blob: e4af4bb734428b884e341dfd7db9295655ff0689 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
// Test that local variable reads and writes are sequenced correctly with
// respect to reads and writes in an awaited Future. See issue 26175.
// Reads are sequenced correctly with respect to writes in a Future.
Future test1() async {
var x = 'a';
f() async => x = 'b';
Expect.equals('abb', '${x}${await f()}${x}');
// Writes are sequenced correctly with respect to writes in a Future.
Future test2(ignore) async {
var x;
f() async => x = 'b';
Expect.equals('abb', '${x = 'a'}${await f()}${x}');
// Writes are sequenced correctly with respect to reads in a Future.
Future test3(ignore) async {
var x = 'a';
f() async => x;
Expect.equals('bbb', '${x = 'b'}${await f()}${x}');
// Repeat the same tests for static variables.
var cell = 'a';
asyncReadCell() async => cell;
asyncWriteCell(value) async => cell = value;
Future test4(ignore) async {
// This test assumes that it can read the initial value of cell.
Expect.equals('abb', '${cell}${await asyncWriteCell('b')}${cell}');
Future test5(ignore) async {
Expect.equals('abb', '${cell = 'a'}${await asyncWriteCell('b')}${cell}');
Future test6(ignore) async {
Expect.equals('bbb', '${cell = 'b'}${await asyncReadCell()}${cell}');
// Test that throwing is sequenced correctly with respect to other effects.
Future test7(ignore) async {
cell = 'a';
try {
'${throw 0}${await asyncWriteCell('b')}${cell}');
} catch (_) {
Expect.equals('a', cell);
main() {
.then((_) => asyncEnd());