blob: 4a461b3af42568fc8e32710e829d24d8fd5356d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// Dart test program testing that NoSuchMethod is properly called.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class Cat {
bool eatFood(String food) => true;
String scratch(String furniture) => 'purr';
class MockCat implements Cat {
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return (invocation.positionalArguments[0] as String).isNotEmpty;
class MockCat2 extends MockCat {
// this apparently works.
class MockCat3 extends MockCat2 implements Cat {
bool eatFood(String food, {double amount});
String scratch(String furniture, [String furniture2]);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.memberName == #scratch) {
return invocation.positionalArguments.join(',');
return (invocation.positionalArguments[0] as String).isNotEmpty &&
invocation.namedArguments[#amount] > 0.5;
class MockWithGenerics {
/*=T*/ doStuff/*<T>*/(/*=T*/ t);
noSuchMethod(i) => i.positionalArguments[0] + 100;
class MockWithGetterSetter {
get getter;
set setter(value);
Invocation invocation;
noSuchMethod(i) { invocation = i; }
void main() {
MockCat mock = new MockCat();
Expect.isTrue((mock as dynamic).eatFood("cat food"));
// In strong mode this will be a runtime type error:
// bool is not a String. VM will fail with noSuchMethod +.
Expect.throws(() => mock.scratch("couch") + '');
var mock2 = new MockCat2();
Expect.isTrue(mock2.eatFood("cat food"));
var mock3 = new MockCat3();
Expect.isTrue(mock3.eatFood("cat food", amount: 0.9));
Expect.isFalse(mock3.eatFood("cat food", amount: 0.3));
Expect.equals(mock3.scratch("chair"), "chair");
Expect.equals(mock3.scratch("chair", "couch"), "chair,couch");
Expect.equals(mock3.scratch("chair", null), "chair,null");
Expect.equals(mock3.scratch("chair", ""), "chair,");
var g = new MockWithGenerics();
Expect.equals(g.doStuff(42), 142);
Expect.throws(() => g.doStuff('hi'));
var s = new MockWithGetterSetter();
Expect.equals(s.invocation.positionalArguments.length, 0);
Expect.equals(s.invocation.isGetter, true);
Expect.equals(s.invocation.isSetter, false);
Expect.equals(s.invocation.isMethod, false);
s.setter = 42;
Expect.equals(s.invocation.positionalArguments.single, 42);
Expect.equals(s.invocation.isGetter, false);
Expect.equals(s.invocation.isSetter, true);
Expect.equals(s.invocation.isMethod, false);