blob: feada29953c9ec007545df55406bed9a3ba2f6d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test for the evaluation order of getters and setters.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
var trace;
class X {
get b {
trace.add('get b');
return new X();
set c (value) {
trace.add('set c');
toString() {
return 'X';
get c {
trace.add('get c');
return 42;
get d {
trace.add('get d');
return new X();
operator [] (index) {
return 42;
operator []=(index, value) {
main() {
var x = new X();
trace = [];
x.b.c = '$x';
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'toString', 'set c'], trace);
trace = [];
x.b.c += '$x'.hashCode;
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'get c', 'toString', 'set c'], trace);
trace = [];
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'get c', 'set c'], trace);
trace = [];
x.b.d[42] = '$x';
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'get d', 'toString', 'indexSet'], trace);
trace = [];
x.b.d[42] += '$x'.hashCode;
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'get d', 'index', 'toString', 'indexSet'], trace);
trace = [];
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'get d', 'index', 'indexSet'], trace);
trace = [];
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'get d', 'index', 'indexSet'], trace);
trace = [];
x.b.d[x.c] *= '$x'.hashCode;
['get b', 'get d', 'get c', 'index', 'toString', 'indexSet'], trace);
trace = [];
x.b.c = x.d.c = '$x';
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'get d', 'toString', 'set c', 'set c',], trace);
trace = [];
x.b.c = x.d[42] *= '$x'.hashCode;
['get b', 'get d', 'index', 'toString', 'indexSet', 'set c'], trace);
trace = [];
x.b.c = ++x.d.c;
Expect.listEquals(['get b', 'get d', 'get c', 'set c', 'set c'], trace);