(_maxSpanLength, maxPowerOfSubsetSize).toInt();
Map<int, dynamic> asMap() =>
List<NameValuePair> children() {
var children = <NameValuePair>[];
if (length <= _maxSpanLength) {
asMap().forEach((i, element) {
.add(NameValuePair(name: (i + start).toString(), value: element));
} else {
for (var i = start; i < end; i += subsetSize) {
var subSpan = IterableSpan(i, min(end, subsetSize + i), iterable);
if (subSpan.length == 1) {
NameValuePair(name: i.toString(), value: iterable.elementAt(i)));
} else {
name: '[${i}...${subSpan.end - 1}]',
value: subSpan,
hideName: true));
return children;
class Library {
Library(, this.object);
final String name;
final Object object;
class NamedConstructor {
final Object object;
class HeritageClause {
HeritageClause(, this.types);
final String name;
final List types;
Object? safeGetProperty(Object protoChain, Object name) {
try {
return JSNative.getProperty(protoChain, name);
} catch (e) {
return '<Exception thrown> $e';
safeProperties(object) => Map.fromIterable(
.where((each) => safeGetProperty(object, each) != null),
key: (name) => name,
value: (name) => safeGetProperty(object, name));
/// Class to simplify building the JsonML objects expected by the
/// Devtools Formatter API.
class JsonMLElement {
dynamic _attributes;
late List _jsonML;
JsonMLElement(tagName) {
_attributes = JS('', '{}');
_jsonML = [tagName, _attributes];
appendChild(element) {
JsonMLElement createChild(String tagName) {
var c = JsonMLElement(tagName);
return c;
JsonMLElement createObjectTag(object) =>
createChild('object')..addAttribute('object', object);
void setStyle(String style) { = style;
addStyle(String style) {
if ( == null) { = style;
} else { += style;
addAttribute(key, value) {
JSNative.setProperty(_attributes, key, value);
createTextChild(String text) {
toJsonML() => _jsonML;
/// Whether an object is a native JavaScript type where we should display the
/// JavaScript view of the object instead of the custom Dart specific render
/// of properties.
bool isNativeJavaScriptObject(object) {
var type = _typeof(object);
if (type != 'object' && type != 'function') return true;
// Consider all regular JS objects that do not represent Dart modules native
// JavaScript objects.
if (dart.isJsInterop(object) && dart.getModuleName(object) == null) {
return true;
// Treat Node objects as a native JavaScript type as the regular DOM render
// in devtools is superior to the dart specific view.
return JS<bool>('!', '# instanceof Node', object);
/// Class implementing the Devtools Formatter API described by:
/// Specifically, a formatter implements a header, hasBody, and body method.
/// This class renders the simple structured format objects [_simpleFormatter]
/// provides as JsonML.
class JsonMLFormatter {
// TODO(jacobr): define a SimpleFormatter base class that DartFormatter
// implements if we decide to use this class elsewhere. We specify that the
// type is DartFormatter here purely to get type checking benefits not because
// this class is really intended to only support instances of type
// DartFormatter.
DartFormatter _simpleFormatter;
bool customFormattersOn = false;
void setMaxSpanLengthForTestingOnly(int spanLength) {
_maxSpanLength = spanLength;
header(object, config) {
customFormattersOn = true;
if (config == JsonMLConfig.skipDart || isNativeJavaScriptObject(object)) {
return null;
var c = _simpleFormatter.preview(object, config);
if (c == null) return null;
if (config == JsonMLConfig.keyToString) {
c = object.toString();
// Indicate this is a Dart Object by using a Dart background color.
// This is stylistically a bit ugly but it eases distinguishing Dart and
// JS objects.
var element = JsonMLElement('span')
..setStyle('background-color: #d9edf7;color: black')
return element.toJsonML();
bool hasBody(object, config) => _simpleFormatter.hasChildren(object, config);
body(object, config) {
var body = JsonMLElement('ol')
..setStyle('list-style-type: none;'
'padding-left: 0px;'
'margin-top: 0px;'
'margin-bottom: 0px;'
'margin-left: 12px;');
if (object is StackTrace) {
body.addStyle('background-color: thistle;color: rgb(196, 26, 22);');
var children = _simpleFormatter.children(object, config);
if (children == null) return body.toJsonML();
for (NameValuePair child in children) {
var li = body.createChild('li');
li.setStyle("padding-left: 13px;");
// The value is indented when it is on a different line from the name
// by setting right padding of the name to -13px and the padding of the
// value to 13px.
JsonMLElement? nameSpan;
var valueStyle = '';
if (!child.hideName) {
nameSpan = JsonMLElement('span')
child.displayName.isNotEmpty ? '${child.displayName}: ' : '')
'background-color: thistle; color: rgb(136, 19, 145); margin-right: -13px');
valueStyle = 'margin-left: 13px';
if (_typeof(child.value) == 'object' ||
_typeof(child.value) == 'function') {
var valueSpan = JsonMLElement('span')..setStyle(valueStyle);
..addAttribute('config', child.config);
if (nameSpan != null) {
} else {
var line = li.createChild('span');
if (nameSpan != null) {
..createTextChild(safePreview(child.value, child.config))
return body.toJsonML();
abstract class Formatter {
bool accept(object, config);
String? preview(object);
bool hasChildren(object);
List<NameValuePair>? children(object);
class DartFormatter {
final List<Formatter> _formatters;
: _formatters = [
// Formatters earlier in the list take precedence.
String? preview(object, config) {
try {
if (object == null ||
object is num ||
object is String ||
isNativeJavaScriptObject(object)) {
return object.toString();
for (var formatter in _formatters) {
if (formatter.accept(object, config)) return formatter.preview(object);
} catch (e, trace) {
// Log formatter internal errors as unfortunately the devtools cannot
// be used to debug formatter errors.
_printConsoleError("Caught exception $e\n trace:\n$trace");
return null;
bool hasChildren(object, config) {
if (object == null) return false;
try {
for (var formatter in _formatters) {
if (formatter.accept(object, config))
return formatter.hasChildren(object);
} catch (e, trace) {
// See comment for preview.
_printConsoleError("[hasChildren] Caught exception $e\n trace:\n$trace");
return false;
List<NameValuePair>? children(object, config) {
try {
if (object != null) {
for (var formatter in _formatters) {
if (formatter.accept(object, config))
return formatter.children(object);
} catch (e, trace) {
// See comment for preview.
_printConsoleError("Caught exception $e\n trace:\n$trace");
return <NameValuePair>[];
void _printConsoleError(String message) =>
JS('', 'window.console.error(#)', message);
/// Default formatter for Dart Objects.
class ObjectFormatter extends Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => !isNativeJavaScriptObject(object);
String preview(object) {
var typeName = getObjectTypeName(object);
try {
// An explicit toString() call might not actually be a string. This way
// we're sure.
var toString = "$object";
if (toString.length > maxFormatterStringLength) {
toString = toString.substring(0, maxFormatterStringLength - 3) + "...";
// The default toString() will be "Instance of 'Foo'", in which case we
// don't need any further indication of the class.
if (toString.contains(typeName)) {
return toString;
} else {
// If there's no class indication, e.g. an Int64 that just prints as a
// number, then add the class name.
return "$toString ($typeName)";
} catch (e) {}
// We will only get here if there was an error getting the toString, in
// which case we just use the type name.
return typeName;
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
children(object) {
var type = dart.getType(object);
var ret = LinkedHashSet<NameValuePair>();
// We use a Set rather than a List to avoid duplicates.
var fields = Set<NameValuePair>();
addPropertiesFromSignature(dart.getFields(type), fields, object, true);
var getters = Set<NameValuePair>();
addPropertiesFromSignature(dart.getGetters(type), getters, object, true);
addMetadataChildren(object, ret);
return ret.toList();
/// Show the object instance members and a reduced preview.
/// Used as a sub-entry to show the internals of objects that have a different
/// primary format. For example, a Map shows the key-value pairs, but this makes
/// the internals of the map visible for debugging.
class ObjectInternalsFormatter extends ObjectFormatter {
bool accept(object, config) =>
super.accept(object, config) && config == JsonMLConfig.asObject;
// A minimal preview because we expect a full preview is already shown in a
// parent formatter.
String preview(object) {
return getObjectTypeName(object);
/// Formatter for module Dart Library objects.
class LibraryModuleFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => dart.getModuleName(object) != null;
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
String preview(object) {
var libraryNames = dart.getModuleName(object)!.split('/');
// Library names are received with a repeat directory name, so strip the
// last directory entry here to make the path cleaner. For example, the
// library "third_party/dart/utf/utf" shoud display as
// "third_party/dart/utf/".
if (libraryNames.length > 1 &&
libraryNames.last == libraryNames[libraryNames.length - 2]) {
libraryNames[libraryNames.length - 1] = '';
return 'Library Module: ${libraryNames.join('/')}';
List<NameValuePair> children(object) {
var children = LinkedHashSet<NameValuePair>();
for (var name in getOwnPropertyNames(object)) {
var value = safeGetProperty(object, name);
name: name, value: Library(name, value!), hideName: true));
return children.toList();
class LibraryFormatter implements Formatter {
var genericParameters = HashMap<String, String>();
bool accept(object, config) => object is Library;
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
String preview(object) =>;
List<NameValuePair> children(object) {
// Maintain library member order rather than sorting members as is the
// case for class members.
var children = LinkedHashSet<NameValuePair>();
var objectProperties = safeProperties(object.object);
objectProperties.forEach((name, value) {
// Skip the generic constructors for each class as users are only
// interested in seeing the actual classes.
if (dart.getGenericTypeCtor(value) != null) return;
? classChild(name, value)
: NameValuePair(name: name, value: value));
return children.toList();
classChild(String name, Object child) {
var typeName = getTypeName(child);
return NameValuePair(
name: typeName, value: child, config: JsonMLConfig.asClass);
/// Formatter for Dart Function objects.
/// Dart functions happen to be regular JavaScript Function objects but
/// we can distinguish them based on whether they have been tagged with
/// runtime type information.
class FunctionFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) {
if (_typeof(object) != 'function') return false;
return dart.getReifiedType(object) != null;
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
String preview(object) {
// The debugger can createa a preview of a FunctionType while it's being
// constructed (before argument types exist), so we need to catch errors.
try {
return dart.typeName(dart.getReifiedType(object));
} catch (e) {
return safePreview(object, JsonMLConfig.none);
List<NameValuePair> children(object) => <NameValuePair>[
NameValuePair(name: 'signature', value: preview(object)),
name: 'JavaScript Function',
value: object,
config: JsonMLConfig.skipDart)
/// Formatter for Objects that implement Map but are not system Maps.
/// This shows two sub-views, one for instance fields and one for
/// Map key/value pairs.
class MapOverviewFormatter implements Formatter {
// Because this comes after MapFormatter in the list, internal
// maps will be picked up by that formatter.
bool accept(object, config) => object is Map;
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
String preview(object) {
Map map = object;
try {
return '${getObjectTypeName(map)}';
} catch (e) {
return safePreview(object, JsonMLConfig.none);
List<NameValuePair> children(object) => [
name: "[[instance view]]",
value: object,
config: JsonMLConfig.asObject),
name: "[[entries]]", value: object, config: JsonMLConfig.asMap)
/// Formatter for Dart Map objects.
/// This is only used for internal maps, or when shown as [[entries]]
/// from MapOverViewFormatter.
class MapFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) =>
object is InternalMap || config == JsonMLConfig.asMap;
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
String preview(object) {
Map map = object;
try {
return '${getObjectTypeName(map)} length ${map.length}';
} catch (e) {
return safePreview(object, JsonMLConfig.none);
List<NameValuePair> children(object) {
// TODO(jacobr): be lazier about enumerating contents of Maps that are not
// the build in LinkedHashMap class.
// TODO(jacobr): handle large Maps better.
Map map = object;
var entries = LinkedHashSet<NameValuePair>();
map.forEach((key, value) {
var entryWrapper = MapEntry(key: key, value: value);
NameValuePair(name: entries.length.toString(), value: entryWrapper));
addMetadataChildren(object, entries);
return entries.toList();
/// Formatter for Dart Iterable objects including List and Set.
class IterableFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => object is Iterable;
String preview(object) {
Iterable iterable = object;
try {
var length = iterable.length;
return '${getObjectTypeName(iterable)} length $length';
} catch (_) {
return '${getObjectTypeName(iterable)}';
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
List<NameValuePair> children(object) {
// TODO(jacobr): be lazier about enumerating contents of Iterables that
// are not the built in Set or List types.
// TODO(jacobr): handle large Iterables better.
// TODO(jacobr): consider only using numeric indices
var children = LinkedHashSet<NameValuePair>();
children.addAll(IterableSpan(0, object.length, object).children());
// TODO(jacobr): provide a link to show regular class properties here.
// required for subclasses of iterable, etc.
addMetadataChildren(object, children);
return children.toList();
class NamedConstructorFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => object is NamedConstructor;
// TODO(bmilligan): Display the signature of the named constructor as the
// preview.
String preview(object) => 'Named Constructor';
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
List<NameValuePair> children(object) => <NameValuePair>[
name: 'JavaScript Function',
value: object,
config: JsonMLConfig.skipDart)
/// Formatter for synthetic MapEntry objects used to display contents of a Map
/// cleanly.
class MapEntryFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => object is MapEntry;
String preview(object) {
MapEntry entry = object;
return '${safePreview(entry.key, JsonMLConfig.none)} => ${safePreview(entry.value, JsonMLConfig.none)}';
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
List<NameValuePair> children(object) => <NameValuePair>[
name: 'key', value: object.key, config: JsonMLConfig.keyToString),
NameValuePair(name: 'value', value: object.value)
/// Formatter for Dart Iterable objects including List and Set.
class HeritageClauseFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => object is HeritageClause;
String preview(object) {
HeritageClause clause = object;
var typeNames =;
return '${} ${typeNames.join(", ")}';
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
List<NameValuePair> children(object) {
HeritageClause clause = object;
var children = <NameValuePair>[];
for (var type in clause.types) {
children.add(NameValuePair(value: type, config: JsonMLConfig.asClass));
return children;
/// Formatter for synthetic IterableSpan objects used to display contents of
/// an Iterable cleanly.
class IterableSpanFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => object is IterableSpan;
String preview(object) {
return '[${object.start}...${object.end - 1}]';
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
List<NameValuePair> children(object) => object.children();
/// Formatter for Dart Errors and Exceptions.
class ErrorAndExceptionFormatter extends ObjectFormatter {
static final RegExp _pattern = RegExp(r'\d+\:\d+');
bool accept(object, config) => object is Error || object is Exception;
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
String preview(object) {
var trace = dart.stackTrace(object);
// TODO(vsm): Pull our stack mapping logic here. We should aim to
// provide the first meaningful stack frame.
var line = '$trace'.split('\n').firstWhere(
(l) =>
l.contains(_pattern) &&
!l.contains('dart:sdk') &&
orElse: () => '');
return line != '' ? '${object} at ${line}' : '${object}';
List<NameValuePair> children(object) {
var trace = dart.stackTrace(object);
var entries = LinkedHashSet<NameValuePair>();
entries.add(NameValuePair(name: 'stackTrace', value: trace));
addInstanceMembers(object, entries);
addMetadataChildren(object, entries);
return entries.toList();
// Add an ObjectFormatter view underneath.
void addInstanceMembers(object, Set<NameValuePair> ret) {
name: "[[instance members]]",
value: object,
config: JsonMLConfig.asObject));
class StackTraceFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => object is StackTrace;
String preview(object) => 'StackTrace';
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
// Using the stack_trace formatting would be ideal, but adding the
// dependency or re-writing the code is too messy, so each line of the
// StackTrace will be added as its own child.
List<NameValuePair> children(object) => object
.map((line) => NameValuePair(
value: line.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'^\s+at\s'), ''), hideName: true))
class ClassFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => config == JsonMLConfig.asClass;
String preview(type) {
var implements = dart.getImplements(type);
var typeName = getTypeName(type);
if (implements != null) {
var typeNames = implements().map(getTypeName);
return '${typeName} implements ${typeNames.join(", ")}';
} else {
return typeName;
bool hasChildren(object) => true;
List<NameValuePair> children(type) {
// TODO(jacobr): add other entries describing the class such as
// implemented interfaces, and methods.
var ret = LinkedHashSet<NameValuePair>();
// Static fields, getters, setters, and methods signatures were removed
// from the runtime representation because they are not needed. At this
// time there is no intention to support them in this custom formatter.
// instance methods.
var instanceMethods = Set<NameValuePair>();
// Instance methods are defined on the prototype not the constructor object.
addPropertiesFromSignature(dart.getMethods(type), instanceMethods,
JS('', '#.prototype', type), false,
tagTypes: true);
if (instanceMethods.isNotEmpty) {
..add(NameValuePair(value: '[[Instance Methods]]', hideName: true))
var mixin = dart.getMixin(type);
if (mixin != null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this can only be one value.
name: '[[Mixins]]', value: HeritageClause('mixins', [mixin])));
var baseProto = JS('', '#.__proto__', type);
if (baseProto != null && !dart.isJsInterop(baseProto)) {
name: "[[base class]]",
value: baseProto,
config: JsonMLConfig.asClass));
// TODO(jacobr): add back fields for named constructors.
return ret.toList();
class TypeFormatter implements Formatter {
bool accept(object, config) => object is Type;
String preview(object) => object.toString();
bool hasChildren(object) => false;
List<NameValuePair> children(object) => [];
typedef String StackTraceMapper(String stackTrace);
/// Hook for other parts of the SDK To use to map JS stack traces to Dart
/// stack traces.
/// Raw JS stack traces are used if $dartStackTraceUtility has not been
/// specified.
StackTraceMapper? get stackTraceMapper {
var _util = JS('', r'#.$dartStackTraceUtility', dart.global_);
return _util != null ? JS('!', '#.mapper', _util) : null;
/// This entry point is automatically invoked by the code generated by
/// Dart Dev Compiler
registerDevtoolsFormatter() {
JS('', '#.devtoolsFormatters = [#]', dart.global_, _devtoolsFormatter);
// These methods are exposed here for debugger tests.
// TODO(jmesserly): these are not exports because there is existing code that
// calls into them from JS. Currently `dartdevc` always resolves exports at
// compile time, so there is no need to make exports available at runtime by
// copying properties. For that reason we cannot use re-export.
// If these methods are only for tests, we should move them here, or change the
// tests to call the methods directly on dart:_runtime.
List<String> getModuleNames() => dart.getModuleNames();
getModuleLibraries(String name) => dart.getModuleLibraries(name);