blob: d397573bebe26b9349c17b121747e609f53e70ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class Fisk {
method({a: 'a',
b: 'b',
c: 'c',
d: 'd',
e: 'e',
f: 'f',
g: 'g',
h: 'h',
i: 'i',
j: 'j',
k: 'k',
l: 'l',
m: 'm',
n: 'n',
o: 'o',
p: 'p',
q: 'q',
r: 'r',
s: 's',
t: 't',
u: 'u',
v: 'v',
w: 'w',
x: 'x',
y: 'y',
z: 'z'}) {
'a: $a, '
'b: $b, '
'c: $c, '
'd: $d, '
'e: $e, '
'f: $f, '
'g: $g, '
'h: $h, '
'i: $i, '
'j: $j, '
'k: $k, '
'l: $l, '
'm: $m, '
'n: $n, '
'o: $o, '
'p: $p, '
'q: $q, '
'r: $r, '
's: $s, '
't: $t, '
'u: $u, '
'v: $v, '
'w: $w, '
'x: $x, '
'y: $y, '
'z: $z';
main() {
var method = new Fisk().method;
var namedArguments = new Map();
namedArguments[const Symbol('a')] = 'a';
EXPECTED_RESULT, Function.apply(method, [], namedArguments));
new Fisk().method(
a: 'a',
b: 'b',
c: 'c',
d: 'd',
e: 'e',
f: 'f',
g: 'g',
h: 'h',
i: 'i',
j: 'j',
k: 'k',
l: 'l',
m: 'm',
n: 'n',
o: 'o',
p: 'p',
q: 'q',
r: 'r',
s: 's',
t: 't',
u: 'u',
v: 'v',
w: 'w',
x: 'x',
y: 'y',
z: 'z'));
const String EXPECTED_RESULT =
'a: a, '
'b: b, '
'c: c, '
'd: d, '
'e: e, '
'f: f, '
'g: g, '
'h: h, '
'i: i, '
'j: j, '
'k: k, '
'l: l, '
'm: m, '
'n: n, '
'o: o, '
'p: p, '
'q: q, '
'r: r, '
's: s, '
't: t, '
'u: u, '
'v: v, '
'w: w, '
'x: x, '
'y: y, '
'z: z';