Optional new

Author: eernst@.

Version: 0.2 (2017-08-30)

Status: Under implementation.

This document is an informal specification of the optional new feature. The feature adds support for omitting the reserved word new in instance creation expressions.

This feature extends and includes the optional const feature, and it is assumed that the reader knows about optional const. Beyond that, this informal specification is derived from a combined proposal which presents optional new together with several other features.


In Dart without optional new, the reserved word new is present in every expression whose evaluation invokes a constructor (except constant expressions). These expressions are known as instance creation expressions. If new is removed from such an instance creation expression, the remaining phrase is still syntactically correct in almost all cases. The required grammar update that makes them all syntactically correct is a superset of the one that is specified for optional const.

With that grammar update, all instance creation expressions can technically omit the new because tools (compilers, analyzers) are able to parse these expressions, and they are able to recognize that they denote instance creations (rather than, say, static function invocations), because the part before the left parenthesis is statically known to denote a constructor.

For instance, p.C.foo may resolve statically to a constructor named foo in a class C imported with prefix p. Similarly, D may resolve to a class, in which case D(42) is statically known to be a constructor invocation because the other interpretation is statically known to be incorrect (that is, cf. section ‘16.14.3 Unqualified Invocation’ in the language specification, evaluating (D)(42): (D) is an instance of Type which is not a function type and does not have a method named call).

For human readers, it may be helpful to document that a particular expression is guaranteed to yield a fresh instance, and this is the most common argument why new should not be omitted. However, Dart already allows instance creation expressions to invoke a factory constructor, so Dart developers never had any firm local guarantees that any particular expression would yield a fresh object.

Developers may thus prefer to omit new in order to obtain more concise code, and possibly also in order to achieve greater uniformity among invocations of constructors and other invocations, e.g., of static or global functions.

With that in mind, this proposal allows instance creation expressions to omit the new in all cases, but also preserves the permission to include new in all cases. It is a matter of style to use new in a manner that developers find helpful.


The syntax changes associated with this feature are the following:

postfixExpression ::=
    assignableExpression postfixOperator |
    constructorInvocation |  // NEW
    primary selector*
constructorInvocation ::=  // NEW
    typeName typeArguments '.' identifier arguments
assignableExpression ::=
    SUPER unconditionalAssignableSelector |
    constructorInvocation (arguments* assignableSelector)+ |  // NEW
    identifier |
    primary (arguments* assignableSelector)+

As mentioned, this grammar update is a superset of the grammar updates for optional const.

Static analysis

We specify a type directed source code transformation which eliminates the feature by expressing the same semantics with different syntax. The static analysis proceeds to work on the transformed program.

Similarly to optional const, this means that the feature is “static semantic sugar”. We do not specify the dynamic semantics for this feature, because the feature is eliminated in this transformation step.

We need to treat expressions differently in different locations, hence the following definition, which is identical to the one in optional const: An expression e is said to occur in a constant context,

  • if e is an immediate subexpression of a constant list literal or a constant map literal.
  • if e is an immediate subexpression of a constant object expression.
  • if e is the initializing expression of a constant variable declaration.
  • if e is an immediate subexpression of an expression which occurs in a constant context.

We define new/const insertion as the following transformation:

  • if the expression e occurs in a constant context, replace e by const e,
  • otherwise replace e by new e.

For the purposes of describing the main transformation we need the following syntactic entity:

assignableExpressionTail ::=
    arguments assignableSelector (arguments* assignableSelector)*

An expression on one of the following forms must be modified to be or contain a constantObjectExpression or newExpression as described:

With a postfixExpression e,

  • if e is on the form constructorInvocation, i.e., typeName typeArguments '.' identifier arguments then perform new/const insertion on e.
  • if e is on the form typeIdentifier arguments where typeIdentifier denotes a class then perform new/const insertion on e.
  • if e is on the form identifier1 '.' identifier2 arguments where identifier1 denotes a class and identifier2 is the name of a named constructor in that class, or identifier1 denotes a prefix for a library L and identifier2 denotes a class exported by L, perform new/const insertion on e.
  • if e is on the form identifier1 '.' typeIdentifier '.' identifier2 arguments where identifier1 denotes a library prefix for a library L, typeIdentifier denotes a class C exported by L, and identifier2 is the name of a named constructor in C, perform new/const insertion on e.

With an assignableExpression e,

  • if e is on the form constructorInvocation (arguments* assignableSelector)+ then replace e by new e.
  • if e is on the form typeIdentifier assignableExpressionTail where typeIdentifier denotes a class then replace e by new e.
  • if e is on the form identifier1 '.' identifier2 assignableExpressionTail where identifier1 denotes a class and identifier2 is the name of a named constructor in that class, or identifier1 denotes a prefix for a library L and identifier2 denotes a class exported by L then replace e by new e.
  • if e is on the form identifier1 '.' typeIdentifier '.' identifier2 assignableExpressionTail where identifier1 denotes a library prefix for a library L, typeIdentifier denotes a class C exported by L, and identifier2 is the name of a named constructor in C then replace e by new e.

In short, add const in const contexts and otherwise add new. With assignableExpression we always add new, because such an expression can never be a subexpression of a correct constant expression. It is easy to verify that each of the replacements can be derived from postfixExpression via primary selector* and similarly for assignableExpression. Hence, the transformation preserves syntactic correctness.

Dynamic Semantics

There is no dynamic semantics to specify for this feature because it is eliminated by code transformation.

Interplay with optional const

This informal specification includes optional const as well as optional new, that is, if this specification is implemented then optional const may be considered as background material.


  • 0.2 (2017-07-30) Updated the document to specify the previously missing transformations for assignableExpression, and to specify a no-magic approach (where no const is introduced except when forced by the syntactic context).

  • 0.1 (2017-08-15) Stand-alone informal specification for optional new created, using version 0.8 of the combined proposal optional-new-const.md as the starting point.